Chapter 1: The Portal

Elsa's POV

I look around my frozen bedroom. It's been two weeks since the entire kingdom of Arendale found out about my ice powers, but I feel like I did before i ran off into the mountains. Trapped. Scared. Unable to control my powers.

Just then, I hear a knock at the door. Anna. I take a deep breath and turn the knob. Just as I expected, Anna is standing there with a big smile on her face.

"Oh, happy birthday Anna!" I say, smiling a little. "Thanks Elsa. Wanna build a snowman?" I look at her through the small crack in the door, then glance back at the cold room. "Uh, sure. Let's go."

So we walk to the courtyard full of snow. Together we roll up three balls and make a snow girl. I give her a carrot nose and Anna gives her her pink scarf.

Then I form a snowflake and delicately place it on her. Olaf comes out an looks at the snow girl. "You made me a friend!" he says, hugging her.

Anna and I burst out laughing, but when I put my hands in front of me, ice shoots out and barely misses Anna. "Anna!' I scream, rushing over to her.

"Are you okay?" She looks at me."Yeah, I'm fine." I gulp down the lump that has formed in my throat.

"A-are you sure?" She laughs. "Elsa, I'm fine." I can feel tears coming to my eyes and I back up into a wall, which turns to ice in a second. I run back into the castle and out the back way I went out during the coronation ball only weeks ago.

At the other side, I slow down and walk along quietly along, wondering what I'm doing. But a bright light stops my thoughts. Coming to a halt, I notice that the light is a huge light blue circle. Lightning shoots out of it.

I turn around to see Anna coming across the fjord after me, so I do the only thing I can think of doing. I jump through the portal.

Mabel's POV

I walk through the woods with Dipper close behind, his nose buried in journal 3. The wind begins to blow harder and I pick up my pace.

Suddenly, I stop in my tracks. I rub my eyes to make sure what I'm seeing is real. It is. The trees and ground in front of me are covered in ice. Dipper walks up to me with the book tucked his arm, and by the look on his face I can tell he is just shocked as I am.

''Wha_is that i-ice?" he asks. I nod, reaching out to touch a branch of a tree. Suddenly, I hear a frustrated groan coming from not far away. We rush around to a clearing where a teenage girl is standing. She has blond hair so light it is practically white styled into a singe braid, and she is wearing a light blue dress. Then I gasp. There are snowflakes and ice coming from her hands.

I scream and jump back, tripping over a log and crashing to the ground in the process. The girl looks startled and stares at me, scared. Dipper hurries over to me and helps me up. "Are you okay, Mabel?" he asks.

I dust myself off. "Yeah. I'm fine," I reply, looking at the girl. She seems...familiar. "Hey, Dip. Does she seem familiar to you?" Then I re/member something.

A few weeks ago, Dipper and I went to the Gravity Falls movie theater to see a new Disney movie called Frozen. That's Elsa!

"Mabel," Dipper says, breaking me from my thoughts. "Huh?" I ask. "I said that's Elsa. You know, from Frozen?" "I know," I reply, still staring at Elsa.

"What should we do?" he asks. "I don't know." "Maybe we should_"

Before he can finish, I step toward Elsa and introduce myself.

"Hi. I'm Mabel. This is Dipper." I point to him. "We're twelve. What's your name?" I ask, not wanting to freak her out because we know her name.

"I'm Elsa. H-how much did you see?" I look back at Dipper, mentally asking him what to say. he nods, reading my mind. I guess it's a twin thing.

"Um, everything?" She starts to back up. "You're not going to tell anyone, are you?" I shake my head. "Nope."

"So if you're from Arendale, what are you doing here?" I cup my hands to my mouth the second the words come out. "I found this white portal thingy and went through and ended up here." She gestures to the woods surrounding us.

"Where are we, anyway?" I smile.

"This is Gravity Falls."

"Gravity Falls? Never heard of it."

"It's in Oregon."


"Never mind. Do you know how to get back?" She shakes her head, which makes me smile even wider. "Hey, Dip. I guess that means we have a roommate."

A/N: Yay! Chapter 1 down! And yes, the portal Elsa jumped through is the portal in the season finale. Thanks for reading and check soon for chapter 2! -DF