Dipper was sitting on a rock in the woods reading three.

He was reading a page on a creature that knocks out humans and steals their personality and replaces it with a different one.

The creature looked to be a tall humaniod with large fat arms and blue glowing eyes on the drawing in the journal.

Dipper was out in the woods because Grunkle Stan was being a bit to hard on him and pushed it too far.

You wanna here that story? Yes? Oh alright, here it is.

It was a very busy day at the mystery shack.

There were 3 buses CHALKED full of tourists from all around the country: There were People from Texas, Utah, Idaho, Pensilvania (Sorry if i didn't spell that right) California, Washington.

Lets just say there were a LOT.

Anyway, Stan was SCEAMING demands at Wendy, Soos, Mabel, and of course Dipper.

"DOUBLE THOSE PRICES DIPPER! We're selling everything for double- I mean triple! QUADRUPLE! the original amount!

"Stan! STOP YELLING!" Yelled Dipper.

"You better shut your yaps, kid! or i'll kick you out into the woods and leave you for the buzzards!" Yelled back Stan.

"Well maybe i'll feed myself to the buzzards!" said Dipper to Grunkle Stan. Dipper stormed up to he and Mabel's room with tears streaming down his face.

While Dipper was upstairs, All the tourists gave Stan death glares and they all shook their heads in unison condicendingly. Even Wendy, Soos and Mabel did what those tourists did.

The Tourists all dropped their items they where gonna buy, and they all walked out the door. as soon as the last one left, Stan walked out of the room without saying a word.

Mabel, Soos and Wendy started cleaning up the mess.

Dipper grabbed the journal, and sped downstairs past Mabel, and Stan: Who where coming up to talk to him.

"Dipper! We want to talk to you!" yelled Mabel. "Kid!" Shouted Stan. "He'll be back... he will be back..." Said Stan.