A/N: This my new story and the main couple will be Jasper

The characters may be OOC at times and this all human, with no demigods.

I got the idea from watching Strictly Come Dancing, haha. I am not a trained dancer so I am making up their routines as I go along. Enjoy! x

When Piper's dance partner can't compete with her in a dance completion to win the elusive Athena Parthenos trophy, all of Piper's hopes are dashed. Yet when her friend finds her a new partner, could she win? Tall, blonde and handsome, he's the perfect dance partner. The only problem? He's from a different dance school that's in fierce rivalry with Piper's dance school. Can they find a way to work together and win?

"Are you sure you can't? What happened?" Piper asked, her mobile pressed against her ear.

"I'm sorry Pipes, I really am," her brother Mitchell apologized. "I slipped on the steps from all the ice and snow."

Piper gave an irritated sigh. "I'm glad you're alright though,"

"Do you know anyone else who can do it?" her stepbrother asked.

Piper shook her head, but realizing Mitchell couldn't see her, she spoke again. "I don't know if it's late to find anyone. I'll ask around. I'll see you later Mitchell."

"Bye Piper." He replied and hung up. Piper shoved her phone back into the pocket of her skateboarding jacket and looked around in irritation.

Her choppy brown hair flew around in her face as she began her way to the dance studio. She was meeting with the rest of her dance class there, where they were all preparing for the chance to win a competition. The winners would win the Athena Parthenos, the most famous dance trophy in America.

She was going to dance with her stepbrother Mitchell. Key word, going to. Now that Mitchell had broken his leg, all of Piper's hopes of winning the trophy were dashed.

She really didn't want to attend the rehearsal now, not seeing everyone's amazing routines and knowing she wouldn't be able to take part. The rules were you could do a ballroom or a Latin dance but you had to have a partner of the opposite gender to participate. With Mitchell not going to be able to take part, Piper could only support her friends.

She walked through the local hall, where they trained. It wasn't a fancy dance school or anything but they all went there, usually twice a week at least.

Across the space, she saw Percy Jackson and Annabeth Chase perfecting their waltz. They were the best dancers Piper had ever seen and they were such a sweet couple. Piper wasn't normally one for romance but even she had to admit that Annabeth and Percy were perfect for one another.

In the corner, Thalia was being spun around by Luke whilst her best friend Leo was doing the Paso Doble with Calypso. The dance really suited him and because Leo was from Spain, he loved the dance even more.

"Oley Beauty Queen!" Leo yelled to her.

Piper shook her head but she was smiling. He always knew how to make her smile.

"Piper!" a voice called out.

Piper turned around to see Thalia jogging towards her.

"Oh, hey Thals." Piper said.

Thalia looked at her suspiciously. "Where's Mitchell?" she asked.

Piper honestly felt like she could burst into tears. And she never cried. Not even when her dad forgets her birthday, or people at her school constantly teasing her. But all her hard dance work, for this one competition, wasted.

Thalia noticed her expression and led her to one of the back rooms, where everyone usually got changed. She mouthed to Luke "5 minutes" and dragged Piper to the room. Fortunately it was empty.

Thalia put her hands on her hips. "What's wrong?"

Piper told her, knowing that Thalia would have soon found out anyway. She felt such a baby, for crying over a competition but this had been really important to to Piper.

Thalia understood though, which was one of the reasons why she was such a great friend.

"… and there's no way I'm going to find another partner and teach him the routine." Piper finished.

Thalia nodded, her piercing blue eyes full of thought. "And everyone from this school has already been partnered up."

Just then the door swung open and Annabeth walked in.

Thalia let out a breath "I thought you were Drew, coming in to spray some hair stuff or change her clothes again."

Annabeth smiled. It was a running joke between the three of them on Drew's obsession with her looks and how often she came in this room to check her phone.

Annabeth spotted Piper and her grey eyes widened in concern. "What's wrong Piper?"

Thalia told her quickly what had happened.

"There's Dylan, can't he do it with you?" Annabeth asked.

Piper shuddered. "Anyone but Dylan. I think he swapped with someone and is now with Drew anyway."

Thalia wrinkled her nose. "Ew, how much ego can there be between them? Dylan with his white teeth, Drew with her hair. They hate each other!"

"True but they are quite good dancers," said Piper.

"As much as it pains me to admit it, they can be quite good," Thalia agreed.

Annabeth twisted her blonde curly hair back into a ponytail, turning to Thalia sharply. "There is someone who could dance with Piper."

Piper sat up, interested. "Who?"

But Thalia and Annabeth seemed to be having some kind of silent argument. Thalia shaking her head and Annabeth pointing and beckoning her head towards Piper.

Finally, Thalia puts her head in her hands and grumbles, "If it helps Piper out then fine."

Annabeth smiled triumphantly. "We do know someone who could help you out but there is one maybe two problems."

Piper felt her heart beating faster, "Who?" she asked eagerly.

Annabeth looked nervously towards Thalia. "You could dance with Thalia's brother."

"Thalia's brother? Who?-" Piper asked confused. She didn't think that they would think of a new dance partner, let alone the fact that Thalia has a brother!

Thalia looked towards Piper, an upset look in her eyes. "My brother could dance with you. He's the same age as you and he's called Jason."

Piper's head spun with all these new thoughts. She could compete! "But where does he live? Why have you never mentioned him?"

Thalia stood up. "When my parents divorced, I had to go and live with my mum and he had to go and live with my dad. We weren't allowed to see each other because our parents didn't want to meet up with each other."

Piper walked over to Thalia. "But that's terrible! They're you're family! And you cant see him just because you're parents don't want to talk to each other?"

Thalia nodded.

Annabeth stood up too. "But we do know he dances from his Facebook page."

Thalia scowled. "Annabeth only knows because she saw me looking at it. Even Luke doesn't know. Promise me Piper you won't tell anyone about this until he can be your dance partner."

"Yes." Piper promised.

Annabeth smiled. "Ok guys, first step to getting Piper a new dance partner. We need to talk to Jason Grace."

A/N: What do you think? Please review! xx