The Blue Blur's Fairytail: Chapter 1

The Emerald

Hi, people!

TomboyGirl here with an awesome story!

I have 2 OCs in this story though, so if you don't like OCs...

I shall give you a second to start running...

One of the OCs belongs to Glimpse the hedgehog, so that is the reason why you should be reading this!

Now here is the story!

It was a nice, peaceful day on Mobius... The kind of day that made everyone think that nothing could go wrong. A dash of blue ran through the grass, it was Sonic the hedgehog. He ran under the shades of the trees and ran back out into the sunny meadow. He skidded to a halt and looked over his shoulder.

He finally saw Tails catching up to him as Knuckles ran beside him, semi-floating to build up more speed. "You guys are so slow!" Sonic yelled to them as they stopped to take a break. The sun glimmered brightly over their heads and Sonic inhaled then exhaled, pricking his ears as he listened to the breeze and the songbirds.

"Sonic, Amy seems to have fallen behind, I think that we lost her." Tails said between panting. "Good, she's the last thing I want on this beautiful day." Sonic said, sighing.

Just then, there was an explosion in the forest and Sonic rolled his eyes. "I guess I spoke too soon!" He said as they dashed over near the explosion the way they came.

"Go Erza!" Lucy yelled to the mage as she spun around and looked at the thief, who stole a beauty of an emerald from the museum that just came in yesterday. The Fairytail team let Erza deal with him since she was itching to hit someone all day, that explains why Natsu had a big bump on his head at breakfast this morning.

She ran over to the thief and kicked him in the face with such force that it knocked him through the wall behind him. Erza calmly walked over to him, leaving Lucy and Wendy behind hugging each other in fear of their friend. Erza grabbed the man by his shirt collar and looked him in the eye firmly. "Where is that emerald?" Erza asked and the man grinned as Lucy screamed. Erza spun around to see another man holding Lucy with a knife to her throat. Wendy was shoved to the ground by another thug and Erza showed no emotion.

Suddenly, Natsu and Gray burst in, screaming their heads off as they spun around and beat up the guy holding Lucy.

Erza looked back to the man and roughly yanked him up in a sitting position. "Now, let's try this again... Where is that emerald?" She asked as the man took the green emerald out with shaky hands. Erza snatched it from him and tossed him aside as if he was useless. "Our work here is done, let's go." She said cooly and leaves with everyone following her.

"What the heck is that thing?!" Taylor yelled to Glimpse as a huge spider thing crawled towards them. Glimpse ran around the other side while Taylor stared at the spider as if she was trying to see its weak points. "I have no idea, but it looks like a threat so let's chop it up!" Glimpse yelled as he summoned his sword and ran forward, bringing the sword down on the spider, but it blocked the attack with one of it's horns on it's head.

Glimpse was a lime green hedgehog with Shadow's spines and green eyes. He had golden stripes instead of red and the trimming on his shoes was golden as well. His sword was a blade with a master emerald shard in it crafted by his best friend, Carly and his muzzle was tan

Taylor rolled her eyes and ran towards the spider unnoticed as she jumped really high into the air, coming down right on it's back and swung her heel down on it's back, where she found a pressure point and clung to it's back while she hit the point and jumped off, causing two of its legs to go limp. It roared in rage and ran towards the two attackers.

Taylor was a black fox with cyan eyes and waist-length white hair. She had white arms and legs and she had one single black tail. She wore a long sleeved shirt that was crimson red at the top and normal red near the bottom. She also wore jeaned short shorts and red and white sneakers.

Glimpse dashed under the spider while Taylor swiftly dodged attempted attacks from it. "Chaos blind!" Glimpse yelled as the spider froze which lowered it's defenses. Glimpse saw his chance and rushed over to the spider, clutching his sword as he jumped in the air and front flipped before swinging the sword down on it's back. Taylor shivered as Glimpse sliced it's back open and the spider collapsed, it's red eyes dimming. Glimpse tugged his sword out of it's back and jumped off of it while Taylor cracked her back and walked up to it to poke it with her foot.

