Author's note

Hello I am Storymaker2 and this if my first legend of Korra fanfic so please leave reviews and feedback of what you think and enjoy the story.

Chapter 1: The arrest

it was a dark stormy night in Republic city as Mako drove down the streets in his police motorcycle. He was in the more rundown bad area of the city where crime and mischief was much more common. He had been told by Lieut. Tanron that there was a meeting going down between the triads in this area and that he was to meet with another two officers near the area.

Mako pulled his cycle over near an alley. He put a chain around it so no low live would try and take it. Mako slowly walked down the alley between the buildings. The path was filled with old garbage and ratpigeons feeding on old scraps.

Mako felt the rain start to soak in through his hat as he walked past a few people in the alley who gave him unsavory looks. Some even made approaches at him until he waved his police badge in their faces.

When he reached the end of the alley he saw another two men wearing rain coats similar to his. "Hello, it's me office Mako" He said as he took out his badge. One of the men put his finger to his lip. "Shss, come on man you want the whole gang to know we're here" The officer said as he took out his badge.

"So do you guys know what's going down with the triads and all the Lieut. didn't tell me much , and I'm not even sure Chief Bei Fong knows about this" Mako said. "Well this is sort of secret operation the chief will find out but until we're done it's best if it stays quiet" the other officer said. "What why can't the chief know?" Mako said.

"Because she might not approve of an operation like this" the first officer said. "What we're doing this without the chief even approving isn't this I don't know, career suicide" Mako said." It won't when and we bring in Don Carlo" the other officer said. "Don Carlo! We're going after him" Mako said.

Don Carlo was one of the most wanted man in all of the United Republic. Don Carlo was the leader of the most notorious triads, the Eclipses. The Eclipses were not just set up in Republic city, they had groups all over the United Republic and were all coordinated by Don Carlo.

"Because Don Carlo is so, elusive we couldn't risk bringing in the Calvary. Lieut. Tanron chose you because he knows how good you are" the other officer said. "All right so what's the plan for getting him?" Mako said. "Once he reveals himself in this building we go in, there is only one door in this building so he'll have no way to get out" the first officer said.

Mako and the other officers slowly went to the front of the building and waited beside an old car for nearly 35 minutes. Mako had the unfortunate position right under the end of the roof where all of the water fell down from and onto him. While the other two officers closely watched whoever passed the building Mako took a picture of him and Korra.

It had been almost 3 years since that picture was taken back when they had been dating. It had been three years since core had defeated Unalaq and Vaatu. Three years since they had ended that relationship. While they had remained friends after that, they were not close friends anymore. In fact they hardly even saw each other.

Korra spent most of her time around the world helping people wherever she could. Much of her work involved helping people adjust to living with spirits since she had allowed for Gates to remain open. Mako and Asami had still been dating since then and Mako had been trying to get Korra out of his head.

"Hey get your head in the game they are here" the first officer said as he grabbed Mako's arm. Mako saw a very expensive looking car pull up in front of the building. Two men got out and opened the door for another man to get out. The third man was much older at least in his mid-60s. He had gray hair the short beard mustache and a big belly. He wore an expensive looking suit and had several gold rings on his fingers.

He had a cane with a diamond on the top and used it as he walked from the car to the building. Mako and his fellow officers slowly moved to the door after three men walked in and sat down at a table several other men in suits.

"Don welcome back to Republic it's been too long" one of the other men said. "Yes it has, it's good to be back home" Don said. The first officer nodded at mako and the second officer and the three rushed inside. "Police everyone put your hands up now" the first officer said she took out his badge. Don Carlo quickly got up and stumbled backwards towards the wall. The men in suits all got up and walked in front of the table with their bodyguards.

"Just three men big mistake coper" one of the man said. Half of the men through their fists forward unleashing almost a dozen fireballs at the three police officers. The other few through their fists and feet forward unleashing flying rocks from under the floor at them. The first officer smashed his foot into the ground and threw up a wall of rock in front blocking the incoming rocks and fire. He threw his fists forward into the rock wall and sent flying pieces of it into the triads.

