Piper was in the bar bathroom looking at herself in the mirror. She had arrived early and figured she still had time before Alex would arrive. Taking her bag off her shoulder she placed it by the sink and began to rummage through it until she found her make up bag. She thanked god that she had brought it with her today. She began to rub in some foundation and steadily re-apply her mascara. Her hair wasn't looking great either so she took out a brush and began to comb it through. It seemed to instantly change her appearance for the better. She just hoped that Alex knew she wasn't going to turn up looking like a celebrity. She looked at herself one last time and noticed she was still wearing her name badge. Quickly, she took it off and shoved it in her bag before making her way back out into the main room.

The social buzz was all all around. It was quite a shock to hear after being in a silent rest room. Piper nervously looked around. There was no sign of Alex. She took a deep breath and decided to get a drink to calm her nerves. She headed up to the bar and took a seat whilst she waited for the bartender. This was crazy. It almost didn't seem real that any second now she would be sitting down and talking with Alex Vause. The same Alex Vause who sacrificed her freedom for Piper, the same woman who she had spent the majority of her young adult life being with and thinking of. She could feel herself shaking slightly.

Finally the bartender came to take her order.

'Sorry to keep you wanting miss, what would you like?'

Just as Piper was about to answer she heard a voice coming from behind her.

'One margarita and one larger, please.'

Piper turned around to see the woman standing behind her. The sight was something she would never get tired off. A tall beautiful woman with black hair and glasses. She was wearing a leather jacket over a t-shirt and some tight jeans, paired with a set of biker boots. Piper couldn't stop looking at the woman. The bartender stole her attention though as he came back with their drinks, which Alex took before she had the chance, and then led them to an empty table.

They sat down at the table and Piper took off her jacket and placed in on the back of her chair. When she turned forward she was met by Alex's eyes. For a minute they looked at each other, as if by doing so they would take back all the years they had spent apart. Piper was hit by a wave of different emotions, sadness, guilt, longing...love...

She decided to be the first person to break the ice.

'It's a bit cold for you margarita don't you think?'

This was enough to get Alex to laugh a little and see that heart warming smile she had.

'Yeah I guess it is.' She laughed.

It then feel silent again. Piper had so many questions that she had wanted to ask. Some things she had wanted to know for years. It was strange that this woman in front of her, who had been with her through so much, held the answer to all those questions. All she had to do was ask. Yet she couldn't. All the things she could say and at the same time nothing to say at all. Finally mustering up the courage Piper opened her mouth to speak, however Alex beat her to it.

'I'm sorry for asking you out her at such short notice.'

'Oh, no, don't be sorry. I wanted to see you.' Piper replied truthfully.

Alex stared at her, her eyes intense and not revealing any emotion. For once she broke the eye contact and took a swig from her drink.

'I can't believe you're here.' Said Alex, finally, in a voice little above a whisper.

'Me neither.' Piper replied, she felt her voice crack and a lump form in her throat.

She tried hard not to let the tears forming in her eyes fall, but she couldn't stop them from coming as they trickled down her cheeks. God, she had missed this woman. All she seemed to feel was guilt and regret. How could have she left her not once but twice. This amazing beautiful woman. Just then Alex reached out and held Pipers hands with her own. Piper was shocked by the contact, she looked down at their entwined fingers that rested on the table. The last time they had done something like this they were scared of being caught by an officer. But now they could do anything they wanted...anything.

'Alex, I am so sorry.'

And with that Piper's tears turned into sobs. She was sobbing loud and not caring about the attention it may draw from the people around. Alex got up from her seat and knelt at Piper's side, pulling the woman into her welcoming arms. They embraced for minutes, yet that didn't seem enough to either of them.

'It's okay Pipes.' Alex continued to whisper.

Piper finally pulled away. She hated that Alex had to see her like this, vulnerable, weak and snotty. Alex took a napkin from the table and began to dab it on Piper's cheeks gently. They looked at each other, their faces were so close. It almost seemed normal for Piper to just lean in and kiss the woman. But she couldn't do that. She didn't have the guts to make a move on Alex, she wouldn't be able to stand getting rejected.

'I needed to see you today, Piper. I've been desperate to see you. Ever since I saw you in the shop, I could't believe it.'

'Alex, there are so many things I've wanted to ask to you...'

Alex hesitated for a minute. She had been dying to see Piper...but this was dangerous. If she allowed Piper to ask her all these things then she will be allowing Piper in. Letting Piper in was something she had done twice now and both times she had been left heartbroken. It was vital she made the right choice or she would have to face the awful consequences for a third time. She took a deep breath and after much deliberation she spoke...

'Then ask me, Kid.'