Inheriting a Draconian Mantle – Book 3

By Stargatesg1fan1

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the recognized characters or universes within. If I did…I would have ended the Inheritance Cycle with Arya and Eragon in love and entangled in a heated, naked, and sweaty mess in their bed. Harry Potter would have been smarter and taken every opportunity he had to make love to the gorgeous Miss Granger and when they were old enough he would have made her the next Mrs. Potter.

Females Bonded by Harry Potter So Far (In Books One and Two):

Nymphadora 'Nym' Tonks is played by Sarah Chalke

Hermione Granger is played by Emma Watson

Susan Bones is played by Karen Gillian

Cho Chang is played by Katie Leung

Ginny Weasley is played by Julie McNiven

Females Bonded by Harry Potter in Book 3:

Luna Lovegood is played by Evanna Lynch

Queen Dianna of the Fairies is played by Dianna Agron

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July 16th at Azkaban Prison…

Sirius Black was exerting a great deal of effort, more effort than he had exerted in over a decade. The animagus was currently in his dog form attempting to squeeze through the bars of his cell door. Sirius had spent most of his time in Azkaban within the shelter of his dog form which offered respite from the Dementors. Those soul sucking minor demons couldn't even sense Sirius when he was in his canine form. Another advantage of the canine form was that it could survive off of much less food than a human form required. That was also the reason why it had taken Sirius over a decade to become skinny enough to have a real shot of fitting through the bars of his cage.

With a growl the dog pulled his hips through the bars and was free. Cautiously the grim animagus walked down the halls, past many cells filled with diminished witches and wizards who had fared far worse under the effects of the Dementors. Sirius soon located a guard station where a guard was to be found napping. Sirius snuck up and found the guard's wand on the desk the wizard was sleeping at. Picking the wand up in his mouth the dog made good his escape from the cell block that had held him for years. It didn't take Sirius long to sneak out of the prison proper and locate the final ward barrier meant to keep any being unauthorized from leaving or arriving at the prison. Concealed from the prison by a high wall, Sirius changed back to human form.

Sirius located the weakest point in the ward barrier and incanted, "Egressus materiam negative."

The spell summoned forth a ring of negative matter, as non-magical scientists called it, to force open a hole in the energy barrier. Sirius staggered as a wave of dizziness assailed his system at the use of such power after so long without casting any wand-based magic. The Black Family spell was a closely guarded secret which Sirius considered himself lucky to have learned. Transforming back to his dog form the canine leapt through the small hole and proceeded into the sea. The cold ocean water couldn't deter the wizard as he swam for the distant shore barely visible with the knowledge that he was finally free from his wrongful imprisonment. Sirius even noticed a boat crossing the cold waters towards Azkaban, likely transporting another prisoner to the little piece of hell on Earth. Sirius could not have known that the boat contained one of his most hated enemies in the form of a rat animagus.

Peter Pettigrew allowed himself to feel a small measure of relief when he had made it off of the ferry alive. The rat animagus scurried as quickly as he could away from the transport craft and up onto the island that contained his only chance of surviving for any length of time. As soon as Harry Potter had shown up at Hogwarts and had proved to be far more powerful than any wizard his age had the right to be Peter had known there would be no safe harbor at the school for Death Eaters. Peter had learned about the rumor of the Dark Lord's survival as a shade in the forests of Albania from spying on Dumbledore, never dreaming the old man had allowed those spying sessions to take place. The Marauder formerly known as Wormtail also knew he was not strong enough to bring back the Dark Lord on his own. For that he would need help.

Pettigrew had gathered the supplies over the following year and was now at Azkaban. Within a magical trunk on Peter's person were the supplies he would need to punch a small hole in Azkaban's main wards over the course of a week. That was when Peter had a stroke of immense luck. The rat came upon a small hole that he could tell was diminishing and closing up very slowly. Wasting no time Peter leapt through and continued into the prison. Peter knew Azkaban's layout from spying in the Ministry and went directly to Bellatrix's cell. Like the master she loved so dearly Bellatrix Lestrange was a shadow of her former self. As soon as he entered her cell Bella pounced on the rat with a look of deranged glee.

"You'll make a good snack," Bella declared with a cackle, preparing to bite the struggling rodent's head off.

Peter regained control over his animal instincts enough to transform back to his birth form.

"Bellatrix, there is no time to explain. I have come to free you and the others so that we can revive our master but we don't have much time to make our escape," Peter hurriedly explained.

"The Master is alive? And you know where he is?" Bellatrix demanded.

"Yes, I'll explain later. We need to go before the hole I found in the wards closes up. I still have to get the others," Peter explained.

