I wrote a new story, yay (I should stop, I haven't finished the other ones I've written). I was given a prompt by KittyandSteve17. Thanks, I loved the idea, I hope it lived up to your standards.

~Melissa L.

The Day Care Series:

Part 1: Thalia's Day Care, Don't Leave Your Kids- Completed

Part 2: Leo's Day Care, Campers Beware- In progress

Part 3: Children of the Big Three's Day Care, Talk About Deja' vu- Coming Soon

Part 4: Nico's Day Care, Never Liked Kids- Coming Soon

Part 5: The Stolls' Day Care, The Las Vegas Nightmare- Coming Soon


"I'm tired," whined Hazel. Thalia was about ready to explode. Jason and Percy were running around Hunters and tripping over rocks since Thalia couldn't keep them still and they had gotten bored. Nico was walking beside Hazel, looking annoyed.

"Stop being such a baby," He told her.

"I am not a baby!" Hazel exclaimed. "I just want to rest!"

"Will you stop arguing!" Thalia scolded the children of Hades/Pluto. Hazel started to cry.

"No no. I didn't mean it," Thalia said gently. Just then she heard Percy and Jason. She turned behind her and saw that they were fighting.

"Percy, Jason, stop!" Thalia yelled at them but they were too stubborn to listen to her. She ran up to them and shoved them away from each other. "What is your problem?" she demanded.

"Jason thinks he's such a big shot," Percy said.

"Well Percy thinks he's better than me," Jason said as he pointed at Percy, who was still on the ground.

"I am!"

"No you're not!"




"Both of you, get up," Thalia ordered. She grabbed both Percy and Jason's hands and she walked back to Nico and Hazel. As soon as Hazel saw them coming, she cried even louder.

"Now what?" Thalia asked, not really wanting to know.

"Nico was being mean. He said I was a crybaby," she said and hugged Thalia's leg.

"Tattletale," Nico muttered. Thalia hoped that Annabeth had found an antidote for them. If These kids didn't turn back to normal, she would go insane! Sorry you probably are confused about what's happening. Let's just say that Nico, Hazel, Percy and Jason had aged backwards. How? Someone cursed the camp, that's how. How and who cursed the camp was not information that Thalia had but she had gotten stuck babysitting her brother and cousins since she had been with the Hunters. This is how everything started...


Things were great for the demigods. It had been not too long ago since they had won the war against Gaea, the Romans and Greeks had made peace, they had integrated the camps and made a new city for both the Greek and Roman parents to live in. Percy and Jason had decided to have a mini vacation. Why? They didn't really know, they just wanted to.

So Percy, Jason, and Nico packed their things. Hazel didn't really feel like going and neither did Frank and Thalia was with her hunters so she was out, too. Annabeth was busy with architecture stuff with Leo helping her, and Piper had to keep the Aphrodite cabin in Percy was packing a backpack in his cabin, Jason and Nico entered.

"Hurry up, Percy. We've been waiting for you," Jason complained.

"I'm going. I finally got away from Annabeth. She can be so worried at times. I told her it was only for a week. Besides, it'll be nice to spend some guy time." Percy said as he swung the bag on his shoulder and hurried out with Jason and Nico, who were already heading out the door.

"So are you sure you're okay with coming with us, Nico?" Percy asked. Yes he knew Nico had a crush on him although Nico said he was totally over it(which was a relief). If he had to be honest with himself, he never had a clue to what was going on in Nico's head. He just thought what everybody else thought, that he had a crush on Annabeth. Boy was he wrong. He actually didn't mind Nico being gay as long as he understood that Percy was already taken.

"Yes. Why?" Nico raised an eyebrow.

"No reason," Percy said quickly, "Come on let's go cause some trouble-I mean have fun," he corrected himself. The boys laughed as they continued to walk out of the camp borders and into the unprotected world. Percy didn't mind as long as he had Jason and Nico to back him up. Little did they know what would happen when they came back.


He wished he could've gone and spent some guy time with Percy, Jason and Nico (although Nico still creeped him out a bit) but he had promised Annabeth with the construction of new buildings to make this place more efficient or whatever. Besides, he felt like he owed the Romans that much for blowing up sections of New Rome even though they had already forgiven him for it since it really wasn't his fault. Oh well, he thought, Better get back to work.


"I say you're just scared," Jason teased Percy, "Come on one sip, I dare you." I help up a bottle of beer. Percy, probably wanting to not look weak in front of his friends grabbed the bottle from Jason.

"Fine, one sip," he said. Percy sniffed the beer and crinkled his nose, "It stinks. What's in it?"

"Who cares just dring one big gulp. You chose dare not me," Jason said as he laughed at how dramatic he was being about all this. They had found a nice clearing in a forest a few miles from Manhattan. They didn't want to go too far in case they needed them for an emergency. They had started a nice fire and built their tents and were now playing truth or dare because they had nothing else to do except roast wienies on the fire. Percy hesitated for a second, then drank the yellowish liquid, which he spit out the minute it entered his mouth. His expression was so funny, even Nico started laughing and it didn't happen that often.

"That tasted so gross! Okay, Nico Truth or Dare?" Percy asked him.

"I think that we should go to sleep. We have been playing for hours and I'm already full on marshmallows and wieners," Nico said.

"Aw, but it was my turn," Percy said.

"Come on Perce, you can dare him to something in the morning," Jason said as he put out the fire, "Let's just go to sleep."

"Fine," Percy muttered and they all headed to their tents making sure they had their weapons ready in case of an attack.

The Next Day


This was Nico's first time he'd had fun and do stupid things with friends. Percy and him were cool with the whole Nico having a crush on him and Nico had felt better after he told him because he knew Percy was off limits, not that he minded anymore since he had gotten over it. They had woken up a few hours before dawn when Percy had the great idea of T.P-ing the nearby neighborhood's houses. Nico and Jason had agreed and hurried to a local store a few miles away that was open 24/7 and bought a lot of toilet paper. The guy on the cash register didn't seem to care about them so they paid and hurried back. There were a lot of houses so Nico, Percy and Jason split up and got to work. Nico had to admit this was more fun than talking to ghosts all the time. Then he heard an old lady yelling on the corner of his street.

"You little punks! I'm calling the police! Get back here!" she screamed as Percy and Jason were running away from her.

"Run, Nico! Let's go," Jason told him as they laughed. Nico threw his last toilet paper roll and made a run for it, catching up to his friends. Best vacation ever!

A whole week of mischief was over and Nico was kind of sad. He really liked causing trouble, as long as he didn't get caught. The three of them decided to not tell the girls when the returned since they would definitely disapprove of their behavior. When they got there, Annabeth and Piper were the first to greet them.

"Did you guys have fun?" Piper asked as they were heading to the city for some coffee to go meet up with Hazel so she could see her brother.

"Yeah, I think that we should have another guys trip and hopefully Frank and Leo can come." said Jason.

"Where's Hazel?" Nico asked.

"Yesterday we agreed to meet at the café, you know the one where Gwen has a part time job at? I haven't seen her today though," Annabeth said.

"Well let's not keep Hazel waiting," Percy said and they went to the café. When they got there, they looked around but there was no sign of Hazel. They picked a table and waited for her. A few minutes she entered and Nico was the first to see her. He was completely in shock when he saw her that it took him a few moments to say anything as she approached.

"Hazel, what happened to you!?"

That's the beginning. Hope you like it. :)

~Melissa L.