This is my new story. Don't worry, IN MY VEINS IS NOT OVER ! I still have so much to do with that story. I am jus waitin on the 3rd season. But, as I promised previously, I am doing a new story. Yes, there is some Merle/OC moments, BUT they are NOT romantic. So don't freak out yall. This is strictly a Daryl/OC story. I cannot wait to see how you guys react to my new character and story line. The reviews are GREATLY appreciated, and I hope to see some of my readers from 'In My Veins'. Let me know what yall think !

~Kaila G.

Someone once told me that'a memory will haunt you, but'a dream will fizzle out with time. It's in writin', in fact. In'a letter I keep in my nightstand in my apartment. I wanned to believe that, but I still dreamed of him. Nearly every night. An' the only part of him I had left, had only written to me three times in'a year. I had been gone nearly four years. So, the only part of him I had left ain't contacted me in 'bout three years. Maybe dreams do fizzle out. Jus' like the people you love...

I remember it clearly. Railey and I had just gotten home from swimming in our apartment pool. The day was hot, and we had found comfort in the cool waters of the swimming pool. I had come to realize that when I first came to Tennessee and began my long schooling. Propping up my feet, I turned on the T.V as Railey plunked down beside me. She propped her feet up beside mine, wiggling her toes. I laughed, but the words coming from the news reporter on the television caught my attention.

"Seems to be a new outbreak of rabies spreading through the country. There have been eight cases so far, and the number seems to be growing. Highly contagious to people through bites. Authorities haven't found any animals that started it yet, so be cautious. Take your animals to the vet, people! Get their shots." The man warned.

"Oh, Jesus." I whispered, grabbing my cell phone.

"Dixie?" Railey asked.

"Yea." I drawed out the word, my country accent thick. I scrolled down to the contact that read 'Mama', and hit the call button. Three rings later, her sweet southern voice rang through my ears.


"Mama!" I cooed.

"Oh! Baby, how'er you doin'?" Mama's voice was warm and happy.

"I'm fine, Mama. Ya been watchin' the news?" I asked, hoping, that for once, she had.

"Not much, but I know why ya callin'.." She said quietly. "Dixie's fine."

"I figured. I'm jus' worried." I mumbled.

"Her shots are updated. Thing is, ain't no animals been caught with the new rabies strand. Only people. Daddy's been watchin' the horses and cows, everything. Nothin' outta the ordinary." Mama explained.

"No coyotes?" I asked, fearing that could be the cause.

"Not for a long while." She assured. I sighed.

"Jus' make sure Dixie stays in the house at night. Know she likes to wander..." I mumbled.

"Don't worry, honey. We keep her inside, safe an' sound. She sleeps in your bed. Every night."

"Thanks for keepin' her." I said quietly, the guilt flooding through me like a tidal wave.

"Of course, of course. How's school goin'? How's Railey?" My mother asked, her voice back cheerful again. I smiled, despite the guilt still knotted in my stomach.

"School is great. Railey's great." I glanced over at my roommate.

"Hey Mrs. Grace!" Railey yelled.

"Aww, tell her I said hey honey." Mama gushed, and I could hear the smile in her voice.

"She said "Hey honey"." I grinned, and Railey gave me a huge smile.

"Well baby, ya Daddy's here. I'm gonna get to cookin' supper. Keep a watch on the news. Bein' so far away and' all."

"I will Mama. Call me soon?" I asked, hoping to hear from her again soon. I missed her so badly.

"I will tomorrow, dear. I love you." She said sweetly.

"I love you, too. Tell Daddy I said hey." I smiled at the thought of my father. "Tell 'em I love 'em."

"I will. Bye sweetie."

"Bye Mama." I held the phone to my face for a moment, soaking in the sound of her voice, before ending the call.

"It's so great to have you 'round!" Railey grinned. "I love your Mama. Nice to have a piece of home here."

"Who woulda figured a Georgia girl an' a Bama girl, roommates in good ol' Tennessee?" I scoffed, but not at the two of us winding up being roommates. I scoffed because "good ol' Tennessee" was an understatement from hell.

