Author's Note: This is the first fanfiction I've even attempted in almost a decade so bear with me. I used to be able to crank out a chapter every 3 days but now if I can just do one week at a time I'll be really satisfied and that's what I'm aiming for. I don't want to keep people waiting. I've tried to write ahead so that way everything with this story can be delivered on time. I thrive off of reviews, feedback of any kind helps me grow as a writer and it just motivates me to keep going. So without further ado let us begin…

Chapter One

It had been a whole two weeks since the events of what the people now referred to as 'the frozen summer.' With Elsa reinstated as queen and Anna as princess things had been going well; though they could be going better. After having broken ties with Weaselton the kingdom was having trouble getting back into full swing with their imports and exports. While they were still importing a vast amount of products their exports were on short supply. Nobody seemed interested in their chief commodities. Fish was one of their top exports, but the sudden chill had killed many of the native fish life as well as some of the less prepared animals. Freshly shaven sheep, young livestock and the sort had all perished due to being ill prepared for such a harsh and out of place winter.

When Elsa learned how her act had damaged her land she was devastated. Some might even say deeply depressed. She of course was not going to lock herself away like before, that caused too many issues. But she did feel disconnected and blamed herself for so many of her people's hardships. Most, in particular those near the castle had been quite forgiving of her actions. But as word traveled of her powers and what had transpired the truth was diluted and tweaked; thus causing some farmers, ranchers and fishers to have a much different opinion of the 'Ice Queen.'

Elsa had gathered the finest minds in the land to help her figure out a way to help but none seemed to have any quick solutions. They all required a lot of hard work and time. Elsa had no issue with hard work; she'd roll up her sleeves and dig in the fields herself if that's what it took. She was more concerned with the less fortunate folks. The people's whose livelihood had been affected by her selfish and confused act. "They'll have my head on a silver platter!" cried Elsa one morning as the minister of Fish & Game reported to her that salmon who had swam upstream to mate were stuck in the cold waters and all perished instantly.

Elsa remembered being so perplexed by all of this. She knew that rivers, streams and lakes froze all the time. The life in them did not die. It was explained to her that in a normal freeze only a few inches of the water freezes leaving the fish to survive underneath the ice. However her powers were so great that it was a deep freeze and killed most if not all of the fish in small ponds and rivers. Elsa felt like a mass murderer, like she was this ice demon who had put a curse upon her own land. She had to constantly remind herself, that she didn't know what was happening. That she hadn't done it out of malice. But it gave her little solace, and she often found herself wide awake in the middle of the night. Holding back the tears of frustration she felt.

Anna as usual was dealing with far less emotional baggage. Free from most of the pressures Elsa faced Anna had been spending much of her free time with Kristoff. She wanted to get to know him better, especially after her lack of knowledge about one man had near catastrophic results. She found Kristoff to be charming and confident. Something she had admired about him since the start, he was a bit of a goof but that suited her. Kristoff was trying to expand his ice selling business, but the community at large was a bit tired of ice at this point. While his ice on sawdust proved useful for storing food, nobody was finding it good for just about anything else.

Kristoff had always been an easily content man, and was fine to just scrape on by. Especially with Anna at his side. Having spent most of his life with a reindeer and trolls it was a refreshing change of pace to be with someone who had long locks instead of antlers, breasts instead of a stone backside and admittedly a less raspy singing voice. The two of them had nothing else to truly prove to each other, but they still wanted to take it slow. No need to rush things, Anna hadn't even met that many boys yet. She could change her mind. Both Kristoff and Anna doubted that their feelings might change, but it was always a possibility.

Olaf had no real official duties, he mostly wandered around the castle; waddling back and forth. Anna had convinced him to start reading to better himself and to help the kingdom. Olaf had agreed and had been reading books on everything you could imagine; cartography, geology, astronomy, music, art, short stories, fables, geography, weaponry, military tactics, romance, poetry the list went on and on. Apparently being a magic snowman however caused his thoughts to be scattered. He could read an entire encyclopedia in a day, but he'd forget most of it by sunrise. Sometimes he'd forget he had just finished a book and would start it all over again. It was as funny as it was sad.

One night Elsa lay awake in bed once more pondering over possible solutions. The ministry of war had suggested staging some attacks on neighboring kingdoms. Weaselton had all the symptoms of a dilapidated state and would be easy to take over and colonize. Elsa had waved off the suggestion out of instinct. She was not eager for war, and peace had been a high point for several generations. These were not a people with the stomach not the skills for Imperialism. Elsa had no desire for more land, and the thought of hurting another human for her own gain felt barbaric. Certainly there had to be a better option. As she thought this over there was a knock at the door.

