Chapter 1- The offer

With a weary sigh, Dr. John Watson, ex-army captain clicked on the message in his Inbox.

To: John

From: Mike

Re: Flat share

John, everything alright? Sherlock said you never showed. The address is 221B Baker Street. He's expecting you at the same time tonight. He's a good guy if that's what you are worried about.


The doctor looked at his watch. It was fifteen minutes till the appointed time, and if he left now he could just keep the visit. Instead, the man continued to sit at his bare desk, as indecision paralysed him.

John would love to move out of this depressing complex for recovering veterans, but he wasn't so keen to share with such an odd bloke. Mr. Holmes was clearly uncontrollable and difficult to read, and what John needed now was the complete opposite to that.

He had thought about the man all day though.

In the five minutes that they talked, Mr. Holmes' precision, serious manner and scientific mind were appealing but his bold, presumptuous attitude were completely ridiculous.

John shook his head as he closed his laptop. This wasn't for him.