Death Becomes Him

by T.K. Yuy

IV- Death Chaser

//Well, now that this place is properly decorated, it's fit for Death Mages and Slytherins galore.  He'd better like it.  They all'd better like it, or there'll be hell to pay.  I didn't use so much energy for nothing.//

With a heavy sleep layden sigh, Harry flopped down into the large black leather recliner, one of the only bits of furniture he didn't have to change.  He set his journal on the dark walnut table next to it, and green eyes narrowed as a Jack Daniels appeared next to it, on a black plastic and cork coaster.  Taking a sip, he moved to put the glass on the coffee table as he moved to pick up the television remote.  Another coaster appeared under it just before the dewing glass had a chance to touch the new wood.

"Okay, unless this house is enchanted to stay sparkling, which I doubt, I want all house elves front and center." he bellowed, watching as one by one the three little elves appeared.  The fourth however, he was not expecting to see. "Dobby…"

"Dobby is very sorry, sir.  Dobby is not meaning any harm.  Headmaster says Dobby should keep after Harry Potter's house.  Dobby must punish himself for-"

"You'll do nothing of the sort."

All the house elves took a few small steps back.  Dobby was the only one who knew Harry, but he had never seen him as he was now.  The voice that spoke demanded respect, and Dobby wasn't about to do anything less.

"When did the four of you start here?"

"Just before Harry  Potter-sir graduated, sir." one of the other elves, definitly male, answered, "we is not meaning harm."

"None done.  Dumbledore asked this of you?"
"Yes sir, the Professor Dumbledore did sir." replied another, "Carla not mean to speak out of turn sir!  Carla will-" she added as Harry's eyes narrowed.

"Okay, let's get a few things straight, shall we?  First, I'm not angry at any of you, merely surprised.  I hadn't expected to find house elves //or any one for that matter// in my parents house, especially after they'd been dead for almost 19 years.  Second, you can speak as you like.  I don't care if you feel like striking up conversation, with me or anyone for that matter, however, I do expect you to know whe it is inappropriate to speak, and for certain things to remain a secret.  Should I outline that for you, just so we're al on the same page?"
"Yes sir, Harry Potter sir.  Tippi thinks sir has a very good idea, she does." the littlest said, eyes shining.

"Alright then.  My sex life, is not to be spoken of.  Not with anyone.  Unless one of the other Death Mages asks, you are not to say a word on it, understood? *the four elves nod* Good.  Also, what the other Death Mages and I speak of or do, is not to be spoken of unless a Death Mage asks.  We don't need people to ask about us, it would cause too many problems.  And lastly, the attic is off limits, unless I ask you to get something from it.  I've applied a dust free spell, so it will stay clean.  I don't want any of my parents personal things disturbed.  Are we clear?"

The elves nodded with much entusiasm, and with a smile, Harry picked up his wand.

"Good.  Now, the third part I'd like to adress that you are by no means lower than I am.  Than anyone.  The tattered things you wear now, they are more than demeaning, they're disgusting, and not fit for a certain rat I know."

Dobby snickered and Harry smiled again.

"Therefore, you will wear these."

He flicked his wand at the smallest elf –Tippi by name-, and she found herself dressed in a pale yellow dress with white tights and yellow slippers on her feet.  Her long dirty brown hair was washed and combed, a thin yellow ribbon holding the top half back.  She squeeled in delight as she watched Carla (the 2nd youngest) get her new clothes.

The tattered blue tea towel had been replaced with a par of pale blue leggings and a deep blue sweater with pockets.  She had deep blue slippers to match, and her dark brown hair had been neatly cleaned and combed.  She looked up at Harry with her big brown eyes and smiled brightly.

The other male, whom had yet to tell Harry his name, crossed his arms as the small ball of light hit him.  Dressed in what looked like blu jeans and a grey turtleneck sweater, grey slippers too, the elf made a small 'hmph' sound, but goggled over the clothes.

Dobby looked down at himself in awe as he found himself dressed in clothes much like the other male, only he wore socks with his slippers and over his turtleneck, he had a bright multi-colored vest (which at one point had been a gift to Harry from Mrs. Weasely, with a pocket watch.  He blinked back tears and smiled.

"Harry Potter is a most generous Master!  Just as Dobby has told us!" Tippi gushed, smoothing a nonexistant wringkle out of her dress.

"That's another thing.  Just call me Harry, okay?"

They nodded, and Harry sat back to finish his drink.  With a snap of their fingers, they were gone, and Harry could return to his thoughts.


"No way!  Fleur, I have the utmost respect for you, but I have never baby sat a day in my short life, and I'm not about to start now!  I don't care if Seeker –or Death himself- wants me to, I ain't gonna do it.  Screw it and damn it all to hell!"

"Blaise, mon ami, you don't have a choice.  First wants him watched and-"
Then let him find an 8th Death Mage, title him or her 'Death Watcher' and make them do it!  I'm not watching Malfoy!  His nannies all died for fuck's sake!"

