Tris and Four a fan fiction

Annotation: This is if everybody was still alive and they were living in Dauntless. I decided to start a Christmas story since it will be Christmas in a few days. I will be starting this story from scratch after the holidays, but I wanted to do a funny short story. There will probably be another chapter by Monday, I am working really hard to get the story done by Christmas, if not definitely new years. Merry Christmas!

(Uriah-Marlene) Pet turtles -Pikachu and Maurice

(Tris-Four) children-Bailey, Natalie, Annie dog- Itsy

(Zeke- Lynn) dogs- Spartacus, Spike, Honeymuffin

(Christina- Will) child-Elizabeth, dog- Kermit, child-Tommy

These are all the main characters for my Christmas special

It was December 10th and the dauntless compound was getting ready for Christmas, the chasm was decorated with mistletoe and holly. The training compound had three huge trees, all light up like it was an airport in the middle of the night. Back at the Eaton household, all of the parents were planning Christmas due to Santa's new arrangement of gift giving.


Spartacus, Zeke and Lynn's bull dog, barked and bit Uriah for the 5th time in the foot, by now he was used to it and went back to his conversation with Santa, who was laughing.

" Well Uriah, you see, that is your punishment for being naughty, you must provide for your children and Zeke and Lynn's furry children, and since everybody else seems to be up for the challenge, I am assigning you to get them their presents, work together, because I am only getting each child one." With that, Santa hung up the phone and Uriah was left with a dead line.

"We're dead." Uriah said calmly, as Spartacus chewed on his toe.

"Not exactly" Tris said, "we could turn this into a very fun team building activity.

"You've been spending way too much time hanging out with the preschool teacher," Four said pointing to Christina.

But Tris did have reason, due to the fact that she had a five year old, Bailey, a two year old, Annie, and a 2 month old baby, Natalie.

"You want to plan all of the activities and games for the monkeys, be my guest; it is way harder than being an initiate trainer." Christina retorted. Four just stared at her. For being a very close family friend, those two bickered a lot.

"That's enough, if you two keep fighting, we will send you out to shop by yourself while the rest of us have a party." Tris scolded

Knowing that he could not beat Tris' obduracy, Four shut up and apologized to Christina.

"Okay then, here is the plan" Tris said.

"First, we tell the kids that we are throwing them a sleepover, and that the parents who are going shopping are going to a business meeting in erudite. We'll have four parents stay home and the other four will shop, this is a team activity and even though you don't have kids Zeke and Lynn, you are still included in this, Uriah has taken your dogs for many walks and remember that time Honeymuffin dragged him through the dirt."

Will and Four burst into hysterics when they remembered seeing Uriah standing at his apartment door taking off his clothes because Marlene didn't want to track dirt into the house. Uriah didn't care because the 250 pound Rottweiler scared him more than public nudity.

" Okay okay, we will help." Zeke said, trying to contain his laughter, even Tris and Christina we're smiling.

Everybody left and when the kids were picked up from school they left Uriah to watch all of them while everybody else planned how they were going to shop for the kids, since there were so many, and there were only 7 days before Christmas.

" I wish Santa would have told us this on Thanksgiving, we could have gone black Friday shopping, I've heard that the chasm choices store down the street has really good deals." Zeke said.

Four remembered the time that Zeke and he went black Friday shopping to get Tris and Lynn puppies for Christmas. It was great until they figured out that they would have to hide the dogs for nearly a month. Itsy the Beagle did fine hiding at Christina's house, but Spartacus had other ideas at Marlene and Uriah's house. Disaster was the only way to describe it.

"Sure Zeke, let's just not get them any pets, that was a nightmare." Four sighed

"I agree with you 100%," Zeke replied.

"Okay everybody stop worrying about when we are getting them presents, we have to do it now and that's the end, now here is the plan that Tris and I thought of while you to were being umm, you two. " Christina said

"Since we already have the basic footprints, we just have to assign everybody positions and pick a date, thanks to Marlene; we have all of the lists from every single child. She highlighted the thing that Santa is getting, and it is up to us to get the rest. There are 15 things on each list so that means that we are all responsible for getting each kid 14 gifts."

"Wow, you're so good at math," Tobias teased.

"Oh you know what!"

"That's enough!" Tris yelled, you two are obviously not going to be on the same team, for the love of Christmas please. SHUT UP!"

No one responded so Tris continued,

" I am going to pick team leaders, so that we can have groups of 4,Tobias and Christina, you are the team leaders, rock paper scissors to see who goes first."

Inevitably, Christina won; somehow, she always wins rock paper scissors. Knowing who she was going to pick first, Four grunted in defeat.

"Tris" Christina blurted.

"Will," Four said, Christina knew he was going to pick him.




"Darn, I'm stuck with Zeke."

