Woo, it has certainly been a long time hasn't it?! A little life update: things are finally starting to calm down with the COVID situation at my work, which allows me some more free time THANKJEEBUS! I have been DYYYYINNNGGGG to write some more TPOP goodness, and lemme tell ya... I'm on a freakin roll my Duckies. I'm so excited to share with you what I've got! I know I have a REALLY crappy upload schedule, but... but I love you all ;) Although this chapter is shorter than the last, I promise to make the next one double the length :)

Anywho, I hope you all enjoy this next chapter! Cheers!



Chapter 3

Before, she hadn't stepped foot inside her bed chambers since Loke had been sent off to patrol the Celosia Sea to serve out his sentence. Now she hadn't set foot outside of her bed chambers since the celebration of his return. That had been over a double fortnight ago. Her Debutante Ball had been called off, postponed until further notice. That, no doubt, had caused an uproar within Fiore, and surely within other countries as well. She wouldn't know, as she hadn't received news from the outside world for some time now.

The King of Fiore declared that she was forbidden from leaving her room until he rescinded his order. He was forcing her isolation.

She would never forget the look of pure fury on his face… his cold, wild eyes as he screamed violent profanities improper for a king. She would never forget hearing Loke's low murmur, how he told her to run away and find Ainslee; for they both knew that he was the only one who could calm Jude Heartfilia. She would never forget the way her father backhanded the Captain of the Guard and proceeded to beat him for his insolence, as Lucy fled from the wall. She would never forget the shock of seeing her once merry friends being rounded up by soldiers and brutally disciplined…

Michelle, Ana, Veronica, little Alice… and even Ainslee. It had been too late. There was no begging for his help now. Her father had seemingly lost all reason.

After he had finished taking his rage out on Loke, he had ordered the soldiers to "collect" their captain and throw him in the dungeons, along with everyone else in the room. They had only hesitated for a brief moment before following through with their brusque orders.

Lucy screamed and demanded they cease and desist…

She rubbed at the left side of her face where her father had struck her.

It was almost as if his hostile action had been involuntary. After scowling down at her from where she had fallen to her knees, he recovered himself and stared at the hand that had landed the painful blow; the look on his face made it seem that he himself had been the one wounded. He looked greatly disturbed… anguished even. Like he had deeply regretted the action, which surprised Lucy enough to silence her. She said not a word and didn't fight when the soldiers lifted her from the ground and guided her to her bedchambers… where she had been ever since.

She didn't sleep that night.

The next day, a chambermaid Lucy had not recognized helped her dress for the day, and before she knew it, supper was being brought to her by another servant she did not recognize. When she asked the servant to send in her ladies-in-waiting, she apologized and said that they were no longer within castle grounds. At the time, Lucy could not process what this meant, and so she asked for Juliet… and discovered this woman was her replacement.

She knew then, what had happened. To everyone. Everyone that had been at Loke's celebration. Everyone that she cared about. Everyone that she loved. Her family…

They were gone, forever.



"Greetings, Princess. My name is Walter Sinclaire and I have recently been employed to take the place of the previous steward of the Heartfilia royal family. I have some matters I must discuss with you. The duke of Shirotsume had concerns about some recent break-ins in several warehouses his family owns. The thieves have stolen countless goods, including…"

Lucy watched the thin man blankly; watched his thin lips move, but she could no longer hear the words being said to her. This person – this stranger – was to replace the man who practically raised her? The man she had come to love more than she loved her own father?

'Ainslee… Dearest Ainslee. By the Gods… what have I done?'

"…and would appreciate the royal guard's help. What say you, Princess?"

"…I say you must leave me and take your worries to the king. Begone from my sight at once, lest you wish to feel my wrath," Lucy hissed quietly. This new steward looked taken aback by his princess's harsh words, but nonetheless obeyed. He quickly rose from his seat and excused himself from the parlor room that they were meeting in.

Lucy knew she was being unfair, but her fractured heart was overpowering her sense of rationality and thus making her unable to think straight. She lifted a trembling hand and placed it gently against her thundering chest… trying to calm herself. But it was in vain. A single tear slid down her cheek as she sat alone, wishing that her misery and heartbreak would just disappear.



