REWRITTEN! (I believed as much that the previous one is atrocious and should be revised.)

Title: Of Devious Omega Days

Pairing: Eventual USUK, PruCan, Slight femUsUk, past Franada, and more

Warning: First M-rated fic, future mpreg, future yaoi. Ugly grammar.

Note: I'm catching up in Hetalia. I was delighted at the Surprise Halloween episode with the Boun San Valentino 1 and 2, and also the Centennial Gift. UsUk and GerIta, fudge ya!

Appreciation: Thank you all so much for the review! :D


"What are you reading?"

Yao lifts his gaze from the book and sees the queen a foot away from the table he is occupying in the large office provided by the first Spade king he had served.

"Ace and Beyond, Your Majesty." Yao stood from his seat, bowing respectfully to the tenth queen he serves. Queen Emily flicks her wrist, a gesture Yao recognizes as acknowledgement so he sat again. He stares curiously at her, "What brings you here, my queen?"

"We are in the confine of your office, Yao, you can call me Emily." She smiled and Yao scrutinized the bubbly lines before letting out a sigh, "Emily, what are you doing here?"

The Omega moved to sit, putting a brown envelope on the table neatly before she placed her elbows on the surface, lacing her hands together, and resting a chin on the laced limb.

"It's going to be Sweetheart Halloween in my Alma Mater soon." Queen Emily started lightly, her voice a casual droll in the far too uptight atmosphere the room exhibits.

Yao raised a brow in quiet prodding.

"I cannot visit the World Academy, my dear Jack. I'll be travelling to Diamonds to meet Queen Lili for an urgent meeting."

"So you want me to go in your place?" Yao assessed and when the queen happily nodded, cooing at his ingenuity, he frowned, "I'm a busy man, Emily. I cannot afford to waste my time to attend a party just to socialize for public appearance representing Spade. Prince Alfred is already there."

"You're such a difficult man, Yao." The Omega pouted, "But this is very important. You've been holing yourself up here since three centuries ago, people barely remembers your face. You'll be representing the Trinity, Yao, not just the royalty of Spades. Alfred isn't a Trinity yet and since he is still not the Spade king, I'm afraid he'll not do."

"What about the king?" Yao asked, trying to worm his way out the task of going out the palace to mingle with a bunch of kids. He's much too old for those kind of things.

"I'll be bringing him along for reasons." Queen Emily smiled perversely, blue eyes glinting naughtily under the dim light of the room. Yao's frown deepened into a scowl, crossing his arms over his chest, and sitting regally in his side of the table, he said, "I don't think the Jack of Diamonds would be happy hearing you fornicate with your husband in their castle."

"Thomas is rather loud, isn't he?" She laughs.

The Jack passively looks at the chuckling queen before he narrowed his eyes, "Will that be all, Your Majesty?"

Queen Emily suddenly stops giggling behind her hand, eyes turning cold, face as stony as her son.

"You are always the perceptive Beta, aren't you?" She remarked, observing the way the older man's face twitches slightly under his mask of detachment from the world.

"I am rather concerned."

"With what?"

"My son isn't making his marriage official."

"I heard."

"And I do not like his petulant behavior."

"And what am I to do with that?"

"Tell him to fornicate with Arthur for me."

Yao paused then dipped his lips to a downward curve, "And why on Spade would I walk up to your son and demand him to have sex with Lord Arthur?"

Emily sighed in frustration at the difficulty the man shows before she lets her mask melt, laying herself unguarded to her Jack.

"My mark is fading from me, Yao." Queen Emily spoke softly, her cold eyes turning soft. Yao peers at her in calculation before he lets his fondness for the queen shows through his façade, eyes gentling at her words, "The world is shifting."

The Omega nodded at her friend's utterance, "It has been fading since Arthur was born in the world."

"So that's why you had taken Lord Arthur early then?" Yao confirmed and his queen nodded once more, "Ever since? So that means Lord Arthur is…"

The blond woman nodded and looks at him earnestly, "I'm running out of time, my dear Jack. The world is shifting towards Arthur. And I cannot do anything about it. The mark on my hips is slowly inking out."

"Does anyone know?"

"Only my husband." She answered before continuing, "I am afraid that my time as the queen is coming to an end. The world doesn't want me to rule anymore. It is searching for Arthur's touch, for his voice, for his eyes, for his smell, for Arthur's everything. But without Alfred's consent, without my son's complete love for Arthur, Yao, I'm very afraid."

Queen Emily knew Yao since she was a child.

She was merely the elder daughter of the Duke of Ottawa back then. But when she was only a little girl not older than thirty, the first sign of the mark appearing on her was apparent. The world has shifted to her even when the rule of the former Queen Imelda was just starting.

With such possession, she was immediately brought to the castle by her father where she met Yao for the very first time. The man had been her caretaker since then.

