Romantic Liaisons a spectacularly bizarre mini slash epic

Romantic Liaisons
a spectacularly bizarre mini slash epic

Part Two: Spring

Yes folks, 'tis my first ever Harry Potter fanfic. Originally written in October 2000, the version you are about to embark on was redrafted in June 2001 in order to eliminate plot holes and provide a coherent ending (always have your plot worked out before you start writing, and try not to change your mind...). Regardless, hope you enjoy. ^_^

Notes: To avoid confusion, they are both in their fifth year, making them fifteen going on sixteen. Quite old enough, honest. And in case you bypassed the first warning, this is a SLASH story. If you don't want to read about two boys snogging, then please go away.

Cheers to Ronnie K for beta-ing and pointing out that I can't type, spell, keep a consistent plot or construct proper sentences. Thanks also to Emma for proofing the final version, coming up with the Gryffindor password, and making cups of tea for me while I typed furiously.

Disclaimer: The characters and settings are not mine. The plot and discourse is. Don't sue.

Dedicated to Tom, the most flamboyant queen I know, and the most likely person to do something like this.

"I never claimed to be your saviour
I said I had a dirty mouth
Stop analysing my behaviour
If you're too dumb to work it out"
Garbage - Dumb

* * *

Christmas was in the air. In the Gryffindor boys' dormitory, Harry lay in bed, lazily watching the snowflakes floating past the tall, high window. He always looked forward to Christmas at Hogwarts. The school was practically empty as most students went home for the holidays; very few of Gryffindor ever stayed and it was nice just to share the common room with Ron and Hermione. It would be Christmas Day tomorrow, and the Hogwarts Christmas feast was something Harry had been looking forward to since the start of the year. After all, anything was better than Christmas with the Dursleys.

He got up and dressed quickly, throwing on his cloak over his black robes and slipping his wand into his left sleeve in case he needed it. Noticing the curtain on Ron's four-poster was still pulled shut, Harry went to wake his friend up.

"Ron," he said loudly; when no answer came, he changed tactic.

"Get up, you lazy git." However, there was still no sign of life. Confused, Harry pulled the curtain back gingerly.

Ron wasn't there. Even stranger, the bed was neatly made. It was very unusual for Ron to be up this early, let alone for him to make his bed. Still confused, Harry left the dormitories and made his way to the Gryffindor common room. As he trotted down the staircase, a small and tatty piece of parchment lying on the ground caught his eye. Stooping to pick it up, Harry unfolded the parchment with numb fingers.

There was only one word inscribed on the parchment; Jellybeans was written in a sloping, neat hand. Harry tucked the paper in the back pocket of his jeans, assuming it belonged to Neville and meaning to destroy it as soon as possible. Professor McGonagall didn't look favourably upon people who wrote down the password to the tower.

There was a roaring fire in the grate. Stepping through the heavy door from the cold, draughty spiral staircase, Harry felt as if he was walking into a furnace. Looking around expectantly, it dawned on him that the room was empty. Neither Ron nor Hermione were there. Harry pulled his heavy cloak off and flopped into one of the squashy armchairs, deciding to wait for his friends to find him instead. It was far too cold to go wandering around Gryffindor Tower. Drawing his cloak tightly around him, he snuggled further into the chair, closing his eyes.

"Well, Potter," drawled a bored, steady voice from behind him.

Harry whirled round, startled, and peered over the back of the chair, searching for the source of the voice. Draco Malfoy was standing at the back of the room, staring out of the window at the gently falling snow. He turned to face Harry, leaning back on the wall with his arms folded, and fixed his pale catlike eyes on Harry's astonished face. "What a surprise."

Harry jumped up, automatically pulling his wand from his sleeve. But as he turned to face Draco, he stopped. The Slytherin boy was dressed casually, in dark blue jeans and a tight-fitting black T-shirt, without his robes; he also didn't appear to have his wand. His skin looked paler than ever against the dark fabric, his arms and face almost translucent, and he never took his eyes off Harry's for a second.

Harry stared at the other boy's pointed face, almost transfixed. Finally, after what seemed like an age, he found his voice. "Malfoy?" he said, unbelievingly. "What the hell are you doing in here?" As an afterthought, he added, "And why haven't you gone home for Christmas?"

Draco gave a small smirk. "That's for me to know, Potter." He ran his grey eyes over Harry's skinny frame. Something in the blond boy's expression sent a chill down Harry's spine, making him shiver. "And for you to find out."

"Stop playing games, Malfoy," snapped Harry, his voice steady although the faint smile on Draco's pointed, elfin face was increasingly unnerving him. "What're you doing in this common room?"

"I would have thought it was obvious, Potter," said Malfoy scathingly, raising a blond eyebrow suggestively. He stretched lazily, and made his way over to where Harry was standing. Harry felt the faintest tingle in his scar, and a slight jolt in the region of his stomach as Draco stood facing him. "You're the only one here, apart from those idiots Weasley and Granger. I came here for you."

Harry's mouth formed a small O of shock. Draco, seeing his stunned face, laughed somewhat patronisingly and moved closer to Harry. Harry instinctively backed away, never having trsuted the Slytherin boy. He stumbled as he reached the far wall of the common room, noticing Draco was still advancing on him. His fine blond hair flopped over his forehead, semi-masking his evil, glittering eyes. Placing his cold hands on the front of Harry's shoulders, he gently pinned him against the wall. Noticing Harry's bemused and nervous expression, he chuckled softly. Maliciously.