It didn't move at first, then it's eyes started glowing again as the wound sealed up. "What the..." Taylor started as she backed up to stand next to Glimpse again. "Damn it, this thing just won't stay down!" Glimpse growled angrily as he charged at him, his sword in his hands as he dashed under the spider and ran to the other side, knocking one of it's legs off balance.

Taylor focused as she brought a hand up and lifted a huge rock out of the ground by moving it with her mind. She snickered as she spun around, gathering speed for the rock as she threw it spinning at the spider, which his the horn on it's head and caused it to shatter. The spider roared in rage and pain as he saw Taylor and scurried towards her, trying to slam it's head down on her, but she back hand springed out of the way just as it embedded it's head into the ground. "Now, Glimpse!" She yelled to her hedgehog friend, who was charging up a powerful spindash as he sprang forward, the spider only having time to pull his head free from the ground and look behind him as Glimpse tore through his body.

But when the spider was cut in half, Taylor spotted a golden emerald floating where it's heart was until the body pulled together again. Glimpse approached Taylor again, but she grabbed his hand and flipped him over her shoulder, making Glimpse look up at her with frustration in his eyes. "Really? Your doing this now?!" Glimpse asked as he got up. "Why didn't you grab the emerald?!" Taylor snapped before a claw struck the earth right between them.

Just then, Sonic, Knuckles and Tails ran into the clearing to see the two fighting the giant spider.

"What the hell is that thing?!" Knuckles called to Glimpse. Glimpse groaned and turned to look at him. "His name is Jonathan, he lives in the web downtown!" Glimpse yelled back sarcastically when the spider knocked him down with a swing of one of his legs. Glimpse looked up at the spider, who lifted up a leg to smash Glimpse with and he closed his eyes, waiting for the end to come. But it didn't, when he opened his eyes, he saw Taylor standing in front of him, clutching the spider's arm tightly. "You can thank me later." She said as she moved her hands for a better grip and flipped the spider over her shoulder.

"Get the emerald now!" She yelled as Sonic and Glimpse dashed in towards the spider and cut it open while Tails flew in and grabbed the emerald before the spider could reattach itself together. In mere seconds, the spider was dead finally and Glimpse and Taylor felt peaceful again. Knuckles ran towards them and took the emerald from Tails, hugging it tightly. "It's okay, little emerald..." He said as he looked at everyone and he laughed nervously while trying to regain some of his toughness back.

"We did it!" Knuckles said as he looked at everyone, hoping for a high-five. "Um... you didn't do anything, Knux..." Sonic said and Knuckles paused for a moment before sulking in a corner. "Well... you did it." He said when he was done and held the emerald up in victory. Just then, it flashed gold and everyone looked up at it curiously.

"Natsu, careful with that emerald!" Lucy said as Natsu twirled it on his finger, the emerald's light spinning around. "Don't worry, you guys know that I'm careful with this stuff!" He said as he tossed it in the air as it glowed when he caught it. "What the-" He had time to say before a spinning tunnel of black wind swirled in front of them like a black hole.

A huge portal opened up where the emerald was and it sucked in Knuckles first, but Tails grabbed his leg, hoping to pull him back in, but then Sonic snatched Tails's tails only to be sucked in as well. Taylor tried grabbing Sonic's feet and started to pull them back through the black hole with her unnatural strength, but that failed as Glimpse tried to help but got sucked in as well.

Suddenly, the portal closed after they were all in and they were tossed out of the portal on a rocky path. "Ow... my back... Sonic, get your fat self off of me!" Knuckles whined as he sat up and Tails looked around to see five people standing above them. "Hey... Who the hell are you guys?" Sonic asked.

How was the first chapter?

Awesome, you say? Good, because I'm going to start on another chapter right now :)


To Be Continued...

(Sonic nor Fairytail belongs to me)