Late Night Worries


A/N: So, yeah… I just watched the movie tonight and this came to me. I hope you enjoy it for what it is and not get lost in the ethics involved. :D

So, yeah… these characters are so totally not mine. Disney owns them, lock, stock and barrel. I am merely playing in their sandbox.

Late Night Worries

Anna lay there on her bed, looking up at the painted patterns on the ceiling. Ever since she had saved her sister and the kingdom she hadn't been able to sleep or at least not very well. Something kept rolling through her mind and it kept her from being able to get the rest she needed. Her heart, while it felt warm, also felt a little… funny. While Hans had been able to make her heart race and Kristoff had done something similar this was different and yet frighteningly the same. The problem that had Anna all jangled up over this was it was all due to her sister.

Every time she had seen Elsa, it was almost like her heart skipped a beat. That didn't seem right but it was there. Her heart sped up and grew warmer in the presence of her sister, making it difficult to pull her eyes away from her. She was at a complete loss and thus her sleepless nights.

The only thing that kept going through her head and resounding in her heart were the words of that old troll, that true love would thaw a frozen heart. It hadn't been that bastard Hans who had saved her, or the wonderful Kristoff but rather her sister. Did that mean that her sister was her true love? It made her head hurt just thinking about it. Yet how could she argue with what the troll had said? It had worked and she had been healed… right?

Sleep eluding her, she got up and headed into the library where the portrait of her parents hung. She needed to talk to them and that was where she usually went when she couldn't sleep after Elsa had closed herself into her room. She walked down the dark hall and opened the door slowly, to avoid making any creaking sounds. This was something she needed to do and not get interrupted.

Her candles cast shadows and a warm light about the walls and shelves of books. She looked up at the painting of her parents and shifted uncomfortably under their stare. Every day since that storm she had missed them and now, when she needed them the most this was all she had. "Momma, papa… I need your advice. I… I feel odd and I have no idea what to do."

Silence filled the room and she took a deep breath. This was harder than she thought it would be. "Momma, papa, please don't be angry with me but I… I think I'm in love. I know I haven't had any experience with it but there's this fluttery feeling I get, deep in my stomach. It distracts me from everything, even chocolate."

She gave a weak laugh before looking back at the painting. "Thing is… it's not a boy that makes me feel this way. I know that nice man at the trading post had a lovely family, just him, his husband? and their kids but this, I haven't seen this before. Part of me says it's wrong but then my heart… Momma, papa, what should I do? And to make it worse, it's not just any girl who is making me feel this…" She swallowed hard, a knot forming in her throat. Saying this aloud would make it real and she didn't know if she was ready for that. With her head bowed she said just above a whisper, "…it's… it's Elsa."

The quiet that was her only response was heavy and Anna looked up at the painting, feeling moisture collect at the corners of her eyes. This was tearing her apart, her emotions running wild over her. The faces looking down at her were neither angry nor disgusted, they were stoic and calm. Anna strained her ears to her anything and she swore she heard that odd muffled silence you get in winter, as the snow lay thick and deep about you. It was a sound she was very familiar with and had always made her feel calm for some reason. She smiled, a bit stronger than before and said, "Thank you."

Her head was dizzy as she walked back towards her room. Had she really heard that? Felt that? After the events of the last week she found it easy to believe in that kind of magic. It felt like her parents understood and accepted what she was feeling and that lifted a huge weight off her. If this really was true love between herself and her sister, she would be a fool to ignore it. But how could she approach Elsa? One didn't just go up and kiss your sister… right?

As she passed by Elsa's room she noticed that there seemed to be light under the door. Dare she?

Paused outside, Anna looked at the familiar painted wood door that had been closed against her for so much of her life. Could she actually do this? Should she actually do this? She knocked gently and asked, "Elsa, are you awake?"

Anna strained her ears to hear anything but most especially for footfalls. She heard nothing and was thus surprised when the door opened for her, "Yes Anna?"

The door was actually open for her. She was slightly frozen in place by her indecision and incredulity. She blushed and swallowed nervously, "Uhm… can I come in?"

Elsa swung open the door and stood to the side as Anna walked in. "Certainly. What can I do for you?"

"I… ugh this is hard… uhm Elsa I… that is you see… and the troll said… and I… uh… so here I am," stammered Anna, managing to say almost nothing.

"Anna, breathe. What was that?" Elsa seemed a touch amused and confused at her sister's anxious words.

"The troll said that only true love could unfreeze me and you unfroze me. Ever since then I have been thinking and well, I guess this means that…" Words failed her as she noticed the growing blush on her sister's cheeks. "Elsa?"

"Do you know that my window looks out on the garden?" asked Elsa.

Anna nodded. "Yeah, this room has a better view of it than mine does."

"I would watch you play a lot, missing you more and more each day. I had hurt you and I was too afraid of doing it again so I stayed away from you. I loved you so much that I couldn't bear the thought of you being hurt. And… well… over time I noticed that you grew more beautiful and I missed you so much and that… things had changed. You were so gorgeous on the day of my coronation." Her voice trailed off as she lost control of her words, emotions taking over.

Anna blushed, "So does this mean that you feel for me what I feel for you?"

Elsa snapped her head upright, clearly in disbelief of what she had just heard. "You… really?"

Her face bright red and warm by this point, Anna said, "Yes. I have never felt this way before, even with Hans and Kristoff. My heart warms and beats faster when you're near Elsa. I guess that means that you are my true love?"

Laughing lightly, Elsa shook her head, "Oh Anna. What would I do without you?"

"That's not an answer," pointed out Anna, pouting a little.

Elsa tentatively reached out and ran her cool hand down the side of her cheek. Her eyes were soft and gentle as they drifted over Anna's face and lingering on her lips. Leaning forward slightly, closing the distance between them, Elsa pressed her lips against Anna's. After an eternal moment she pulled back and smiled warmly, "Is that an answer?"

Anna laughed lightly and hugged Elsa tightly, kissing her again, with greater passion. She drew back and gazed at her with a mix of nervousness and desire, "Can we cuddle, kind of like when we were young only different?"

Elsa smiled and held a hand out. After Anna took it Elsa led her to the bed, "Its late and we have more to talk about tomorrow, but for now let's go to bed."

It took some effort but Anna barely managed to contain a squee of glee and victory. Tonight was a wonderful night and she would cherish it forever.