"A hole in the wards you say," Bella replied, her gaze focusing on the rat. Bella recognized what sounded like a Black Family spell. She also realized her cousin must have just escaped. That was of no consequence at the moment. "Don't waste time explaining things to the others. Just stun them," Bella ordered while climbing into the magical trunk Pettigrew had expanded while they were talking.

Peter hurriedly collected the remaining Death Eaters in the method Bella had instructed. By the time the rat had reached the hole in the wards it was quite small but he managed to slip through. Once free of the wards Peter transformed back briefly while hidden in a rocky cove before activating the portkey he had acquired with some difficulty. A short time later it would be discovered that every Death Eater in Azkaban had escaped. It would be assumed that Sirius Black was among them.

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Harry, his girlfriends, Neville, and Hannah spent quite a bit of their summer in Egypt exploring some of the magical tombs that had yet to be explored. These adventures came about as a result of Ginny's family vacationing in Egypt after winning a sum of seven hundred Galleons in a Daily Prophet drawing. The Rider had no trouble collecting his companions in the mornings for the short teleport to Egypt. Ginny likewise still spent her nights with her favorite people while her parents were under the impression she was asleep in her bed in the magical motel they were staying at. Ginny's eldest brother Bill worked as a curse breaker in that country.

Partway through the summer the Hogwarts letters arrived. The friends all happened to be spending the day at the Longbottom Estate. Neville's grandmother was off dealing with Wizengamot business.

"You would think they would stop bothering to tell us when the train leaves after the first or second year. It's not like it has ever changed. The train has left from Platform Nine and Three-Quarters at Eleven O'clock on September 1st for the last one hundred years," Nym declared as she opened her letter.

"We've got our Hogsmeade permission slips to get signed," Hermione noted. "Do you think the Dursleys will give you any trouble signing it Harry? They hate even looking at magical parchment and think quills are unnatural."

"They'll sign it," the Rider assured.

"Ha…that's probably the only reason you'll go back to Privet Drive this summer," Susan declared.

"Too right," Hannah agreed. "I still don't know why we can't show them how well you've taught us how to defend ourselves the non-magical way Harry."

"They just aren't worth the effort. I showed them the error of their ways once I was old enough," Harry assured. "So I take it you didn't get Head Girl?" The sorcerer asked Nym in order to change the subject.

Nym snorted and answered, "No, they probably gave the position to Clearwater. I'm too much of a rule breaker and I wouldn't have it any other way. I'm right glad you talked me out of wanting to be an Auror, Harry. Having to work for some of those inept purebloods in the Ministry would have driven me as batty as Trelawney."

"Yes, well I'm sure you'll be plenty of busy working for me anyway," Harry assured his lover.

Nym would work for her boyfriend after graduation at the end of the school year. The cute metamorphmagus would basically be her mate's personal assistant and aid him in managing his many assets.

"Why so quiet Nev?" Hermione inquired of the normally more open Longbottom Scion.

Neville was staring towards the lake where Cho, Ginny, and Luna were swimming. The group of friends that were dry was sitting atop the sloping hill that surrounded Neville's ancestral home. Longbottom Estate was surrounded by the famous Sherwood Forest.

"The reason his grandmother was called away is to deal with this mass breakout from Azkaban. The whole country is in an uproar and the Wizengamot can't make up what to do about it," Hannah explained for her boyfriend, taking his hand and squeezing it reassuringly.

Neville gave his favorite Hufflepuff a grateful smile.

"The worst part is my grandmother can't decide what to do about my parents. They'll get better care at St. Mungos but it isn't very secure. With the bastards that tortured them into insanity loose…," Neville trailed off with frustration clear in his tone.

"I knew I was forgetting something," Harry muttered loud enough for the others to hear before disappearing.

"Well that was bloody mysterious," Hermione grumbled, wondering where her boyfriend had vanished off to.

Harry reappeared a half an hour later on his lounger looking tired.

"Where did you go?" Susan questioned as her favorite wizard put an arm over his eyes like he was going to take a nap.

"To get them," Harry replied as he pointed behind Neville's lounger, drawing attention to the grinning couple that had suddenly appeared in that location.

"Neville," Alice Longbottom greeted her son, perfectly coherent.

"Mum," Neville cried as he jumped out of his chair.

"How'd you do it?" Nym whispered to her boyfriend as Neville ran into his parents' arms, tears flowing freely all around.

"A mixture of my powerful mind, the Elder wand, and an alchemical ritual using the Philosopher's Stone," Harry answered, no longer pretending to be tired, truly happy for his friend and a little wistful that his parents couldn't be revived in such a way.

Hermione, noticing the wistful look on her mate's face took his left hand and said, "Anything is possible with magic Harry. Someday you might be like that."