Christina had a sparkle in her eye; they all knew Zeke couldn't shop to save his life.

"What is that supposed to mean, you're stuck with me? We all know I am the best shopper here, don't even start to compare, you're just jealous aren't you?" Zeke stammered.

Tris just giggled, that was the most inaccurate thing she heard since she was told that the attack serum was just a tracker. She was a smart thing at only 21, and nobody could lie to her, not her kids, Four, and certainly not Zeke.

"Okay sure Zeke, you're amazing at anything that has to do with purchasing things for other people. But are you good at babysitting? One team is staying to watch the kids while the other one goes. Four, Christina, that's up to you, you can do rock paper scissors if you'd like.

"Yes," Four yelled, he was going to win this one.

Everybody turned to stone as Four actually did win 2 out of three tournaments.

"Hahaha, yes! Our group is mission stay home! We will all be snuggled together drinking coffee while the kids watch elf, Zeke won't have to touch a shopping bag!" Four's happiness was showing a little too much.

Christina snorted, "You seriously think that they are just going to sit down and watch elf, you have 9 kids plus 2 dogs from the ages of 2 months to 5 years. Good luck, it's going to be a struggle to keep them from taking down the Christmas tree none the less the whole apartment. So it looks like we will be drinking peppermint mochas. Team Christina is going to take home the cake and eat the whole thing!"

" Oh my God, you did not just say that, okay you know what, here's a bet, if you can get every present successfully and by midnight tomorrow we will buy you Dauntless cake, if we can keep the animals under control for the night than you have to buy us cake. It's very expensive, so it makes the competition even fiercer."

"No problem, it's on, may the odds be ever in your favor." Tris said with a super serious face. Then the baby started crying. "Gotta go change a diaper, be right back."

Tris POV

This is going to be a piece of cake, team stupid is coming over here tomorrow at 6:00 to babysit the million children and animals while team Christina( we couldn't beat her stubbornness) goes shopping for the presents. Christmas Eve is in 5 days, so this was going to go well.

"Goodbye guys, see you tomorrow, make sure you remember 6 at the dot we need all the time that we can get for the shopping." Christina said as she led everybody out of the door. I grabbed the baby from Marlene and shut the door, finally we were alone.

"Well we have two hours before we get the kids from school so do you want to, you know," I asked, scared of the answer.

"Have a SpongeBob marathon?" Four questioned?

"YES! Let's go!" I replied.

For the next two hours we spent our time watching SpongeBob and passing the crying baby back and forth.

"You know, the idea of kids is a lot more fun than the actual thing," I said as I put the finally sleeping Natalie into her stroller. "Do you to walk with me to pick up the kids from school?"

"Sure, let's go, oh and by the way, team stupid is going to kick your butt."

I just gave him the look and raised my eyebrows as I locked the door.

"Shoot we should probably take Itsy on the walk, she's been itchy today."

Itsy whined as I put on her leash and led her out the door, life would be so much more peaceful if it was the four of us. But we had to include Annie and Bailey and like it or not, the family wouldn't be complete without them.

Page Break

"Dinner," I yelled as I put the remaining bowl of soup on the table. Just as I called it, all of the kids plus Four (eh he's practically a kid too) came rushing into the kitchen. I had already eaten while cooking because I had to feed the baby also. Tobias and I, we had the whole thing down. I would cook and eat and while everybody else was eating at the table, I would feed the baby. We took turns every other day so we both got our fair share of baby puke.

"I have something to tell you guys, "Four said, looking at the kids.

"What," Annie said as Four was about to answer.

"Well tomorrow, Mommy, Aunt Christina, Uncle Uri, and Lynn are going to a business meeting in Erudite so all of your friends, Lizzy, Tommy, the turtle twins, Spartacus, Spike and Honeymuffin are coming over and we are having a sleepover."

Annie looked like she was about to burst with excitement as squiggled in her seat.

"Really, we are gonna have a real sleepover, with pillow fights and movies and stuff?"

"Yes," Four said.

Annie smiled and kept eating; it was going to be an interesting challenge trying to keep her content all day tomorrow. Four was lucky that he was going to work because school had been cancelled due to snow; I wasn't going to tell Annie that until tomorrow, I don't think she would be able to contain her happiness. Tommy was still too little to completely understand what Four told him but he could tell by his sister's excitement that whatever was going to happen would be fun.

After three hours of getting every single child into bed including Itsy who sleeps in our room anyway, I turned on the TV and waited for Tobias, Master Chef was on tonight and we had been waiting all day.

"That was a good episode," I said as I kissed him goodnight.

"Yep, goodnight." He said as he turned over and went to bed.

Within three hours the baby was crying and Bailey wanted chocolate milk, this was how every night went.

Four was going to have fun tomorrow.