"Have you ever been to another country, Loke?" Lucy asked the knight curiously, hoping to get a good story out of him. Loke flashed her a sly smile, immediately understanding what it was that she was after.

They were walking along the edge of Forsythia Forest – one of the princess's favorite pastimes – during a particularly warm spring day. The gentle midafternoon breeze provided reprieve from the unexpected heat, and coyly danced through Lucy's hair and the colorful flowers that dappled the ground here and there. Bees could be heard, humming busily as they collected precious nectar to bring to their queen and hive, and feathery winged butterflies took a rest against the brown skin of various saplings, adding a splash of vibrant color to their dark trunks.

It was a beautiful day, indeed.

"I have, Princess. Most recently, I have been to Bosco which is only a short hop across the border. However, due to frequent criminal activity, entry into the country has been restricted to navel passage only. Border patrol has been on strict lookout, day and night. The King of Bosco had requested the assistance of Fiore to aid in the process of shutting down the border, and so our king dispatched several soldiers – including myself – to help subsidize and support them."

"Interesting. I imagine it took quite a bit of time," Lucy remarked thoughtfully.

"Yes and no. The process began late last winter, so there were very few merchant ships coming in and out of the harbor, making the process go along much more smoothly."

"Oh? Then how did Bosco attain any imported goods? It's my understanding that they are primarily an industrial country, focused on building new technologies with very little experience in rearing livestock or growing crops."

Loke laughed and nodded approvingly, "I'm very proud you've done your research, milady. I know that country affairs aren't something Ainslee has you diligently studying."

The princess huffed and glanced away in mild irritation, "I wouldn't have known, were my father not so reclusive. He wants nothing to do with the royal ambassador, so the man is forced to give me the paperwork the king refuses to accept. After a bit of coaxing from Ainslee will he eventually take it, but… it's vexing. Honestly, I liken it to a child who will only take medicine from his mother, and not the physician."

Loke hummed in thought before he twisted them both around in a mirthful pirouette and asked, "So you would sneak a peek at the ambassadors paperwork now, eh? How unbecoming of you, Princess."

Lucy shrugged indignantly but smiled nonetheless, "I may have. If it falls upon my desk and involves my own country, why not have a look? I am of royal blood after all. I should learn all I can about my country and its affiliates, regardless of my gender. But enough about that; you never answered my question. How did Bosco attain their imported goods if there were so few merchants filtering in?"

"Well that's simple, Princess," Loke went on, "They obtained all of the goods they needed during the busiest trading months, the busiest being that of Summer and Fall. I always say that merchants are some of the most knowledgeable men in the world. A good tradesman will know his main trading hubs like the back of his hand: monthly schedules, the richest areas of business, items or material that will sell rather quickly, and items or material that will take the longest to sell. It's all a very innate process that takes generations to perfect, which is why you have certain trading companies that have been in the same family for decades."

"Incredible," Lucy breathed in awe, "I had no idea the trading system was so… complex."

"Indeed it is. Never underestimate a merchant. Not all of them honor the rules of trade, though. There are some who will go as far as dealing with pirates, just to make more money. They're willing to do just about anything for it. Greed... It's a crippling vice that humans will never escape from."

"What's the worse thing you've seen a tradesman do?" Lucy inquired, completely fascinated.

"That's a good question. Let's see… Hm. Well, going with our theme of pirates, I once seen a man willingly harbor several stowaways on his ship; he had hired them for a heist. His intentions were to smuggle them into the city and steal as many fine goods as he possibly could, but in the end his plans were foiled and they were all sent to prison for their crime."

Lucy's eyebrows shot up in surprise as Loke recounted his story, "You jest."

"I dare not," the captain swore with a smile. "It's not uncommon for merchants to allow civilians aboard their vessels as means of travel to and from other countries or islands. It's quite common, actually, which is why we had suspected very little that something was amiss. It wasn't until I caught one of these said fellows in the act of thievery that we realized they were not who they claimed."

