Harry Potter belongs to JK Rowling. This is a work of fiction and is for entertainment only. No copyright infringement is intended. Thank you, Mrs. Rowling for giving so much joy to our lives.

This is it guys. Last chance to review. Love to hear from you. It is absolutely thrilling to write a story that has been read all over the world. I am humbled by the whole experience.

Chapter 35


The Sunday after St. Valentine's Day found Harry, Hermione, Andromeda and little Teddy at the font of the little church in Godric's Hollow. As an unusually bright winter sun streamed through the little stained glass window behind the altar table and choir, Mark laid cupped hands holding water onto Teddy's head and said, "Teddy Remus, I baptize you in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost." Hermione kept her hand wrapped closely around the wand in her pocket in case Teddy decided to try to change his hair color in the midst of the service.

Everyone laughed as Teddy looked at Mark closely and said "Yay! Fahvor Mahk! Yay!" Mark gave Teddy a hug and handed him back to his grandmother.

After all of the rites had been completed the family sat down on the front row for the remainder of the service. Just behind, on the second row sat the Weasley family, Ron holding the hand of his fiance Katherine. A beautiful emerald cut diamond sparkled on her finger and she looked at Ron and smiled as he squeezed her hand. Hermione fingered the beautiful diamond necklace that Harry had given her on Valentine's Day. All were at peace as the worship service ended with the great hymn, "Be Thou My Vision."


June found Katherine and Ron married and moving into a new, larger flat.

October found Hermione with her own ring.


December found everyone living H, E and A. Happily Ever After.


Thanks to all of you for sticking with me. May you too find your life full of grace!