Nym and Hermione scooted their loungers closer to their wizard's and each laid a head on one of his shoulders. Being so close to two of his favorite witches Harry Potter felt that they just may be right. Someday it was entirely possible that he could meet his parents on this side of the Veil.

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Saphira burst into existence several hundred feet over Number Four Privet Drive with three passengers on her back.

"This is the best way to fly," Nym declared with a mad grin as she clung to Harry's back.

"It isn't as bad as the other methods we've tried," Hermione agreed, feeling safe with her lover's arms wrapped around her waist.

Saphira spiraled down and landed in the front yard of Number Four. When her passengers dismounted the dragon lay contentedly in the sun watching the house her Rider had grown up in.

"These new cloaking belts are wicked awesome," Nym announced with a grin as she fingered the stylish belt holding her skirt up.

The belts were copies of the collar Saphira wore. The runes had been etched into the material of the belts and could hide a witch or wizard just as well as the sapphire colored dragon from detection if the wearer wished it.

"Please just stay out of sight for now," Harry urged his girlfriends.

"As long as they are nice to you Harry we'll leave them alone," Hermione assured.

As Harry approached the front of the house he heard his uncle complaining through the screen door about the news report's lack of location of the escaped convicts being announced. The Azkaban escapees were even being looked for in the non-magical world. Of course the non-magical reports mentioned nothing of magic or Azkaban.

"I wouldn't worry your tiny mind about those escapees Vernon," Harry declared as he strode into the house without preamble. "They don't bother your kind in most cases." Petunia shrieked in fright at the sight of her nephew and noticed his attention suddenly focus on her sister-in-law present in the sitting room. "Why hello Marge, I had no idea you would be here."

Harry's tone and smile set warning bells and alarms off in even the slow brains of Vernon and Petunia. Dudley vacated the room quickly before his fright caused him to vacate his bowels. Vernon's sister, Marge Dursley, was a short fat woman with a mustache who looked like a female version of Vernon. She was also quite cruel and especially to Harry Potter.

"All bets are off my lovelies," Harry projected to the two cloaked witches.

"What's he doing here Vernon?" Marge demanded as her bulldog Ripper began to growl at the new arrival. "I thought you got rid of him years ago."

"Now is that any way to treat a guest Marge?" Harry inquired as he sat in a chair that wasn't there a moment earlier.

"What do you want boy?" Petunia questioned.

"I need you to sign a permission slip for school. You are still my guardians after all," Harry pointed out. "Marge, I suggest you restrain your dog or things might become unpleasant."

"Don't tell me how to handle my dog you ungrateful little wretch," Marge screeched.

"I warned you," Harry replied before Ripper dropped dead, his brain crushed within his skull by a telekinetic force.

"Ripper," Marge screamed and dove for her canine.

"Why did you have to do that?" Vernon said in a defeated tone. "Now we'll never hear the end of it."

Harry waved his hand and Marge collapsed on top of her dog out cold.

"Is she dead?" Petunia asked in fright.

"Of course not," the wizard replied, affronted. "If I were going to kill that bint I'd do it far more creatively. After all she has put me through I'd make her suffer. She's just sleeping. Now how about you sign my damn permission slip and we won't have to see each other for another couple of years if ever," Harry proposed.

"I'll sign," Vernon volunteered gruffly, a piece of parchment and a pen appearing in his lap.

The drill salesman hastily signed the slip of paper and thrust it back at his nephew.

"Well that was easy. I'll be leaving now. I would get rid of that dead mutt before Marge wakes up or she'll be parading around with it for days like it's a doll," Harry pointed out.

With that the warlock vanished, teleporting away to Saphira's back to wait for his ladies.

Looking at her husband Petunia said, "He's right you know."

"I'll go get the shovel," Vernon agreed with a grunt.

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"I'm amazed you didn't kill that bitch Harry," Nym said as she climbed on Saphira. "I saw that cupboard."

"They didn't get me to stay in there long after I discovered my powers," Harry assured.

"I have wanted to burn this place to ash many times with these creatures still inside but Harry resists," Saphira informed Hermione and Nym.

"And we wouldn't fault you for it Saphira," Hermione replied as the dragon took flight.

"At least we cursed the Dursleys, right good," Nym declared with a brilliant grin.

"Those bastards will be paying for their transgressions against our Harry for the rest of their lives," Hermione asserted as she thought of all the nasty curses she and her cloaked friend had laid about Number Four Privet Drive while their boyfriend had been talking to the occupants of the house.

"You won't hear any objection from me," Harry said as he teleported the group away from Little Whinging.

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Harry stepped into the back room of the Leaky Cauldron that Tom the barman had put aside at Lucius Malfoy's request. Sitting at the only table in the room was Minister of Magic Cornelius Fudge.