"I see. I suppose that makes sense," the princess said with a nod, still in awe of what she had learned of merchants. She could always depend on Loke not only for a good story, but helpful and brilliant education on matters she normally would not be allowed to learn…

Helpful and brilliant education indeed…



This night would be her last, living in Mercurius. The guilt had been eating away at the princess when she had first considered fleeing the castle no less than a week ago… but her father had finally pushed her over the edge.

Eight days ago, Lucy had discovered that Loke had still been within castle walls. Her heart had leapt at the discovery, and treacherous hope wormed it's way into her chest. Perhaps the king would show mercy? But to her dismay, the king had no such intentions. No… he was to have him tortured and humiliated in the center of Castle Square – the biggest market in the capital – during the annual Fish Festival. There would be hundreds of people watching as Loke was beaten, whipped and disgraced… and then the king would announce the stripping of his knighthood. He was to be left in Castle Square, shackled inside of a pillory, for a week. After that, and only after, would someone be allowed to let him out.

No one would dare.

The last time the king had sentenced someone to the pillory, and then "allowed" the public to show mercy when the sentence was up, that person who had released the prisoner suddenly went missing. That had been the going rumor anyway…

There was nothing Lucy could do as she watched Loke being escorted off castle grounds. He had turned his head and glanced up in her direction… and it shattered her heart. Bruises littered his face, no doubt from being beaten in the prisons by the soldiers who once served him, and his face was bloodied and swollen. Still, he smiled.

'I'm sorry,' he mouthed.

He was sorry… He was sorry? Why was he the one apologizing? Because he would have to break his promise to always be there for her? To always protect her and shield her from not only her father, but from herself as well? His promise to always be her friend, no matter what may come in-between them?

'Oh my dear, sweet Loke…'

Three days ago she had heard the shouts and cheering in Castle Square from her window. The people always had a sickening obsession with violence and acts of cruelty. If that was what Fiore stood for now, her father, the king could have it all. She refused to be a part of it. That was not a life she would have.

Her father still planned on marrying her off to some spoiled prince in the future: hushed talk of resuming her Debutante Ball spread like wildfire through the castle. Even she, who had remained in isolation, had caught wind of it. The guards outside her door had little self-awareness, and whispered quite loudly. That had been two days ago.

Even if she were to become queen of Fiore, she would never have a strong enough voice, a voice that could change the darkened hearts of her subjects. These were dark times indeed, and women had little to no power in this country.

She was numb now, numb to it all, and regardless of what might happen, the princess was determined to see her plan through. The only thing that had brought her comfort in spite of all the recent sorrow were her mother's mementos. They were four golden keys, each unique in design. Lucy remembered the fairy tale her mother used to tell her about the keys, how she would tell the story as if though it were their own little secret…

Lucy had forgotten the story, long ago, but when Loke had told her the myth about the Golden Heroes – the Twelve Zodiacs – the memories had all come flooding back. Although the queen would insist to a very young and very excited Lucy that the keys were simply decorative props to go along with the fairy tales, the young princess would always pretend that she could summon the Golden Heroes to help aid her in one of her fantasies: Aquarius the Water Bearer, Cancer the Giant Crab, Taurus the Golden Bull, and Capricorn the Goat.

The princess smiled fondly at the beautiful keys she held in her hands, thumbing each one as her heart ached for her mother and her beloved knight. Giving herself a little shake, she pushed the emotions to the back of her mind and wrapped the four keys up in a satin cloth. She then carefully tied the bundle with a satin string and placed the mementos in a hidden compartment of her pigskin bag.

"I think that will be everything," Lucy mumbled to herself as she admired her handiwork. She had hand-sewn a cloth bag made from a dress she no longer had any use of. Inside she had four tightly packed sets of spare clothing, a few fruits and dry foods she had saved from her lunch and supper trays, a map and compass Loke had given her as a gift some time ago, a few of her favorite books, and as much gold as she could carry.

Her plan was to escape Mercurius undetected, make her way to the port in Hargeon, and sail for Bosco aboard a merchant ship, all the while remaining in disguise. Her long blonde tresses would be a dead giveaway – the royal Heartfilia family was known for their rich blonde hair – so she would have to have to conceal it somehow…

'Perhaps a hooded cloak?' Lucy mused to herself as she rose from her kneeled position on the marbled floor.

