Authors Note: The bust up between the couples is coming soon. Congrats on Jim Parson winning an Emmy. If we got more Shenny then Kaley might win one as well.

Disclaimer Big Bang its characters belong to someone else. The story belongs to me,

The next day

Raj and Amy met with Sheldon and Penny away from the apartment for lunch.

"Hi Guys" Penny said as she came into the café with Sheldon.

"Hello Bestie" Amy said "Looking lovely as always."

"So Raj what did you want to meet us in secret for" Penny asked, "You and Amy eloping or are you having a baby."

"No No" Raj stammered, looking at Amy who was chuckling at his discomfort, "We have been talking about what Leonard has done".

"Oh dear" Sheldon said, inspecting the knife and fork on the table, "Really wished we had checked out this establishment before coming here."

"Sheldon, you promised to try and be flexible, now listen to Raj and Amy" Penny said taking the utensils away.

"Please continue Raj, I am sorry". Sheldon said.

Raj waited a moment to get over how easily Penny had handle Sheldon and continued, "We think we need to get ahead of whatever it is that Leonard is planning."

"Yes Bestie" Amy added, "He seems intent on destroying what you have found with Sheldon, Raj and myself want to shall we say spy on the twerp."

"You do not have to do that" Penny said, "Leonard is just being the needy greedy child that he always was."

"We believe we do to protect our group" Raj said, "He needs to be stopped and dealt with and everyone be allowed to become happy."

"Leonard happy?" Sheldon asked, "I do not believe that is possible, he is never happy unless others are miserable."

"True" Amy replied.

Penny looked at everyone for a second and then sighed a little, "Will this ever end, ok what do you have planned."

"Well we would like to stage a fight with you and Sheldon at the comic store tonight". Raj said "Leonard will be there as this is the night he goes to see what gossip he can get from Stuart."

"Stuart is spying on us." Sheldon asked.

"No Sheldon, Stuart has been telling him everything is good and fine with everyone and that he should just grow up. He even threatened to ban from the store if he did not stop asking."

"Ok" Sheldon said as he looked nervously to Penny, who patted him arm to reassure him.

"Well Last Tuesday, I told Stuart to say that he believe that Amy might be trying to steal Sheldon back from Penny and had invited him to meet tonight at the store." Raj said.

"Knowing Leonard that would definitely make him show up." Amy said.

"I suspect he will be there to film it and then show it to Penny." Raj said

"But I would never cheat on Penny" Sheldon said getting up from his chair very annoyed.

"I know you would not honey" Penny said, getting him to sit down again.

"All you would have to do is be there and let Amy play out the scene" Raj said.

"I am not sure I can do this" Sheldon said getting a little upset, "I am not good at lying and I will mess it up".

"Moonpie" Penny said, "How about I catch Amy trying to seduce you".

"What do you mean" Amy asked not entirely sure of what Penny meant.

"Amy tried to seduce Sheldon and I have followed him, I catch her in the act" Penny said, "We have a big fight in the store."

"Can I sell tickets" Raj said, "Oh my God, I am channelling Howard."

"What about everyone else" Sheldon said.

"Sorry Moonpie the only person who should know is Stuart." Penny said, "Everyone else will have to be in the dark for now so Leonard takes the bait."

"Ok but I am not sure about this" Sheldon said looking more and more worried.

"You will be fine and if you play along we can play conductor and the passenger later."

"TMI Penny" Raj said, "TMI"

"I do not get it" Amy said.

"Well I am the conductor and Penny is a passenger who cannot pay for her ride so" Sheldon began.

"Sheldon" Penny quickly put her hands over his mouth, "We are in public".

"But Amy asked" Sheldon replied.

"Some other time ok" Penny said.

"Ok Amy we will park this explanation until our Skype chat next week." Sheldon said to Amy.

"Fair enough" Amy responded.

"Ok let's order and eat before we get kicked out" Raj said, "My treat".

Later that night at the Comic Book store

"Hello Leonard" Stuart said, "What brings you here tonight."

"Ok just looking for some new comics to add to my collection." Leonard replied trying to look like he was checking out the comics in the bins.

At that moment Sheldon walks in the door, he heads to the bins on the far side of the store and begins to browse.

"I want no problems between you and Sheldon Leonard" Stuart said as he moved towards to the counter.

"I will stay out of his way" Leonard said as he picked a spot and getting his mobile phone out and getting the camera ready to record.

After 5 or 10 minutes Amy strolled into the store and made a beeline straight to Sheldon.

Leonard quickly turned the camera onto record and begin the film.

"Hello Sheldon" Amy said.

"Amy Farrah Fowler, I have come as you requested, what you want". Sheldon said trying to be convincing.

"Sheldon I want you, Penny does not deserve you, and she is beneath you." Amy said grabbing Sheldon's arm and turning him to face her.

"I want you so bad Sheldon" Amy said grabbing the sides of Sheldon's face and pulling him down to kiss.


Leonard could not believe it, he could hardly contain himself, as Amy and Sheldon had been caught by Penny.

"PENNY" Amy yelled.

"That is my name you little cow" Penny replied, "What are you doing trying to kiss my man."

"Your man, you are not worthy to hold the hand of someone like Sheldon, you are nothing but a failed actress'" Amy said

"AMY" Raj said as he came in the door, Leonard could not believe it could get any better, now Raj had walked in. "Sheldon, I know you think you are some sort of stud now you are with Penny but how could you steal the woman I love."

"I never" Sheldon stammered not really knowing what to say.

"Sheldon would never cheat Raj" Penny said, "It was that harpy of a girlfriend that you have."

"Amy is innocent, I saw the message Sheldon sent, he was trying to seduce her, having you was not enough." Raj said moving towards Sheldon.

"Take one more step Raj and I will go junior rodeo on your ass" Penny said, "Amy get away from Sheldon.

"Make me bitch" Amy said as she slapped Penny across the face.

Penny grabbed Amy and threw her against one of the bins, Raj moved quickly grabbing Penny who kneed him in the groin. Amy then lunged at Penny crashing in a display that Stuart had set up in the store. Amy and Penny grappled on the floor for a bit until Raj grabbed Penny by the hair to get her off. At that moment Sheldon grabbed Raj and hit him with a punch, helping Penny up he quickly bundled her out the door.

"Get stuffed Raj and Amy" Penny yelled as she was taken out the door, "Do not go near Sheldon and stay away from our place, you are not welcome."

Leonard quickly turned off the camera and went to exit out the back door so he could not be seen, he was standing on the side walk when Penny car roared out of the car park and headed off down the street.

Leonard was over the moon, he would wait a few days and then he would talk to Raj, if he could convince Raj then he could get Amy then Howard and Bernadette would follow. Penny would be pleading for him to take her back once she only had Sheldon. He could see that it was only a matter of time before he could have his cake and eat it as well.