Disclaimer! I am not Cassandra Clare! I don't own any of the characters!

Although I would do bad things to own Jace:) Hope you like it!

"Jace, stop it," I whisper sharply. "I am trying to listen!"

"Why would you even want to hear this? You'll never use this shadow hunting! Math is for mundanes," he sasses from his stance as he stands guard over me.

I sigh and shake my head, resisting the urge to slap him because then the whole class would think that I had gone mad. All they would see is my hand cracking over air. Whose idea was it to let Jace guard me at school anyways? Sure, he's my boyfriend, but how am I ever supposed to focus with him constantly trying to engage me in conversation while I am trying to learn math?

Ugg he always pushes me to my limits, knowing that I can't get a good comeback in because if I get caught talking to thin air, well we are back to my whole class thinking that I am mental again. See, when Jace comes to school with me, he puts on his invisa-runes so none of the mundane students can see him.

Why does my incredibly hunky, yet incredibly annoying boyfriend have to follow me around at school you may ask? Well because I decided to do both school and shadowhunter training at the same time. Since I don't know all the fighting techniques yet they don't want me by myself all day while demons or my missing-in-action dead, but maybe not so dead, brother is still out there.

"When do you get out of this class? This is taking forever!" Jace complains from beside me. I give him a hard look and hit him with my pencil before turning back to face the board where my Algebra two teacher is giving a lecture. "Ow! That hurt! I expect you to kiss it and make it better," Jace says.

I clench my teeth. Be the bigger person Clary.

The teacher passes out another worksheet and starts to go through problems we have questions on when suddenly I feel something poke me in the side, making me jump. I am super ticklish at my sides. I glare straight ahead. Don't give in Fray. Suddenly the poke comes again, harder, making me squirm.

I clench my pencil until my knuckles turn white when Jace pokes me again and I have finally had enough. "Would you stop!" I yell. My eyes widen as I realize my mistake. I cover my mouth but it is already too late.

The whole class stares at me with those "Oh, you're gonna get it!" expressions and I sink into my chair as the teacher turns around to glare at me.

"What was that, Clarissa?" She asks in that, "I dare you to say it again" tone.

"Sorry Mr. Lermano! There was a fly buzzing around my ear! A very annoying fly," I say, making sure Jace knows that the fly is him. "I was asking the fly to stop, not you! I'm so sorry to have interrupted." I apologize, praying that she buys it. Luckily she does for after a few moments she turns back around and starts doing problems on the board.

Jace has sat down at my feet and is now silently cracking up. I glare at him before trying to return my focus to my paper. I kick him once, not hard, but playfully. In return, Jace grabs my ankle and steels my shoe! What is he doing! If anyone sees my floating shoe they'll freak!

"Jace! Damn it!" I whisper under my breath. "Give me back my shoe! I'm serious!"

Jace flashes me a golden grin before slipping the converse back on my foot like I'm Cinderella and reties it for me. I huff and try to get back to work, but Jace just keeps up his antics.

Finally, the bell rings releasing us to lunch. I leap up only to watch with horror as Jace shoves aside the hoard of students heading for the door so he could get by. Five students fall to the ground with bewildered expressions, leaving me to chase after him.

"Jace! You can't just shove them out of your way! They can't see you!" I screech as quietly as I can.

Jace flips his hair, looking like a proud lion. "How else do you expect me to stay awake during this snore session if I don't have a little fun?" He asks with a grin.

"Jace," I say in a whine.

"Clary," he replies back in the same tone.

I huff. "Well I'm going to go find Simon. Stay here." I say, stressing the last part. Jace gives me a wink before I turn away, fighting through the mass of students to find Simon coming out of his history class. I quickly grab his elbow and haul him back to where I left Jace, not giving him any time to say hello. Normally, I would be much more courteous, but I worry about leaving Jace alone for too long.

When I come back, it is obvious why I worried about leaving him alone. I catch him slamming several students lockers shut at they reach for a binder. The students pull their hands back as their fingers nearly get caught and they look around wildly to see what had just shut it, only to see nothing there.

They may not see anything, but I do. Right behind them Jace stands clutching his stomach as he laughs his ass off. I shake my head, walking past him and grabbing him by his elbow.

"I can't take you anywhere!" I mumble.

Yay! What did you think? I hoped you liked it! Sorry it was so short, I hope to update it tomorrow! Please comment and give me your thoughts or suggestions on it!:)