Purestrongpoem: I don't own any characters. Enjoy.

Chapter 3

Aiacos sighed and held his head in dismay.

"Why?...What possess you to say that?" he asked.

"Well, I don't know. I was panicking and it was in the moment," Minos answered back.

Aiacos sighed again. "Ok, why me?"

"Because we are best buddies!"


"So any ideas, any ideas?"

"How would I know? You didn't even give me time to think! And you should think too! You were the one who brought yourself into this situation."

Minos crossed his arms and made a thinking face. After a few minutes, he shouted, "I got it!"

"You did?"

"Yeah. I was thinking that how about we tell Rhadamanthys that Pandora has ordered him to meet her and take her out on a date but at the same time, don't mention that he was doing this because Pandora order him. It is a perfect plan!"

"Are you an idiot? That plan won't even work because he would know that you set him up and it wasn't Pandora's order.

"Well, why don't you think of a better plan then?"

"...A good plan require a lot more thinking than you think."

Aiacos sighed and sat down. He ordered one of his servants to come.

"Tea for both of us."

"Actually, I will have wine."

"You are not getting drunk. Tea for you."


The servants gave them their tea. Aiacos took a sip of it and continued to think.


Rhadamanthys walked out of his room. This was usually the time he would go train but he decided not to. It was because he couldn't help but feel like someone was watching him. It was nerve wracking. He had to keep turning back to see who was following him but didn't see anyone. Maybe it was just him being paranoid. He sighed. He wasn't getting anything done. A specter walked up to him with a huge pile of documents. Rhadamanthys stared at the documents with a defeated look. He thought he finished all his work but apparently there were more. He thanked him, sat down and looked at the amount of work he had to do. However, just then, he felt someone was by his door and quickly glanced up. He saw nobody and sighed. He was definitely getting paranoid. Then he proceeded to finish his work, not noticing the Alraune specter watching him from behind his door.


"Are you done thinking?"

"NO! You have been asking me the same question at least 10 times in the last hour! How can I think if I am being constantly asked the same question?"

"But we need to think of a plan before Pandora get impatient and starting thinking of different ways to kill me."

"If you don't leave me alone, I am going to start thinking of ways to torture and kill you."

That was when Minos decided it was best to leave the room, leaving Aiacos alone to think. He frowned as he kept walking. He didn't know how long Aiacos would take to think of a plan. He couldn't wait. Luckily, he had a plan that might work.


"So...can you help me, Lord Hades?" Minos asked.

He had just finished explaining the whole situation he was in. He hoped that the story would interested and motivated Hades in helping him.

Hades looked up from his painting. "And can you explain to me why I would be interest in helping you get Pandora and Rhadamanthys together?"

"Uh...well first, if you do, you would still have three judges instead of two."

"I don't think Pandora would kill you even if you failed. Punished you, yes, but not kill you."

"And...you will have a lot of juicy details for your fanfics."

Hades stiffened as he heard what Minos said.

"I know about your stories and no, I don't read romantic stories. They are boring. I like torture stories better...wait, where was I going with this...right, I came across a few documents on your table and got curious. Although I am a little confused with your story, there are pictures and words. The people in the picture are saying words...kind of like a picture novel...if that make any sense.

"It was my idea," Hades said, smiling. "I think it is original, I loved to draw but want to create a story with my drawings. So I made manga."


"I thought long and hard for a name for picture novel. I didn't want to call it a picture novel."

"Why manga? It sound like mango but with the a sound at the end instead."

"That doesn't matter! What matters is what were you doing in my room?"

Minos froze. He forgot about that part. When Hades first ruled here, he told everyone to never go in his room without his permission.

"Uh...I got lost and somehow stumbled into your room without knowing..." Minos said, hoping his excuse would work. "And did I say I love your manga? I love reading them so much. Your manga is awesome."

"You said you were never interest in love stories, only torture stories."

Minos laughed nervously. "I am sure you heard me wrong. I am interest in both..."

Hades looked at him, unconvinced.

"Besides, I remember from one of your stories, you had Pandora and Rhadamanthys kissing each other. So that means you are aware of their attractions toward each other and ..."

"Everyone is aware."

"Right...and I am sure you would love to help them get together and when they do, more...um...more details for your story," he said.

Hades shrugged. "Alright, I will help you."

Minos was shock. "Wait, what? Really?"