"It's perfect." Railey's eyes twinkled, her words snapping me from my thoughts. "You workin' tonight?"

"Nope. Got the night off. Imma be volunteerin' tonight, though." I replied, flashing a cheesy smile.

"Lucky dog. I gotta work to close." Railey scrunched up her face.

"Ya gonna be there 'til midnight." I teased.

"God, don't I know it!" Railey mumbled. "We need'a new job."

"Go git ready for work! I'll make us dinner." I shooed her toward her bedroom.

"What? Microwave dinner?" Railey taunted me.

"Yea! Quick fix!" I argued playfully. I grabbed two healthy pizza bagel meals from the freezer and popped them in the microwave. Not Mama's home cooked meals, that's for sure. But it was food and it was decent.

After dinner, Railey and I left the apartment, parting ways. Climbing into my car, I winced at the dull pain in my feet. I had taken up jogging in the early mornings, and my feet weren't grateful. Not to mention, I still danced at least four days out of the week. Shaking my head, I tried to ignore the cramping as I started my car and left the apartment complex. Turning up the radio, I kept my eyes on the road as I drove to the hospital.

Parking in the volunteer parking lot, I yanked my name tag from my middle console and clipped it onto my scrub top. I left my car, locking it before walking quickly across the parking lot. The hospital seemed eerily quiet from the outside. Glancing around, I saw nothing out of the ordinary, except the emptiness. That is, until I walked into the opening sliding doors.

"Callaghan! Room 210!" My volunteer supervisor, Ken, barked orders to me as soon as he saw me walk in the door. I rushed over to the elevator, pressing the 'up' arrow. Glancing around, the hospital seemed to be in complete chaos. Gonna be a long night. I thought to myself as the elevator dinged and I walked inside. I was alone as the elevator lurched up, stopping on the second floor. The door opened and I rushed out into the hall.

"Kate? Hey! Room-"

"210!" I called to Sarah, the desk receptionist for the second floor.

"Ken's on it tonight!" She warned. I gave her a laugh.

"Good, means he's finally on my level." I grinned, before turning toward my destination. Sarah was still giggling at my words as I walked away. Once I reached room 210, I walked inside nearly running into one of the floor nurses.

"Volunteer?" She asked wearily.

"That's me." I nodded.

"Good. Need you to stay with this patient, help fill out this police report." The nurse thrust a clipboard in my hands.

"Imma volunteer, notta cop." I raised an eyebrow at her demands.

"I know, and I'm sorry." She said impatiently. "Just help the patient with the form. Keep her fever under control. And wear gloves."

"Always." I turned toward the woman lying in the bed. Giving her a smile, I snagged a pair of medical gloves and worked them onto my hands before sitting down in the chair beside her. "Ma'am, how ya doin' tonight?"

"Could be a lot better." She said hoarsely.

"Can ya state ya name?" I asked, prepared to write.

"Ashlynn Baulker." She said quietly, fidgeting in the hospital bed.

"Miss Baulker-" I started.

"Call me Ashlynn." She insisted.

"Ashlynn," I corrected, "jus' tell me what happened."

"I... I was walking home from my sister's house. The streets were crowded, not-not too bad. But plenty of people around. I was just walking... And a man grabbed me and bit me on the shoulder." Ashlynn moved her hospital gown slightly, to show a bandaged shoulder.

"Yea, see ya gotta witness." I mumbled, reading what the police wrote. "Why'd the police not finish this?"

"They had to go chase the guy who bit me. The witness pulled him off of me and the crazy man began attacking others... Now I'm burning up... Could I have some more water?" Ashlynn asked, her eyes looking slightly watery and bloodshot.

"Yea." I set the clipboard down and left the room. I walked down to the nurses station and made her a glass of cold water. Upon entering the room, I handed it over to her. "Slow." I warned. She nodded and drank the water in small sips.

"I think I got that thing. You know, that thing on the news." Ashlynn said surely.

"They'll run some tests on ya an' get ya all fixed up." I assured. "Now, Imma take ya temperature."

"Where are you from?" She asked me, as I moved over by her bed, preparing the machine for use.

