Three Serucity gruads were walking through a factory.

"Come on. Let's just take one little bath with the bubble soap." said one gruad whose name was Earl

"No, Earl! We aren't supposed to be playing with the soap. We're supposed to be gruading it!" said another gruad named Mac

"Nothing says We can't do both!" said the third gruad who was named Wally

Suddenly there was an eerie noise. They turned and saw a tall figure walking towards them.

"Hey, Buddy! The factory is closed! Nobody is supposed to be here right now! Beat it!" said Earl

The tall figure walked towards them. It was a monster with big teeth and orange fur and it leaped at them.

They screamed! And the creature chased them and The monster grabbed Earl and pulled him away. Mac and Wally ran to help with someone grabbed Wally from behind. Mac ran away and something leaped at him. He Screamed!
