A/N: Hey people! So this fanfic is another one of those high school fanfics... (yeah, I know, real original, right?) I know there are a bazillion out there but we're trying to add some twists to it to make it a little different! And, yes, when I say 'we' I mean that there are two people writing this! (Makes the name DauntlessDUO make sense right?!) So yeah, we're super excited to write this fanfic for you guys and we're each good at writing different things, so with the two of us combined we're hoping to make a super awesome fanfic! Our original accounts are iDivergence and DauntlessFlames46 and we each have a fanfic up there if you wanted to go check them out. Oh and we promise our authors notes won't usually be this long. See you at the bottom!

Tris POV:

I throw in my last shirt into a small black suitcase. My brother, Caleb, is leaning on my door frame.

"Are you going to miss me, Caleb?" I ask as I zip up the suitcase. He ponders over the question, like he always does, and finally answers.

"Yeah." He says. "I'm going to miss having someone to hang out with at lunch. However, I'm pretty sure that I can have your room when you leave so it's a fair trade." He smirks. Neither of us really have friends, so we sat together at lunch often.

I roll my eyes and smile. I'm really going to miss him.

I quickly scan my room for any missed belongings. My mother told me to only bring what's necessary with me to the small coastal town that my aunt lives in.

I have to move in with my Aunt Tori who lives a tiny, no name town on the West coast because I got expelled from my school.


"Beatrice Prior, when I give a friend of yours detention, it is not your job to talk back to me and defend them! That just lands you in even more trouble than you were in before!" my math teacher yells at me.

"You were giving her a detention for no reason! Why you would even think that forgetting to bring a pencil to class is a valid reason to give out a detention is beyond me!" I retort, using my usual approach to an angry teacher: don't break eye contact or look/act intimidated. The only way that a teacher has the power is if they think you're scared of them. If you look completely sure of yourself, it automatically makes them less confident. This was an approach I discovered back in middle school and have used ever since.

"I can give detentions for whatever reasons I want, whether you think it's valid or not. Not get out before I assign you a two weeks' worth of detention instead of just one!"

I storm out of the classroom angrily, slamming the door behind me. Just when I'm almost out of the school, I hear voices coming from the locker room.

"You little bitch! You think that you can go sleep with my boyfriend and get away with it?! Not on my watch!" I hear a voice that I recognize to be Amber yell.

I almost walk away because something like this happens pretty much every week. It's only what I hear next that stops me. Susan, my only friend here, speaks in a panicked voice. "I didn't sleep with him! I would never-"
I hear a punch being thrown and Susan cries out in pain. I'm not going to just stand here and witness this happening from a distance!

I sprint over to the locker room and grab Amber's arm from behind, twisting it until she lets out a scream. Before she can make another move to hurt me this time, I punch her in the temple and she starts to wobble. She looks a little dizzy and throws a lazy punch at my side. I manage to block that one but don't notice that she brings her knee up right afterwards. Her knee collides with my gut and I let out a small moan in pain. Quickly, I punch her temple again and she falls to the ground, unable to keep herself steady anymore. I kick her one last time in the side and pull Susan out of the room as fast as I can. She gives me a look of gratitude and thanks me repeatedly.

"Its fine, you're welcome. Uh, can you just do me a favor and not mention this to anyone? I don't want it turning into something bigger than it really it," I say.

"Of course, anything, I don't know how I could ever thank you," Susan babbles.

"Don't worry about it; just... please don't mention it. That's all."

Susan thanks me again and we both get into our cars to drive home.

-End Flashback-

Not telling was a pretty stupid thing to do. The next day, I had gotten got called to the principal's office. Amber had reported a false story to get back at me for beating the crap out of her. Since I hadn't said anything about what happened and there aren't cameras in the locker room, they automatically assumed it was me who started it. Plus, I only had a bruise on my stomach and Amber had multiple bruises all over her body, what reason would they have to believe that it wasn't me?

So now, I'll be moving across the country from Chicago to a little town in North California that I still haven't bothered to learn the name of.

I pick up my last suitcase off of my bed, struggling to lift it. Caleb immediately comes over and carries it to the car for me. Caleb is just like my mother, incredibly selfless. I, however, am nothing like either of my parents. I am selfish and sarcastic.

I walk into the kitchen for the last time until I finish high school. I was just about to finish sophomore year but since I got expelled, I have the remainder of sophomore year and then a whole summer until junior year. I see my mother cooking breakfast.

"Hey mom." I say while taking a seat at the kitchen table. My train doesn't leave for another hour.

"Hello sweetie," My mother says with a smile. "I'm sorry your father won't be at the train station to see you off. He picked up an extra shift this morning." I really don't mind. Ever since my father practically disowned me, we barely talk. I won't miss him at all.

