Sorry it's been so long!


The car ride was smooth the whole way to Manhattan. Hale fell asleep on Kip's shoulder, and Kip fell asleep leaned against the car door, his chin rested on the seat belt strap. Mia stared off into the distance out the window, watching the frost covered city fly by in a blur. Nico was talking to Argus about various video games, using his hands a lot as he spoke. It must've been a very interesting conversation; half of Argus's eyes were blinking at Nico while the other half were on the road. Tarni couldn't bring herself to listen to anything other than her own loud thoughts, though. She had been consumed by the same disturbing thoughts for the whole half hour they'd been driving so far; where would their quest lead them? Who would be lost? Would they even save the camp? Tarni hadn't been a demigod for two days and they expected her to lead a quest to save the world; that gave Tarni the conflicted feelings of whether she should feel honored or overwhelmed. At least it was possible to be both.

Hale yawned and readjusted herself in her seat, switching from Kip's shoulder to the other car door as a makeshift pillow.

Tarni sighed and looked down at her tie-dyed backpack, which was a little deflated by the lack of much contents. She couldn't help thinking about all the other children of Iris that were far more experienced than her that could've led the quest instead. At least they would probably actually have a lead on where to go.

Tarni's shoulder was shaken, and she turned her head in surprise at Mia, whose hand was sweaty and pale. "Hey." Tarni began with a dry mouth. She hadn't spoken at all since Hale fell asleep, which was at the beginning of the car ride. Then again, neither did Mia.

"I was just wondering if you knew where we're going?" Mia made a face. "I can't figure out what the prophecy meant. We could be going to the moon for all I know."

"Five will go to the state of grain before Father Sky awakens again." Tarni recited in a monotone voice. She'd been bent over this for a bit, and she'd already decided what it must've meant. "We're going to Kansas."


"Afraid so. Don't worry, we won't get sucked into a tornado and whisked to Oz, if that's what you're worried about." Tarni reassured. Mia shook her head, a small smile curving her full lips. Tarni nodded and unzipped the front pocket of her tie-dyed backpack, pulling out the large bag of Skittles. "Want some?"

Mia shrugged and dipped her hand into the bag. She pulled out a handful and examined the colorful pile of candy pebbles in her palm, digging through it and picking out the red and purple ones. Tarni raised an eyebrow when Mia pocketed the red and purple Skittles and popped the rest into her mouth. Mia caught her looking and giggled.

"The reds and the purples are my favorite. I'm saving them for later, just in case I need something good in a distressing situation."

Tarni smiled at her and gazed down at her own handful of Skittles. After a bit of thinking, Tarni pecked some blue and pink Skittles out of her small pile with her fingers and shoved those twelve into the front pocket of her Camp shorts. Then she ate the rest, one candy at a time, savoring the flavor of each one; even the yellow ones, which she'd never been fond of. Who knows, maybe these would be the last Skittles she'd ever eat...

Heading into danger really gives one some considerably final thoughts, Tarni grimaced as she reprimanded herself.

Directly in front of her, Nico turned in his seat, his eyes peeking over the head of the car seat. For a moment, Tarni was reminded of the field trip just a few days ago, when 'Leon' had turned to glare at Hale and her over the bus seat as they made loud, annoying conversation. That seemed like years ago. This time, however, Nico wasn't glaring. He was looking at Tarni's bag of Skittles. With Bambi Eyes.

"Hey." Nico raised an eyebrow. "I'll be your best friend."

You already are, Tarni rolled her eyes. She held out the bag. "Knock yourself out."


It was snowing when they finally reached Manhattan. Nico pulled his hood up and Tarni snatched a bright pink jacket out of her backpack. Tarni would have been irked that the jacket was so bright, but at least it wasn't as loud as Hale's. She insisted on wearing the gold and silver Gucci coat that she'd swiped from the Aphrodite cabin.

"Where to, Tee?" Nico droned.

"Hope you guys packed your sun hats." Tarni smirked. "We're going to Kansas."

"Um..." Hale blinked. "Can you all of the sudden teleport? Cuz last time I checked, we were on the island of Manhattan."

"Well, of course we're getting a plane, Sleet." Nico snickered. "'State of Grain'. Kansas. Good thinking Tee." He turned to Hale again. "Unless you want to go with the Party Ponies again, Sleet. I won't stop you."

Hale shuddered. Kip held in his own snicker.

"Alright then!" Mia looked to Tarni. "Where're we getting plane tickets?"


It was eight thirty in the morning as Will Solace walked briskly across the Camp, examining the trees with concern. It had only been a couple hours since the group had left, but already the Camp was wilting; trees were yellowing, shedding leaves, and grass was drying at an alarming speed. Will grew even more worried as he examined the soil, which was growing hard and flakey even as he held it in his palm.

The group was off to save the Camp... but would there be any Camp left to save?

Get dat squirt gun away from my head; I had writer's block for a really long time. Sorry; I'll try to update more often!

/Over and out