FireStorm looked up as Ratchet came into view around the curtain. Sideswipe close behind him.

"Firestorm do you remember what happened?" Ratchet asked as he carefully observed her

Storm looked at him silently a flicker of some unknown emotion flashing before saying "I do."

Ratchet's optics narrowed before saying, "Can you tell me? I need to know so I can treat you to the best of my abliltly."

Storm hesitated before saying softly, "I felt my creators over the bond. At first they were joyous to be able to feel me and know i was ok. However..." she paused a pained expression twisting her faceplates into a grimace.

"However...?" Ratchet prodded gently feeling they were getting close to the heart of the matter.

" was odd it was like they were able to see everything that had happened to me since they sent me away. They suddenly felt disappointed in me as if I was a failure. They largely disapproved of my relationship with my intendeds. I protested of course saying that the Twins were mine and that i was happy with them..." Storm paused again her expression becoming haunted.

Ratchet hesitated before forging ahead,"What happened youngling?" he said in the gentlest voice anyone had ever heard from him

Both Sides and Sunstreaker were tense their ice-blue optics narrowed.

Storm's answer came in a rush "They broke the bond! They rejected me saying I was worthless! That I was abomination!"

Storm began to panic venting harshly as her full realization set n that her creators had rejected her.

Alarmed Ratchet barked out "Calm down youngling your making yourself overheat!"

Firestorm didn't respond her vents becoming harsher as her still developing systems began screaming in protest. Ratchet leapt into motion subspacing a sedative as he signaled for Sunstreaker to hold Firestorm in place in case she tried to bolt in her panic. Sun streaker moved swiftly pulling Firestorm to his chassis wincing slightly as he felt the heat that radiated from her frame. As soon as she was secure Ratchet plunged the needle swiftly into her necklines. Firestorm jerked harshly once before stilling as the heavy sedative began taking effect.

"It's as I feared than. She's suffering from rejection. With her being so young its made her temporarily unstable. We will have to watch her closely for the next few orns."

It was Sideswipe that spoke first, "How can we help her heal Ratchet? When we were in the pits, bots that got like this...never recovered."

Ratchet vented heavily. "All you can do is be there for her. Be whatever she needs, whether its a shoulder to cry on or just someone to listen. She needs to know she's not alone. That she's wanted."

Both the twins nodded Sunstreaker remaining silent as he looked down at the femme he held.

"When will she wake?" Sides asked.

Ratchet hummed slightly "In about a Joor. The sedative i used will keep her in a much needed recharge. It'll give her systems time to settle. When she wakes try and keep her calm she doesn't need to put too much stress on her spark anytime soon."

It was than that Sunstreaker spoke, "Will it help if she is in familiar surroundings or does she need to stay in Med-Bay?"

Ratchet shook his helm. "No. You may take her to your quarters it should help keep her relaxed. I'll give you some medical grade for her to drink when she wakes."

Sunstreaker stood as Ratchet went to a cabinet and took down several cubes of energon. He watched intently as he added Zinc,copper and a small amount of powdered silver to the cubes.

"What are the minerals for Ratchet?" Sides asked as he took the cubes and subspaced them.

"They'll help Storm's systems recover quicker not to mention that as a youngling they'll help her regular growth as well." Ratchet replied

Sides nodded before turning and leaving followed by Sunstreaker.

"We'll comm you when she onlines Ratchet." Sides said before walking out the door.

Sun streaker paused just inside the doorjamb "Ratchet?" he questioned

Ratchet turned "Yes Sunstreaker? What is it?" he asked somewhat irritably

Sun streaker smirked slightly at the medic's tone before saying quietly in a uncharacteristically soft voice, "Thank you."

With that being said he turned and left never noticing how Ratchet's jaw dropped in shock.

For in all his many vorns of knowing the twins he had never heard either of them say those words. Let alone in the same solar cycle.

Slowly the shock wore off before humming a quiet tune Ratchet turned and began working on writing a report his spark humming contently.

I'M so sorry for the wait and i know its short but life has been crazy! But i hope you enjoy it and i shall update as soon as i can. Please R&R!