To clvergirlraven: Thanks! I appreciate the fact that I you think of it as scary.

To MikasaTrash5: Thanks! Here's the next chapter! I hope you enjoy it! Sorry about the use of names being limited but I want it to be kind of a question of who exactly they say they are!

To Touhou is Life: Thanks! I'm glad you enjoy it a lot!

I do not own Shingeki no Kyojin.

Eight: Struggle

"Struggling is hard because you never know what's at the end of the tunnel." -Don Rickles

When Mikasa awoke, it was to the face of the green eyed man. Her breath was held in her throat and she thought she was being choked but it was just her imagination. He held sorrow in his gaze as his fingers traced over her cheek. He only took notice of her being awake when her hot breath meet his fingers. He blinked at this then quickly pulled away from her, as if she had scared him.

He then cleared his voice and his insane gleam returned in his eyes. He grinned down at her then announced, "Well, well, well, looks like the little puppet awoke."

"What are you planning on doing with her, monster?!"

The voice of Erwin had her turn her head to go see that he too was held behind bars.

The green eyed man glared at him and snarled back, "Shut the hell up, bastard. If you think I'm going to harm her,"-he looked down to her with a predator glint in his eye-"then you are right."

She paled at this before the green eyed man, grabbed her by the wrists with his immense strength and watched as she struggled with to be free.

"Let me go." She mumbled and he raised an eyebrow at this, knowing she wouldn't get free.

"That won't happen, girly." He replied then tossed her into the bars, her breath escaping her lungs. Pain filled her back at this and tried to clear her eyes from tears escaping down her face.

"She has done nothing to you! Let her go!" Erwin cried but the green eyed man rolled his eyes at this, stomping over to her before grabbing her by her jaw. He smirked at this before pulling her face close to his own.

"Nah. She's fun to play to with, Erwin. You never let me have fun so she's going to be my new toy." He told him and giggled at this. Then he pulled her close and brushed past some of her hair.

He then whispered, "I'm sorry about that."

She blinked at this then opened her mouth to say something that but instead he brought her down to the floor. She gasped at this and winced at the pain from being thrown down. This time she cried out in pain and hugged herself to keep from getting hurt.

"Now, Erwin, what should I do with you?" He asked and tapped his finger against his face, "Ah, I know. How about I get one of your other Nurses and have a feast with them?"

"Monster! You have no right to go ahead and go after them!" Erwin cried and the green eyed man chuckled at this.

"Oh, now, I'm definitely going to go find someone." the green eyed man said and began to walk away from her. He opened the prison door and slammed it shut, locking it up. He turned towards Erwin and grinned madly.

"Now," He stated and licked his lips as salvia began forming at the corner of his mouth, "what one should I have for dinner?"

"How about no one, shit for brains."

The man and Erwin snapped around to face an unfamiliar face to Mikasa but to the other two men, they knew who he was.

He had short, straight black hair styled in an undercut as well as narrow, intimidating grey/blue eyes with dark circles under them and a deceptively youthful face. He was quite short compared to the other two men yet had a well-developed physique from the tightness of his prison white uniform. Unlike the other man, his uniform consisted of just a white t-shirt with a name plastered on the right, stating [LEVI DOE], and khaki pants that went along with the outfit. His feet had black clean cut shoes that did not match his current outfit and a frown on his face.

The man's eyes narrowed and hissed out, "What the fuck do you want, ass wipe?"

The man with the labeled tag then glanced over to MIkasa before saying, "You to control yourself. We can't have any mistakes happen with this going on. If you screw up, it's all over. So far its been quiet about the breakout. With your 'meals' being found outside, that will ruin everything, so keep it in control and nothing will go haywire."

The green eyed man scowled at this then stalked over to the elevator, slamming the button to go up and once the door opened, left the two prisoned hospital workers with the man.

The man moved towards Erwin cage before stating, "You locked me in here before you thought I was insane, correct?"

Erwin gulped at this before slowly nodded, since the man had probably looked through his own file and read up on his notes of his personality, actions, and other notes. The man gripped the bars of Erwin's cage and narrowed his eyes at this.