"Who is it?" Asked Elsa, she knew who it was but figured she might as well keep up appearances.

"It's Anna, can I come in?" asked her sister from beyond the door. "Of course. Please." Said Elsa, without a moment of hesitation the door opened and Anna slipped in. Anna climbed onto the bed and sat up as did Elsa, the two both sighed.

"How was your picnic with Kristoff?" asked Elsa. "It was nice, he's been thinking about going into wood work recently. He feels the ice industry is dying." Elsa rolled her eyes at her sister's report. "Oh Anna tell him to stop being so dramatic. People need ice. It's never going to go away, why it's a natural resource. We've just been stuck that's all."

Anna nodded her head and Elsa scratched the back of her neck. She decided to tell Anna all about the possibility of war to help the kingdom. Anna scoffed at the idea as well "Killing innocent people just for some extra gold? You can count me out." Elsa nodded her head, understanding and agreeing.

"Still, it's the best suggestion I've heard." Sighed Elsa.

"There will be a better one. And it'll come from you." Proclaimed Anna. Elsa smiled and thanked her sister for the kind words. The two embraced in a warm hug and then Anna exited the chambers of the queen. Elsa tried to lay back down and drift to sleep but once again found it difficult. She glanced over at the other side of her ridiculously large bed and realized that perhaps one thing she might be missing is a companion.

Sure, she had her sister. But her sister also had Olaf and Kristoff. She was more alone, isolated. Despite opening up her sister had made a conscious decision to be less involved with politics and even if she decided tomorrow to jump into the fray she would be ill equipped and she would lose the more care free attitude that Elsa admired so much in her. Elsa's rebellion had caused so much damage that she was no longer convinced that she truly had or could let it all go. Perhaps all she needed was a companion she could confide more personal matters with. Matters Anna would not care to hear or necessarily be able to comprehend.

Elsa had never had much of a sex drive, nor had any real romantic interests. She had spent most of her life basically locked away, by her own choice and thus missed out on the complexity of puberty and courting. Elsa almost believed she could be asexual, she had read that in a very small number of people this was a true possibility. Though they also said that these people could just be frigid, and Elsa found that to be somewhat insulting. She wasn't frigid….well not sexually. She just had never felt that rush, that moment where time stood still. She felt as if she was keener to get pleasure from conversations rather than physical stimulation. She could be wrong of course, how could she possibly know? She had never even kissed a man before.

That thought caused silence to break into her mind. There was so much about life and love she did not know. She envied Anna's relationships. Her own connections were so distant and guarded. She thought she would instantly be able to bring the walls down that she had put up so long ago, but they were entrenched in her. They were a part of her in an odd way, a character flaw in some regards but it was one the things that made her who she was. Elsa knew in her heart she would never become as outgoing as Anna, but she wanted to at least try.

At dinner one night Elsa was joined by Anna, Kristoff & Olaf. Kristoff was not happy to part ways with Sven who had to stand outside in the courtyard, but Elsa had insisted because of how bad Sven had smelled. "He doesn't like baths." Argued Kristoff, trying to wedge his friendly reindeer to the dinner table. Elsa had almost given in, so willing to please her sister's 'friend.' But Anna had stepped in for her and told Kristoff to leave Sven outside. Elsa was grateful for that, she was tired of being antagonized and even more tired of being so emotionally detached from anyone.

The dinner started out uneventful, just verbal meanderings about the daily routine, jokes that had been repeated before and questions were pointed at Elsa that she had already answered at least once or twice. Then Olaf spoke up that he had spoken to Anna about some potential trade partners.

"Anna and I sent letters everywhere. Inviting people to the palace, guests of the princess!" Elsa nearly spit out her hot soup.

"You sent out invitations? To other kingdoms?"

"Of course we sent them out to other kingdoms. We didn't send them to our own that would be silly!" Laughed Olaf in a manner that immediately signaled to Elsa the futility of delving deeper in conversation with a snowman. She did create him, so she felt partially responsible for his naivety and borderline stupidity.

"Elsa don't worry. These were just 'feelers' as they say. Just waiting for a response from someone. These were lands and people that probably have never even heard of Arendelle." Said Anna, softening her voice in attempt to calm Elsa; who was gripping her soup bowl.

"Nations who could decide to attack Arendelle once they see us." Cried Elsa, her voice elevated.

"Sis, you have nothing to worry about. Once I get the letters back from nations interested in visiting us. I'll let you go over every single one."