Four of the triads were knocked out cold the others quickly came forward using more fire and earth bending. The second officer quickly began moving his arms around and drew rain in from outside and blasted six of the other men with water.

When they hit the wall he quickly froze them to it. The last few triads quickly fire bended and earth bended like they had never done before at the officers. Mako came forward and blocked the fire balls with his arms and blasted the incoming rocks with his own fireballs. He unleashed several more blasts of fire and knocked the last few triads out. One of the officers took out his radio and called in "unit 422 to base the package is secure I repeat the package is secure" the first officer said.

Mako walked over to Don Carlo was cowering in the corner. Unlike the other triads Don Carlo was not a Bender. Mako grabbed him pushed him against the wall and began to cuff him "Don Carlo you are under arrest you have the right to remain silent anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law you have the right to an attorney if you cannot afford an attorney one will be provided for you" Mako said.

It was a sunny morning on air Temple Island and Tenzin was walking through the hallways of the main building. As he walked past one room he heard the unmistakable snoring of his older brother. Tenzin sighed as he opened the door and saw his brother asleep with drool dripping down the side of his mouth and onto the bed. "Oh perfect he's doing it again"Tenzin said as he put his hand over his face.

He walked out of the room and down the hallway towards the old training area. Where he saw three of his children practicing their air bending. Meelo was now 10 years old and was moving through the fans like Tenzin had always taught him.

"Come on Meelo you need to move faster than that if you're going to become a master" Ikki said. "Don't rush me Ikki this is an art" Meelo said. Jinora was standing beside her sister when she saw their father approaching. "Dad hey we were just helping Meelo get down the fans" Jinora said.

Meelo came out of the other side and blasted Ikki with a burst of air. "Ha see I am fast" Meelo said. "All right Meelo there is no need for that, say children have any of you seen your mother or Rohan?" Tenzin said. "I think they went with aunt Kya into the city to see some of their old friends" Jinora said. "Why did they take Rohan with them?" Tenzin said.

"I think their friends wanted to see Rohan to, according to mom and aunt Kya he's still in the cute stages of life" Ikki said. "That means we're here alone with Bumi! Um kids anyone feel like a trip to the movies" Tenzin said.

"Movies sounds great!" Bumi shouted. Tenzin put his hand over his face as he heard his brother walk up behind." Oh you're up" Tenzin said. "Yep I'm up and ready for a fun day with my little brother" Bumi said.

Tenzin turned around and put his face back in his palm when he saw his brother in his underwear and a rope with his gut hanging out " could you please put some pants on for goodness sake" Tenzin said.

"Actually dad I was going to head to the city library in a few minutes" Jinora said. " And miss Befong said she was going to show me the police station" Ikki said. "And Bolin was going to take me to a propending match" Meelo said.

"I guess that means to you and me little bro" Bumi said as he put his arm around Tenzin's shoulder. "Just perfect" Tenzin said. Moments later Meelo was knocked to the ground by a giant polar bear dog who immediately started licking him across the face. "Naga but that means" Tenzin started.

"Korra!" Ikki and Jinora both shouted as they ran forward. Tenzin looked over behind back and saw her. "Korra" Tenzin said as he saw her. He had been almost a year since Tenzin had last seen her. Korra was now 20 years old and is looking much more mature than she had three years ago.

Her hair was longer she had gotten a bit taller and her case a bit more muscular as well. Ikki and Jinora both hugged Korra when they reached her and she to put her arms around them. "Ikki, Jinora it's so good to see you two again" Korra said. "Korra we missed you so much" Ikki said. "So you have to tell me about all the places you've been all the things you've seen. The spirits and everything I'm so jealous" Jinora said.

"You really shouldn't be it's not all fun and games trying to help people get used to living with spirits" Korra said. "Korra it's so good to have you back here" Tenzin said as he came over and joined the hug. " Tenzin it's good to see you to" Korra said.

"Korra how you been?" Bumi said as he came over. "Bumi, I've been just fine I just got back from Omashu" Korra said. "Right Omashu, weren't there some spirits there who claimed it was there old home before the massive city was built over where they lived" Tenzin said.

