A/N: Thanks for viewing! Here is the first chapter, the second one should be posted soon. Enjoy and review please (:

Magnus POV

Life is easy when everything you want and need is handed right to you. I have everything I could ever want and so much more. I'm rich, young, beautiful and ever so talented. I have one of the biggest lofts in all of Manhattan, I have chauffeurs and butlers and maids. I have no siblings or parents that I have to worry and stress about constantly. Only me and my spoiled-rotten cat.

I am living the all American dream.

I am on the cover of magazines and even made the newspaper which surprised me. People know me and they love me.

I swipe my black credit card and people stop to stare, sometimes I can't tell if it is from the rectangle of plastic or my stunning good looks. As if that matters. I'm perfect. They should stop and stare. Some of them even get a wink or a smirk out of me and that's all that is needed for the ladies to swoon.

I own these New York streets. I strut down them like they are my personal runway.

Oh how I love runway.

I did consider doing runway and photo shoots as an occupation, after all I am flawless. But my true passion is to design what is put on the models, not to be the model dressed up and styled like a damn Ken doll.

Don't get me wrong, I love to be pampered. I make room for it every day. But to be done up in a way that is not how I want it, it's horrible.

I like to be the one controlling what the models wear and how they look. I like to be the one the celebrities say "Oh yes, this dress is from the Bane Collection, designed and created by Magnus Bane."

Oh yes. What a wonderful life this is. I'll be damned if I ever let anything get in the way of it.

Alec POV

I kicked the door shut behind me and set the last cardboard box down. I scanned the room with saddened eyes. It is small and dank. Apparently I am "lucky" to have a bathroom connected. There are only my three boxes, two suitcases and one mattress that fill the space.

At least I have a room with a view, a lovely old women who is shirtless dancing around the kitchen. I couldn't help but grimace and close the dusty blinds.

I turned on the heater… I think. We will see soon enough. The room felt like the arctic and the snow outside didn't help any.

My new home made me miss the crowded bedroom back at the orphanage. I had a sudden urge to go back, even after all the years I wished I was far away from the place.

I couldn't go back even if I tried. I'm eighteen now. They are no longer responsible for me, they found me this apartment and paid the first three months for me. After that, I'm on my own.

I suppose I need to find a job. Somewhere close by considering I have no car or any money for a taxi or subway.

I sighed deeply. I have no one to blame but myself.

Magnus POV

Two weeks later

Snow trailed in behind me as I entered the small coffee shop I go to every morning. I untangled my arms and unbuttoned my coat to approach the counter.

There is that kid again, the kid that always rings me up and makes my coffee. The kid that never seems to be phased by me while everyone else in the room would stare in awe. The boy with shocking black hair and shining blue eyes.

He watched me approach. "The usual?" He asked, completely bored and uninterested.

He remembered my drink. I thought fondly.

Of course he remembers your drink, Magnus. Everyone would remember your drink. You're Magnus Bane.

"Yes." I said.

Or maybe it's because I've been here consecutively for the past couple weeks, it is the boys job to remember regulars.

The boy began making my coffee. He was working alone today and there weren't many people in the shop this morning. Probably because of the blizzard outside. Looking out the windows was like looking at a sheet of blank paper.

"How about this weather, huh?" I said before I could stop myself.

The boy looked at me as if he was wondering what language I was speaking but then his gaze shifted to the white windows.

"Fantastic." He said in a sarcastic, dull tone and went back to making coffee.

I mentally kicked myself. "Uh, so you don't like the snow?"

"I don't like a lot of things." He said quickly not averting his eyes from the drink. I couldn't help but raise my eyebrow at him even though he couldn't see it.

I suddenly realized that this is the first time I have ever tried to make conversation with the boy. That would explain his confusion when I first spoke. All the other times I was here there were many people in line and other people were working with him.

"What's your name?" I asked suddenly. Wait, why do I care about what his name is? He is just a barista at a coffee shop.

The boy put a lid on my drink and sat it on the counter in front of me.

"2.99." He said without answering my question.

"You should be wearing a name tag." I said in a teasing tone. For some odd reason, I felt like I needed to make him smile. Much to my disappointment, I was unsuccessful.

"If you paid any attention the last few days, you would know that today is the first day I don't have it." He said staring me dead in the eyes. Ugh. His eyes are so blue, I could get lost in them and never want to come out. They are like an ocean on a stormy day, stern and strong yet so beautiful.

What? Compose yourself Magnus!

Without breaking our gaze, I pulled out my wallet and dropped a single bill on the counter. I wasn't sure the amount, if I had to guess from remembering the last time I looked, I'd say a ten.

"Keep the change." I said and took the drink. Breaking our hold as I turned and went to sit at my usual spot in the corner of the shop by the window.

As I sat down, I placed my drink on the table and pulled out my laptop and sketch pad; preparing to do my every day work I do when I come here. I usually draw new designs for my Collection or finish up others and recreate them on my laptop for a more vivid visual.

As my computer powered up, the blue eyed boy was standing in front of me.

"You sure about that?" He asked holding up my money, I saw it was a hundred dollar bill. Oops. I guess I missed a zero.

"Tell me your name and it's yours." I smirked. I have plenty of money, what's a hundred dollar cup of coffee? Plus I get his name, we both win.

The boy glared at me. "I'll be back with change." He said and stormed off.

I frowned. What is it with this guy? Who turns down 97 dollars? All I want is his name. I just need a name to put with that face.

He was back again and setting 97 dollars and a penny next to my coffee. I looked up at him. "What is the big deal?" I asked him.

"I don't need your charity. If you wanted my name you would've gotten it by now." He turned and went behind the counter, heading into the back room.

I watched his every move as he walked away.