"Good morning Lucius," Fudge greeted genially as he stood and shook Malfoy's hand. "I must say I'm surprised you know Mr. Potter," the Minister said as he turned his attention to the green eyed celebrity.

"I made it my business to be as helpful to the savior of our world as possible Minister," Lucius replied while the Minister shook the Rider's hand.

The reminder that he was shaking the defeater of Voldemort's hand caused the career politician's smile to brighten.

"Yes, yes quite right. I would also like to be of assistance. Lucius informed me you had something you would like to discuss with me Harry. What can I do for you?" Fudge asked as the three males were seated.

"Well Minister, I have an idea that will make the public feel vastly safer in light of the recent escapes from Azkaban," Harry announced.

"Oh, do tell," Fudge prompted, now quite interested in anything that could help his image.

"I think it would be prudent if the underage magic restrictions were removed from any minors currently attending Hogwarts within the United Kingdom. I can understand the need to keep the restrictions in place for those who haven't had any formal training in wand based magic. But those who have had training need all the practice they can get," Harry pointed out.

Fudge appeared stricken but answered truthfully, "The risk of these students revealing themselves to the muggles accidentally is too great Harry. A fully trained witch or wizard can subdue a muggle and summon the obliviators," Fudge explained.

In response Harry laid what looked like a common bracelet on the table. Fudge immediately noticed the runes etched into the band's surface.

"This Minister is a little invention of Mr. Potter's making. You might have heard that Mr. Potter is the top of his year," Lucius spoke up.

"And then some," Fudge agreed, having heard how much of a prodigy the Boy-Who-Lived was with magic.

"My band there will make it so whoever wears the band will not be able to reveal their magic to unauthorized non-magicals. Magic cast by a band wearer will be shifted out of the range of the senses of a non-magical person. I have bands that will allow the families of non-magical born students to sense magic as well. This doesn't hinder the effectiveness of the cast magic at all. I propose each student that is authorized to do magic out of school is provided one of these arm bands. Only if they do magic without the band outside of Hogwarts should they face punishment," the Rider explained.

Fudge was silent for half a minute while he considered the idea.

"I think it's a fantastic idea Harry. I do worry that the old line members of the Wizengamot might not welcome such a radical approach," Fudge said while glancing at Lucius, quite surprised that the Malfoy scion would go for this idea.

Others had different reasons for keeping the restrictions in place.

"I have already talked to my friends among the Wizengamot members and gained their support for this new amendment to the restrictions. With Mr. Potter's runic band and his endorsement I think this amendment has every chance of success," Lucius announced. "I can call a meeting of the Wizengamot within two days."

Cornelius was overjoyed. He would gain an endorsement from Harry Potter and look great with the public for this new policy. Fudge would even use his connections without bribery being needed for this kind of good publicity. If anything, Cornelius realized he owed the Potter heir for this idea.

"I think you'll go far Mr. Potter," Fudge declared. "I'll get started on the paperwork right away."

Fudge stood and bid the two wizards goodbye.

"You did well Lucius," Harry told the blonde Death Eater.

"Thank you Master," Lucius replied.

"Have you had any word from Bellatrix and the others?" The Rider inquired.

"No," Lucius answered. "I have heard through my connections that my former comrades are well on their way to Albania. Bella will not risk contacting those of us who escaped being convicted until the Dark Lord is back among the flesh and blood."

"And what have you learned of my godfather?" Harry probed.

"He appears to have escaped before the others. I have been less successful in tracking his movements. Sirius Black was training to be a Hit Wizard before he was imprisoned," Lucius explained.

It was left unsaid that Hit Wizards were notoriously hard to catch. It had only been Sirius' unbalanced state of mind at the time that saw him being captured so easily. Sirius' status as a Hit Wizard trainee was also why the Ministry had so easily believed him capable of killing thirteen people. Lucius had known Sirius Black was no Death Eater and that Peter Pettigrew was the traitor.

"I see. Well be ready to act. I suspect your former master will be requesting your services again soon," Harry instructed.

"Yes master," Lucius agreed.

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Riddle House, Little Hangleton…

"You're all set master," Bellatrix Lestrange said as she finished feeding her master, an adoring look upon her features.

Bella was already starting to regain some of her former haughty attractiveness thanks to the good meals she had experienced while out of Azkaban. The restoration potions the witch had brewed certainly helped as well.

"Thank you Bella," the homunculus which contained the essence of Tom Riddle replied. "Where are the others?"

"They are out gathering resources master," Bella answered.

"Do you believe you can safely bring Lucius to this location Bella?" Voldemort asked the woman that was truly his most loyal servant.

Bellatrix tried to mask the look of displeasure at the mention of her pampered brother in law before her master saw it but he noticed. Voldemort chose not to comment on Bella's dislike of Malfoy.

"I believe so, yes," Bella replied.