"Yeah I sorted it out. I found the spirits new homes inside the cave of two lovers apparently they like it better there with the giant moles" Korra said. "Well I'm very proud of you Korra it become such a magnificent avatar and the young woman since you first came here three years ago" Tenzin said.

"Well I owe most of that to you Tenzin you taught me how to be spiritual" Korra said. "No I just taught you airbending. You learned your spiritual path yourself" Tenzin said. "So where are Pema and Rohan?" Korra asked.

"Oh they are out with Kya seeing some friends, you actually couldn't have come here at a better time" Tenzin said as he turned to his brother. " What's going on?" Korra asked. "In a few weeks we're going to have some very special guests here. Firelord Ursa and her father are coming here" Tenzin said.

"Zuko is coming here" Korra said. "Yes he said he wants to see the city again and to catch up with me and my family. I think it would be a good time for you to finally meet him" Tenzin said. Since Korra had started helping spirits regain their place in the world to she had been to the fire nation countless times. She had seen Zuko's daughter Ursa many times in the past three years but never Zuko.

"It would be nice to finally meet Zuko mean after all he spent so much time looking for me" Korra joked. " Very funny Korra very funny" Tenzin said. "Wait a minute Ursa is coming here and you didn't tell me sooner!" Bumi screamed. "Oh I must have forgotten to tell you I'm sorry" Tenzin said. Bumi put his hands on his temples and quickly fell to the ground and started doing situps.

"What are you doing?" Korra said. "Ursa is coming in a few weeks I can't let her see me like this" Bumi said pointing to his fat belly. He resumed doing situps as Tenzin put his palm and his face again. " Tenzin why he doing situps?" Korra said. "Because when he was eight teen he had a crush on Ursa and he still hasn't got over it" Tenzin said.

" Hey her husband died of illness eight years ago I've still got a chance with her" Bumi said. " Forget the library I want to spend the day with you Korra how long you going to be here anyway" Jinora said. " Well if I'm welcome I thought I'd stay here while I help some spirits try to become part of the republic city " Korra said. "Korra you're always welcome here" Tenzin said.

"Wait a minute spirits are going to live in Republic city!" Ikki said excitedly. "Probably not the city spirits aren't too fond of industrialized areas. I just meant some of the forests outside the city" Korra said. "That sounds like a good idea" Tenzin said.

"By the way Tenzin how have my old friends been doing?" Korra said. "Alright I suppose,Bolin is the only one who really comes to see us now and again. Mako spends most of his time at the police station or with Asami" Tenzin said. Tenzin realized he might have made a mistake in how he said that. "I mean well they spend some time together I suppose" Tenzin said.

"It's all right Tenzin I've been over Mako for a long time now. I've come to see it just wasn't meant to be and I feel better about it" Korra said. "Oh well that's good to hear I'm sure someday you'll find a young man " Tenzin said. "Or better yet I should just steal one another woman" Korra said. "Pema didn't steal me from Lin!" Tenzin shouted. "Oh yes she did" Bumi said.

"Shouldn't you be doing situps" Tenzin said. "No now I'm moving on to flutter kicks" Bumi said as he started doing flutter kicks. Later that night Korra was looked out at the city from her bedroom window. "Republic city it's been too long" Korra said. She went back and laid down on the bed with Naga already asleep next to the bed.

Korra noticed a small spirit had entered the room and was now directly above her. "Avatar Korra I don't like this place the humans have destroyed all of the natural life and filled it with their big metal and cement structures" the spirits said. The spirit resembled turtle duck , "well you don't have to worry about that, you spirits won't be living in the city but the forests around the outside of the city. That way you can still connect with the human's living in the city" Korra said.

"Yeah and we can stop them if they try to cut down any more trees" the spirit said. "No violence" Korra said. "We understand avatar Korra" the spirit said before flying off. Korra began to think about what Tenzin said, finding someone new. For the past three years she had been doing nothing but trying to Spirits back into the human world she had not thought much about finding a new romantic partner since her and Mako broke up. "Maybe it is time I finally find someone else" Korra said. Korra fell asleep soon after thinking about a new boyfriend.