I told everyone at the Pheromone dust, I was making this, I am unsure whether to leave it as a one-shot or not so as per the usual course of action I am leaving up to the reviews. I hope you guys like this little fic I made!

Yang didn't exactly see what Pyrrha had seen in Jaune.

He had gotten a lot better in fighting, especially since Pyrrha had started to help him out. He stopped falling asleep in classes and began to win more and more of his fights. What she didn't expect was him taking the extra steps to do better. He was staying up practicing and studying and was spending more and more of his time in the library and training area. His strikes were cleaner and anyone could see he was getting some muscles. Overall he was turning from a goofy cute to a less goofy handsome.

In the hall, Jaune walked up to her, "Hey Yang, Yang?"

She turned and smirked, "Hey vomit boy, wassup?"

He sighed, "Can I get some help from you in my combat practice?"

There was a beat of silence.

She laughed, "You want to fight me?"

He shook his head before he chuckled nervously, "As appealing as my bones turning into dust and my internal organ collapsing sounds, I don't want to fight but I was hoping you could teach me about defensive hand to hand combat and helping me keep my defense up without breaking."

Yang jabbed him lightly in the shoulder, "You sure you can handle this?"

"No, in fact I am sure I can't, but I hope you're willing to help me try." He said giving a sheepish smile.

She thought about it. There wasn't any harm in it, she was simply helping Jaune improve. Besides, Pyrrha saw something and he was becoming something. He was a good person, or so she thought, and her instincts were usually spot on.

"Fine, I guess. On the weekends, tell me when you can." Yang replied.

"Anytime really, whenever you want I don't want you to have to cancel your plans…" He replied nervously.

Yang shrugged, but smiled, "Alright can you do 1:00?"

Jaune nodded, "Yeah."

Yang watched Jaune battle Russell and knock him back with his shield before slashing his blade at his neck. Russell leaned back and Jaune dropped into a reverse-leg sweep and knocked Russell's legs out from under him. Jaune stabbed his sword into the ground next to Russell's head and Russell groaned before he gave up. Jaune grinned and walked off the stage. He bumped fists with Ren, allowed himself to be slapped on the back by Nora (which hurt more than Russell's attacks), and high-fived Pyrrha. Jaune sat down and Yang offered him a water bottle. She had to admit he was definitely a lot better than when he began.

"Huh? Oh thanks Yang." Jaune said smiling.

"You did pretty good out there."

"Really? I though I wasn't that great, I mean I am just glad I won." Jaune said scratching his chin, "I guess all those hand to hand combat sessions with Ren have paid off."

"You trained with him? I thought he would wipe the floor with you!" Yang said surprised.

"He did, quite a lot, even after all my constant training I am still nowhere near his level." Jaune said with a mock growl of annoyance.

"You have good legwork, but you don't seek to use your sword when you have an opening. Especially later you were tiring out Russell, rather than attacking him." Yang said.

Jaune looked down at his sheathed sword, the white metal glinted in the muted light "I know, it's just…I can see when I can hit, but I don't want to slice too hard he was already low in his aura… I know it's a really stupid thought but-"

"No, that's actually pretty nice, especially about all that grief they gave you in the beginning of the year." Yang said patting him on the back.

He cringed as Yang patted the spot when Nora had slapped his back, "Ah, ow!"

Yang realized where she had patted him, "Sorry!"

"S'okay, just stings a bit." He replied.

Jaune tumbled back and hit a tree trunk as Yang broke through his guard with a particularly strong punch from her gauntlets. Jaune got up and brushed his pants and chest plate before stretching and wincing. He had stabbed his sword into a stump so that he would be relying only on his shield, he wished he could use his gauntlet or other forms, but that was his secret. He flooded the pained areas of his body with massive amounts of aura, healing them.

"Can you keep going, Vomit Boy?"

"Hell yeah, Sunfire!" he challenged, bring his shield back up.

Yang blinked, tilting her head like a confused puppy, "What."

Jaune paused and scratched the back of his head looking sheepish, "Well I thought Sunfire would be a little more suitable of a… nickname I guess… If you don't like it I won't call you that."

Yang waited before she suddenly smirked, "Nah, I kinda like it, now get ready!"

Jaune grinned and braced himself his stance low. Yang crashed into him with the heat and ferocity of a wildfire. Jaune ducked and spun raising his shield and trying to bunt her attacks off when he could. He brought up his arm and blocked a high kick that hit with a loud *smack*. His arm throbbed but he pushed past the pain and continued defending against her assault.

Jaune rolled his shoulders as his joints popped and creaked. He held back a pained hiss as he felt his right arm, even without any weapon, Yang packed a powerful punch… or kick… or any other attack really. Jaune took a swig of water out of his canteen that he had brought with him, and then placed it on his arm, letting the cooling sensation numb the pain. He trickled his aura through his arm and watch in absentminded fascination as his bruises shrunk and faded. He didn't notice the fiery blonde walking up next to him.

