The feelings of Ymir's lips against her ear made her cheeks flush up.

"Happy new year to you too, Ymir" Krista smiled, warm feelings overcoming her. Her affection for her new friend was growing with every second, with every clash of hazel and blue eyes, and every twirl of her hair.

"Can I ask you something, Ymir?"

"Hmm?" The brunette gazed at her lazily.

"Why are you here alone?"

"Well I came with two of my friends, Reiner and Bertholdt, but we got separated when we got on."

"Like I did with my friends then." Krista smiled.

"So that's how we ended up here. A great story, if I do say so." Ymir rubbed her chin.

"Could definitely be more exciting though, a bit more action!"

"Like what?" Krista chose to humour her.

"Hmm what if it had, I don't know, giants, like giant people, roaming everywhere. And we stayed together, and I protected you for all of it!"

Krista giggled.

"That is a very cute story."


"I think so. We would succeed, we could go so far!"

"I think it would work well, it's not a bad idea at all."

"You know who to call if giants show up!"

They laughed heartedly, and Ymir checked her phone quickly. A few more minutes until the count began. A silence hung in the air between them, but it wasn't an awkward one.

"What's your favourite food, Krista?"

"What?" Krista snickered.

"Your favourite food, you know, the food you like to eat the most!"

Krista laughed again.

"Well…waffles I think. You know, the Belgian ones."

Krista smiled.

"What's yours?"

"Hmm, that's a tough one. I think-"

She was cut off by the count below them finally beginning.


Ymir decided to change the subject.

"You know, Krista, I've never kissed anyone on New Years Eve…You know, at midnight."


"N-neither have I..." Krista turned to face Ymir, a smile creeping onto her face.


"I would love to change that for you…" Ymir's face was suddenly serious yet soft.


"I would…I would enjoy that" Krista turned her body, her right leg folding underneath her left, sliding closer to Ymir,


"Are you sure?" it became a husky whisper as Ymir's hand moves to bury itself in Krista's hair, her head tilting a little.


Krista thought for a second before nodding slowly. She was shy, but she felt the excitement as Ymir leaned closer.


Ymir leaned towards her slowly, her tongue lightly tracing over her lips.


Krista became more eager as their noses came close to colliding once more. She felt a light brush of her lips.


Ymir finally felt Krista's lips fully against hers, and her hand slipped around her small waist as her other cradled her head. Krista's arms moved around her neck.


Krista and Ymir's kiss continued, voices drowned out as their tongues began to work against each other. Moments passed and the two remained locked, the fireworks and voices still booming behind them. Their kiss continued for a few minutes, until the wheel began to move again. They jumped apart but remained wrapped around one another, both a bit shocked by the sudden movement. And after a short moment, they began giggling, slowly evolving to booming laughter.

"Krista, I'd love to share another Ferris wheel ride with you."

Krista smiled at Ymir, stroking her ponytail.

"I would really like that."

Their conversation continued, the two learning more about one another by way of silly questions.

The wheel seemed to be coming to its end, and both realised it. Krista didn't want to leave.

"Can I…stay in touch with you?"

Krista blurted the words out and blushed, looking at her lap. She felt Ymir's fingers tilt her chin up to look at her. She placed a quick kiss upon her lips.

"I wouldn't leave here without being able to stay in touch with you, beautiful." As Krista squirmed before her, Ymir stared at her, trying to remember every detail.
Krista glanced around to see if she could see her friends, Ymir's eyes stayed fixed on her. She couldn't see them, and took the opportunity. She pulled Ymir closer and pressed her lips to her cheek.

"I really enjoyed tonight, Ymir." She whispered before kissing along her cheek until she reached her lips. She stalled a moment before pressing her lips to Ymir's again. She wanted to remember the feeling. They pulled apart and Ymir handed Krista her phone, she typed the number quickly, double and triple checking it.

The wheel stopped and she stepped out, her friends nowhere to be seen. Ymir's arms were around her again in a tight, secure hug, her nose snuggled into her shoulder.

"I hope I see you again soon, Krista."

She quickly kissed her forehead, flashed her a smile and started towards two men, one very tall, the other slightly shorter with a far wider build. Somehow, she wasn't surprised. Krista turned again, looking for her friends once again.

"There you are, we thought you had gotten lost!"

Sasha was next to her, wrapping arms around her in a quick squeeze. Annie chimed in.

"How was the Ferris wheel? As good as you hoped?"

She thought of a word that could be appropriate for the feeling, knowing Ymir was walking by.

"Perfect, Annie. It was perfect." She smiled as Ymir had passed, and turned to smiled at her quickly.

Krista felt her heart missing Ymir already.

Later that night, long after celebrations ended, Krista reached home. As she flopped onto her bed, she heard her phone buzz from her pocket.

Who could that be?

Her jaw dropped a little.
"Hey beautiful, guess who?! Sorry if I woke you, I think you'll be getting in at this time too. Bert and Ray saw everything and had a lot of questions. Awks. Hope the rest of your night was good. In case it wasn't obvious, it's Ymir."
Krista felt her heart soar as she read it, over and over. She had no idea how to reply.
"Hi Ymir! Yeah, it was alright, but nothing quite tops the Ferris wheel. I'm just in myself, I'm literally on the verge of sleep, I'll talk to you tomorrow or something, night! x"
She smiled as she changed into her pyjamas, and slipped into her bed as her phone buzzed once more.

"Goodnight, beautiful!"
Ymir smiled to herself.

"You really like her, don't you?" Bertholdt questioned.

She nodded.

"Yeah…I really, really do…"