Hey y'all! So here's chapter 4! I hope this chapter clears any questions you had about the story up! Hope y'all like it!

Chapter 4

"AH!" Verinty shouted, waking from her nightmare. She shot up in bed and noticed she was covered in sweat. Clarion and Milori rushed into the room and were by her side in a second.

"Sweetheart!" Clarion gasped at the state of her daughter. Milori walked and embraced her tightly, followed by Clarion, who gave her a soothing kiss on the forehead.

"Mommy, daddy..." She sniffled. Clarion stroked her hair and kissed her on top if the head once more.

"It's ok, darling." Milori whispered gently. Clarion cupped her daughter's face in her hands and smiled warmly.

"We're here. Everything will be alright." She wiped away her daughter's tears.

"I had a nightmare." Verinty whispered in a shaky voice.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Milori asked as he hugged her. Verinty shook her head 'no'.

"Will you sleep with me, though?" She inquired quietly.

"Of course." Clarion said as she laid down, pulling Verinty close. Milori lay on the other side of Verinty, making her feel safe.

"We are always here to protect you Verinty." He whispered as he pulled the covers around his small family.

"Because we love you so terribly much." Clarion kissed her forehead.

"I love you too." Verinty whispered, tiredly. Clarion and Milori stayed awake, watching over their child until they knew she'd reach dreamland.

The next morning when Verinty woke up, she didn't want to open her eyes. She had a strong feeling that her new parents had left in the middle of the night and she didn't want to be disappointed.

Of course she couldn't be that disappointed. After all, her old parents never paid that much mind to her. She would have cried all night long if it were her other parents.

But it wasn't. It was Clarion and Milori, the most loving parents she could ever ask for. Thanks to them she slept peacefully the rest of the night, and when she opened her eyes she saw them sleeping. She smiled as she realized her mother and father hadn't left. They had stayed by her side and protected her, even if she no longer needed protecting.

She then noticed the way they were sleeping. Verinty was in the middle, her mother on her left, and her father on her right. But what made her smile the most was how her father held her mother's hand. Even in their sleep, even when they couldn't be right next to each other, he had to show her love. And Verinty loved that.

She noticed her mother stirring and shut her eyes, pretending to be asleep. Clarion yawned quietly and smiled at her family. She leaned over and kissed Verinty's cheek, brushing hair out her daughter's face. She then propped herself up on her elbow and kissed her husband's lips. She was pulling back when Milori kissed back, finally awaking.

"Good morning, my love." Milori whispered. He caressed Clarion's cheek.

"Good morning, my darling." Clarion kissed him again before turning to her daughter. "I know you're awake, Verinty." She whispered. Verinty simply groaned.

"Good morning mother." Clarion and Milori chuckled. "Did you sleep here all night?"

"Yes, sweetheart." Clarion answered, sitting up against the headboard. Milori followed and took her hand in his, tangling their fingers together.

"You didn't have to." Verinty sat up and felt her mother playing with her hair.

"Yes we did." Milori told her sweetly. "You're our daughter and we will always be there when you're upset."

"Thank you." Verinty whispered. "Thank you so much." Clarion lovingly kissed the side of her head before crawling out of bed.

"Your father and I have work today, sadly, but if you'd like, you can come along with one of us." Clarion said, straightening out the covers.

"I'd love to; do I have time to get ready?" Verinty asked. Milori followed his wife to the door.

"Of course you do." He smiled.

"You can come borrow an outfit if you'd like." Clarion winked at her. "We'll get around to that shopping soon!"

"Ok, I'm going to shower, and then I'll be there to borrow something." Verinty stood, made her bed up, smiled at her parents, and walked into the bathroom.

Closing the door behind her, Verinty took a deep breath. The last day had been a whirlwind. She couldn't remember what had happen to her. All Verinty knew, was when she woke up, she was a fairy.

She stood in front of the mirror and stared at her reflection. She was now just a shadow of her former self. Her black hair had turned into the most glorious shade of honey brown, her hazel eyes now contained a blue that would put sapphires to shame, her ears were long and pointy, and the most dramatic change were her golden butterfly wings. She liked it though; her new body.

She stripped off her clothes and stepped into the shower. Looking down to her feet, she didn't see the scar her mother had given her. Of course, her mother had given her many scars, but this one was different. It never healed, never went away, and was never painless. But now it was gone, along with every other scar, bruise, and mark her old mother left on her.

Verinty continued with her shower, humming softly. She picked up the shampoo her mother had given her; it smelled like citrus. That reminded her of Clarion.

Something about Clarion made Verinty love her almost instantly. Verinty wasn't the most trusting soul when it came to some people, like her old mother. She learned not to trust her quickly and became that way with almost everyone. But Clarion was different and so was her new father. It was like magic.

She finished her shower and wrapped a robe around her body. She was towel drying her hair as she walked into her parents' bedroom.

"We can't skip work, Milori!" She heard Clarion shout, although she couldn't see them. Her mother walked around a corner and smiled. "Hi sweetheart!"

"Hi mom!" Verinty walked over. "Can I borrow that outfit?"

"Of course, come on!" Clarion giggled and led her daughter to the closet. The two fairies looked through the clothes before Verinty found a skirt and shirt she liked. As she dressed, her mother wandered back to her husband and sat on his lap.

Milori was reading through the winter reports when someone slipped into his lap. He smiled and kissed the side of her head. It was his gorgeous wife.

"So, I read through this and it turns out I could actually skip work today." He said proudly. She rolled her eyes.