Yang sat down next to him, "Gotta hand it to you Jaune, you don't go down easy."

Jaune smirked, "Getting beat up by bullies tends to make you build a bit of endurance when it comes to that sort of thing. Not to mention you develop a few good reflexes and stuff you know? Well… you probably beat up anyone that tried to pick on you."

Yang clenched her hand, "Yep, they all learned not to mess with me very early on."

The both shared a small laugh, albeit Jaune subtly scooted just a bit farther away from her.

Yang glance at him as he stopped chuckling and looked down, a flash of wistfulness ran through his eyes.

"So do you mind talking about it?" She asked.

"What do you mean?" He asked

"Your past, I don't know a lot about you, I was just wondering if you wanted to talk about it with me..."

He looked at the sky, she could see him weighing it, "It's nothing really special, just a weak kid who got bullied and wasn't anything special. That's really it."

Yang saw him smile at her but there was something hidden behind that smile and frowned, she wasn't going to push him though, it was up to him when he would share it.

[A few weeks later]

Team JNPR was tapped for a grimm extermination mission that was in a nearby town. Team RWBY was there to make sure that they saw them off.

"You be careful, okay?" Ruby said Jaune.

"Of course!" Jaune replied smiling brightly and holding out his fist for a fist bump.

"You'd better remember what I taught you and how much you've improved, you'd better come back without a scratch! If you don't, I am doubling our exercises!" Yang threatened, glaring with no heat.

Jaune shook his head in a mused fashion, "I will, I think it be bad if got hurt on missions as it is. Don't worry Sunfire, I'll be sure to be careful, and if I can't be careful, I'll be quick, alright?"

Yang nodded, "You better be, Vomit Boy."

Jaune scoffed at his 'nickname', "Can't you find something else to call me?"

Yang shouted as the ship began to slide the door closed, "NOPE!"

Jaune rolled his eyes as the ship departed. Team RWBY watched as the ship became a small dot in the sky. Yang had an image of Jaune already moaning about his motion sickness, and had to choke back the unexpected giggling that was bubbling up in her throat. They left after getting a quick bite to eat from the city.

"Oh, Yang. By the way," Weiss turned to Yang, "what did he call you?"

"Sunfire." Yang said suddenly feeling oddly defensive of Jaune's nickname for her.

"Why is that? Huh? Something you need to tell us Yang or should I say, Sunfire?" Ruby asked, nudging Yang in the ribs, "I didn't know you and Jaune were close enough to give each other nicknames."

Yang swatted her elbow away, feeling oddly embarrassed, "We just were training and he called me that during one of our sessions, I kinda like it. Besides you know how Jaune is, he would have found another name for me anyway regardless of what happened."

"I think it fits." Blake said grinning from behind her book.

It had taken a few days, but team JNPR had comeback. They all seemed fine and Jaune wasn't looking at all that bad. Although Jaune subconsciously hid his left arm behind his back slightly whenever he approached her. At first no one seemed to mention it, and Jaune certainly acted as if nothing happened. Then they had dinner and whatever Jaune was hiding came to light. When he sat down, Yang had been to notice just the tip of white sticking out from under his left sleeve. She pointed at it, and Jaune's face -for a split second- flashed with worry before he calmly waved it off.

"You're seeing things." He chuckled, Pyrrha picked up the sight undertone of nervousness in his voice, and he slid his arm off the table and held it stiffly at his side.

Yang growled, "What happened to your arm?!"

Pyrrha gasped, "Jaune, you told me that nothing happened! What is it?"

"Nothing!" He protested.

At that point Yang grabbed his arm and he hissed in pain. She glared at him and pulled his sleeve up to show a reddened bandage. Yang immediately began to scold him for getting hurt and promises of more intense training. Pyrrha interjected that it was her fault and Jaune was simply protecting her from a beowolf that had gotten too close. Yang expression twisted into something unrecognizable for just a second before she stubbornly said the training would still be doubled. Jaune groaned in misery and slammed his head onto the table.

"You just had to mention that, didn't you?" Jaune moaned accusingly.

"Sorry Jaune." Pyrrha said sheepishly.

Yang forced him to visit the nurse immediately after they were done with dinner.

[A few weeks later]

Jaune hurried as he made his way down the hall, he had promised Pyrrha to spar with her when he had this period. He tripped and tumbled into a group of people. Jaune yelped and hit the floor with a loud thud. Some of Jaune's things fell out of his bag and landed around him.

"Aw peanuts." He grumbled, "Sorry 'bout that."

"Watch where you're going, fresh!" One of the said, kicking his bag.

Jaune glared at them as they walked off, "No love lost this morning…" He muttered.

"I outta kick their ass!" growled a voice from behind him.

"Wah!" Jaune jumped a foot and spilled his papers again, "Damn!"

