A short yet strangely intimidating man stepped into a cold and empty room. Locked away in a warehouse far from society, he was feeling quite smug at the situation in front of him. He knew nobody would find him or his crew this far from the main city. His competition was a bunch of idiots. Well that could wait; he had far more pressing matters to deal with. He was going to make sure this idiot in front of him suffered, and he was going to do it without any regret. After all he wasn't the feared Levi for his outstanding personality. It's almost ironic that he is so feared, even though he barely reached 5"4 he has the strength to take out at least ten men without breaking a sweat. He could shoot better than most trained snipers and his only training had been hit or get hit. And speaking of hit he had to take care of one now. He killed many before this one is no different.
Or at least that's what he'll keep telling himself. Lying down in the middle of the room is a bruised and battered police detective Eren Jaeger. He had been beaten severely and if he lived through this he probably had scars that would last a lifetime. Life had a grand way of pulling its pants down and taking a complete shit on your fate. Whether it's from your car breaking down or being at the wrong place at the wrong time, life spared no one.

For Eren his downfall had been when he met this deviously gorgeous man at a bar. He had just broken up with this fiancé and he really just wanted a drink. He was a rising star as a detective and had solved many impossible cases. He had purposely chosen to stay out of the limelight so he wouldn't be recognized the moment he stepped into certain areas. His anonymous approach had always proven to be one of his biggest successes. He had a nice life but it came crashing down when his fiancé announced she was leaving him for another man. Eren didn't want to relive the scene so he opted to drink his cares away. Upon entering the bar he wasted no time making himself comfortable at a booth in the corner and ordering multiple shots of straight vodka. He didn't want to sip cutely on some drink he wanted to be sick by the time he left. And he was doing just fine until someone suddenly walked past him and stopped Eren mid shot. Eren had a knack for being over observant and everything was magnetized in his eyes. He was able to catch things quickly and more sharply than most people. The man walking by was short but stunningly handsome. He had the sharpest features that looked dangerously feminine but instead enhanced his masculinity. He had pale skin and was very short. He had short black that looked like silk and Eren couldn't see fully but he caught glimpse of an undercut in the back. His face was in a scowl but enhanced his cold gray eyes. As if his face wasn't enough, the man had on the impeccable suit. It had to be tailored and expensive. It was black and smooth just like his hair. It seemed above this hole in the wall bar Even though his faced looked uninviting Eren was beyond intrigued, he had never found a man or woman so attractive especially upon the first glance.

Eren had been so wrapped up in staring he hadn't realized the man had slowed down and was now glaring at him. Eren felt like he was in a trance but he was snapped out of it when he heard a cough. He jumped and realized the man was walking towards him. He leaned in close to Erens face and was sporting a mischievous smirk

"See something you like?"

"Uh...um…nice suit?"

The man chuckled and leaned in to Erens ear.

"You know most people wouldn't give me a second glance." Eren didn't know why, this man was perfection.

"I'm not most people."

At his "smooth" reply the man leaned back and stared into Erens face. In a flash he leaned in and kissed Erens cheek. Eren never knew a cheek kiss could light his insides on fire. Before he could gather his thoughts, the man winked at Eren a left. He was gone as quickly as he came. Eren chalked it up to his 6th shot of vodka and figured the alcohol was working just fine. This was a onetime thing. He'll never see the unnamed beautiful man again.

Levi had walked into the room and gazed at the man in front of him. He is the current mafia boss and he was ruthless. Many feared him and none tried to defy him. That was until some piece of shit in the police force decided to start arresting his men. He had men on the force and he couldn't believe someone dared to go against Levi. He found out it was some detective named Eren Jaeger who had some stupid need for justice. Well he was going to show the Eren some justice. He'll use him as an example and make sure nobody ever fucked with him again.