"Then bring him here as soon as possible. I require his unique contacts," Riddle ordered.

"As you wish master," the brunette agreed before sweeping out of the room. Bella paused long enough in the hallway to tell the waiting Wormtail, "I am off to run an errand for the master. Ensure his needs are met while I am out."

"Yes, Bellatrix," Wormtail answered with a groveling demeanor.

Bellatrix resisted the urge to curse the coward. Wormtail may have been near useless but he had still proved that the few uses he had were quite valuable.

Bellatrix swept out of the manor house she and her comrades had been repairing after it had been placed under powerful concealment magic and apparated away.

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Bellatrix reappeared at the apparition point within the tunnel that had been heavily trafficked by the members of her lord's cause in the last war. The woman smiled because her re-materialization in this location signaled that someone in the Malfoy home hadn't abandoned the cause. Bella's access to the apparition point had not been revoked otherwise she would have bounced off the wards.

It was a short walk to the staircase leading up into the manor house. Lucius was waiting at the top of the stairs.

"Bella, you are looking well," Lucius dryly commented.

"Not as good as you traitor," Bella snarled, incensed that Malfoy had denied their master in order to escape imprisonment. "You should have been enjoying an adjoining cell to mine."

"If I had done that then my contact network would have disintegrated," Lucius pointed out.

"Your contacts are the only reason the master will let you live. He wishes to see you," Bella barked.

"I am ready now. Shall we go," Lucius prompted, holding out his arm.

Bella grudgingly took the offered arm and guided the apparition out of the manor's wards. Only the fact that she was touching the ward controller who granted her permission kept the brunette from being ripped to shreds by some very active enchantments.

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"Master," Lucius greeted as he entered Riddle's room and went directly before the hideous creature and knelt.

Riddle was silent for several moments before he spoke.

"We will discuss the post-war happenings later Lucius. For now I have a very important errand for you. I wish you to bring me Severus Snape as soon as possible without compromising your position as a victim in the last war," Voldemort instructed.

"I can bring him this evening my lord. Severus often comes to dinner at my manor. I will invite him tonight," Lucius answered.

"Good, good," Riddle agreed. "I shall be waiting. You are dismissed." After Lucius had left the room Voldemort announced, "Bella, Wormtail, we have a lot of work to do. Here is what you are going to do…"

Far away in a Scottish castle Severus Snape felt a chill go down his spine. Not long after he would receive an invitation to dine with his good friend Lucius and he put his earlier misgivings aside for what promised to be a pleasant evening. Severus would soon realize how wrong he was.

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Harry, Hermione, and Nym were inside Harry's blue trunk forest testing out their new Firebolts. The new racing brooms possessed ash handles, diamond hard polish, birch twigs selected for maximum aerodynamic efficiency, and the ability to accelerate from resting to one hundred and fifty miles per hour in ten seconds. The braking charm was also top notch. The brooms were expensive but didn't even come close to eating up the monthly interest the Potter accounts earned on the more conservatively invested funds. Razorstone had been doing very well in investing since receiving that raise the previous year.

"I'm glad you finally got over your fears about flying, love," Harry said to Hermione as the trio hovered for a several minute break hundreds of feet above the forest.

"Well flying on a dragon you know won't let you fall certainly helps," Hermione pointed out while gazing down at the blue dragon who was sunning herself on some large rocks beside Norbert.

"I'm sure all those times you rode Harry's broomstick didn't hurt either," Nym teased with a saucy grin.

"No, those definitely didn't hurt," Hermione agreed. "A half hour more of flying and then we go back to the portal runes," the chestnut haired beauty urged.

"It's summer Hermione," Nym pointed out exasperated. "Work less, play more," the shape-shifter urged.

"We can work for two hours maximum and then we'll go swimming in the lake," Harry compromised.

"Fine," Hermione agreed. "I think we're really close to finishing," the bibliophile added with an excited grin.

"You just want to see us in bikinis," Nym teased her boyfriend.

"Who said anything about bathing outfits," Harry rebutted with a lecherous grin, implying only nudity would be accepted.

"Touché Mr. Potter, touché," Nym replied with a bark of laughter before taking off flying again, having no problem agreeing to the skinny dipping and the carnal fun that would most definitely ensue after.

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Many miles away Severus Snape was not having anywhere near the amount of fun as Harry Potter even though the potions instructor was in the same state of undress. Any type of fun was difficult to have when one woke up magically bound against the wall of a house without any clothes on.

"Hello Severus," the chilling voice of Lord Voldemort greeted the wayward servant.

"My Lord," Snape replied as he controlled his features admirably for someone who was staring at the disgusting creature cradled in the arms of Bellatrix Lestrange. "What is going on?"