"Calm down. What do you think I'm going to do to you?" he murmured quietly. Brushing Harry's unruly hair from his forehead, he gently traced Harry's lightning-bolt scar with the tip of his index finger.

A small shot of pain seared through Harry, and he bit his lip. Noticing Harry's expression and feeling him shrink back slightly, Draco removed his hand from Harry's scar and returned it to Harry's shoulder. Sliding both his hands down Harry's arms, still pinning him to the wall, Draco stared at Harry's pale face. He continued speaking, in a softer, gentler voice than usual.

"Are you seeing Weasley's sister?"

He sounded curious, but his cold eyes were narrowed and there was a definite edge to his voice. Harry wasn't really sure what to do. Most of his run-ins with Malfoy had involved a snide exchange of words, a battle on the Quidditch field, or a wizard's duel. With Malfoy currently pressing him against a wall and standing very close to him, Harry felt extremely uncomfortable and thought it best to not make a fuss.

"Umm... no?" he ventured, finally.

Draco seemed to relax. He didn't say anything, but took Harry's chin in one hand and brought Harry's face closer to his own. Harry could feel Draco's cool breath on his cheek. He was also painfully aware of his own quickened breathing, but tried hard to amount it to nerves. Close up, Harry noticed Draco's eyes were quite striking. For the most part they were grey, but flecks of ice-blue, steel and green could be seen within the depths. His skin was almost snow-white and strangely free of any blemishes, except for a slight pink flush over his cheekbones caused by the heat of the room.

Harry shook these disturbing thought from his mind and tried to concentrate on the matter at hand. Draco still wore the weird half-smile that unnerved Harry so much.

"Good," Draco whispered, so softly Harry almost didn't catch it. Then before Harry quite knew what was happening, Draco pressed his lips to Harry's own.

To say Harry was shocked was an understatement. As Draco's tongue gently parted Harry's lips and began to explore his mouth, Harry relaxed and allowed himself to respond. He'd never been kissed before, and it had never occurred to him to kiss another boy. Especially not his sworn enemy. As Draco gently nibbled his lower lip, Harry suddenly realised the position he was in and pulled away roughly.

"Malfoy, what..." He trailed off, not knowing how to finish that sentence. He knew perfectly well what Malfoy was doing; the question why was more apparent.

"What..." mimicked Draco, chuckling.

"W-why... why did you just do that?" Harry was aware he must sound more stupid with every word that left his lips. His ability to form coheresnt sentences appeared to have vanished; abandoning that idea, he stared at the floor, not wanting to look at Malfoy.

Draco removed his hands from Harry's shoulders and stood back, surveying Harry's dishevelled form. The black-haired boy was panting gently and his hair was in greater disarray than usual. He had also, Draco noticed with smug relish, reacted in a rather obviously positive way to the kiss.

"Are you trying to say you didn't enjoy it?" he said, in mock-hurt. Sliding his hands around Harry's waist, and noticing the other boy's complete lack of resistance, a cheeky grin played on his thin pink lips. "Then is that your wand in your pocket or are you just pleased to see me?"

Harry's face fell as he realised Draco had indeed noticed his erection. The truth was, he had rather enjoyed the kiss. But intense pride was stopping him from confessing to the grinning boy in front of him. As Draco's hand slid slowly down and made contact with Harry's hardness, Harry closed his eyes, his breathing coming in ragged gasps. Draco moved to his mouth again. Harry responded this time; for a few seconds, he wanted nothing more than for Draco to carry on and never stop. But his moralistic tendencies took over and he pushed the other boy off again.

"Stop it Malfoy. It's not what I want."

"Oh yeah?" Draco replied, moving to sit on the arm of a squashy chair. He crossed his legs and reclined gracefully, half-twisting to lean on the chair back. "You could've fooled me."

Harry crossed quickly to the other side of the room, as far away from Draco as he could get. A thought struck him, and he turned to face Malfoy again. The other boy had closed his eyes and was sitting quietly, drumming his fingers on his knee.

"Where's Ron?" Harry enquired suddenly. How Malfoy was supposed to know that, Harry wasn't sure; anything to change the subject would have done. Draco opened one eye and stretched lazily.

"I saw him sneaking into the girls' dormitory when I was on my way up here," Draco said, a smile playing on his lips. "I would think he and that over-intelligent Mudblood bitch are, shall we say...." He spat the last words out, his smile turning from beguiling to malicious. "Rather busy."

Harry's stomach turned as the thought of Ron and Hermione crossed his mind. Draco, seeing Harry's expression, laughed quietly; a bored sort of laugh.

"Get out," Harry snarled through gritted teeth. "Get out of here now. And never, ever mention this to anyone. Ever."

Draco got up slowly, his blonde hair flopping over his brow effeminately.

"What makes you think I would?" he pouted, glancing at Harry from under his long lashes. He made his way over to the door, but turned and stopped. Harry was still at the far end of the room, pulling his robe tightly around himself. Draco took one last glance at Harry, and when he spoke, his voice had changed from soft and drawling to hard and icy.

"Don't try and dismiss it, Potter. Don't pretend you didn't like it. Because I know you did." He tossed his hair back, and narrowed his eyes. Licking his lips slowly, a small sneer crossed his face.

"You're mine now."

* * *

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