And that is what he told himself until he saw Eren on the ground. He was shocked to see it was the kid from the bar awhile ago. He remembered him because nobody ever stared Levi in the face for long. And that was rather they recognized him or not. People were naturally scared of him, but this kid wasn't scared, he even looked interested. Not to mention he was fucking beautiful. He had tanned skin that seemed to glow in the bars low lit atmosphere, he had messy hair that only enhanced his face. Speaking of his face it was strangely young looking but Levi could tell by the strong jaw and toned muscles he was an adult. But his eyes are what got to Levi. They were the most brilliant shade of green and Levi had to get a closer look. Levi was so tempted to bed him that night, but he had too much business to take care of so he opted to toy with him instead. When he kissed his cheek the warmth that jumped to him almost made him stay. But he had to take care of business so he left quickly before he could change his mind.

How ironic that the only person to ever intrigue him outside of what they could do for him or against him ended up as the detective fucking his work. He wanted to untie Eren and ravish him but he had a job to do.

And Eren recognized him and realized he was attractive to a monster. When he realized this was the Levi that had caused so much hell he couldn't think about that night. All that mattered to him was justice. What was illegal was wrong and people had to be punished. He should be scared of Levi knowing he was coming in to finish the job but his stubborn attitude refused to bend. He would fight till the end.
Levi picked up a lone gun on the floor and stalked to Eren Jaeger and looked down at the person scowling. Even before his death this kid had this look of determination. Levi was beginning to wish he didn't have to kill him, this kid had willpower. But what did it matter he was just another roadblock.

"You really want to die that badly huh?"
He pointed the gun to Eren

"Policeman Eren Jaeger."

Eren looked up and refused to give in to fear.

"If you're going to kill me then hurry up and do it! How much more time are you going to waste talking?"

O this kid had balls(no pun intended). He was stubborn and abrasive. He would have never pegged that blushing brat to have this much personality. He bent down and grabbed Eren by the front of his shirt.

"Even if I'm not quick that's fine right? I was just thinking about a good place to put my bullet. Where do you want it to enter you hmm?"
He pointed at Erens neck "here?" he moved down to his chest and asked "here?" when Eren refused to say anything he slid the gun down slowly and stopped at Erens belly button

"or even" he slid the gun down until it rested right at Eren cock:

"From here?"

"You bastard!" Eren whispered.

Levi smiled deviously and decided his own protocol be damned. He could have followed through but he caught a flash of lust pass Erens eyes when his gun rested on his cock. It was the same look he gave Levi after Levi kissed his cheek. But he knew this kid would be too stubborn to admit his want out loud. Too bad his body couldn't tell any lies.

"What is it? Does this gun not interest you?" he dropped the gun on the floor. He placed his hands on Erens knees and pulled Erens lower half towards him. From this position

Levi clothed erection was nestled between Erens cock and his anus.

"Then what about my other gun?"

When Erens back hit the wall and he looked at Levi with great shock. This is not what he signed up for. He was just trying to do what's right. How in the hell did he end up in this situation. He wanted to curse Levi out and demand once again to just be shot. He had to keep thinking of his brains being blown out to calm the fire currently burning in his lower half. When Levi placed the gun by his cock he was not pleased at the erection he got. This had to be his mind losing it! He had planned to not go down without a fight. Damn this man for being so damn attractive. He couldn't think straight and as Levi started grinding slowly against his erection Eren had to fight back a moan. Damn his body and its needs.

Levi felt Eren getting harder by the second. He wanted Eren to fall apart in his arms. He usually just fucked quickly and hard, but he wanted this to last. He wanted to wreck Eren and make him think of nobody else. He would have to figure out what to do after this, but for now he wanted to focus on the green eyed brat staring at him with a mix of lust and confusion.

Levi leaned in close leaving a small space between his mouth and Erens.

"Eren." He breathes out huskily. Pleased to feel Eren getting harder at the sound of his voice.

"Don't worry; this guns bullet will be able to enter you just fine."

"Fuck." Is all Eren could manage to say. Before Eren could think about his decision he leaned in and closed the space between himself and Levi. He knew there would be consequences to this but Eren didn't care. Everything about this was unrealistic and couldn't end smoothly but his lower half had taken precedence over his self control. If he was going to die after this, at least he could die after a good orgasm.

