The warm water spread over the dishes as Hana washed them. The heat scalded slightly against her skin, but she had grown used to it over the years. Still, the boys certainly held quite the appetites; it never ceased to amaze her how such small boys could eat so much. Yuki was the same way when she was their age. She smiled at the thought: Yuki's boys. Even though Ame and Yuki were grown up now, living their lives their own way, the house still held the voices of children echoing throughout the halls.

Hana still recalled the day Yuki told her the news of her pregnancy. Her daughter's voice was both happy but scared. Hana had felt the same way during both her pregnancies. It was so strange how everything was so similar: a young girl in college meets a mysterious man. She gets to know him, he reveals a secret, and they have children together. Of course switch the roles of the man and woman, have them meet instead as children, and have them graduate before they consummate.

It came as no surprise to her when she learned Souhei would the father of Yuki's children. Over the years they had grown closer, attending the same schools. The fact that they were at the same college really implied it was fate. The fact Souhei had been the only other person she had divulged her secret may have also contributed. Just as she had done for her own lover, Yuki shared her love the one man she trusted. One key difference mattered, to Yuki at least. Her children were born within wedlock and in a hospital no less. Legitimacy, illegitimacy, Hana hadn't cared about those things, but Yuki wanted some form of acceptance for her sons, knowing full well what risk their mixed bloodline brought.

But once again, Yuki had averted that. Ever since they were born, Aki and Sora had yet to transform into wolves; not even a brief emotional shift as Yuki was prone to as a child. Even spending time in the country did nothing to awaken their latent heritage. Somehow, that might have been a blessing in disguise. The two boys could live normal lives, never torn between what half of their blood to follow. Hana supposed that's what Yuki would want for her children. Hana knew she did.

With that she finished the dishes, cleansing them of juice and sauce. Just like the night before, and more than likely the night after. Frankly a mother, or grandmother's work as never done. And with Aki and Sora, the work was never dull. Especially earlier today. Frankly she had been more relieved and angry when she found the boys. Oh she did scold them, but their safety was all that mattered, and she did promise not to tell their mother.

Though her thoughts fixation upon something Aki said.

"Mr. Wolf."

Aki had mentioned that when he had returned home. Apparently a stray wolf had been the one to lead the two boys home. Hana hadn't prodded her grandson about it being far more concerned with their safety than anything else. But it still rang within her. And she couldn't shake it off. She wanted to say something to the boys, but couldn't find the words. There would be a lot to explain, but for now, she kept things quiet. Yet there was still another matter to attend to.

Aki's wolf doll.

"Wolfy" as Aki called it. Hana had made it for Aki. She had offered to make one for Sora, but the younger brother was the more independent one, afraid of appearing unmanly. But Aki was attached to his little doll, taking it everywhere with him, especially to bed. But not tonight. During their little excursion to the forest, Aki had lost it. Even after they made it home, he was still upset about it. Hana had soothed him to the best of her abilities, but it was apparent it was something that needed attending. She supposed she could make him a new one, but it wouldn't be the same to the boy.

Well, regardless of what had happened, Hana knew it would have to wait until morning. Already she could feel sleep overtaking her. She was about to head to her room, when suddenly she heard something. It was low but with a deep pitch. And in that moment, she could tell it was coming from the door. It persisted for several moments before finally stopping. Cautiously she walked over to the door and opened it slowly. Looking outside, she saw nothing but the darkness of night. She stepped outside, feeling the air around her. She looked to the side and saw nothing, and then looked down. And there, just at the door was something small and familiar.

Aki's Wolfy.

Hana picked it up and examined it. So far there was nothing wrong with it, but she supposed she would have to disinfect it, just to be on the safe side. As she went inside, she smiled and looked ahead towards the wilderness. Uncle Ame had left a parting gift before returning to his domain.

A/N: And after several years, I have finally posted a continuation of this. I just hope I still have watchers who want to read this. Not sure if I will keep writing chapters for this, but this was something I just wanted to add. Now I have seen a lot of fics have Yuki's children not born in a hospital, but I wanted things to be different for Yuki. If anything they didn't have anywhere else to go than the hospital and kind of took a risk, but Aki and Sora showed no signs of being wolfish when they were born, so it was safe. Well I hope you enjoy this.