
The heroes charged at Combustion Man while Katara and Toph went to their friends. Luke Cage tackled Combustion Man and managed to push the cyborg a couple feet away. They appeared to be as strong as each other and traded blows.

"Sokka! Zuko!" Katara said hugging them both.

Toph punched both of them in the arm. Sokka and Zuko winced in pain.

"Katara! Thank the spirits! I've been having the worst day of my life! First, I woke up in the most disgusting place ever conceived. Then, I got dragged along the city with some lunatic. Finally, I got dragged here." Sokka said recounting his adventure.

"Oh, Sokka! That's terrible!" She said sympathetically.

"What about you?" Toph asked Zuko.

Luke Cage was blasted back, but Team Avatar was oblivious to the background.

"Mine was a bit more pleasant." Zuko said.

"Anyway, why is Combustion Man back?" Katara asked confused.

"I don't know? I'm guessing he's something called a cyborg." Zuko said.

"Wait you ran into one of those too?" Sokka asked.

"Yeah. Only it was Jet." Zuko asked.

"That's impossible. He's been dead for a while." Katara said.

"Well, it was never really clear. Hey Zuko. Don't mind me asking. But what was Combustion Man's real name? I know this may be a bad time and all, but I've been wondering for some time now?" Sokka said.

Katara and Toph glared at him. Sokka gave them a look that said "What?"

"Oh sure. His name is…" Zuko was about to say when Wolverine was blasted over their four heads. Logan hit the ground and rolled. He managed to regain control of himself and he stabbed the ground with his claws. His claws making him gradually skid. Katara went to the strange, small, hairy man to see if he was all right.

"Are you okay?" She asked full of concern. She was shocked seeing the metal claws coming out of his knuckles.

"I'm fine kid." Wolverine said bluntly.

"Are you sure? That looked like it hurt." She asked.

"Like hell." Logan said cracking his neck. He began to relocate his left shoulder. A disgustingly large crack was heard, but Logan let out a grunt of minor annoyance.

"I can help heal you?" She offered.

"Kid, I've been through a hell of a lot worse than that." Logan said he raised his right arm showing her his knuckle. She saw his skin starting to cover up the wound. Katara looked amazed, grossed out, and horrified at the same time.

"Now then are you gonna stand here and chat, or fight?" Logan asked grinning. He charged straight towards the fight. Snarling like a wild animal.

"I don't know who that was, but I like him." Toph said.

"You would." Zuko said.

"Wait, was that your resident partner?" Katara asked.

"Yeah. His name is Wolverine." Zuko said.

"Who was your partner, Sokka?" Katara asked.

"Coming through!" Shouted Deadpool as he landed in front of Team Avatar.

Katara went to heal him, but Sokka said "Trust me, he'll be fine."

Deadpool grunted as he got up. Katara and Zuko looked in shock as they saw Wade had a gigantic hole in his torso.

"What? Never seen a guy regenerate from after getting blasted by a cyborg? Thought so?" Deadpool asked.

"Okay dickhead! Let's waltz!" Deadpool shouted as he charged with both swords drawn.

"Wait is it waltz or tango?" Deadpool said to himself. "Eh, screw it."

Everyone, except for Sokka, looked at Deadpool completely dumbfounded.

"That was my guy…" Sokka said.

"I am so sorry for you." Toph said sympathetically.

While the only heroes who seemed to cause damage were Luke Cage and Wolverine, those two were causing tremendous damage. Luke's strength was capable of causing massive dents with each blow, and Wolverine's claws were cutting him like a hot knife through butter. He managed to head butt Cage, causing the big man to stagger. Combustion Man hit Luke with a blast that sent him back all the way to the prison wall. However, an energy blast hit the bounty hunter straight in the chest. Combustion Man was launched off his feet and rolled back a couple of feet. He looked up and Iron Man was here. Aang was there too, but he was looking for his friends.

"I got him." Tony said.

He blasted a repulsor at Combustion Man, knocking him down to the ground.

As Combustion Man got up, Tony tackled him. Tony flew Combustion Man into the wall and began to punch him.

"Tony, don't get too close!" Cap warned him.

Combustion Man breathed in and blasted Iron Man straight in the chest. Iron Man was blasted back several feet all the way to the other side of the wall. Iron Man looked to be embedded into the wall.

"Now you tell me." Iron Man groaned.

"Armor at 42% capacity." J.A.R.V.I.S. said.

"Yeah thanks buddy I know." Tony said as he got himself out of the wall.

"Call Thor." Iron Man said as he flew into the air.

"Friend Stark, we have dealt with the Helicarrier." Thor said on the comm. Iron Man was blasting Combustion Man. This time he was going to keep his distance.

"Congratulations goldilocks. Right now we're dealing with a very angry cyborg who blows stuff up with his mind, so I'd appreciate if all three of you could lend a hand." Iron Man said.

"We shall come over and handle this mindblower." Thor said.

"Mindblower?" Tony said to himself. "Call Cap." Iron Man said.

"What is it Tony?" Cap asked somewhat annoyed.

"What's this guy's name?" Tony asked.

"I don't know." Steve said a blast was heard from his side.

"No I meant his super villain name." Iron Man said as he dodged another blast from Combustion Man. He fired a missile, but it looked like it didn't do much damage.