"You are going to assist me in a little ritual Severus," Riddle declared as Snape noticed Peter Pettigrew and Lucius Malfoy standing next to a bubbling cauldron.

The last thing Snape remembered before waking up in this position was sharing a fine meal with Lucius, Narcissa, and Draco. Snape realized he had been drugged with some subtle potion, likely some brew that was a Malfoy family secret otherwise Severus would have recognized the taste.

"Of course my Lord," Severus agreed quickly. "I am excellent at brewing ritualistic potions as you know."

"Oh, that isn't how you will be assisting Severus. You are providing one of the ingredients," Voldemort explained as Wormtail held up a vial of blood. "Your blood is the necessary ingredient. You see Severus; I could never tell whether you were truly loyal in my last incarnation. I never told you anything truly useful against my enemies as a result. This ritual will prove one way or another if you are loyal to me. The ritual requires the blood of an enemy. If the ritual succeeds that means you are an enemy. If the ritual fails, well then we repeat the ritual with different blood."

Voldemort found himself impatient to gain a new body now that the opportunity presented itself. The Dark Lord had never encountered the protections which would burn his flesh at Harry Potter's touch so he did not possess the foresight to seek Potter's blood for the ritual. Like Voldemort himself Snape was a powerful half blood. If the ritual succeeded then the Dark Lord's new form would start off with a substantial amount of power which would only make the later amplification rituals all the more effective. This was another advantage of going with an adult magician for the ritual's main ingredient. Lucius would provide the flesh of the servant because the Malfoy scion was more powerful than Wormtail.

"Proceed with the ritual Bella," Riddle ordered, silencing Snape with a wave of his wand before the potions master could even protest.

Lucius magically stoked the flames beneath the large cauldron which caused the liquid inside to heat up quickly and start letting off sparks of light and flame. Steam shrouded the images of Wormtail and Malfoy as it coalesced around the cauldron. When the sparkling on the surface of the bubbling liquid in the cauldron became so bright it was almost painful to look at Bella unwrapped the cloth around her master while walking towards the cauldron. Severus got a proper look at what his former master had become. The thing in Bella's arms was roughly baby shaped with a dark scaly skin, thin limbs, a flat snake like face, and glowing red eyes.

Bellatrix dropped the creature into the cauldron and it vanished under the surface of the bubbling liquid.

The witch produced a vial of powdery substance, uncorked it, and said, "Bone of the father, unknowingly given, you will renew your son."

As Bella poured the vial's powdery contents into the ritual potion that was the cauldron's contents Snape realized it was powdered bone.

Now Lucius stepped forward and produced a sharp silver knife and said, "Flesh of the servant, willingly given, you will revive your master."

Snape watched in horrified fascination as the smallest tip of Lucius' pinky finger fell into the potion. The pureblood downed several potions and grimaced slightly before Severus noticed the pinky tip growing back.

Bella finished the ritual as Wormtail held the uncorked vial of Severus' blood over the cauldron, saying, "Blood of the enemy, forcibly taken, you will resurrect your foe."

As soon as the blood hit the surface of the cauldron's contents the potion turned a brilliant white. A cloud of bright steam billowed out around the cauldron area obscuring Snape's view. Moments later the wizard pinned to a wall discerned the dark outline of a man shape in the brightness. Snape saw Bella pass the figure a wand and suddenly the steam cloud vanished to reveal the thin pale form of Lord Voldemort, corporeal once more. The Dark Lord was adorned in a black robe he had just conjured, his flat face and nose making him look like the snakes he treasured. Those red eyes were focused on Severus and he felt his heart miss beats in terror.

"It would seem Severus that you were not my servant at all," the Dark Lord said.

Severus Snape's miserable existence played through his mind as Voldemort began to torture him. From a young age Severus had been beaten by his muggle "father." It was only after Severus had joined the Death Eaters that Dumbledore had revealed that he was in fact Severus' father. Eileen Snape had been a favorite of Albus Dumbledore's when she attended Hogwarts and afterwards. When Eileen had asked Dumbledore to sire a child with her because her muggle husband was incapable the old man had agreed. Albus Dumbledore was above all else an academic who liked to try experiments. Dumbledore performed an experiment on his son, justifying his actions with the notion that Severus wouldn't grow up with the same pitfalls of great power as Albus himself did.

The old man had suppressed a large portion of his son's magical core and then didn't make the time to check in on his son. Resentful of the boy and reminded of his inadequacy, Eileen's muggle husband had abused Severus for years. Snape had finally ended the abuse by poisoning the filthy muggle. Severus had always liked to think he had turned away from the Dark Lord in the last war because he had loved Lily and wanted to avenge her death, but as his life flashed before his eyes he was brutally honest with himself. Severus turned away from Voldemort at Dumbledore's revelation of his parentage. Snape saw the path to greater power not through Voldemort but through his true father. Dumbledore could show Severus how to truly use the power he was born with. Severus was only out for himself.

