Hey! This is my little Cinderella take on Gwuncan, haha! Hope it's good, it does include abuse and any OOC, I do apologize for, but it really needed to fit that story concept. Hope you enjoy!

DISCLAIMER: I do not own Cinderella or ANY part of Total Drama! Wish I did though, Gwuncan would've never broken up!

On with my story!


I was running, trying to beat the ticking clock. It's impossible to run in these heels, but I don't have time to stop and remove them. I pray to God I make it back before they notice my absence. I run for my life, jumping over hydrants and sliding down staircase handle bars.

I'm turning up my backyard path when I notice headlights. I duck behind a bush only to get my shoe caught in the thorns and mud. I tug and free my foot, but not my shoe. I have to leave it if I'm going to make it. I dash over to the peach tree growing next to my house and begin climbing. At the top branch, I get a firm hold and jump, grabbing the window ledge and pulling myself up easily. I open the window and crawl in, grabbing a large blanket and throwing myself out my room onto the floor.

I should start from the beginning. My name is Gwen Scotts and I'm 17. When I was 3, and earthquake hit my home town, a pretty severe one. I was with my older brother, Cody, when it happened. We were home playing hide and seek. I was in my favorite spot under a long table that sat behind our sofa. As I sat, stifling small giggles, my brother pretended not to know where I was, the house began to rumble. I heard a creek and my brother call my name, only to be cut off when I saw a large chunk of the ceiling collide with his head. I screamed and began sobbing, trying to escape from my hiding place only to be forced back when a chunk of the ceiling cut my off.

I sat in that same spot, watching as my brother lay unconscious with blood trickling out of his mouth. I couldn't move or turn away, forced to stare through blurry vision at my injured brother. I didn't know where my parents were, or what to do. I stayed in my spot well after the earthquake halted. I cried until I fell into a fitful slumber, only to awaken from my nightmares to see they were true and break into more sobs. I became hungry, and after two days of being unable to find an exit, I managed to pave one towards the kitchen. I was only able to reach the bread, cereal, and our faucet, but that's all I needed. Exits were either too high for me, blocked, or strewn with broken trinkets everywhere. I ate and drank and took the bread back to my hiding spot, hoping I would find a way out soon.

After a week, I began to explore more, becoming more confident. I was running out of food, so I had to reach more. After the fourth day, the water shut off, so I had to find a way into the fridge. I managed to open it and grabbed a water bottle. After my second week passed, I began clearing a window that was the most damaged but also the least blocked. After I woke up on my 16th day, I grabbed a slice of bread and a water bottle and climbed out the window.

I stumbled across my lawn, seeing the outside world for the first time. Everything looked different. The homes were damaged, if not destroyed. There were no other children or parents. The world seemed dead. A vehicle came slowly around the corner up the street as I began my walk across the street to my neighbor and best friend's house. The driver of the car hit the brakes and practically flew out of the car. When they came over to me, they picked me up and asked for my name.

"G-g-w-w-e-e-n-n" I stumbled over my own name, having not spoken in over two weeks. The man brought me back to his car and we rode to the police station. A day after arriving, they began asking questions about my family. I know my mom was an only child, both her parents passed, like my father's parents. My dad had a sister, but she moved out when he was born and never heard from again.

A week later, they informed me my parents, sadly, did not make it. They were on a bridge that collapsed and were locked in the car, slowly sinking to their deaths. I knew my brother was gone, but I could not cry. After crying for three days at the beginning of the earthquake, I felt out of tears and all I felt when they told me about my parents, all I felt was lonely.


I was placed into a foster home the day I discovered my parents were gone, and stayed there until I was 9. I was adopted by a happy couple with twins, a boy and a girl a year younger than me. Surprisingly, I was the mother's favorite, and the children grew to hate me. 2 years after my arrival, the mother passed one day when she went to the bank. The father, my father, hit a depression after the loss, and became a raging alcoholic. One day, he deemed his children, Heather and Trent, not good enough and hit Trent across the face. I couldn't stand to watch and protected them, only angering our father more. He said I reminded him of his wife and hit me. Trent tried to protect me but I told them to leave, they didn't need to watch.

After that, he figured Heather was his little princess, Trent was an okay son and I was the unworthy little runt of the family. At least three times a week, he would come home drunk out of his mind and yell at me. He had thrown me down the stairs, kicked me, pulled my hair, and even thrown things at me. I would never give him the pleasure of seeing me weak. I never reacted, I had built a tolerance. I never cried, never talked back. Trent would tend to my wounds while Heather sneered at me.

"Hey, Gwen," a whisper came from Trent one Friday night as he checked my wounds. I had bruised ribs and shoulder from when father threw a toaster at my back.

"Yeah Trent?" I asked quietly.

"Why do you take these beatings from him? I mean, this has been going on for 3 years nonstop… I don't know how much longer I can take knowing you get hurt every day." He nervously questioned me. It's the summer and I had turned 14 last year in December. I was not only getting beaten, but I was starting high school in the oncoming fall and my dad had begun giving jobs to do.

"Trent, this began when you were still a kid enjoying your childhood, I didn't want you getting hurt." I paused, "I- I think I'm ready to tell you how I became a part of your family…" I spoke softly, wondering if he heard me. He has been inquiring about my life before I came since we were 10. I continued before he could respond to me.

"When I was younger, I had a mom, dad, and older brother. One day, when I was 3, my parents went into the city and were headed back. My brother and I were home playing hide and seek." I paused to keep from crying. I hadn't cried since I watched my brother die before me, I wouldn't cry again. "I was in my favorite hiding spot, whe-when the house began to shake. My brother tried to call my name, running around the corner, when he was stopped. A piece of the ceiling cracked and fell , colliding with his head. He fell as I stared wide-eyed at his limp body. There was blood pouring from his mouth and his eyes were wide and dead. I watched through tears as I was unable to move. I was stuck in my home for 2 and a half weeks after the earthquake.

"When I finally got out, a police officer told me my parents drowned in a lake, crossing over a bridge during the quake. The bridge had collapsed. I never cried, I couldn't, I just felt alone and nothing. I haven't cried since the day I watched the blood flow stop from my brother's open mouth and when I closed his eyes. The police let me have a funeral for him and my parents. The police officer who found me joined me, but that's it. No one cried, I lay a single rose on each grave. A yellow rose with pink tips for my dad, he was always more fun and odd, a pink-purple rose for my mom, they were her favorite though I hated the color, and a bright orange one for my brother. Every year, on the anniversary of their death, I bring them each a single rose. Never a tear to fall down my cheek, and the same feeling of emptiness eats me inside out." I stopped, looking at the stars that shone brightly. A small smile crept to my face as I noticed a 3 star constellation my brother showed me up camping before the earthquake. They seemed to shine brightest of all the stars whenever I looked outside. I looked over at Trent to see him surprised and a look of remorse engulfed him. I leaned over and gave my little brother a hug.

How was it? Reviews are nice and I made Trent her step-brother so there isn't conflict between any Gwent and Gwuncan fans!

Anyways… Oh, that's it… Well, this is awkward.

I'm just gunna leave now.