"No, you didn't go yesterday which means you are going today." She said sternly. It was his turn to roll his eyes.

"Fine." He muttered. Clarion playfully pouted and pulled his face towards her.

"I'm so sorry..." She sighed. "Can I make it up to you?" She bit her lower lip suggestively. He smiled cunningly and closed the space between them. She moaned quietly, knowing her daughter wasn't too far away.

He slid his hands around her waist and rested them on her behind. Her hands gripped the collar of his shirt as she drew imaginary circles on his chest. Their tongues battled for dominance as they clutched each other close. His hands were just making their way up to cup her breasts when Verinty called for them.

"We can pick this back up later." Clarion whispered, giving him one last kiss before leaving to tend to their daughter.

Milori got up and smiled when he stumbled upon them. Clarion was playing with the hem of Verinty's skirt; it had a loose string. He stood and watched as they whispered and giggled. Clarion suddenly felt a pair of eyes on her and looked up, winking at her husband.

"Hi dad!" Verinty giggled. She walked over and gave him a hug.

"You know, you look so much like your mother." He whispered to her. Verinty backed out of his embrace and tilted her head to one side.

"Really?" She asked. He nodded his head firmly and Clarion floated besides him. He took a strong hold on his wife's hand.

"Especially in that outfit; that's exactly what your mother was wearing when we met." He squeezed Clarion's hand as she gasped.

"I was in that wasn't I?" She turned to him with a love struck smile on her face. He kissed her forehead softly.

"The only difference is Verinty looks a whole lot warmer." Milori chuckled, taking Verinty's hand as well and leading them to breakfast.

"What do you mean?" Verinty questioned.

"I decided to cross the border before it was allowed, and that was how we met." She turned and kissed her husband's cheek. "I was quiet cold since I didn't even have a coat." She giggled.

"Wow, I had no idea that's how you met!" Verinty giggled as they entered the dinning her. In front of her were the four ministers.

"Ministers, I would like you to meet Verinty, our daughter." Milori said, proudly claiming Verinty as his daughter.

"A pleasure to meet you." They all responded happily. Verinty smiled and sat next to her mother.

"Wonderful to meet you too." She smiled warmly. Her smile was just like Clarion's; breathtaking. They ate breakfast and chatted lightly over the seasons. The ministers explained their season and what was happening; all in all, they had a wonderful time. Soon the royal family left the dining room and flew to the border on Milori's owl.

When they landed, Milori helped Verinty down and then his wife, kissing her forehead in the process. Verinty giggled slightly; she found her parents displays of affection amusing. Milori rolled his eyes and ruffled his daughter's hair.

"So, squirt, are you going to come with me or your mother?" Milori asked. Verinty looked between them and sighed.

"I'm going to pick mom, mainly because I want to go shopping." Verinty finally said, causing both her parents to laugh.

"Very reasonable…" Milori chuckled, pulling her into a hug. She hugged back before letting her mother say good bye to her father.

"I'll see you at lunch?" Clarion asked with a raise of an eyebrow.

"Of course." Milori whispered into her lips as he kissed her. "I love you."

"And I love you." She kissed him one last time before breaking away, waving as she turned to go. They both knew to keep their kissing to a minimum with their daughter around. Verinty watched as her mother continued to wave as Milori flew off on his owl.

"So, mom, what do you do at work?" She skipped to her mother's side and they fell into a comfortable pace.

"It all depends on the day. Like today, I have to check on the seasons, but tomorrow I will have to write the reports." Clarion explained.

"Reports?" Verinty questioned.

"Yes, which means I will spend countless hours doing paperwork and paperwork and guess what? More paperwork." Clarion groaned as her daughter busted into giggles. Clarion simply rolled her eyes. The mother and daughter soon made it back to the center of the Autumn Woods, where Clarion went straight to the minister.

"Hello, Your Majesty." Redleaf bowed.

"Hello, Minister." Clarion nodded her head, allowing him to relax. "How is everything fairing today?" She asked, taking a look around.

"Everything is just wonderful, Queen Clarion."

"And the fairies?" She asked.

"Are busy working on their perfect shade of orange." Clarion laughed lightly and smiled at him.

"Brilliant!" She chuckled as she checked on baskets and other things with the minister. Meanwhile, Verinty was fascinated by other fairy.

The princess stood watching a certain fast flyer work, wondering if she had that talent. She slowly approached the fairy and said 'hello'.

"What do you want?" The fairy snapped back.

"Well, my name is Verinty, and I wanted to know if you'd show me how you did that." She pointed to the pollen twister.

"You see, sweetheart," The fairy started sarcastically. "I'm Vidia and I'm a fast flyer, truly a rare talent. I guess I can show you, but if you're not a fast flyer, you'll never be able to do it."

"You see, sweetheart," Verinty retorted with just as much sarcasm. "You can lose this attitude of yours, because I can just have some other fairy show me. And I'm almost certain they'd do a better job than you." Vidia and Verinty just stared each other down with icy glares until, finally, Vidia smirked.

"I like you." She threw her arm around Verinty's shoulders. "I'll show you everything you need to know!" With that she back away and looked at the newer fairy. "You have to let the wind take over your senses."

"Take over my senses…" Verinty whispered as she began to feel the wind at her fingertips. The princess closed her eyes and began to twirl her finger. When she opened her eyes a moment later, there was a mini twister in front of her. "I did it!" She cheered, causing the twister to disperse. "Oh," She sighed. Vidia laughed.

"You got a long way to go kid."