"You should have told me about this. You know I don't like surprises!" Elsa was starting to freeze her soup bowl.

Kristoff had tried to remain out of the conversation for fear of being caught in two very strong willed women's crosshairs. But even he had to cough a bit so that Elsa could compose herself. Her soup bowl was now an ice block, but Elsa wasn't hungry anymore anyway.

"We are in a time of rebuilding Anna, anything that throws off our balance could be devastating."

"You have to trust me. I know what I'm doing."

Elsa paused. She knew that Anna meant well, but she also knew the risks. Anna was untrained in the arena of diplomacy and mistakes could be made. She had left the kingdom in the hands of a man she had only known for about 12 hours for God's sake! All the people she could have left in charge; the judge, the minister, the minister of defense, their trusted servants…the shop florist would have at least been someone they all knew. Anna was too trusting; it could get her killed one day. It already almost did. Yet Elsa swallowed her pride, and once again despite her knowing it was not healthy concealed her feelings. "Okay Anna, I'm trusting you with this. But I still need to approve any and all guests we have come here."

Anna nodded her head. A smile ran across her face that was indeed one of confidence and warmth. Kristoff continued to eat his soup and Olaf…didn't eat. Elsa isn't quite sure why she even brought out the carrot for him to eat. His nose was a carrot, he didn't eat carrots. She felt foolish for that blunder, as she had felt foolish with many recent decisions. Perhaps Anna was right to bring in outside help. It was good to consult in others and maybe even become allies. Elsa needed to meet new people, this could be her chance. She thought all this and yet at the same time couldn't help but feel anxious. She wasn't ready to meet anybody she thought. She needed time. When they started getting the letters back she would have to tell Anna to make them wait to come see her. Maybe two months? No, not long enough to get ready. Maybe a year? No, too long people will lose interest. Four months. Yes, four months was a perfect window of time. And it would take several days or even weeks to reach Arendelle depending on the circumstances.

Elsa grinned a bit, lost in thought. She quickly snapped out of it and rejoined the conversation that had now switched back to the more mundane. Olaf was going on about how he couldn't wait to see autumn in about a month and couldn't wait to dive into a pile of leaves. Anna and Kristoff were entranced by his simple wishes, Elsa was already trying to plot out the best way to open up trade with whichever nations Anna had written to.

A month had passed and Elsa was in a particularly cheery mood. She was determined to visit the market today and socialize. Perhaps she would meet a new friend, a cute boy, or befriend some sort of animal. Maybe she would like animals like Sven more if she had one of her own. Like a puppy or a falcon. Yes, a falcon would be ideal. Falcons were just majestic creatures and she would like to have something that could attack from the air and gouge someone's eyes out if necessary—Elsa stopped that train of thought. Shocked by her own mind's level of violence and gore. Shrugging it off she got dressed in a green summer dress she felt brought out her eyes, accentuated with some gold earrings she made her way out of the castle.

As she walked a guardsman approached her on horseback. The guardsman was Ryn. Ryn was an exceptional rider, he was gruff and when he smiled you could see his missing teeth. He had a lovely wife named Karin; she was plump after giving birth and cooking for six children and Ryn loved to climb up into the guard tower and watch her from afar. The tower gave him the perfect angle to see the city, docks, and their little house. Karin often could be found hanging up laundry to dry on the clotheslines hanging right above their small potato garden. Potatoes had been one of the few crops to survive the sudden freeze. Elsa had probably had enough potatoes in the past month and a half to last her a lifetime. Ryn was usually so relaxed and calm, but today he had a look of concern.

"M' Lady, there is an unreported vessel nearing our harbor. We have sent out scouts to the ship. They said they are here on invitation from Princess Anna."

Elsa's eyes grew wide and she quickly signaled for a horse. She was given one and she darted out towards the docks. "Oh how could Anna be so careless?" thought Elsa to herself. Ryn followed after her, along with several other guardsmen. The citizens of Arendelle moved out of the way, puzzled by the affair. Elsa got to the harbor just as the ship was docking. Marching up to the dock, stomping with each step she spoke from the gut as she approached the ship. "Stop this instant!" A ramp was pulled down for her from the ship and she walked up it.

Elsa's hair was becoming undone as she sped up the ramp. She tried to keep her regal and authoritative figure as she got closer to the deck of the boat. Elsa caught Anna in the corner of her eye and turned to look at her sister who had just arrived. "Anna! You were supposed to inform me if anyone wrote back! I trusted you."