'I could sew something together… it won't be the neatest thing, but it should do. Perhaps I could buy a temporary hair dye once I reach the port? No… No, it would be wise to keep to the outskirts of the city. It will take some time to travel all the way to Hargeon; possibly a few days, were I to hire a carriage. It shouldn't be difficult. I've managed worse in my numerous escapes from the castle.'

And it was true. Although she had never been outside of Crocus before, she was comfortable enough being on her own that she knew she could make this work. She was confident, and her anger and passion would fuel her to keep moving… to get as far away from her prison as she could.

'The bridge leading over the moat to Castle Square will be heavily guarded. As luck would have it, I haven't collected my travel cache of spare clothes from my hiding nook there… I'll have to go through the moat to avoid detection. The pigskin bag that conceals my cache will do nicely as an extra layer to protect my supplies from the water.'

Lucy nodded to herself and collected some materials to create her makeshift cloak. She glanced out of her grand window and made note of how dark it had become. It was nearly time; about an hour left to go and she would make her escape.

She hastily sewed her cloak together, caring very little that it looked a complete mess, and then made for her bed.

'Tie together some sheets and old dresses, throw it out of your window, and make a careful dash for the moat.'

She had done it so many times before, it was almost as if she was in a state of trance. Focused. Methodical. And before she knew it, everything was ready. She was ready.

Gathering up all of her equipment and provisions, she glanced one last time over her shoulder and absorbed every last detail of her bedroom chambers. A wave of sadness washed over her as fond memories of her ladies-in-waiting, Loke, and… her mother surfaced to the front of her mind. It made her hesitate for only a moment… just a moment.

She remembered how her mother would always sit in her sofa chair, holding her four golden keys as she told story after story about exciting and breathtaking adventures. The four Golden Heroes would always come to the rescue of some poor damsel in distress, and defeat their evil foes in swift succession. The tones and animated faces the queen would use and make always made for the best fairy tales… it made the princess's heart squeeze painfully.

Go, Lucy…

The blonde closed her teary eyes, allowing the memory to consume her, before opening them with an even firmer resolve.

'Goodbye, Mother.'



"Gods, that was close," Lucy whispered to herself as she pulled her cloak even tighter around her. That made four times she had nearly been spotted by a soldier. It was unusual for there to be so many patrols out, especially near the city outskirts. Perhaps her father had anticipated one of her infamous escapes?

Taking a deep breath to calm and steady herself, Lucy resumed her daring journey. She was in the ruined slums of Crocus now. It was a dark and dangerous place reserved solely for the poor. Although the slums consisted of nearly a fourth of the general population, it was rather small. The royal guard would rarely patrol this far out into Crocus; the people who lived here were looked down upon as nothing more than rats, scurrying around with disease and filth as they fought tooth and nail for survival. In their eyes, these people weren't worth the time.

But there was something about the place that had always fascinated Lucy. The first time she had travelled this far, she had indeed been terrified for her life, but she had made an effort to see past the filth that made up this part of the city. What she saw were a broken people who simply wanted to live. They were an enduring folk, which was easily witnessed by how truly hard they fought against the chains that bound them to their social status. They took care of one another as best as they possibly could in their situation, and Lucy couldn't help but pity them.

She thanked the Gods now that she had thought to travel this way. Although her brief exploration of the area she had dared to venture had her turning tail in quite a fright the first time, she had taken note of the route she had used so that she may avoid being seen by… undesireables. Ruffians or guards, they were equally a threat. A threat that would not stop her.

She moved swiftly and leapt over fallen pillars and debris, dodged low-hanging sheets of sun-dried moss, and hid in the shadows every time she heard a horse or footsteps approach. A light sweat had started to form on her body, and the chill of the night was enough to send shivers up her spine. But it kept her on high alert. Her senses had been heightened, more than they had ever been before, which only bolstered her confidence.

'I can do this.'



'I… can't do this. I need to find someplace to rest,' Lucy thought with a small gasp of air. She was in the heart of the slums now. Although nearing her destination, she was also running into more trouble. Not only was she now having to avoid the denizens of the slums, but she had also run into a few soldiers on horseback… one quite literally.

