Hello everyone! Everyone is human here. Fionna is 14, Marshall is 16, and Cake is 17. Enjoy!

Disclaimer:I do not own AT.

I wake up to the sound of my sister's loud yells. It's my first day of high school, you see, and we just moved. I roll over to look at my pillows trying to ignore her shouts. To my dismay, I'm so much of a dork, I fell down.

"Ha ha ha ha ha!" my sister laughs,"You got an hour to get ready."

I lift myself off the floor, and rest my back against my bed. I decide I want to take a shower. I make my way to the bathroom unnoticed. I undress, turn the water on, then get in. I wash my hair with strawberry shampoo. Scrub my body. And finish by rubbing in conditioner. I get out. Automatically grabbing my towel and drying off. I wrap the towel around me, so it looks like a dress. I slip out and run to my room. I grab the uniform sent to us. I slip on the blue skirt which was a size too small. Why couldn't they just give me the right size? The long socks that wouldn't have shown skin if the stupid school cared enough to get me the correct size. A whit polo shirt, with a blue tie. To top it off, a navy blue sweater. I get the choice of headwear and shoes. I pick out my black mary-janes. Then I go to my vanity and sit in front of it. I take the hairbrush, and I pull it through my newly cut, curly blonde hair. When I was satisfied, I took my favorite bunny-eared headband. I look at myself in the mirror. I am happy with my appearance. I'm not one of those girls who care what they look like, but I would prefer not to look like a wreck. I head down stairs to find my sister eating breakfast.

"Hey," I say quietly.

"Oh your up I see."

"Ha, yeah."

"Not going to wear your necklace?"

"Naw. I'm not ready."

"Okie-dokie I am," she said,"Ready to go?"


I grab my green backpack, and we're off. Our walk was quiet. I thought about my necklace. The one I chose at three years of age just like everyone else in the world. The one that will lead me to my soulmate. The one with the other half of mine. I don't wanna play the hot n' cold game. It gets hot when your next to them and colder the farther you're away. Mine has aways been cold. Then one day I decided to only wear it when I'm ready.

We were about half way there when my sister screams at the top of her lungs.

"What is it!?" I ask.

"I-I-I thought I saw something."

Then behind us I hear someone his. My sister jumped about ten feet in the air which probably a better reaction than mine. I didn't scream, jump, or even flinch. Instead, I turn around and sock the person in the cheek.

"Awe my cheek meat!" I hear the figure yell. I look down at it. It was a boy. He had jet black hair and brown eyes. His skin was pale. He wore blue pants, a white polo shirt, and a blue tie. Wait… that's what I'm wearing. He also had red converse and a brown messenger bag.

"Sorry," I said offering him a hand. He rejects, and gets up by himself.

"It's okay. I guess I deserve it. My name is Marshall Lee by the way."

"I'm Fionna Mertens."

"Hi I'm Cake, you know, the enemy you just made," my sister interrupts. I forgot she was there. We all continue to walk.

"Do you go to AAA?" I ask Marshall.

"Umm, yeah. How'd you know?" he asked in his deep voice.

"Your uniform."

"Oh," he says scratching the back of his neck.

"Are you guys new here? I haven't seen you 'round here before."

"We moved here two days ago."

"Well, Welcome to our humble town."

We idly talk about where we came from, and he'd talk about this place. We finally reached the building.

"Bye," Marshall and I say at the same time.