"Georgia. Born an' raised." I replied.

"Here for school?" She croaked in question.

"Yea creative writing classes mostly. I only volunteer here." I said, slipping the plastic strip over the tip of the thermometer.

"College and a volunteer. That's a lot." Ashlynn watched me.

"Keeps me busy." I attempted a smile to hide the hurt. I gently stuck the thermometer in her mouth and kept an eye on her. She was still, her eyes closed. When the machine beeped, her eyes opened slowly and she gave me a slight smile. Looking at the reading, my heart dropped. No way... Shit, shit, shit. The reading read a hundred and two point six.

"It's bad, isn't it?" She asked in a near whisper.

"Jus'... I'll be back in a sec. Ya fine." I lied, walking out into the hallway. I jogged over to the nurses station, seeing Stephanie, my favorite nurse. "Steph, we gotta problem."

"What?" Steph asked, her voice tired.

"Miss Ashlynn Baulker, room 210. Fever a hundred an' two point six." I explained in a worried rush.

"Oh, God. Another one." Steph's face seemed to drain.

"What? Another what?" I asked, beginning to worry.

"Listen to me, did you use gloves, touch her at all without gloves?" Steph asked.

"No, never. Always use gloves... So it's true? She's got the virus thing." I looked at Steph with concerned eyes.

"Yes, we've gotten a few cases today and they just keep getting crazier. Katie-Evelyn, go home. You aren't prepared to deal with this. Go home. And I don't mean to your apartment." With that, she leaned in and hugged me tight. I watched in shock as she walked away without another word. Looking back toward room 210, I sighed and walked toward the elevator in defeat.

Leaving the hospital doors, I saw two police officers rushing in. The receptionist yelled "Room 210!" And the two officers dashed toward the elevator. Frozen, I just stood there, wondering what the hell was going on. A loud pop made me get moving. Had they just shot her? I decided that I was freaking myself out. I hurried to the parking lot and got into my car. The drive home seemed to last forever.

I stayed up late that night. Flipping through the channels, all I seemed to see was the news. News, news, news. All the same thing. Flipping the channel again, my eyes caught a number. Fifty-two cases? But... Didn't the news jus' say this evenin' they only had eight so far? My mind pondered over the question. Trying to shrug it off, I flipped the channel yet again, seeing that one of my favorite movies was on. Pulling the covers up to my chin, I felt my eyes water at the memory that came into my mind.

I stood on the porch watching him. Thunder rolled through the sky, and the rain was falling onto my skin in sheets. It was late afternoon, but it seemed even later with the dark clouds covering the sky. Squinting through the rain, I saw him turn toward me. My breath caught in my throat.

He was wearing a white wife beater and dark jeans. The tank clung to him, the rain steadily pounding against his clothes. Mama had just recently cut his hair, and though short, it was matted around his head, water dripping down his face. I noticed that he caught my gaze and I grinned.

"Dixon! Git yer ass in this house 'fore ya catcha cold!" I yelled playfully. After staring at me for a moment, he gave me a cheesy grin and jogged toward the porch.

"Ain't gone catch no damn cold." He snorted, his grin gone, a smirk replacing it. I shook my head.

"C'mon." I grabbed his hand, pulling him up the porch steps and into the house.

"Where's ya Mama?" He asked, looking around.

"They went on down to the store. Be back soon." I explained, walking toward the stairs. I turned back toward him. "Comin' or what?" Narrowing his blue eyes, he said nothing, only walked toward me. Turning back to the stairs, I bounded up them and walked toward my bedroom.

"What the hell ya doin', girl?" He asked.

"Gimme jus' a minute, dammit." I growled playfully. I slammed my door shut, leaving him out in the hallway. Shuffling through my closet, I grabbed a tank top and a pair of shorts. Dressing quickly, I darted over to my drawer and opened it. Grabbing a pair of basketball shorts, and a plain white t-shirt, I shut the drawer. Flinging my bedroom door open, I grinned, shoving the clothes at him. "Here ya go. Gimme ya wet clothes."