The princess had been so close – so close she could almost taste it – that she allowed herself to become consumed and distracted by her shining goal. She had attempted to make a mad dash across a broad open alley, but had neglected to see a knight on horseback to her right. She had spooked the poor creature, and in fear, it had reared up and kicked her fiercely.

Thankfully she had been clutching her bag to her chest, otherwise, her entire ribcage may have been shattered. She was certain to bruise, but thankfully nothing was broken… at least she hoped that was the case.

The pain was incredible. Not only was she finding it hard to move, but it was also hard to breathe. Short gasps of air passed through Lucy's lips as hobbled her way through the shadows and slumped against a wall once it was safe for her to do so.

'It would seem that I'm in favor of Lady Luck this night… that soldier was much too busy trying to calm his bucking horse than to take any notice of me. I cannot afford any more mistakes. That… will cost me too much time. And time is not a luxury I have.'

"Up we go, Lucy," the princess wheezed as she struggled to stand. She clutched the side of the crumbled wall she had taken shelter against and managed to right herself.

"Just a little farther…"

"P-Princess Lucy?" an achingly familiar voice asked incredulously.

Lucy froze instantly and inhaled a sharp breath that made her see stars with the pain that it caused her ribs.

'It-… No… It couldn't be…?'

"Princess Lucy? What do you mean- Oh! Oh, in good heaven's name-!"

With another familiar voice added to the fray, Lucy couldn't stop herself from glancing up in hopeful disbelief.

There, staring in absolute wide-eyed shock, were her dear friends Michelle and Barlow. They looked as if though their eyes might pop out of their sockets, but Barlow recovered himself quickly.

"C-Come, Princess, this night brings a mighty chill… and these streets are not safe for milady to travel at this hour! Come inside, quickly."

A small part of Lucy screamed at her not to follow them, to ignore Barlow's pleads, but her aching heart felt such happiness in that moment… such relief at seeing her most cherished friends safe… she couldn't help but nod in exhaustion and follow.



"This is delicious, Barlow, thank you," Lucy mumbled over a freshly baked pastry. She was currently juggling two of them, including a hot cup of herbal tea. The cup was made of old tin and the tea was bland and stale, but the princess didn't mind. If anything, it kept her very aware of her crumbling surroundings, although she basked in the presence of familiar friends.

"Oh, it was not my doing milady. Misha here was the one who baked the pastries," Barlow said with a quiet laugh.

Michelle fidgeted in her seat when Lucy glanced at her and smiled in warm thanks, but the other girl didn't make eye contact.

"Anyhoo… Princess, I must ask. What in good heaven's name are you doing this far from the castle? And at such a dangerous hour? Don't tell me you were planning to run away? From the looks of your bag there…" Barlow trailed off and examined his princess carefully.

And she did the same. Her heart seized in her chest when she saw how thin Michelle had become. Barlow was covered in an obvious layer of dirt and grime, and the both of them wore tattered clothing that had seemingly been scraped and sewn together in a hasty manner. The ex-head chef even had several small cuts and bruises on his face and on his hands, as if though he had been roughed up not too long ago…

"Oh Barlow…" Lucy breathed, "who has done this to you?"

"Ah…" Barlow chuckled nervously and dipped his head to hide his face. He then rose from the stone he had been using as a seat and moved about the small room he and Michelle seemed to share.

"Never you mind that, Milady," he said firmly, collecting small pieces of tin that were shaped like plates and cups. "You should get some rest and then head back to the castle tomorrow once it's safe. I will accompany you as far as-"

"No." Lucy said with finality. She too rose from the stone rock she had chosen as a seat, set down her pastry and teacup, and then crossed her arms. "You were right, Barlow. I am running away from it all, and no matter how many soldiers he sends after me, I will never bend to my father's cruel will ever again. I will never stand by and watch-…"

The princess choked up with emotion when images of everyone she loved – the entire staff that had been at Loke's party – had been rounded up like cattle and beaten if they did not comply. Their faces; expressions of disbelief, anguish, anger… and it was all her fault.

"Princess…" Lucy exhaled the breath she had been holding and glanced up into the warm, but weary eyes of Michelle.