"I didn't know they were coming, I received no response." Insisted Anna, but her older sister didn't believe her. "We'll talk about this later." She said with a tone that could have frozen over Arendelle all over again. Elsa continued to stare at her sister as she walked blindly up the ramp. "And we are going to have a long talk about your official duties as Princess. I have no interest in seeing people today, I have no interest in meeting with another nation at this time. And you have no idea who these people are, what they look like, what they trade, what they do, I am positively—"

Elsa was cut off as her face landed smack dab in the middle of a large and muscular chest. Elsa backed away. Standing in front of her at the edge of the deck as a man at least six feet and four inches tall. He was huge, a mountain almost. With big muscles and a stagnant stare. He was an African, Elsa had never met one before. She had read about Africa in her books, mostly Egypt and Timbuktu. But she had never met an actual African. And there was a man standing now before her, blocking her way onto the ship. She was taken aback for a moment, admittedly struck by his tall and broad features as well as his black skin. But she regained her thoughts and straightened her pose.

"Excuse me, I am queen Elsa of Arendelle. I DEMAND to speak to whoever is in charge of this vessel. I have not given any official clearance for this vessel to dock." The muscular man did not move, Elsa at first was shocked, then angry she moved to teach the man a valuable lesson about defying the ice queen when a calm voice from the ship cried out.

"Dawda! Stop trying to impress me. Let her on." The large man; Dawda obeyed. Elsa lifted her chin up and stepped onto the deck of the boat. "Who is in charge here?" she asked, then her eyes met with the man who raised his hand.

"I am. My name is Lamin, Prince of the Wolof tribe."

Elsa was caught off guard by Lamin. He had a beautiful dark brown complexion; his hair was intricate, locked, like a woman's but not quite. Something different about it, it was so beautiful in it's complexity and yet so very odd. He smiled as he walked towards her, it was a winning expression. He wore a vest made from an animal she did not recognize, underneath she could see he was well built, not large but well toned. He wore a bracelet of some kind, it was made of bone, but shiny bone. Ivory perhaps? He got down on one knee and Elsa's heart began to pound as he grabbed her hand and kissed it. She gasped expecting the sudden action to trigger an ice response of some kind, but her hands did not react. She could tell however that he noticed the coldness of her skin based on his face.

He stood to his feet and grinned. There was a pause, Elsa was stuck in place. Anna and the guardsmen watched from below waiting for some sort of response from their queen. "Lamin. I—I…I am Elsa your queen—the queen of Arendelle. I apologize for my temper, but I had given no permission to dock and was not expecting such…rebellion." Elsa had to get a grip on herself; she had not expected an actual prince to be on board. Usually in first visits nations sent diplomats, not royalty. And she could have never predicted that he would be so striking.

"No, no it is I who must apologize; Queen Elsa of Arendelle. I understand your concerns. When I was told we did not have permission I sent out for your sister Princess Anna. I received word from her to dock." Elsa sneered, she really was going to have to put some kind of hurting on Anna for her insubordination. Elsa tried to play it cool, she couldn't let this unknown kingdom think of her as weak on the first meeting, no matter how impromptu it was.

"It's quite alright Prince Lamin. It is just custom for the queen to make those decisions. I was…indisposed at the time. I would have of course allowed you to penetrate my dock..." Elsa tried to rephrase the sentence but it was too late, it was in the air. Lamin kept a straight face, though Elsa caught a few people holding back giggles. She straightened out her hair instinctively. "If you would like us to turn around we could though." Eased Lamin with a lean grin.

"No, no. You are my guests as well. You must come to my castle tonight. We will have a feast to celebrate your arrival." Proclaimed Elsa, though her voice trailed off at the word "feast" as she wasn't sure other than potatoes how much food they would have for Lamin and his people. As if Lamin was reading her mind her interjected: "Great Queen Elsa, we humbly accept your offer and also request that at this feast we share some of the food we brought from my home. We have brought the finest fish for you and your people. Have you ever had Waas Wi?" Elsa shook her head "no." Lamin simply smiled, "You will love it your highness."

Elsa hadn't had anything like fish to eat in weeks. At the very least she would get some nice food out of Anna's blunder. "Then we shall feast at sunset, and it will be a glorious occasion!" promised Elsa as Lamin bowed to her and she bowed to him. Elsa exited the ship and resisted the temptation to look back, Lamin watched her exit his ship and smiled. Dawda nudged his Prince playfully in the side, as he admired her figure. As Elsa exited the ship she did her best to repress her sheepish grin. Nobody seemed to notice her slight blush as without a word she mounted her horse and sped off towards the castle. There was much to prepare.

Author's Note: Chapter two coming soon, any and all feedback is appreciated!