Nobody's POV

Around 4am, there was an incredible scream through the entire lair. This made Raph jump up, which resulted in Mikey falling out of the bed.
But he didn't really mind, he stood up immediately and ran to the door of Raph's room.
In the meanwhile, Raph had also stood up and joined Mikey at the door. Leo was also standing at his door, looking around to see what the source of the strange sound was.
Then, he saw Raph and Mikey: "Do you guys know where that scream came from?"
"No idea", Raph answered "I thought it may have been you"
"Hey", Mikey said suddenly "where's Donnie?" Leo sighed: "there's our answer! It probably was Donnie! I'll go check his room, you two go to his lab." Raph and Mikey nodded and they took off.

Mikey was the first one to reach Don's lab. He silently opened the door and looked inside. At first, he didn't see anything except for some light coming from Don's equipment. Then, he noticed a shape that looked a lot like Donnie lying on his desk. He walked up to it with Raph close behind.
When they reached his desk, they saw Don more clearly. He looked like he was fighting in his dream.
"Should we wake him up?", Mikey asked. Raph nodded and shook Don's shoulder.
Don shot up immediately, he had always been a light sleeper. At first, he didn't seem to recognize anything. Then, he saw his brothers: "Oh, hi guys! I'm sorry, did I wake you?"
"Kind of", Mikey answered "But that's ok. It sounded like you were having a nightmare"
"Me?", Don asked "No! Not at all! I never have got any nightmares!"
"Then why are you trying so badly to defend yourself?", Leo asked. Everyone turned around and saw Leo standing in the doorway. He switched the light on and walked over to the others.

"It's ok, Donnie", Raph said "We all have them. And all of us always come to you. So now, for one time: let us help you out!" Donnie didn't answer, he just looked at the ground. Mikey looked at Raph: "Wait, so you mean Leo has nightmares to?" Raph nodded: "Of course he does! He isn't perfect, you know!" Now all of them looked at Leo, who was feeling very uncomfortable about all of this. "I don't have nightmares, Mikey!", Leo replied. Now Don spoke up again: "Really, Leo? Lying to our youngest brother? You should be ashamed of yourself!" Leo looked at Don with a very angry look: "I'm not lying!" Don sighed: "Then should I tell the others about all the nightmares you don't have?"
Raph and Mikey grinned, but Leo's eyes grew big and it seemed he got a little paler (well, as far as a turtle can). "I…euhm..", Leo stuttered "I'll go make some tea…" and he left the lab.
The moment Leo had closed the door behind him, Raph and Mikey burst out in laughter. Even Donnie smiled a little, but it quickly disappeared.

Mikey noticed this and walked up to him: "Hey, you don't have to tell us if you don't want to. Just know that we are here for you if you need us." Don smiled, but now he had tears in his eyes. I won't cry in front of Mikey, I won't cry in front of Mikey!, he thought. By now, Raph stood on Don's other side: "I'm here to, bro! And Leo as well! You're not alone in this! And you'll never be!"
Now, one tear slipped over his eye. "Fine then", Don admitted "I had a nightmare… it was about… everything actually. I saw it all happen again! The abduction, the fear that you guys were dead,…"
I won't cry in front of Mikey!, I won't… O darn it!
Now, he couldn't hold himself anymore. He broke down completely!

Mikey kneeled down in front of him and pulled him into a hug: "I've been there to, bro! You're not alone…" Don stood up and knelt next to Mikey to bug him back: "I know…"
Raph joined the hug on the other side: "The same for me, dude. I'm here for you…"
Leo walked into the room and saw the big hug. He had heard the entire thing and felt bad for Donnie. He put the tea down on a table and walked up to the others: "We're all here for you, Donnie. You're not alone and you never will be" Now also Leo sat down and hugged Don.
After ten to fifteen minutes, Don had no more tears left. He pulled back and looked at all of his brothers. Then, he smiled: "You guys are the best"
Mikey smiled back: "We know!" Now all of them started laughing. They stood up again and decided it was useless to go back to bed. So, they went to the living room with their cup of tea and talked for hours about anything they could come up with. Going from their fears to teasing each other.

Splinter walked out of his room, ready to punish his sons for making such noise so early in the morning. But when he saw his sons talking and laughing, he stopped and smiled. He leaned against his door and stood there for a moment.
My sons, you will never be alone…

My name is Raphael and I am athletic, a little stubborn and not very patient.
But most important: I'm proud to be part of this family.

Author's note: And that, my dearest readers, is the end of Raph's instinct! :D It turned around to be longer than expected, but that's no problem for me :) Any suggestions that you have for another story with leo as the main character are welcome! Also if you would like me to write another Sherlock-story, I would like to hear it! :)
And in general, keep reading, keep reviewing or send me a PM with any question you have about my stories/writing/…

Goodbye, Love you all and I hope to see you again soon in my other stories! :D