By the time she started out high school, the mark has fully blossomed, spreading from her hips to the middle of her abdomen, marking the end of the Portuguese queen.

She was a Dominant Omega and Omegas like her is hard to deal with, she knew. Her nature had made life difficult for the Chinese man. But even though she put him through a lot, she knew how much her Jack had sacrificed to keep her safe from the former queen. That's why out of all the whole world, she trusted Yao the most.

"What are you so afraid of, Emily?" Yao questioned softly. The blond Omega felt her eyes glistening with unshed frustrated and scared tears, "Unsteady mind is unhealthy in ruling a kingdom, my Jack. You told me that a long time ago when I was unstable and deemed unfit to rule. And yet, you believe that there's still some salvation somewhere in me, Yao."

"I did." Yao nodded, reaching out to wipe a tear away, remembering the old days when his friend was unstable, only caring for Lady Victoria and creating havoc for those who crossed her. She was a bit mad, he knew.

All Dominant Omegas are because their hormones are unbalanced, mixing and separating constantly and finding no equilibrium within; the Alpha in them is restless unless a more dominant one comes along to chip a good half of it away from their system—or if in rare lucky cases, chip three quarters of the Alpha genes out the Omega's system.

But not many knew any knowledge of his findings. Dominant Omegas are rare and when they're born into the world and show odd behavior, most people associate it with just imbalance hormones and nothing more.

Only Yao figured out that insanity is a thin line for Dominant Omegas to cross, mistaking it for greatness.

"That's why I found you a suitable mate." He said, "Thomas is a good husband, isn't he? He loves you even if you're insane."

"He did," The Omega said with a small smile, "And that's why I want Alfred to love Arthur with all of him."

"How did you know that Lord Arthur would come out as a Dominant Omega and in need of a mate like your son?"

"I didn't." Queen Emily shook her head, "I cannot see the future, Yao. I just wanted to be a family to Victoria. But when Arthur came out a year later after my son's first birthday and I smelt a familiar scent all Dominant Omegas share—the scent of gold… I reckon it was karma laughing at my face."

"Or at the face of everyone in the world." Yao intercepted and the blond chuckled lightly, "The karma had laughed at the face of everyone in the world, especially to you and I. Another Dominant Omega for a queen, isn't that a bit humorless?"

"Fate never had a sense of humor." Yao smiled, his gaze meeting the blue eyes of his queen. How many blue eyes have he seen in his four thousand years of life? There are a million of them now, he supposed, but Emily sure did sport a memorable pair. He could never forget such jaded ones, a pair of reflection that had fought inner demons more than anyone ever had in their lifetime.

"How mad is the next queen?" He asked.

Queen Emily tears her gaze from the Jack, letting it fall to the envelope she had placed on the table at the start of their conversation.

"More than I."


Arthur frowned. Everything seems pink and black everywhere he goes, the Omega restrooms were particularly decorated pink. It made him shiver.

He doesn't like the color pink. Pink is the color of 'innocence', of delicate fairy tale everyone believes in. Pink is a hue of purity and happiness, the very embodiment of naivety. Pink is everything that he's not and do not have. He hated pink.

He prefers red. Red is the color of jaded memories, of the blood that courses through the soul. Red is the color of maturity, of experience and of mischief. The color always reminds him of the things he had done and what he'll be doing in the future when the situation calls for it. Red is his shade, and it shows in the change of his hair color.

He walks out of the loo with a frown. Why's everything so damn girly and pink?

Isn't Sweetheart Halloween supposed to be a haunted occasion? He heard it was a holiday made to ward off evil, not make his eyes bleed from the sheer pinkness of it all.

"You look frustrated, Arthur." A sweet voice said from behind him. He stops to look who interrupted his thoughts. It was a pair of violet eyes and soft smiles.

"Matthew. It's been a long while since we had seen each other. How are you?" He smiled pleasantly.

"I'm fine. But I should be asking how you are. You seem to be upset. Is Alfred not treating you right?"

Arthur shook his head. "It's just that wherever I go, the place seems totally pink even with all the black it is partnered with. I don't like pink much."

Matthew nodded his head. "I understand how you feel. I had felt that way every time Mother decorated the hall with the maroon color. It seems that every Omega has a certain color that they hate."

"Why do you hate maroon?" Arthur raised his left brow, interested at Matthew's disliking.

Matthew shrugged.

"Maroon is a color that isolates. Maroon forsakes. The very hue had me crinkling my nose. To me, maroon abandons promises. The very hue, to me, is the personification of rejection."

"Have you been rejected?"

"I have. Many times before." Matthew smiled slightly. Arthur rolls his eyes upward, observing the same black and pink designs that seem to plague the rest of the school, tapping a foot in thought.

