Too…Make a List

As with most odd and insane ideas, we have one Rikkaidai Fuzoku Chuu to blame. More specifically, we have one seaweed-headed Kirihara Akaya to blame.

The day had started out somewhat normal enough, by Rikkai standards at least. With the usual antics (tennis aside), Sanada being a stickler for work, Yanagi collecting various sets of data (by stalking), Jackal being stepped on and made fun of, and Yukimura smiling away as he reigned over the lesser beings around him. Well, that's not counting Marui going on a sugar high, enduring two Sanada slaps (and still bouncing off the walls), and Niou knocking him out with a frying pan to the back of the head (which he seemed to enjoy way too much, Niou isn't supposed to be sadistic!), we're still not sure where he got it but this is Niou we're talking about here. Suffice to say, they had a lot of explaining to do to a horrified nurse when they brought in a half-conscious and near delirious Marui.

That was nice and all, but the real oddity among oddities was Kirihara. See in the morning he had been cocky and annoying per usual. Then sometime between then and afternoon practice he went from cocky and annoying to weepy and annoying. The sharp mood swing had caught the other regulars by surprise (with the exception of Marui who was still having bouts of slight concussion induced deliria), the last time that had happened was when. . .

"Kirihara-kun, are you having another identity crisis?" Yagyuu, ever the gentleman asked, concerned about his kouhai's mental state considering how much abuse they (*cough*NiouandMarui*cough*) put him through. Kirihara just cried harder.

At the end of his rather short fuse, Sanada gave a loud yell of, "Tarundoru!" and backhanded Kirihara. Kirihara just cried even harder from the nasty slap he had received, much to the shock of everyone else, Kirihara usually took slaps like a man!

Since Kirihara was now rocking back and forth in the fetal position while bawling his eyes out, things were now Yukimura's business. Said Demigod was now quite curious as to what could put the Second Year Ace through so much mental pain that he would cry like that (aside from himself of course). "Akaya," Yukimura addressed softly, caring (shocker isn't it?) instincts taking over, "why are you crying?"

Looking up at the sound of his beloved captain's voice, Kirihara's green eyes were watery, "B-buchou, a-am I going to d-die soon?" he asked choking up while trying to keep himself from crying more.

Yukimura was taken aback, "Akaya whatever could have gotten that idea in your head?" he asked, wondering if Niou had been messing with the baby of the team behind his back again. If so someone was fan girl surfing later today.

Words shaky, Kirihara managed to sniffle out his answer, "S-sensei told us the w-we had to make a list of things we wanted to do before we die. . .Does that mean I'm going to die soon?!"

"You mean a bucket list?" Yukimura questioned, now much more relieved. "No, you aren't going to die Akaya, it's just a list of things you want to do in your life."

Tilting his head, Kirihara blinked in confusion, "So…the teachers aren't planning of murdering me?"

Not being able to hold back his scoff at this point, Niou did so while slapping the back of Kirihara's head. "Of course not Bakaya, a bucket list is just a list of things you want to do when you're alive. Like a list of goals you want to achieve. Is that really that hard to understand?"

Swatting Niou's hand away, Kirihara pouted, "Don't call me that senpai! And now I get it!"

"Fine then," Niou said, coy smirk crossing his lips, "Seaweed Head it is than puri~!"

"Not that either!" Kirihara yelled and crossed his arms stubbornly, "But now I need help making a list and doing it!" he bemoaned, "Sensei wants us to finish and complete the list by the time we leave middle school."

Finally saying something to announce his presence Jackal finally spoke. "Oh so it's one of those lists. That should be easy enough, what do you want to accomplish? We can help you out easy," he offered.

"Your head's so shiny~!" a delirious Marui giggled (yes, you read that right giggled), "Can I eat the seaweed on your head Akaya~? Niou has a rat on his head~hahahahahah~!"

The looks he was getting from his teammates were priceless and Niou was busy recording with a camera he pulled out from hammer space while Yanagi seemed high on collecting data, muttering things like 'Yes, yes, we need to compare this to his other injury data' and 'Hmm, he thinks more of sweets when he's had alcohol, remember to spike his drink'.

"Oops," Yukimura said, pleasant smile in place, "we forgot about him."

Hands on hips, Kirihara's expression remained irritated. "Hallucinating Marui-senpai aside how do you expect me to pull some of this stuff off?!"

"Hmm, make a list first," Yukimura said, "You can count on us to help you out, as for anything else…" his smile turned sadistic, "We have our ways."

"Seriously!?" Kirihara was bouncing up and down now, "Yay! I'll finally get a good grade on something!"

Jotting down a few notes in his notebook, Yanagi tossed in his two cents, "There's an 83.5 percent chance that this will go smoothly. And a 92 percent chance that everything will be completed by unorthodox means."

Thus, Kirihara's bucket list was put into the making. Soon enough he would find himself battling impossible odds, fan girls, poisonous plants, and great adversaries. Go forward Kirihara and complete your list!

A/N: A little different from my other stories as this has a main protagonist, that being Kirihara. Unlike my other stories there won't be focus on just one main school either, it will just be whoever is related to whatever is on his list.

Happy Holidays~ and a few dedications.

One to mcangel1976 for being what I'm pretty sure the longest follower on my PoT stories!

Another to SugarTensai for being a great chatting partner and author!

And everyone else who has followed/favorited/reviewed~!