Already Riddle was experiencing the benefit of using Snape's blood in the ritual. The cruciatus flowed through the Dark Lord's yew and phoenix feather wand with more energy than it had ever conveyed before.

"My, my Severus, you are more powerful than you ever let on," Voldemort declared before abruptly cutting off the curse. "Why is that?" Spitting out blood from biting his tongue Severus only glared hatefully at his tormentor. "You're going to be that way are you…fine. Bella learn where Severus got his hidden power. It was through no ritual, I can tell that much."

"Yes master," Bellatrix agreed with glee clear on her features.

Severus abandoned all hope of surviving the encounter and knew Bellatrix would drive him insane just like she had the Longbottoms.

"Dumbledore will end you Riddle. I will be waiting for you on the other side," Severus Snape declared before biting down on two false teeth in the back of his mouth.

Lucius and Bella had not found one last trick Severus Snape possessed during their search of his person. The two separate potions in the false teeth mixed and the result was a violent explosion that killed Snape immediately. Riddle managed to erect a shield around himself and his followers in time to block the blast but he was not happy.

Many miles away in the head office of a Scottish castle an alarm blared. The office's owner wouldn't return from vacation for a week.

IaDM – IaDM – IaDM – IaDM – IaDM – IaDM – IaDM – IaDM – IaDM – IaDM – IaDM

September 1st on the Hogwarts Express…

"Wotcher Cho," Tonks greeted the Chinese beauty as Cho took her seat next to Susan in the expanded compartment of the express the large group of friends shared just as the express began to move.

"Sorry I'm late. My parents were so disorganized this morning. You would think they forgot they could do magic to get everything ready," Cho muttered with a roll of her eyes.

"Harry could have always popped out and picked you up if you had missed the express," pointed out Ginny. "If you think you've got it bad try living with a family the size of mine. I'm just glad mum agreed to let me stay with Hermione the last week of summer or I would have been as late as my brothers."

"Speaking of brothers, how did your parents react to Ron being held back?" Susan queried.

Ginny shrugged and replied, "I think they're just happy he made it out of first year. But I wouldn't want to be him if he gets held back again. Let's just say our garden is quite gnome free."

It amused the non-magically raised that a common punishment among magical families was being forced to de-gnome a garden by hand.

"Did you get a new pet Hermione?" Cho questioned as she noticed a ginger ball of fur on the attractive Gryffindor's lap and thought she could discern some purring as the witch stroked the fur.

"I would hope that's a cat…otherwise Hermione might be attempting to imitate Luna," Nym jokingly teased the two witches.

Hermione rolled her eyes at the implication she would grow her hair out in her nether regions, dye it reddish-orange, and then stroke it for all to see.

"I'd prefer purple hair," Luna suggested bemusedly.

"This is Crookshanks. Harry bought him for me as one of my early birthday presents," Hermione explained as she held up the cat where the others could see it.

The feline had a seemingly squashed face but otherwise looked like a cat.

"I think he's part kneazle. Those are bloody useful," Hannah pointed out. "I have an aunt who has a kneazle. They're more intelligent than a regular cat."

Crookshanks purred his approval at Hannah's words.

"I'd say you're right," Susan agreed with her best friend.

"Then he should be smart enough to leave Hedwig alone," Harry pointed out. "She'll eat his eyes if he messes with her."

"Hmm…cat eyes might just be delicacies for nargles," Luna suggested.

Crookshanks let out a meow of complaint while gazing worriedly at the blonde witch.

"Don't worry Crookshanks, I won't let Luna or any snowy owls hurt you," Hermione assured her pet.

"I think Crookshanks and Hedwig will get along fine with each other. After all, Hedwig agreed not to eat Trevor," Neville pointed out as he opened up the pocket of his vest and stared down into the expanded space that was the habitat for his toad.

Ever since Nym and Harry had helped Neville enchant the pocket he had not once lost his pet.

"Harry," Saphira called her Riders attention to her.

"Yes Saphira," the mage replied.

"Look at this wolf-man I have found," the dragon sent as she drew her companion's mind to the man who caught her interest sitting just two cars over from where Harry and his friends sat.

Harry's powerful mind began to scan the wolf-man, a werewolf in fact. The Potter heir immediately recognized Remus Lupin, a friend of his parents, from the many memories he had of the past gleaned from sources such as Petunia, Snape, and even Malfoy. It seemed Dumbledore had invited Lupin to teach at Hogwarts that year in the vacant DADA instructor's position. This was likely another ploy of Dumbledore's to gain dominance or at least some measure of influence over Harry. The mage scanned deeper in the slumbering Lupin's mind to determine why Remus had never visited him in the past.