"Did you ever stop to think that it was Lucius that killed those nannies?  To make his son seem so powerful?  More like a Malfoy?"
"Yes, and Lucius was just as stumped as the rest of us!  And… wait just a second…"

Blaise paced the Great Hall, letting Fleur think what she wanted.  //Is it even possible?// he thought, mind racing.  //Seeker would've told me if… could she have been?  I know she's dead now, but could she have been?//

Blaise, what are you doing? Harry's voice laughed in his head.

Ah!  For Merlin's sake, Seeker, don't do that!  You're gonna give me a heart attack!

Care to tell me what you're thinking about?

Narcissa Malfoy.

What about her?

She killed Draco's nannies, didn't she?  And Lucius, he didn't control her the way we thought.  He was too afraid to try anything with her, wasn't he?
Lucious could stare Voldemort in the face, but yes, he was afraid of his wife.  What a sad, sad little man.

Blaise chuckled, and sat down next to Fleur, ignoring the blonde that had just walked into the Great Hall.  Fleur,however, found it incredibly hard to ignore him.

"Keeper, you'd better look at him." she whispered, nudging him with her elbow.

"I don't want to."
"I don't care if you want to or not, you have to."

"What the bloody hell for…"

Blaise trailed off as he caught movement out of the corner of his eye.  Draco Malfoy, however imposing he may have appeared before, was even more so now.  Dressed in a pair of black trousers, a long black turtleneck sweater (being that it was ribbed, it hugged his form as if someone had hit it with a constricting charm), with sleeves that fell well over his hands.  On his feet he wore a pair of Dragon Hide boots, and if they could see under the sleeves of his sweater, they would've seen the matching wrist guards that each held a small knife, just as his boots did.  They did, however, notice the black leather collar (which reminded Fleur of a dog collar, given the metal ring and tag hanging from it) around his neck, and the ear piercings.  Two small silver hoops, side by side in each ear, and an emerald stud after them.  Taking a closer look at the tag on the collar, Blaise saw the Slytherin crest, with the word 'Chaser' on the reverse side.  His eyes widened as he finally saw the double belts that criss-crossed over his hips, the small pointed studs reflecting the light from the thousands of candles over head.

//Ho.Ly. Shit!// he thought, his attention now drawn to Malfoy's face.

His eyes were outlined in thick black liner, but it most certainly didn't look like it was going to smudge.  His lashes were also darker, longer looking, and his platinum hair was down, falling in his face and over the silver-grey eyes that had landed on the dark-haired Slytherin.  Blaise found himself compelled to stand, and Fleur followed him. 

"Good to see you're awake and well, Malfoy." he said, extending his hand, "Has she told you?"
"About the Death Mages, or about my being one?"

"Yes, but I got better answers from Potter."

Seeker?  You've been in contact with him?

He touched the link when he was showering this morning, so yeah.

You just couldn't help yourself, could you?  Couldn't wait until you came back to claim it.

Like I said, he touched the link, not me.  I had no choice in the matter, as I was asleep.  You really should try redecorating a house, Keeper.  It might help you stretch your abilities to pull your own Power.

Piss off, Potter.

I was being serious, Zambini.

Am I free to return to France, First?  I have some loose ends to tie up before we meet up at the Burrow.

Yeah, go ahead.  Keeper, you need to keep an eye on him until I can get there.

I already told you, I'm not baby sitting!

He's still adjusting to his change in Power, let alone the natural call to kill something.  Just make sure he doesn't leave Hogwarts unsupervised.  There are a few ex-Death Eaters residing in Hogsmeade, and I really don't want them killed off.

Then tell him yourself who they are, so he can-

He's a Malfoy, and hardly ever thinks before he reacts.  He won't bother to ask for a name, Keeper, just like I don't.  He has the Lists, right?

Of course.  Why?

Because I need to translate them, and make sure we've gotten everyone.  Actually, why don't you ask him to start translating them?  He should have the means to do it.

And if he needs something from the Manor?

Take him there.  Maybe you can help him repair it, because I doubt he'd like to keep his ancesteral home in the condition it's in now.

You're a fucking bastard, you know that?

So I've been told.  Just take care of him.  Oh, and if you so much as look at him wrong, you'll be answering to me.  Remember that.

Blaise smirked at Harry's empty threat (or as empty as Harry makes a threat), and motioned for Malfoy to follow him.

"You inheirited quite a bit of skill from that sleep of your, or so I would imagine.  Is it really necessary to carry four blades?"

"One can never be too prepared."

"I thought it was 'one can never be too careful'?  Oh well.  Follow me."

"And where exactly are we going, Zambini?"

"Well, first, call me Keeper, just as I'll call you Chaser.  Second, I'm taking you to the dueling room.  You'll need to brush up on your technique, and get used to using your Power without a wand.  If I'm supposed to watch you while you adjust, I may as well help you do it.  I know the nature of Power better than anyone as it is, so it's only logical."
"Potter knows more."
"It's Seeker, and yeah, but he doesn't count, because he's everything but the Keeper.  Now, how familiar are you with your innate Powers?"


Well, now all the Death Mages have been explained, introduced, whatever, and they've all spoken.  More or less.  Next chapter, we'll get to see how they function together…