"It's fine." I assure her. "So when are we leaving for the station?" I pick up an apple from the bowl in the center of the table and take a bite.

"About 30 minutes." My mother replies. I don't have anything left to say, so I say nothing. My mother doesn't add anything to keep up a conversation and the silence is becoming awkward. Just then, Caleb walks through the front door.

"I finished loading up the car." He says while taking a seat across from me. 27 minutes left.

"Thank you." My mother says while setting down a plate of bacon and eggs in front of him. I take another bite of my apple. Even though it may seem odd, I don't like bacon and have never been fond of eggs. Oh well.

My mother sits down with her breakfast. We eat in silence just like every other meal. I've always hated the silence that filled this house. I want to be able to speak freely at the dinner table without being scolded by my father. Apparently, it's respectful for children to not speak, only listen, during meals. But I'm not a child. I am sixteen years old and ready to ditch this quiet life. For living in the bustling city of Chicago, my life is rather boring. I can't wait to get out of here. 22 minutes left.

After I finish picking at the core of my apple, I throw it away and excuse myself from the table. I head to my bedroom for the last time. I should feel nostalgic about my room or this house, but I don't. There's only one thought that I can't seem to shake from my head, "I'm almost out. I'm almost free. I'm almost done."

All that's left in my room is my stripped bed and a bookshelf. The stark white walls remind me of an insane asylum. And I'm about to be let out. 17 minutes left.

I lay down on my mattress, thinking. What will my life be like? Will I make friends? Will I have my first boyfriend? Will I be popular? I have no clue. And I can't wait to find out.

I have fifteen minutes until my mother, brother, and I will head to the train station. I walk into the bathroom to finish getting ready.

I already packed my hair brush, beauty supplies, and other essentials so I just run my fingers through my hair until there aren't any knots left. My dull blonde hair falls over my shoulders in smooth waves. In no way am I pretty, but at least I don't have horrible, frizzy hair. "Way to look on the bright side." I think to myself. I'm pretty satisfied with my outfit, a black T-shirt with the band name 'Imagine Dragons' printed across it and dark blue jeans. I throw on my Converse sneakers and walk back to the kitchen. 8 minutes left.

My mother is holding an old photo book and a box of tissues. "I just…I'm going to miss you so much Beatrice." My mother says through tears.

"I'll miss you too mom." I lie. I won't miss either my mother or father. I feel bad that I won't miss my own parents, but it still doesn't change the fact that I won't. The only person that I'm leaving behind that I will miss is Caleb. And again, I fall short of something comforting to say to my mother. So I just sit in silence while she tries to compose herself. 6 minutes left.

I wonder what my life will be like.

5 minutes left.

I wonder how it will be living with my aunt.

4 minutes left.

I wonder who my friends will be.

3 minutes left.

I wonder if I'm going to have one of those 'summer romances'.

2 minutes left.

Wait, I think I forgot something! I stand up from the table and race to my room. I pull the bookshelf back from the wall a few feet and find it. I pick up the small box and open it. Inside is a gold necklace that is shaped like the outline of a fire. On the back the words 'Be Brave' are carved. It was a gift from Caleb. It's not exactly girly which is great, neither am I, but it holds so much significance. I quickly undo the clasp and put on the necklace. I lift up the charm and put it underneath my shirt and out of sight.

"Beatrice! We have to go!" I hear Caleb yell.

Zero minutes left.

I run out of my room and to the car. As I buckle my seat belt, my brother slides into the driver's seat. Caleb is ten months older than I am, so he's had his license longer and feels he is entitled to the car more than I am, and wanted to drive me to the station even though I'm perfectly capable of driving myself. I remember back to when he convinced me to let him drive.


"I can drive myself, Caleb" I say calmly. "I'm a big girl."

"Beatrice. I'm not going to just let you leave by yourself. I'm driving you and mom to the station." He says authoritatively.

"We can say goodbye at the house! You don't need to take me." I say, getting a little frustrated.

"But then the car will be left at the train station and we won't be able to get it once you leave." He says. Crap. He's right.

I let out a sigh and give in. "Fine, Caleb. Just don't cry or anything when we get there." I say with a smirk.

-End Flashback-

"Excited?" My brother laughs. I realize that I'm still out of breath from running out to the car.

"You have no idea." I mumble while slowly tracing the charm of my necklace through my shirt with my finger. My mother finally walks out of the house and collapses into the passenger seat. She's a wreck. As soon as she buckles her seatbelt, Caleb pulls out of the driveway and starts towards the train station.

It's really happening. I'm finally free. I can start over. I can be happy.


