Well this chapter revolves around the dinner. IT'S ALL FLUFF! Enjoy!

Gabrielle Walker

Chapter 8

After that hectic day at the lab the team, except Horatio, are on their way to Calleigh and Eric's residence. Eric and Calleigh left earlier than the rest to start preparing for dinner. Gabie ride with Natalia and Ryan.

"Nat, can you send a text to Jesse or Tim, tell them that we're going to stop to a convinience store to get some sodas. And yes no alcoholic beverage." says Ryan.

Natalia took her phone to text Tim. Ryan pulled over in front of the store. Gabie Came out of the car followed by Ryan and Natalia. When they entered the store Gabie pointed at the corner of chips.

"I'm just going to go and check on some stuff over there."

Natalia nodded and smiled at her. "okay, see you at the counter then." She left out a chuckle.

After paying the drinks and chips the three headed to Calleigh's place. When they reached the place they saw Jesse's car parked in front and Tim's parked at the other side of the road. They stand at the front door, Ryan knocked and called out.

"Hey guys open up. These stuffs are quite heavy in case you don't know." Ryan whinned.

The door opened but Walter's huge frame blocked it. "what do you have there?" Walter took the bag that Natalia and Gabie carries.

Ryan whinned even more with what Walter did. "Thanks a lot Walt for helping me out here." He gave a sarcastic grin to Walter.

"You're welcome buddy." He took one of the bag from Ryan.

Gabie laughed at Walter. "You're really funny big guy."

"And you're a very nice pretty girl." Walter smiled at her playfully.

Then they heard a familiar southern drawl from the kitchen. "Hey, dinner's almost ready. Is Horatio here yet?" Calleigh asked them and she came out from the kitchen still wearing her apron.

Gabie smiled at Calleigh and glance at her apron and read the caption out loud. "Nice, I'm his! And no, I don't think Horatio's here yet."

"Well, I'm here now." Horatio standing right behind Gabie who is standin gat the open front door.

His voice sends shiver to her spine. She didn't know how to stop herself from reacting like this towards him. She can feel her cheeks burning, when she look at Walter she can see that he knows she's affected of Horatio's presence. When she looked at Calleigh once again she can see that she's teasing her by the way she look at her.

"I heard H." they heard Eric voice coming out of the kitchen, he's wearing an apron too with a caption just like Calleigh's. She took the opportunity to take the rest of the team's attention to Eric.

"Hey, Eric nice apron, I'm hers! So you and Calleigh got that couple's stuff." She knows she's blabbering for trying to divert everyone's attention.

Eric chuckles. "Yeah, this stuff are nice, I think you'll be getting these kind of stuff soon." He teases her. "Anyway, guys dinners ready."

They move to the dining area of the house. The table is set, Eric and Calleigh prepared roasted chicken, garden salad and some pasta.

The dinner went smooth. After the dinner they moved to the living room Eric turned the TV on and let the rest decide what to watch, Calleigh and Gabie stayed at the kitchen with the dishes, Natalia helped by clearing the dining area.

After cleaning the dining area and kitchen the three ladies joins the guys. Approached the rest with soda's in their hand.

Natalia sat beside Ryan. "What are you watching?"

"Miami Heat's game." Ryan took the soda from Natalia.

Calleigh sat beside Eric. Tim, Jesse and Walter are sitting on the carpet, Gabie looked at them and she realize that there's no place for her to sit. She noticed Horatio stood up and motioned her to sit on the single seater sofa he was sitting, walks to Horatio and sat on the sofa. She got surprised when Horatio sat on the armchair of the sofa almost leaning to her. Few minutes passed, she felt Horatio's hand on her shoulder.


I know this is short for your liking guys I'll try to come up with a longer one next time.