When he kissed Levi it obviously caught the man by surprise but he bounced back. Levi wrapped his hands around Erens neck and quickly dominated the kiss. He wasted no time deepening the kiss and pushing his tongue into Erens mouth. The two men sat there for awhile with their tongues dancing around, neither refusing to come up for air first. Levi pulled Eren in closer and kissed even harder as if he was trying to steal the air from Eren. Realizing this wouldn't be as much fun if Eren was tied up he pulled back and looked into Erens eyes. His pupils were blown and lust filled. His cheeks were flushed and gave him an innocent look. Even though they were both gasping for air Levi smashed his mouth back into Erens because he could not resist that face.

Erens mind was spinning out of control. Levis tongue was almost jammed down his throat and Eren was trying hard to remember if anyone had ever made him want to cum from kissing alone. Levi suddenly pulled away from him taking a trail of saliva with his departure. He looked at Eren again and Eren was wondering if Levi was regretting initiating this.

"I don't think I have to tell you what happens if you try and run right?"
Eren bit his lip and tried to answer but his mind was mush. Levi grabbed his chin and pulled Erens face close to his again.

"I'm waiting for an answer Jaeger."

"N...no. I'm too hard to even run."

This kid really had balls. Levi pulled out the pocket knife he keeps in his pocket like a teenager keeps a cell phone. He reached behind Eren and began cutting him loose. After ten minutes of full concentration Eren was set free from his bonds. He wasn't quite sure what to do next and looked at Levi. They had a staring contest to see who would make the first move. Both were so hard one touch could end either. It had been a long time either man had gotten laid. It was obviously apparent in the room that was now thick with desire.

Levi decided to make the first move. He couldn't wait any longer. He wanted to take his time but the more he stared into those eyes the more his self control waned. He would claim him and take it slow another time.

"Eren I am not one for romantic foreplay."

"Do I look like some Disney princess to you?"

"No, but you'll be yelling like a damsel in distress soon enough."

"I hope for all these big promises you can follow through."

Erens patience was running out the door and he had enough of this. He began taking off his own clothes hoping Levi would get the hint. It appeared he did as he started undressing as well. Eren had sore move slow because he was sore from the beating he got before Levi walked in. he pulled off his pants inch by inch and his boxers followed suit. He almost hissed as the cool air hit his erection.

Levi assumed Eren was trying to tease him by the way he was sensually taking off his clothes. He moved in a quicker pace and when he was finished he caught Eren staring at his cock. Where Erens was long Levis was thick. This will be fun he thought to himself.

"I don't have any lube and unless you want a fire in your ass I suggest you do something about it."

Eren smiled as he caught the hint and he positioned his face in front of Levis erection. He took an experimental lick and was almost smug in the sudden breath of air Levi took in. He used his right hand to stroke the shaft and moved down. As he stroked the bottom half he took the top part in his mouth and started licking around the top. He squeezed Levi as he started sucking.

Then he removed his hand and moved his mouth farther and farther down, trying to take as much in as possible. He was hungry for this and he was going to make Levi a mess when he was done. When he reached the shaft he started sucking and bobbing his head up and down. He felt Levi squirm and it encouraged him to take more in his mouth. He didn't have a gag reflex and soon he had taken so much of Levi in, Eren could feel pubic hair tickling his face. His sucking and bobbing only got harder as he heard curses and grunts coming from above. He was slurping nosily, and sloppily devouring this penis like it was his last meal.

He felt like he was on top of the world until he felt something trying to press into his entrance. He was so shocked he lost his rhythm and almost choked. He pulled his mouth up and was about to move his mouth away when a hand pushed him back down.

"Don't stop goddamnit."

Eren was at a lost when a finger slid into his entrance and wasted no time trusting in and out. With the lack of lube it was uncomfortable but not painful. Levi had coated his fingers well in spit. Eren was trying to regain composure when another digit slid in. as Levi began stretching and moving his hand in and out of Eren, Erens sucking got frantic and sloppier. If Levi didn't hurry up they would both be finished before the main event.

Levi removed his hand and yanked Eren off of his cock. He pulled Eren up to straddle him. He wanted Eren to ride his cock while he pounded into him.