Caleb pulls into a parking space about 20 feet from the train platform. I hop out of the car and walk to the trunk. I start to unload my stuff, which isn't much, and lift it onto the side walk. Caleb comes to help me and we're done within minutes. My mother is standing on the curb crying again. I walk up to her and she pulls me into her embrace.

"Mom," I choke out. "Mom…can't breathe…"

"Oh!" She exclaims and lets me go. "Sorry! I'm really going to miss you, Beatrice."

"Me too, mom." I lie. "I'll call you." She nods and checks her watch.

"We should get your things onto the train. We don't have much time." She says, still looking at her watch.

Caleb, my mother, and I pick up all of my bags and carry them over to the luggage car of the train. As we hand them over to the man in charge of getting everyone's stuff onto the train, Caleb hands him some money and the man nods in thanks.

I turn to face my family, or at least the ones that decided to come with me, and hug them. They hug me back and we form this big, awkward group hug. I pull away quickly and kiss my mother on the cheek. I get in line to board the train. I look back and Caleb is hugging my mother, who yet again is crying. Caleb's eyes meet my own and he gives me a small smile. I smile back and walk up the steps to freedom.

The train will take me to my aunt's house, the only member of my family that was considerate enough to take me in. Tori, as she insists I call her, is the tattoo artist at a popular hair salon that also offers tattoos to people. She's rarely ever home so I'll have the house to myself most of the time and I'm grateful for that. It'll give me the chance to have some freedom, something that I didn't experience at home. My parents, especially my dad, were always extremely strict when it came to curfew and things so I wasn't allowed to do anything fun. Here, I'll be able to do pretty much whatever I want whenever I want without a problem because Tori doesn't care and she's never home anyways.

I finally find Compartment B46. Tori paid for my trip and she refused to take a cheaper option. At first I felt bad for having her pay for so much, but now, sitting in the comfortable cushion seats that are enclosed in the compartment all to myself, I'm glad. Since walking is allowed in the train, I decide to explore what's around me and maybe get something to drink or eat in the food car. I don't really pay attention to where I'm going when I walk and I accidentally bump into someone. I glance up to see an older looking man.

"Sorry," I mumble and start walking again.

The man grabs my elbow. "Wait," he says.

I turn around slowly. I quickly scan my surroundings in case I need to escape.

"What's a young lady like you doing on a train all alone like this?" he asks.

"I'm much older than I look," I say, standing up straight and folding my arms across my chest. "I'm sixteen."

"A sophomore?" he asks and I nod. "Shouldn't you be in school right now?"

I don't answer him.

"Are you running away?" the man asks with a chuckle.

"Not exactly," I say after a moment.

He looks at me expectantly. I think maybe I should just leave now, but something makes me stay. I shouldn't be afraid of this man's opinion of me. "I was expelled from school because I beat up a girl who was beating up my friend so I get to skip out on the rest of the school year."

"So you're a brave one, eh?"

"I guess you could say that."

"Just be careful, missy. I've seen people like you before, always up for challenging the system. Just remember that, even if it's for the good, sometimes you have to suck it up and play nice."

I take a moment to process what he says and nod slowly. The man walks releases my arm and walks off without another word.

That was weird.

I shrug it off and walk off to go get something to drink.

I sip a small soda as I walk back to my compartment and put in my headphones. I like to blast my music and the train is kind of loud anyways, so I turn up the volume to its highest and sit back to relax. I must fall asleep somewhere along the way because I'm jolted awake by the train screeching to a stop. I grab my belongings and head out, walking over to the place where Tori said she'd meet me.

"Hey!" Tori calls out as she pulls up beside me in a black Cadillac.

"Hey," I answer back, grateful that she's not treating me like I just got expelled from school. I mean, yes, I did just get expelled, but I hate it when people treat me like it.

"I know you're not going to want me to drive you everywhere, so you see this car right here?" She pats the side of the car." This is now yours!" she says.

My mouth falls open. "Seriously?"

She nods. "I was getting rid of it anyway and nobody was offering a good price for it, so I figured why not just give it to you? It'll save me a ton of trouble from driving you around and it's something nice after everything you've had to go through right now. I know it wasn't your fault," Tori says softly.

"Not you, too," I groan. "I don't need pity. I'd rather not talk about me getting expelled. But thank you so much for the car! It's perfect!"

"You're welcome, and don't worry. I won't mention the expulsion again," she laughs.

Eventually, we get to her house and Tori pulls into the driveway. I step out my new car and walk into the house, preparing to start my new life.

A/N: So what did you guys think? Review and let us know! We'd love to hear your feedback, whether it's compliments or criticism we want to hear what you have to say! Thanks!