Minos stood there, still shocked by how easy it was to persuade Hades to help him.

"Oh, I have a plan already. Go and call Pandora and Rhadamanthys to meet me at my throne. Oh and call Aiacos too, we would need his help as well."

Minos nodded eagerly and ran out to go call the others starting with Pandora.


"Ok, let me get this straight. You decided to tell Hades about your situation and he wanted to help?"


"But how did you know he was going to help us."

"I read his "manga"."


"That was what he called the picture novels he wrote. One of them had Pandora and Rhadamanthys kissing."


"Oh and there was another manga that had you and Violate mwah," Minos said as he made a kissing face and kissing noises.

Aiacos blushed a bright red colour before chasing a laughing Minos down the hall.


Pandora glanced over to her right and saw Rhadamanthys beside her. She frowned as she remembered Minos telling her that Hades needed her. She came as fast as possible but didn't expect Rhadamanthys to be there too. While Pandora was deep in thought about why Hades called them, Rhadamanathys glanced over at Minos. Minos was way too happy for his liking. He knew Minos was up to something but he didn't know what. He hoped it had nothing to do the fact that he had a fan club. He wondered if Minos was still upset over that. Hades walked in breaking both of their thought processes. Both bowed down as Hades sat down.

"I had called both of you for a very important mission."

The two waited for Hades to continue. Whatever the mission is, it must be very important and difficult to call both Pandora and a judge to fulfill it.

"There had been aliens attacking and invading parts of the underworld."


Everyone's mouth fell down wide open. Was their god joking or being serious? They looked at Hades who kept a straight face.

"Aliens, Lord Hades?" Pandora said as she found her voice again.

"Yes, these aliens are allies of Athena. It is your job to protect the underworld from it."

Everyone was silent, not knowing what to say or what had gotten into their god's mind. Their faces were in pure confusion and shock. It was rather comical and Hades bit his tongue to stop himself from laughing.

"Well, both of you are dismissed! Do not return until you had gotten rid of all the aliens in the underworld!"

Pandora and Rhadamanthys bowed down again and walked out of the room with a confused face. The whole day was very strange. Hades watched the two leave and called out to the confused Minos and Aiacos.

"I want you to gather some of the other specters to help you with your next mission."

"And that is..." Aiacos asked, cautiously.

"Disguised yourself as aliens and attack them."


They didn't know how to react.

"In stories, two characters would get close together during a journey. Plus it would make a great manga," Hades whispered to himself.

"Did you say something, Lord Hades?" Minos asked.

"No, nothing. Don't worry, I will tell you what to do step by step. You must follow what exactly I say."


The two judges didn't know what to react. They only assumed that being alone in a room and painting the Lost Canvas for a long time had made their god a little crazy. Hades walked out leaving the two shock judges behind.

"Now, I need to find Balron Lune," he muttered to himself.


"Is that true?" Gordon asked Queen again.

Queen nodded. "Lord Hades is helping Minos to get Pandora and Rhadamanthys get together...by having a few specters disguised as aliens..."

"What does aliens have anything to do with romance?"

Queen shrugged. He thought it was strange and didn't make sense but who was he to argue with Hades' logic.

"Well, this can be a good thing since we have more support. We have the support of Lord Hades!...Although it could be a bad thing since he might mess this up for us...I don't think he knows what he is doing," Queen said.

"It seems we have no choice but to be the specters disguise as aliens. We will absolutely make sure they will get together! We will show the other team what true love is!" Gordon shouted.

The specters behind them cheered loudly as they will filled with determination from Gordon's speech.


"What?" Valentine shouted in anger.

"Even Lord Hades support the idea of Pandora and Rhadamanthys together! Why?" Sylphid asked.

The specter before them shivered in fear.

"I don't know. I just report back what I heard."

"Well, what should we do? We can't go against Hades' wishes," Valentine said.

"Who cares! We can't let this happen," Sylphid said.

"Well, I don't think we have to do anything...I highly doubt Hades' idea is going to succeed," one of the specters said.

"That is true but we still can't stand back and do nothing. Gordon, Queen and the others are going to make sure Hade's plan succeed. We don't know how but for now we should spy on them. If their plan is starting to succeed, we will be there to stop it," Valentine said.

The rest of the specters nodded in agreement to Valentine's plan. They were going to make sure that they were going to win.

Purestrongpoem: OMG, this has became crack. Anyway, thanks for reading and please review.