Eren was getting more excited by the second. He would ride Levi so hard the man would forget his name. Levi reached around and pushed his fingers back into Eren to finish preparing him. He added a third finger, causing a moan from Eren. Levi trusted hard and fast in and out of Eren trying to find his prostate. When Eren half moaned half yelled

Levi knew he found it.

Not wanting to wait any longer he pulled out of Eren and grabbed his hips. Eren wrapped his arms around Levis neck and braced himself. As Levi started filling Eren up he pulled him into a heated and frantic kiss. The kiss captured all the grunts and moans coming from Eren.

"Shit you are tight!"

"Shit you afd big!"

When Levi was fully pushed into Eren he waited for the other to move first. He hoped Eren knew what was coming.

Eren was waiting for the pain to recede so he could fuck himself silly on Levis cock. In that moment he was glad he wasn't a complete virgin. Having sex with men and woman paid off.

As the uncomfortable pain went down and pleasure seeped in, he did an experimental bounce on Levi and mewled at the pleasure.

Levi felt himself snap at Erens moan and started thrusting into Eren hard not giving him anymore time to think. He wrapped his arms around Erens waist and started picking him up almost off his cock and slamming him back down. Erens grip around his neck tightened as this rough pleasure jumped throughout his body burning him to the bone. He began bouncing on Levi meeting every harsh thrust leaving the loud sound of skin slapping skin to echo the room. Erens bouncing got harder and more intense as Levis thrusting became frantic. Levi was losing himself in this tight warm heat.

"Shit Eren!"

Levi was moaning despite being the one doing the penetrating. The way Eren was bouncing on his dick had him seeing stars. His thrust couldn't keep up and this brat was going to make him finish first.

Before he could finish Levi pulled out of Eren and pushed him to floor. He took Erens legs and threw them over his shoulder. He grabbed Eren behind his knees and pushed himself back in without warning.


"You like this Eren hmm? You like me pounding deep inside you?" Levi was trying to sound in control but his voice was cracked. He was trying to wreck Eren but the kid may be wrecking him.

Levi was fucking deep into Eren and had now hit his prostrate. Eren was drooling and being reduced to a whimpering mess. But he needed more, before this ended, he needed Levi deeper inside of him, he needed to have the feel of Levi committed to his memory forever.

"Levi faster!"

"I can't hear you Eren, what was that?"

"I sa said faster! Harder!"

Levi couldn't even reply he pulled out and rammed back into Eren with everything he had. He was about to come and he was going to make sure this was the strongest orgasm either men ever had. He rammed as deep and hard into Eren as he could, refusing to let up. He reveled in every lewd moan or scream that pushed past Erens lips. Levi was cursing and moaning Erens name. His pace was frantic and he had no rhythm.

Eren felt heat pooling into his stomach. He was seeing white and black dots. His body was on fire and he could no longer hold on. The harsh way Levi was pounding into him, had only added to his pleasure. With a mighty scream he yelled Levis name and strings of white shot out his body. Wave after wave of pleasure shot out of Eren making him jump and tremble.

When Levi saw the boy orgasm he could no longer hold back. He arched his back and yelled out an animalistic groan and he shot his load off into Eren. He rode his orgasm rocking into Eren until nothing was left.

Completely exhausted he collapsed on top and a spent and boneless Eren.

Neither wanted to move hell or even breathe. For both this was the best sex either had ever experienced in his life. The sounds of heavy breathing echoed throughout the room. The room smelled like sweat and sex. Both men were drenched in sweat and cum. As nasty as they felt neither could move to get some of the spunk off.
After sometime Levi looked at the boy under him. He face was completely red and his hair was stuck to his forehead. His eyes were clamped shut and his lips were parted. It was the most intoxicating sight Levi had ever seen.

He couldn't kill him and that bothered Levi to no end. He was the ruthless king that spared no one. This kid was supposed to be the example and teach everyone the consequences of defying Levi! He had stomped on his territory and deserved his punishment.
But damn he had to admit, this stubborn kid impressed him. His will was strong and even after getting beat horribly; his determination was still present in his eyes. They held a fire in them that Levi didn't see even in his most loyal men. He couldn't kill the kid but he didn't know what to do.

