Uta Pri FAnfic Quartet Night Ranmaru x Miseki Forget? Chapter 1

Miseki POV

It was Friday, there was a concert in the park. My friends dragged me along to hear some band called Quartet Night. The crowd was cheering and screaming, it was so annoying. All the members where just trying to hit on every girl in the audience. I mean who would ever want to date a playboy. 'That's why i hate men'.-"Those where my thoughts at the time". I decided to leave, it wasn't like my friends where gonna notice anyway.

I walked around the park for half an hour. Then I saw the grey haired member from Quartet Night being chased by his fangirls. I laughed a little when I saw how he was panicking. -"That's what you get.." I changed my direction and went to the edge of the park.
I was about to cross the road when I saw him again. This time he was gasping for air, it seems he was able to loose all the fangirls. Then I noticed that he was standing in the middle of the road and that a truck was heading this way. 'The truck will hit him if he doesn't move now!" And before thinking any further, I ran to him and pushed out of the way. He fell to the other lane, when I on the other hand didn't have any time to move away. And before I knew it, I was lying out cold on the ground. I herad someones voice, but couldn't tell what it was saying...

Ranmaru POV

'Only a few minutes left, I need to get ready to run'. The concert ended, and immediately the girls where all over me. -"Hey let go!" I yelled -"Ranran, don't be so mean!" Reiji was already nagging at me. -"I'll just leave, then" -"Hey girls there he is!" One of the girls yelled. And before I knew it, I was already running for the car. But they where too fast, I had to loose them first. I ran as fast as I could, and after awhile I lost them.
I was so exhausted, I decided to catch my breath. Soon I noticed a bright light, but I wasn't able to get away. A truck was going to run over me. I fell to the ground after someone pushed me, I looked up and she got hit by the truck instead of me. I stood up and ran to the girl lying on the ground. -"HEY! HEY, WAKE UP! TRY TO STAY AWAKE!" -"HOW IS SHE!" The truck driver came out of his truck. -"The hospital! Quickly!" I was panicking, -"Yeah!" I took her to my arms and got to the mans truck. We went straight to the hospital.

I ran inside the hospital, straight to the front desk. -"PLEASE! SOMEONE HELP HER QUICKLY!" I yelled in the lobby. The employees started yelling to each other and soon they took her to the surgery hall. Someone also came to look at my arm, I never even realized that I had hurt it. The nurse put a cast on it, so it could heal.
I waited in the hallway for half an hour before I realized. 'I haven't contacted anyone yet' So I took my phone from my pocket, only to see it with a huge crack on it. I sighed and went to look for a payphone. I found one so I decided that I'd call Reiji, He was the only one whose number I could recall. "Reiji, hey it's me." "What! Ran-chan Where are you! You just disappeared". "I'm at the hospital, I nee.." "WHAT! We're on our way!" After that Reiji hung up. -"Why won't he ever listen when people are talking", -"well I think I'll go back to her"

I went back to the hallway infront of the surgery hall. After just five minutes they came out. I stood up and looked at the surgeon. He looked at me for awhile then he said, -"She won't die, but we don't know if she'll wake up". I was shocked about the fact that the girl who saved me, might never wake up again. -"Oh and one more thing boy, what's her name?" I opened my mouth and said the first thing that came to my mind at the moment. -"Miseki, Kurosaki Miseki".