"Princess," she said again, more quietly, "even though… we have been banished from the castle… and- and… we can't ever… we can't ever see each other again…"

Tears began to fall from Michelle's beautiful blue eyes, so she squeezed them shut and quickly swiped at her cheeks.

"Even though we can't ever see each other again, I want you to know that we don't blame you. And we don't regret it. Our friendship with you, I mean. How could we regret it? You gave me… gave us so much joy and happiness that an entire lifetime of wealth could never provide. That isn't something so easily forgotten or broken. Those memories of us all together… I wanted to spend more time with you. I just-… I missed you too. I miss you so much…"

Lucy couldn't help her self. Michelle now held her face in her hands as she sobbed, and the princess's heart ached so deeply for her. She reached out and wrapped her best friend into a tight hug, clutching her firmly. Lucy would not cry, but she certainly felt. She was happy Michelle seemed to have forgiven her for not speaking to her, but her heart cried out, longing to soothe her pain.

"Milady…" Barlow murmured, "Mish is, of course, right on all accounts about how we all feel. We care for you so very much. But I fear… if you leave Mercurius in anger… will you leave behind unknown regrets as well?"



"Okay, this way," Michelle whispered, motioning with her hand to follow.

Lucy and Barlow hobbled down an alley as quickly as they could. Lucy was definitely feeling the pain from her earlier incident, and as long as she had known him, Barlow had been having issues with his hips and knees. It was hard for the older man to move around, but he was determined to see her off safely. He had informed the princess of an old carriage driver that would be willing to take her to the port of Hargeon, as long as he was offered a modest price.

"We're nearly there now," Barlow wheezed, shuffling as quickly as he could down the dirt path they were currently traveling. "Goodness… I haven't moved this quickly… since you two were little girls… and getting yourselves into all kinds of trouble!"

Michelle and Lucy glanced at one another before grinning and giggling as quietly as they could. With Misha in muffled stitches, Barlow took the lead and led them to a small open clearing that provided a wonderful view of a darkened Forsythia Forest. Just beyond a short stone wall and a broken archway, an old man sat by a campfire with a bottle in his hand and his face flushed. He seemed to be singing about a woman, but he was quiet enough that Lucy couldn't quite hear his lyrics.

"Okay… there doesn't appear to be any soldiers. Let's go," Barlow breathed before walking out and hobbling toward the old man, Lucy and Michelle following close behind.

"Mr. Fint? Mr. Fint, are you… well enough to travel?" Barlow asked breathlessly as the trio came up to a halt in front of the man's campfire. He had stopped singing as the group approached, and his smile had faded as soon as Barlow had said the word "travel".

"Hm? Which wunna ya wanna travel?" he asked, slurring slightly.

"That would be me, sir," Lucy said, stepping forward and presenting herself.

"Huh? Hmm…" Fint narrowed his eyes and shielded his eyes from the moon. He seemingly scrutinized her for what seemed like an eternity before he sighed and picked himself up from his spot on the ground.

"Alright, alright, I'll take ya. But it's gunna cost ya! I don' like traveling at night, nope. All kindsa nasties lurkin' about. Thugs, wild animals… monsters. Can' be too careful."

Lucy calmly pulled out her coin purse from her pigskin bag and offered the man a gold piece.

"I would like to get to the port of Hargeon as quickly as we can. How long will that take, sir?"

Fint examined the gold piece he had been given like Lucy would a fascinating new book. He then narrowed his brown eyes once again and scratched at his gray beard.

"Hargeon… Hm. Fer five gold pieces, I'll getcha there ina jiffy. Two."

"Five gold pieces?!" Barlow exclaimed

"Two? Two days?" Lucy asked at the same time, reaching into her coin purse but refraining from pulling out more gold just yet.

"Nay, not two days," Fint replied, pulling out a long wooden pipe and stuffing it with tobacco. "Gimme two nights 'n I'll getcha there. I don' like traveling by day. Too many soldiers, travelers… monsters."

Lucy smiled before handing over the gold. She recognized the man now. He had seemed very familiar when she had first met him, but she couldn't quite put her finger on it. This man… Mr. Flint was his true name, used to be the royal coachman for Lucy's family. She was but a little girl at the time she had last seen him, and he looked much much different than he did now, but the mischief in his eyes had not changed a bit.