"The gray beard manipulated him well," Saphira commented as she scanned the werewolf's memories with her Rider.

"Yes…Dumbledore did," Harry replied slowly, still processing the many memories that he had pulled out of Lupin's mind while withdrawing from mental contact. "I suppose I should not hold how easily Remus allowed himself to be manipulated against him since it has been that way most of his life. It will be hard to form any type of relationship with Remus so long as he is so loyal to Dumbledore."

"But you should still try," Saphira urged.

"We will see how the year progresses," Harry replied.

"What's wrong love? You've been rather silent for the last several minutes," Hermione inquired using her burgeoning legilimency skills she had been developing over the course of the summer with her mate's guidance.

Nym's mental snort was sensed by the conversing telepaths before she added her thoughts, sending, "Harry is usually always quiet in a crowd. Although, I don't blame him for not being chatty given his ability to communicate with the lovely Saphira and how far his mind can reach."

"Thank you little one. You are lovely as well…for a human," Saphira replied, her approval of Nym as a mate for her Rider clear in her thoughts.

"I'm quiet because I've been absorbing memories from our new DADA teacher," Harry explained before sharing some of those memories pertaining to his parents with his girlfriends.

"I'm glad you have even more memories of your parents to cherish Harry," Hermione said after she and Nym had absorbed the knowledge, squeezing her warlock's hand affectionately in the real world.

"If you are uncovering another Dumbledore plot this early in the year I don't think my last year at the school is going to be boring," Nym pointed out flippantly to lighten the mood.

"You my dear Nym are going to make an excellent assistant for me," Harry told his girlfriend who was currently sporting purple hair.

"Hey you three…it isn't polite to mind-speak when there are others present in the carriage," Hannah pointed out.

"Sorry…Harry was analyzing our new DADA professor and then we got sidetracked by the fact that this is Nymphadora's last year. Harry thinks she will make an excellent assistant for him," Hermione explained.

"Who's our new DADA teacher?" Neville asked.

"Remus Lupin…he's an old friend of our parents Neville," Harry answered.

"I think I've heard mum and dad mention him a time or two. I think they even wrote him some letters after you healed them," Neville said.

"And you will make an excellent assistant as long as Harry isn't too demanding," Ginny told Nym while throwing her boyfriend a teasing glance.

"As long as Nym is willing to go that extra mile to please me then she will do fine and she will be happily rewarded for her work," Harry suggested flirtatiously.

Nym leaned closer to her wizard and whispered, "I'm always ready to please you Harry, any time any place."

The Hufflepuff seventh year's purr caused the wizard to groan which earned a chuckle from his other girlfriends.

"That was a brilliant piece of legislation you got passed this summer Harry. Aunty Amelia was quite impressed," Susan declared, referring to the lessening of the restrictions against underage sorcery. "She said you would go far in the Ministry with your already burgeoning political skills. Although she is still stumped how you got Malfoy on your side."

"Oh you would be surprised how easy it is to make Malfoy do what I want," suggested the Rider.

"Did you make Malfoy your bitch Harry?" Neville teased.

"Nym, Hermione, Susan, Ginny, Cho, and I are currently Harry's only bitches and happy to be so. I am afraid Mr. Malfoy does not quite have the right equipment to apply for the ever so fun position of one of Potter's bitches," Luna declared with her dreamy voice in a deadpan.

The compartment was silent for several moments before Hermione followed by the other witches mated to Harry Potter began to laugh or giggle.

"Amen sister," Nym declared.

"The blonde one is quite fun," Saphira told her bonded.

"You are quite fun yourself Saphira," Luna interjected, startling the dragon because she had thought she was speaking only with her Rider.

"Luna, how long have you been able to listen in on the conversations between Saphira and I?" Harry inquired telepathically.

"Ever since I realized she existed and as long as I'm not too far away from either of you," the blonde Ravenclaw replied.

"You are definitely descended from Angela," Harry mused, oddly not bothered by Luna's ability.

IaDM – IaDM – IaDM – IaDM – IaDM – IaDM – IaDM – IaDM – IaDM – IaDM – IaDM

Posted: 12/21/2013 (Edited Version) Rev 0

Posted: 6/16/2016 Rev 1 (Errors "holly" to "yew" and "grown" to "groan" caught by Tristin Amell)

Author's Note:

Well that's the first chapter of book 3.

On my Facebook group there is an Excel file listing what stories I have read in the recent past and what I thought of them. This also includes stories you should probably stay away from and the reason why I think you should probably stay away from them (rated from 1 to 10). If you get a chance check it out. It might save you the trouble of reading some really bad fics and might also direct you to some really good fics.

~Deserdi Etere Lume