He turned and saw Yang about to storm down the hallway, her eyes were red.

He panicked when he saw Yang cracking her knuckles, "It's okay Yang, I am used to it, it's nothing I can't handle." He assured hurriedly.

"They have no right!" she fumed.
He laughed (just a bit sadly) as he stuffed his things in their proper places in his bag, "They are the upperclassmen, they have to take it out on someone, might as well be me."

"Why not Cardin or his lackeys? They deserve it at least! You don't!"

"Jeez, Yang when did I climb high so high on your good list?" He said amused, and trying to deflect the line of thought.

She looked almost offended, "We've been hanging out in the past few weeks, and I realized you're a pretty nice guy, Jaune."

He smiled, "Thanks. It's kind of you to say that." He glanced at a watch, "Oh crap! I need to see Pyrrha!"

"What for?" Yang asked.

"I was going to train with her, aw she is gonna be so pissed I am always late." Jaune said as he began to run.

Yang followed as she asked, "Why are you always late?"

"The training ground are on the other side of the campus. Pyrrha has classes closer to the arena, otherwise she like to spend the period just hanging out. See ya Sunfire!" Jaune explained as he ran.

He jumped on and slid down the railing before bolting outside, blowing past a few startled classmates. Yang skidded to a stop, Jaune was surprisingly graceful when it came to moving. She made her way down the steps and saw Jaune skid to a stop in front of his red-haired teammate. She scolded him slightly as he laughed a bit sheepishly.

Yang smiled, but something about it felt off to her.

Jaune put his head in his arms as he dozed at the dinner table, he had just gone through a long lecture by Professor Port and wasn't in the mood to stay up. He slipped into sleep and Ren noticed before pointing out to his friends. Jaune mouth was slightly open in a small smile, his hair provided a small shadow that covered his eyes and his hood had crumpled behind his head. Yang snapped a quick photo on her scroll while Ruby giggled and Pyrrha sighed. He looked like a small child.

Unfortunately, Jaune eyes snapped open when he heard the sound of the photo being taken. He sat up and looked around until he saw Yang holding the scroll.

"Give me that!" he demanded a dark blush appearing on his face.

"Never!" Yang replied and dashed out of the lunchroom.

Jaune sprinted after her yelling half formed threats. She kept ahead of him glancing back and laughing every now and then at his thoroughly red face.

"Sunfire, you give me that scroll, right now!" He yelled, waving his fist.

"You're gonna have to catch me first!" She yelled back, sticking out her tongue.

Yang gigged as he pouted slightly, he looked adorable, and Yang suddenly stumbled, 'Where did that thought come from…?'

Jaune noticed her foot had been caught under a carpet, but she hadn't taken a step yet. Jaune eyes widened and narrowed as he roared forward using his aura. She took that next step and promptly tripped but before she could crash to the floor she felt an arm wrap around her head and brace it against something and another arm encircle her waist and hold her steady. The body twisted, rotating their positions so that that she was on top of him and he was below her. There was a slight jolt and a thud, as they both fell. Yang blinked and looked only to see the ocean blue eyes of her friend Jaune giving her a scolding look.

"Honestly…" he grumbled, letting his head fall back in relief, "You need to be careful Sunfire! What if you had gotten hurt? Just be glad that it was a small fall and I was behind you!"

She didn't respond, automatically focusing on how warm Jaune's arms felt.

Yang blinked, staring at him and realizing the position they were in, her brain seemed to slow in kicking in and telling her that she should get off him. Anyone passing by would get the wrong idea, and for once the flirty blonde felt panicked. Jaune seemed to arrive at the same conclusion as his eyes suddenly widened. They gave each other a glance before immediately scooting away from each other. He had a dark shade of red staining his face as he looked down, his hair falling over his eyes. Yang was sure there was at least a pink shadow to her cheeks.

"I uh, sorry about that!" he said quickly panicking that Yang would break his ribs or something for making a pass at her, "I didn't mean to do anything flirty or of that kind of thing, I was just making sure you didn't fall and hurt yourself!"

"No, yeah!" she replied waving her hands in a sort of 'don't mention it' gesture, "I mean, I totally get it. I am not mad!"

They both sat there awkwardly sitting there, the silence deafening and getting thicker. They glance at each other and suddenly they both smiled and began to laugh making the tension shatter. Their laughter echoed and swelled as they laughed at the total cliché situation they were in. Jaune placed a hand over his eyes and laughed even louder, Yang tried to stifle her laughs only making a slight giggling in between all of her weak breaths and gasps for air.
Soon their laughter became weak chuckles and slight sighs, "That was funny." Jaune said, wiping his eyes.

"Yeah." Yang agreed.

"Come on, Sunfire." He said, getting to his feet and offering her his hand.

She smiled at him and took his hand.

It felt warm.

Okay there…that's fine, just drop a review telling me what you would prefer.