AN: Here is the epilogue. Now that Christmas is over, I hope everyone has a good NEW YEARS!


Usagi was at the large kitchen bench placing cooled cookies in a bag and wrapping a ribbon around them while Mamoru was carefully placing a second batch of cookies into the oven. Christmas carols were playing in the background.

A soft cry could be heard from the baby monitor that was sitting on the bench next to Usagi.

"I'll get her. You stay there." Mamoru said who was already walking out of the kitchen. Usagi shrugged and kept on wrapping the cookies.

About 10 minutes later, Mamoru walks in with a baby girl in his arms, the baby girl had pink hair and red eyes.

"There's my girl." Whispered Mamoru trying to hush baby Chibi-Usa.

"What time do we need to be at the orphanage?" Asked Usagi as she took the six month old baby from Mamoru's arms.

"In an hour or so." Mamoru replied softly.

"This will be your first Christmas, Chibi-Usa." Usagi said as she tapped on Chibi-Usa's nose.

"Funny how she was the one to actually start this tradition." Commented Mamoru as he placed the wrapped cookies into a large box.

"I'm going to hate the day that I let her go and make her go through that again." Replied Usagi as she took Chibi-Usa to their bedroom. She dressed Chibi-Usa in warm clothes then gave her to Akari, who was one of her most faithful maids.

"Thanks Akari-Chan." Usagi said as she put on a large white coat and took her tiara off and placed it in its case

"She will be okay, Usako." Mamoru said before putting on his dark suede jacket and great scarf. He then took his crown off. They headed back into the kitchen to pick up the box of cookies. Usagi quickly took Chibi-Usa from Akari's arms.

"Merry Christmas Akari-Chan." Usagi said smiling.

"Merry Christmas, your highness," replied Akari then looked at Mamoru and nodded "Your majesty." Mamoru nodded back. The family went through the back door in the kitchen to get to their car.

"Merry Christmas Chibi-Usa." whispered Usagi as she cuddled her daughter tightly. The family then hopped into Mamoru's new black SUV and headed towards the orphanage as they had done for the last 4 years and will keep doing for the next thousand.


AN: Thanks everyone for reading. :)