The happy squeals of Nana, Popo, Toon Link, and Ness could clearly be heard from outside. Despite Christmas having been over for a few days, snow still stuck firmly to the ground. The four children ran around, throwing snowballs at each other like it was World War III. Naturally, the Ice Climbers were winning as they had far more experience with cold weather than the other two.

Lucas watched from the window, his crystal blue eyes watching as poor Toon Link was ambushed by the Ice Climbers, white snow soon covering him up completely. But, his head soon popped out of the powder, and he just laughed, along with the others. The blonde sighed, memories flashing in his mind, almost too fast for him to comprehend them.

A blur of gold and ginger playing in a flurry of white.

Two boys sitting next to each other my a fire.

Happy voices drifting in the frigid air as small hands carefully made a snowman.

Lucas almost teared up, but refused to cry. The memories were the reason he couldn't bear to go outside. Mentally shaking his head, he continued observing his friends. It was when Ness helped Toon Link onto his feet and shared a smile that Lucas realized something.

Ness and Claus were similar.

They were both brave.

Claus had always been the braver of the twins. Always willing to try new things, no matter how reckless, while Lucas just sat back and watched. Ness was also courageous. He went through so much, fighting his former friend, standing up to a horrifying alien, and yet he was still so happy.

They were both protective.

Being the older brother, Claus had been very protective, it didn't matter who he was standing up against. He wouldn't let anyone hurt Lucas, at least not unless he himself was hurt first. Ness had that quality as well. Whenever anyone picked on Lucas, which was mainly Wario, Ness could place himself in front of the timid blonde and run the offender off, usually with his baseball bat.

They were both friendly.

While Lucas was shy, Claus was outgoing. He was willing to make friends with absolutely anyone, and he had the ability to make even the quietest person speak up. Ness was known in the mansion for his friendly nature. He was the first person to get Lucas to open up, say how he really felt.

They were both caring.

Claus had been caring, even if he didn't admit it. He would calm Lucas down during a thunderstorm, cheer him up however he could, and was there whenever he needed him. Ness was like this also. He always stood up for Lucas, did his best to make the blonde laugh, and comforted him when he cried.

With this sudden realization, Lucas couldn't stop staring at the raven-haired boy. Now, with every move Ness made, Lucas saw part of his brother doing the same thing. Ness fell onto his back and made a snow angel, laughing loudly as the other did so as well. They were having so much fun...

"Hey, Ness! Come help us out!"

Said boy snapped his eyes open and he realized his friends were now making the base of a snowman. "Okay, sure thing!" he replied, jumping up and wiping excess snow off of his coat and pants. He only took maybe three steps when he stopped in his tracks and looked over his shoulder and then up at Lucas. The blonde stared back.

Lucas was amazed at how Ness's violet eyes shone just like Claus's green ones did so long ago, and yet they didn't at the same time.

If Ness was so much like Claus, did Lucas see his best friend as a big brother?

Still gazing into purple orbs, Lucas felt his face heat up.

He wasn't so sure.