A/N: The votes for a final chapter won, so here it is! I do hope you like it, please leave comments and say if it lived up to your hopes or not! :P I am so sorry for how long this final chapter took, but finishing this story was hard! I loved writing this and I hope you enjoy it! I'm sorry for how slow some chapters came to you, so thanks to everyone who stayed to the story from the beginning and everyone who commented and nagged! You kept me motivated to write out my chapters and continue on with the story! Welp! Enjoy!

Lucy stood on the balcony of the tree house, watching the stars, while in her hand she gripped a feather. It's snow white color had changed to a tan, proving time had done its tole on the feathers beauty, but it still held together. It had been six years since Happy had plucked it from his wing, six years since she'd seen him or Natsu, but soon they'd be back. She couldn't believe time had passed so quickly, yet, so slowly. Makarov had sent Natsu away six years ago so that he could amend for what he'd done to Lucy, for treating her the way he had. Through the first year and a half Lucy only worked on getting Lisanna to be her friend again. A long, yet successful mission. After that all she could do was keep her emotions from ripping her in half. Laxus proposed two years after Natsu left, and from there her life became overwhelmingly happy. Her and Laxus had started a family, a slow, yet wonderful process. They first had a daughter, a beautiful, healthy, baby that was always happy; however, when Lucy was three months along with their second child, Makarov asked Laxus to go after Natsu and Happy, the two had been missing for five years and no one had heard from them. Laxus agreed and left soon after the master's request. Lucy looked at the guild and smiled. They had received a letter from Laxus a few days ago, saying that they would be back tomorrow. Lucy knew she should sleep, but she couldn't. She hadn't seen Laxus in a year, such a long time it had been, and she couldn't wait to see Natsu and Lisanna reunited.

"Mommy?" Lucy jumped a bit at the silence being broken. She turned to she Layla standing in the door to the balcony, Makarov Jr. in her arms. They had decided to give their first boy a strong name, something that spoke power. Lucy thought of Makarov right away. What better the name of the master of the strongest guild.

"Is everything alright, sweetheart?" Lucy could see dreams still glazed her daughters eyes.

"Makarov was crying really hard, I think he had a bad dream." Lucy could hear his tiny whimpers as his sister bounced him in her arms.

"Let me see him," Lucy said, her voice no more then a whisper. Layla walked over to her, and slowly placed Makarov into Lucy's arms. Lucy smiled at the tiny being in her arms then looked to Layla. "Do you want to sleep in my be with me tonight." The young girls face lit with joy, her lips forming a large smile. She nodded just before she slipped back into the house and jumped on the king-size bed that would hold Lucy and Laxus together again soon. "Are you exited to see daddy again?" Layla nodded as she rubbed her left eye.

"I can't wait to show him that I'm a lightening mage too! He'll be so proud, wont he?" Lucy laughed as she watch Layla make impressions of Laxus praising her.

"He'll be the proudest dad in the world," Lucy said, rocking Makarov back into a deep sleep. "Now, if you want to be able to have time to get ready for tomorrow, you might want to get some sleep." Layla nodded as she pulled herself into a good section of the bed. "Good night baby girl." She kissed Layla's four-head and tucked the tiny girl under the covers. She moved to the side of the crib next to her bed and placed Makarov inside, pulling one of the silk blankets over his body. Tomorrow, she thought to herself, tomorrow I'll see him again.


Lucy awoke to the sun blaring through the glass doors to the balcony, then realized what day it was. She flung the blankets off of her and ran to the closet. She pulled on a black skirt that fell about an inch above her knees, a pink and black tank-top, black boots that reached just under her knees, and a black shall jacket. She went to Layla's room and pulled out a sun-dress from her closet, laying it on her bed. Lucy ran down to the kitchen and pulled out Layla's favorite cereal, chocolate puffs, and her pink and white Mirajane bowl they got at the Fairy Tail gift shop. She sat for a moment, taking a deep breath and letting her head fall back. Laxus would be coming home today! Lucy sighed at the sound of her whimpering baby awakening from his sleep. She got to her feet and made her way up to her room where she found Makarov wiggling his way out of his blankets and clawing at the crib walls.

"You know what today is," Lucy questioned as she pulled him into her arms. "Your daddies coming home. You'll get to meet him for the first time!" Lucy kissed his nose and laughed as he sneezed back at her. "Layla, get up! Your dad's going to be home today." Lucy walked over to the side of the bed and found it empty. "That girl," Lucy laughed. She walked down the hall to Layla's room and found her daughter struggling into her dress. "One second," Lucy giggled, "will you hold your brother?" Layla nodded, smiled, and then held out her arms, tensing a bit as her mother placed Makarov gently against her chest. Lucy pulled on the hem of the dress, sliding it into place, then zipped up the back and tied the ribbon that was sewed around the waist into a large bow. She pulled Layla's hair into a ponytail, leaving her bangs to rest on her four-head, and placed a bright pink flower in the elastic band that held her hair up.

"Mama," Layla said, "what are you going to do with your hair?" She gazed at herself in the mirror. Before Natsu had left Lucy asked what she could do to make it up to him, that she still wanted to be friends. "Don't cut your hair," he'd said, "I've always wanted to see you with long hair." Her hair hung almost to her knees now, even her bangs went past her waist. She'd never cut it, not even when she got head aces from the kids pulling on it.

"Do you want to braid it?" Layla nearly exploded with excitement as she gave Makarov back to Lucy and rushed behind her with a brush. Layla brushed while Lucy feed Makarov. She rocked him in her arms as she waited , flinching ever once in a while when Layla would pull on a single hair.

"Done!," Layla said after a while. Lucy got to her feet and looked at the braid in the mirror, a few bumps, but over all, quite well.