"I lost my memory. We both know of that. My 'violent actions' are muscle reflexes I gained from previous memories I can no longer remember. I hold no grudges towards you specifically, Erwin. I can make a guess that I have in the past fought many people or was troubled. This I do remember, my faith is something I never question. You've seen me when I go quiet but it only for me to see if I can still hear His voice. He has been quiet but I know exactly what to do to get out of here. You have no strength over me. Once I am free of this hell, I will redeem my memories and return to my place." He told him before Erwin paled at this, knowing exactly where the man had once belonged before losing his memories.

The man tilted his head to the side before stating, "You know where I belonged, didn't you, bastard?"

Suddenly the door opened and Erwin slowly moved back from the man.

"Don't piss me off, Erwin." He hissed and then raised his foot up in a preparation of attacking the Doctor.
"Bishop Rivaille!" Mikasa shouted out and the man froze at this, eyes wide at her words. He backed away from the man and then looked to her.

"What the fuck did you say?" The man said and she blinked as this before slowly moving up, her body shaking as she attempted to get up.

"Bishop…Rivaille." She answered again and the man quickly left the cage, slamming it shut behind as he stood at the edge of hers.

"A man of faith, right? A Bishop is of that. That was a name someone could easily mistake. Are you claiming that is who I am?" the man asked her and she bite her lip at this, unsure what to answer.

"…You may be the Bishop. I do not know for certain. If you were to go to the Church, you could find out the truth." She answered and he slowly nodded at this before backing away.

"If you dared lied to me, I will get you back at this." He whispered and she nodded at this threat as he moved away from her.

"Until I check this, both of you, struggle to fight back from this twisted place and your own fate." The man who may be the one who Mother Superior Petra looked for and cared much about.

"What the fuck does he know?" the green eyed man hissed as he tore apart a limb of a dead patient and blood splashed against his body and floor. He swore as he bit into the piece, although he enjoyed the taste, he couldn't help but want to vomit it out.

He got used to the taste after so long but he was forced to be this.

He chewed and swallowed it, the piece of meat sliding down his throat in a cascade of crimson. He licked his lips and tossed the arm aside, anger radiating off of him in waves.

"He thinks himself a Holy Man. The girl herself a Nurse. The bastard, a Doctor. They are all wrong. They think everything is fine yet that is not true! This world is just a masquerade of something else entirely! They believe themselves in a state of reality but it is all fake! No one understands the purpose of this world! They are all idiots!" He spoke and then sighed as he moved away from the dead bodies, staring at the mess he made.


Suddenly, he looked around him to find the source of the voice and eyes wide from the familiar voice.

"Is it you? You forsake me long ago though." He whispered and then narrowed his eyes from this, "No, you disappeared after what you that my sanity left me long ago. You saw me kill those people for you yet you couldn't help but forget it. I know you didn't want to remember it because of the pain I caused is understandable. Who would want to be friends with a monster, right?"

"Correct, who would love a monster?"

He snapped in the direction of the voice and scowled at the person who was hiding in the shadows.

"You-!" He shouted and moved towards the person but stopped once the person revealed a picture to him. The green eyed man's eyes grew wide from it and the person grinned in the shadows.

"Now, we don't want you to have your favorite person in the world find this secret out, right?" the person spoke and he spat to the side of him, blood infused with his salvia.

"Fuck you. What the hell do you want?" He spoke to him and the person pulled the picture away.

"I want you to have Erwin struggle more. He is not suffering enough. He still thinks himself as all powerful just captive. Next time you are hungry, get one of his Nurses and eat before him. That would change everything." the person told him and he glanced down to his work before grinning madly.

"Fine. That's what you want. I'll make it happen since nothing actually matters to me. The only one that matters is her. You won't be abel to get her. I will make sure of it even if you are one of the puppet masters in this illusion." The green eyed man told him and the person nodded at this as he disappeared into the shadows, leaving the green eyed man to himself and his twisted thoughts.