He confirmed her theory when he smiled back, showing his aged teeth, and said, "It's mighty good ta see ya again, Princess Lucy."

"I'm glad to see you as well, Mr. Flint, although I do wish our reunion had been under different circumstances. Thank you for doing this, even though we have some potential thugs, wild animals and 'monsters' to contend with."

He chuckled and moved to hitch his old horse to the rickety carriage- er… wagon, really, that sat not five feet away.

"Please, Milady, call me Fintie. I don' go by Flint no more."

"It's… not much of a change, Fint," Barlow quietly pointed out.

"W-Wha-! Oh whadda y'know, Tubby?" Fint growled, embarrassed. Barlow on the other hand looked completely taken aback by the verbal jab from the former coach.

"T-Tubby? I… I'll have you know I have lost a significant amount of weight since the last time we last saw each other in the palace."

"Huh… Is dat so? I don' see much improvement," Fint goaded, examining his former coworker with a mischievous glint in his eyes. He thumbed his beard as he circled Barlow, cackling when the other man "harrumphed".

"You're- You're being very improper, Fint. Try to act your age!" The cook chided. As the two men continued to bicker, Michelle pulled Lucy to the side and handed her something wrapped in a somewhat dirty cloth.

"What's this?"

"It more of that root Mr. Barlow gave you before we left the hut. Princess… are you sure you'll be okay with this? That looked like a serious injury," Michelle fretted, glancing down at Lucy's now firmly wrapped midsection.

Lucy had collapsed in pain earlier, right before the trio had left the hut, and when she had showed Michelle what had happened to her, the other girl balked before fetching Barlow and retrieving medicines for pain relief. Together the girls applied some crushed ghiliflower root to Lucy's abdomen and then wrapped it up tightly with some spare cloth the princess had in her bag.

"I'll be just fine, Mish. The ghiliflower root should help ease the pain, if it flares up again."

Michelle smiled weakly, but Lucy could tell she wasn't convinced of her bravado. Not only was the princess still lightly panting, but a thin sheen of sweat was visible on her face when she pulled her hood back.

"The ghiliflower may temporarily take the edge off the pain, but it doesn't look like it does much for the swelling. You look pretty bloated," Misha pointed out, grinning when Lucy lightly slapped her on the shoulder in mock outrage.

"Does da princess 'ave an injury?" the two girls heard Fint ask.

"She was kicked by a horse a few hours ago, but we gave her some ghiliflower root to keep the pain at bay," Barlow answered.

"By da Gods... are ya a'right Milady? Want sum whiskey? Rum? It'll numb ya right up, Princess."

"N-No, thank you, I'll be okay," Lucy insisted with a laugh, hugging Michelle quickly and then Barlow shortly after before hauling herself gingerly into Fint's old carri- er, wagon. He was already sitting on the driver's seat, awaiting his passenger.

Once she was settled, Lucy leaned out the small window so that she may see Barlow and Michelle one last time before she left Crocus for good.

"Oh how I wish you were to come with me…" Lucy murmured.

Michelle smiled sadly before recovering herself and wrapping her arm around Barlow in a jovial manner.

"You know as well as I do that Barlow isn't fit for travel. Me on the other hand… well. I would, but then who would be there to take care of this old man? Someone has to do it, so it might as well be me!"

Barlow laughed and wrapped his beefy arm around Michelle's shoulders and hugged her close.

"We will miss you, princess. Even though it pains me to see you go off on this journey alone, I feel as if though this is something you must do for yourself. And… I have the strangest feeling that you're destined for something far greater and far more important than what your birthright deems. Be careful, Milady. We will miss you dearly."

Just then, Fint snapped his reins sharply, causing his old horse to snort, and finally the rickety wagon was rolling forward. Michelle waved as Lucy called out one last goodbye before she was off into the dark cover of Forsythia Forest.




EEEEEEP! I'm so excited for the next chapter! Let me know what you all think by leaving a review, PMing me, all that jazz ;) If you wanna stay up to date with TPOP, don't forget to follow! I love you all my Duckies and I can't WAIT to hear from you and... post that next chapter. ;) Until then! Cheers!