"Very good!" Lucy smiled, then placed a kiss on the top of Layla's head. "Breakfast, shoes, and then we'll head out."


Lucy entered into the guild hall, pushing her stroller with Layla by her side. She made her way to a table where Erza and Jellal sat. They started dating five years ago and were engaged a few months ago. "Are you ready for this life, Jellal," Lucy asked as she handed Makarov to Erza's out stretched arms.

"More ready then you think," Erza answered for him. "He wont leave me alone about what we'll have first!" Lucy laughed at the thought that Jellal, the strong, silent type, wanting kids so badly. The funny thing was, the first time he held Layla he almost past out. Lucy watched Jellal's eye's as he played with Makarov, so kind and sweet, nothing like they use to be. Lucy smiled at the couple, their children would be beautiful.

"You'll be wonderful parents," Lucy thought aloud. Erza blushed and looked at Jellal. They would be getting married in a few weeks, but Lucy could hardly tell they weren't already.

A loud noise made everyone at the table jump. Lucy turned to find Natsu bursting through the door. "I'm home Fairy Tail!" Everything was quiet for a moment before Lisanna got to her feet and ran right into Natsu. He ran his hand through her hair, which ended in the middle of her back, and smiled. Lisanna kissed Natsu's face over and over, again and again, and through it all, all Lucy could think of was how much he'd changed. He was taller, a lot taller, and his hair was a bit longer, the color faded just a bit. His cloths were new and, yet tattered and around his neck he wore his scarf which was worn and dirty. Happy flew threw the door, yelled a quick, "Aye," then raced over to Lucy and dropped into her arms.

"I almost didn't recognize you," he cried. He looked older, which made Lucy question the time he'd been gone. Out of the two, Happy was the one she missed the most, which surprised her. She thought, even though there had been trouble between the two, she would miss Natsu the most, but it hadn't turned out that way.

"Your hair," someone said. Lucy turned to see Natsu about a table away with Lisanna wrapped in his arms. "You did what I asked?" Lucy nodded. "I had a lot of time to think and... could you ever forgive me?" Lucy nodded as she got to her feet and gave him a hug, smiling into his shoulder.

"How couldn't I forgive you?" She'd spent every day since he'd left finding reasons to forgive him, but not until now had she really realized that she cared more about her friendship then her ego. "Where's Laxus?" Natsu smiled a large grin at her before turning and pointing to a tall figure that was walking through the front door. Lucy didn't realize until she was half way to him that the crowds of people had split. She ran harder, pushing herself to her limit. She tripped only a few feet away from him and pushed herself into a launch. She felt someone catch her and wrap their arms around her. She looked up to find Laxus gazing into her eyes and smiling.

"Your lucky I caught you, Mrs. Lucky Lucy!" He leaned in and stole a kiss off of her lips. They stood like that for a while, Lucy in Laxus's strong arms, a kiss that seemed to make up for the year they'd lost, and a crowd of people ether staring with smiles on their faces or turning away to give the two lovebirds privacy. As they broke their long awaited kiss, Lucy almost felt sad. She had been waiting for this for what felt like a century and it seemed to be ending to soon. She gazed into his eyes and fell in love with him all over. "It feels like I've been away from you for hundreds of years. I've missed you so much!" He hugged her strongly, her body going limp in his arms, allowing him to hold her up.

"Oh, yes!" Lucy kissed him again quickly, grabbed his hands with hers, and pulled him towards the table where Erza, Jellal, Natsu, Lisanna, Gray, and Juvia were all laughing. "There is someone you have to meet!" As Layla jumped into Laxus's arms Lucy walked over to Erza who was still holding Makarov. "May I?" Erza smiled and handed the sleeping baby over to Lucy. She slowly walked over to Laxus who was still spinning with Layla in his arms. Lucy smiled at Laxus as she handed him his son for the first time. His eyes widened and then softened as Makarov wiggled in his arms.

"What's his name?"

"Makarov Jr.," Lucy smiled. Laxus broke into a laugh as he rocked Makarov back and forth.

"What did my grandfather say when you told him?" Lucy giggled to herself, remembering that day. They had told Makarov when Lucy was pregnant with Layla that if she had been a boy they would name the baby after him. He was so happy he almost started sobbing. Of course it hadn't turned out that way. So when Makarov Jr. was born Lucy remembered their promise and name him after his great-grandfather. She had hope that he would grow up to be as amazing and wonderful as his great-grandfather. The day she brought him to the guild for the first time Makarov turned into a sobbing mess.

"He didn't really say anything. He sat a cried for hours, holding Makarov, and repeating his name over and over." Laxus was quiet for a moment, running the whole thing threw his mind. A smile grew on his face before he broke into laughter, his whole body shaking and tears came to his eyes. "It was funny, but more in a cute way!" Lucy had laughed about the whole thing after the day was over, but as she stood and watched him she was so happy and grateful that she could have Makarov as a step-grandfather, he had supported her so much while Laxus had been gone.

"And what's wrong with him taking on my name? You were the one who promised!" Makarov came flying threw the air, landing on the table in front of them and smiled his cheesy grin.

"Nothing, old man! I just forgot about that promise we'd made! I'm glad he has the name Makarov, it belongs to someone greater then I've ever known!" Laxus smiled as Makarov turned to hide his tear filled eyes.

"Your making him blush," Lucy whispered into Laxus's ear. Laxus gave her a looked that said, 'I meant to.' Lucy gave him a disappointed look before kissing his cheek. "You're such a dork!" She turned and looked around. This was it, everyone was back together, their family was finally whole again. There would be pain and hardship, but they would all go threw it together, helping each other out. Finally she was completely happy again and that happiness would never go away.