And then he looks at the prince again, his green eyes clear and naked, willing for the other Omega to understand.

"It's human nature to reject and be rejected. I only hated pink because it's the very essence of 'innocence'. There's no such thing as innocent. There's only ignorance."

Matthew shook his head at his brother-in-law.

"Everyone had gone through a phase of being innocent once before they had exceeded that limit and become ignorant." Violet eyes glimmered faintly. Arthur looked at him, scrutinizing the Omega's soft features, before breaking into a smile Matthew couldn't categorize.

"You are very clever, Matthew. Are you sure you're not like me?"

"A Dominant Omega?" Matthew tilts his head, "I had been tested before but my result always came out as just Omega."

Arthur hummed, "You're a very precious little thing, aren't you? Rejection doesn't suit you at all."

"You have a way with words, Arthur." Matthew smiled, dimples dipping with the delicate curve. Arthur returned it with a small one before speaking once more, "Well, I must go now."

The two shared a look as the voice of Alfred neared their location. Arthur giving a calm pretense and Matthew pretending he doesn't see the excited glint in Arthur's eyes that replaced the annoyance the Omega felt earlier.

Arthur waved at Matthew and left as he finally sees his irritable husband.

"There you are, Birdie!"

Matthew turns around just in time Gilbert scoops him into a tight hug, "Was that little queen-to-be?"

"It was." He replied softly, "We were talking about the colors we hate. By the way, where have you been? I had been waiting since morning."

Gilbert scratched the back of his head sheepishly, "I got lost again."

Matthew suppressed his urge to roll his eyes, giving a passive stare instead along with a patronizing smile, "Of course you would, Gil, of course you would."


"Alfred!" Arthur called out, walking swiftly to the tall figure of his mate. Alfred slightly spun, halting in his steps.

"I have been looking all over for you." Arthur says when he was beside his mate, forgetting to greet the others purposefully. He smiled up at the Alpha but Alfred felt rather small at the Omega's stare. He scoffs, "As if you don't do that often enough."

"But this is a special case!" Arthur determined, face settling in a resolute façade, "Tomorrow will be the event and I still haven't decided what to wear."

"You still haven't gone shopping, Arthur-kun?" Kiku sounded surprised. Arthur turned to him and nodded, frowning, "I thought I have some nice clothes I could wear in my closet. But as I was searching for one, I could not pick amongst them. They just felt unfit for something like Halloween. I have Halloween parties before but what do you wear for Sweetheart Halloween?"

"You wear whatever you would like to wear, mon cher." Francis answered with the voice he uses to make Omegas sigh. But Arthur ignored him, still looking expectantly at Kiku.

"What do your Halloween parties look like, Arthur-kun?"

"Like a normal ball but only with fancy looking clothes worn by people who belong to what they call Old World. And occasionally from the Unknown World."

"Oh." The Beta blinked, "Well, it's not much different, Arthur-kun. But in Sweetheart Halloween, you wear something similar to your mate."

"What about the unmated ones?"

"Then they find dates. Unfortunate ones who don't get a date are the wallflowers of the party." Ivan interrupted as he passed them by, a child-like grin pasted on his face.

"Aren't you one of the wallflowers, Braginsky?" Alfred sneered. Ivan's smile did not budged but his eyes narrowed a little bit, "I am one as comrade says. But I think you're a bit cocky, comrade. This is your first time with a partner, da?"

Alfred scowled at the Russian Alpha, his dark expression being returned by a steely one.

Arthur breaks into a giggle, flouting the suffocating tension as if he was unaffected by the heaviness the two had placed, "Alfred must have been scowling the whole time he was attending those parties!"

Elizaveta cracks into a laugh, "He did! The poor lad shuts everyone out who tried to talk to him. He was a sulky Alpha without you by his side."

Arthur felt himself smile at the Clubs princess' statement. He hid his delight behind his hand as he chuckles. Alfred rolled his eyes at the two, turning to walk once more.

Arthur noticed this and followed immediately, the rest flocking along.

"Will you go with me to shop?" He asked in a hopeful tone, eyes roaming the contour of Alfred's broad back. He wonders how it would feel like under his hands.

"You can go by yourself." Alfred huffed.

"That's just rude, Alfred." Elizaveta chastised and the Alpha prince only walked faster.

"Why won't you go with me?"

Arthur's voice was small, fragile, but it made Alfred stop altogether. Alfred hesitated to look at Arthur, afraid that if he did, he would be fooled by Arthur's acting again. The Omega is good with fooling people and Alfred is ashamed to admit he was one of the people his mate has fooled, remembering the cafeteria event.


The weak call of his name shattered his hesitation and when he finally looked at his mate, he found Arthur looking at him vulnerably, green eyes honestly lost.

"I'm busy." He replied lamely but Arthur nodded his head in understanding, "Oh, okay. I'll see you around then."