Eren was regaining composure and was trying to figure out what happens next. He didn't know if this was his last moments alive, or if he was going to be held captive. For him everything had always been about right and wrong. People who broke the law deserved to be punished, yet here he was getting fucked senseless by a mafia boss. Eren felt the lines between right and wrong blurred.

"Eren, you know I am supposed to kill you."

"Yes I know."

They stared at each other a long time. All Levi had to do was get the gun and end this. But fuck he was in charge so if he wanted to change the rules, he dared someone to question him.

"I'm not."


"I am not going to kill you."

"I heard you! But if not then what are you going to do to me?"

Levi paused before answering.

"I'm going to let you go"
Eren looked at him in complete shock. This can't be real.

"But there are conditions."

Ok, Eren thought. This makes sense.

"You can't tell anybody where I am or what I look like. You have to convince everyone that you were beaten and left to die. This also means if someone is attached to me, you can't arrest him."

"Levi, I can't do that! I can't just let criminals go free! It's wrong and what will that say to the people who deserve justice?"

"Eren it's either that or you die. The way I see it, you dying would do more harm than good. You can't touch my men but what about all the others. I read about you, you are good at your job. If you die who will solve those cases. This is the best I can do. And if you choose to follow these conditions you cannot regret them."
Eren thought long and hard. He wanted to shout and cry but he couldn't do either. Everything had been black or white but now he was sucked into this big space of gray. He had worked hard to make sure justice was served, and now because of his hormones he had to decide between death and letting his morals go. He was obnoxiously self righteous and this would kill him.

"Eren." Levi whispered softly. He saw the wheels turning in Erens mind. He knew this was killing the kid and in his selfish mind he hoped Eren choose to follow his orders.
Eren looked up at Levi with tears threatening to fall. During the conversation Levi somehow pulled Eren across his lap, with Erens legs on one side and his head resting on Levis chest. When he looked up at Levi he was quickly pulled into a kiss. This one felt different, Eren felt something possessive in the kiss. Despite this situation he was melting into this kiss. He wondered what would happen if he decided to live. Would he get to see Levi again? Maybe the sex was clouding his mind but nobody ever had this effect on his body before.

Levi pulled back slightly with their lips still touching.

"Live Eren." He commanded softly.

"Ok." Eren sounded defeated. He was stubborn and usually never bended to anyone's willed unless brute force was used. However he found himself submitting to Levi.
Levi captured Eren in another kiss. This one was deeper, more desperate. Their arms were wrapped tightly around each other making it hard for one to tear away if they wanted to. As they moved away Levi figured he had to do something or Eren would regret this forever. Still wrapped tightly around each other Levi said

"If anything happens to you I'll take care of you. And if you need anything, I'll take care of you"

"I can handle myself just fine."

"Think about where you are brat and shut up."



"What happens after this? After I leave?"

Levi knew he meant what happens between them. Eren appeared to be strong but he didn't know if this kind of pressure would break him. He also didn't want him with anyone else, that face that was flushed red by pleasure was something Levi didn't want another soul to see.
Eren figured if he was going to hell for going against everything he stood for he might as well go deeper. The only things he knew about Levi were from his file. He also heard of his reputation but that didn't match what he just did. What he was doing was dangerous and even hinting at something further with Levi was dangerous. But if he was going to be breaking the law he might as well have something to look forward to. He didn't know what would happen in the future but he wouldn't think any harder, or he would face regret.

"Like I said you idiot, I'll take care of you."

No more words were said when Levi claimed Eren in another kiss and laid him on the floor. When Eren began grinding against Levi, thoughts flew out the door. Eren wrapped his legs around Levis waist as Levi pushed back into him slowly. Neither fully understood why emotions were so high or why this time was almost tender, it was kind of out of their character but it felt nice.

As they slowly rocked against each other into another climax Eren decided if he couldn't arrest Levis men, he would work twice as hard capturing every other criminal out there. Levi decided he would take care of this Eren Jaeger and address the foreign feelings coursing through them.

And this was the start of a backwards romance.