"I'm not sure." Cap said.

Team Avatar was now with Cap.

"I don't want to make any assumptions, but do you know who this is?" Captain America asked.

"Yeah, his name's Combustion Man." Sokka said.

"Really… Combustion Man… That's the best you've got…" Iron Man said over his comm unimpressed.

"They can't hear you." Steve said.

"Tell them I'm not impressed." Iron Man said.

"What are you four?" Cap said dodging a blast.

"No, I'm just exercising my use of the first amendment." Tony said blasting Combustion Man with repulsors. Each blast pushing him back as he blocked with his arms. Synthetic skin now gone revealing more metal underneath.

"Are you okay?" Sokka asked concerned having seen Cap was talking to himself.

"I'm talking to Iron Man, so no." Steve said.

"Okay that was hurtful." Iron Man said pretending to be offended.

"First amendment." Steve retorted.

Team Avatar looked at Steve like he was having a mental breakdown. He pulled out the device from his ear.

"This allows me to talk to other members of the Avengers." Cap explained.

He put them back in.

"Did you call Thor and the others?" Cap asked throwing his shield.

"I did he should be coming over here. Right about…" Iron Man was cut off when a huge bolt of lightning struck down. It hit Combustion Man bringing him to his knees.

"Now." Iron Man said landing.

Combustion Man was now on all fours. The lightning having knocked almost all of his power out. Thor landed in front of him.

"It would be wise to surrender machine." Thor said.

Combustion Man threw one last punch, but Thor caught it and held it back with ease. The thunder god immediately struck the cyborg under the jaw with his hammer. This caused the cyborg to fly several feet in the air before colliding into the prison wall. Combustion Man was now out of power and couldn't fight.

"Good timing Thor. Thanks." Cap said.

"Your welcome. What was the story behind our new and mysterious foe?" Thor said filled with curiosity.

Aang, Sokka, and Zuko came up to Thor.

"His name was Combustion Man. He was a bounty hunter hired to kill us a year ago." Aang explained.

"Has the person who hired him been dealt with? If not then that might mean we have one answer tonight." Cap said.

"Uh yeah. I was the one who hired him." Zuko said nervously.

Cap and Thor eyed Zuko suspiciously.

"That's a story for another time. The point is he died because of yours truly." Sokka said.

"Then what was that?" Cap said.

"I might have an idea as to why he's still alive." Iron Man said.

"I was scanning him while you were talking. Turns out that there was no brainwave activity coming from him. In fact, that wasn't even skin." Tony said. He held something out. It was Combustion Man's face!

Aang, Sokka, and Zuko leaped back.

"Why did you rip his face off?!" Sokka asked in a disgusted tone.

"I didn't think you'd be disturbed. It was also the only part that I was certain was covered in artificial skin." Iron Man said.

"Also, scientifically speaking, he's no longer a man. I say we call him Mind Blower." Iron Man said.

"So he was a cyborg?" Zuko asked.

"Yes. How do you know about cyborgs?" Tony asked. He remembered that Aang was fascinated by a television screen, so Tony figured their world wasn't as scientifically advanced as his.

"Wolverine and I ran into another one. Who also just happened to be another familiar face." Zuko said.

"Who was it?" Toph asked.

"Jet." Zuko said.

"Wolverine, I need to speak with you." Cap said.

Wolverine heard Cap and came over. He was smoking a cigar.

"You fought a cyborg earlier today?" Cap said.

"Yep, I'm guessin' that hotshot over here told ya the details?" Wolverine guessed.

"Yes, where's the body?" Cap asked.

"Body's inside the blackbird. Also, I've got info about how these tourists got here." Wolverine said.

"You do? What is it?" Aang asked.

"It involves Reed's old friend Doctor Doom." Wolverine said.

Cap looked nervous.

"Knew it." Tony said completely unsurprised.

"Tony, you and Logan go to the Blackbird and retrieve the body. I'll get the rest of us to head back to the mansion so we can discuss this." Cap said.

"Can I go with them?" Katara asked.

"Katara, what are you doing?" Sokka asked worried.

"I'll be fine. Besides I guess, it'll be best for us to get to know the people helping us." Katara said.

"As long as she's careful, I won't mind." Tony said.

"Alright. We'll head back to the mansion." Cap said.

Tony held out his arms. Katara jumped into them. Logan looked annoyed.

"It's either a piggy back or bridal carry you decide." Tony said amusement could be heard coming from his voice.

Logan sighed and jumped onto Tony's back. Iron Man jumped up in the air and flew.

Meanwhile, in Latveria, Ozai and Azula were walking towards Doctor Doom. The armor-clad dictator was sitting on his throne.

"You performed well, Ozai." The figure said holding a glass of whine.

"Thank you, Doom. However, I've lost my enforcer." Ozai said.

"So? What is the loss of one pawn when we have gained a hundred? All over the world, our inner circle has freed hundreds of its super villains. While Richards and his pathetic friends have focused on they're pathetic city." Doom boasted.

"But they know." Azula spoke up.

"They may know of Doom, but they know not what Doom plans." Doom said rising out of his chair.

"It begins now." Doctor Doom said.

Okay everyone its up. Sorry about being late, I was hung up with graduation, stomachaches, and writers block. But I'm completely done with all three of those now. Comment and if you have any questions feel free to ask.