Grunting, he turned and walked quietly to the bathroom. Not bothering to shut the door, he changed quickly, ripping off his wife beater and jeans. Once he was dressed in the clothes I had gotten for him, he appeared back into the hall, handing over the wet clothes. I snatched them from his hand, and turned on my heels, ready to run.

"Girl!" He growled, and I took off for the stairs screaming. I could hear him behind me, chasing me. Giggles escaped me as I ran toward the wash room, flinging the door open. There was no where else to run, and he grabbed me, slinging me over his shoulder.

"STOP! STOP DIXON!" I hollered, hitting him on the back as I laughed. "I gotta DRY...THESE...CLOTHES!"

"Well, dry 'em dammit." He shot back, leaning down so I could throw his wet clothes in the dryer. Still giggling, I chunked them in the dryer, and felt myself rise a little bit as the start button appeared in front of my face. Pushing it, the dryer came to life, and suddenly we were out of the wash room. I laughed as he plunked me down onto the couch.

"Hand me that remote." I said with a smile. He handed it over, and I turned the T.V. on. Sitting side by side, I glanced over at him and smiled. Looking back at the T.V., I noticed that one of my favorite movies was on. "Yer watchin' this with me."

"What?" He asked, searching my face with a raised eyebrow.

"Pretty Woman." I gave an evil grin at his eye rolling. But he didn't move, just sat beside me. We slipped into a comfortable silence, watching...

I awoke with a start when the front door slammed open. When'd I fall 'sleep? I wondered, raising my head. Railey came running into my room. She jumped on my bed, shaking me. I sat up straight, pushing her off of me, glaring. The hell's wrong with'er? I turned on my light by my bed, to see the front of her shirt covered in blood.

"Railey? The hell happened?" I jumped up from my bed, looking her over.

"I'm fine! I'm fine! I gotta tell ya what happened down at the diner!" Railey's eyes were wide. She sat on the edge of my bed. "I think we need'a get outta here."

"What? Why?" I asked, rubbing my eyes.

"Well, there I was, servin' a table. A nice guy an' nice girl. Then all'a sudden this guy comes in, lookin' all crazy. His eyes looked funny, cloudy. He started attackin' the closest person to him. He bit Lisa." Railey ranted.

"Bit her?" I asked, staring at Railey with questioning eyes.

"Yepp. He bit'er right on the arm! I was tryin' to stop the bleedin', he was runnin' 'round the diner tryin' to bite people. It was ridiculous. The police came an' blew 'em to hell!" Railey explained.

"Damn... Killed him?" I asked.

"Right in the head." Railey nodded. "Kept askin' who was bit. Took Lisa away in an ambulance. I think we need'a go. Now."

"Aight... Aight." I began to panic slightly. Railey was a goofball. This had to be bad for her to want to leave. I grabbed my phone and called Mama. Ring...Ring...Ring... "C'mon, c'mon... Pick it up, Mama."

"Hello?" Daddy.

"Daddy!" Somethin' bad is goin' on here in Chattanooga. Railey got attacked on her shift. She ain't bit, but 'nother waitress got bitten an' they blew the guy's head off! In front of everyone!" I was freaking out.

"Okay, okay. Listen, get in ya car, Katie-Evelyn. Come home. Don't stop for nothin'. Understand?" Daddy ordered sleepily.

"I'm comin'." I said frantically, turning on the T.V., and hanging up the phone. The news was reporting what had happened at the diner, saying the attacks were becoming more severe.

"It's time to go." Railey mumbled. I nodded, and we busied ourselves packing what we could, leaving what we couldn't. Before walking out of the door, I remembered the letters.

"Shit!" I mumbled, running back into my room. I ripped open my nightstand drawer, grabbed the three letters, and ran back to the T.V.

"The outbreak is-" I cut the T.V. off. Outbreak. This was serious. Railey jumped in her car, and I climbed in my own vehicle. Following her onto the road, my thoughts ran crazily through my head. Had this thing hit Georgia? At that thought, another question crossed my mind. What 'bout the Dixons? I brushed off the question, knowing that wherever they were, they were safe. They were just fine. They had to be.