Arthur disappeared before anyone could react, blending within the crowded hallway of their school.

Elizaveta, Francis, and Kiku gave him a disapproving stare. Alfred pulled a face at their negative expressions.

"What?" He asked as nonchalant as he could.

Ivan gave a tiny laugh at his predicament, one full of malice and questionable intent before going on his way.

"Mon petit," Francis mourned, eyes pitying, "How many times do you intend to break your mate's heart?"

"I did not break any heart," Alfred defended, "That guy doesn't even have one!"

"Alfred-kun!" Kiku scolded in his calm voice. Alfred scoffed at the three.

"It's been a month since Arthur came, Alfred," Elizaveta stated, voice firm in purpose, "Have you ever took him out on a date?"

The immediate answer is no for Alfred. Since Arthur came, he had never gone out with the Omega even once. Their route is always to and fro the school and their house.

Alfred never noticed it though—or at least, ignored it for the period until his friend has asked him the question.

Has he ever treated Arthur out?

Alfred swallowed a lump in his throat at the realization, "Never."


Arthur finds himself at the edge of the rooftop, the wired fence keeping him from falling.

The sun is setting now and the building is mostly empty. He hadn't gone to the rest of his class. He finds all of them boring. But sans that, he needed fresh air to breath.

He felt suffocated with Alfred around, something in his chest swells so painfully inside him whenever he is rejected by the Alpha. It was awful and excruciating, he couldn't take it.

"Meow." He looks at his side and finds a cat rubbing itself on his leg. "Meow."

"What a cute cat, you are." Arthur told the white cat, bending down to get it. The feline purred in his arms contently, "You sure look like you got life figured out, don't you? Gratified and purring."


"You don't have any idea how much I'm hurting, do you? You just think of yourself and how you would live your life. Feeding on the weakness of people on cute little things like you are."


His hold is tightening, frightening the cat bit by bit.

"You just have to be adorable and you get what you want, don't you? How freaking nice for you. Hey, cat,"

His right arm expertly wrapped on the neck of the cat that is enfolded by its pristine white coat.

"Don't you have nine lives? I wonder if I snapped your neck, you would come back to life so I can snapped it more seven times. And then you'll have to live your life skittishly, knowing you only have one more life. And just one more silly mistake…"

He smiled cruelly down at the frantically mewing feline in his arms, holding it tight enough to hold down its legs and prevent it from clawing him.

"…could end you permanently…"

Arthur hears the sudden creaking of the door and he hurriedly let the cat go with a disappointed sigh, hissing lowly when the cat scratched his hand deeply in its anger causing the skin to break and blood to drip out.

He hid his wounded hand behind his back as he hears the steps going towards him.

He sees Alfred walking in and he deflates before pasting a haughty smirk on his face, "Alfred! What are you doing here?"

"Do you smell blood?" Alfred questioned as he neared. Arthur shrugged, "I don't. It must be your imagination. Anyway, what brings you here? It's rather late, don't you think?"

Alfred crinkled his nose, the lingering metallic smell still making his senses go wild, but he ignored it and instead continued with his purpose, "Is the offer still there?"

Arthur noticed this crinkling and cursed himself for being careless. He carefully placed his other hand behind him and on top of the wound, mentally casting a healing spell that hurriedly stitched the deep scratch up.

He finally replied when the stinging subsided.

"What offer?" A thick eyebrow raised high in confusion. Alfred sighed, "The one with shopping or something."

It was a few second before it fully dawned on Arthur what Alfred was inferring. The spreading smile on his face was slow and deliberate as if unhurried to show the happiness Arthur suddenly feels.

It was the most beautiful smile Alfred had seen the Omega wear.


Arthur's eyes glisten with fascination as he steps out the car and sees the various shops lining so beautifully in front of him. The view was so new and fresh for him that he couldn't help himself from almost gushing.

"This is Hetalia?" He asked Alfred who seems amused at his childlike demeanor. The Alpha nodded, "This is Hetalia. There are many costume shops here so there is a variety to choose from."

Arthur hummed, standing on his heels, "Well, what do you want to wear?"

This caused a raised brow, a frown, and a suspicious stare from his companion. Arthur positively cawed at that, having known Alfred to be quite the distrustful little boy that he is.

Blue eyes narrowed, "What are you planning?"

"Oh, love, you think I plan every little thing when I'm with you."

"I think you do."

Arthur chuckled, lightly slapping Alfred's shoulder as they walked through the thinning crowd of the town. It's evening already and the shops are close to closing but they walked as though they got time on their side.

"I'm not that particular to details. I'm merely asking you what you desire to wear. I don't want to force you to anything you don't want to do, silly lad." Arthur said, voice silkily lax. Alfred bit his bottom lip for a second before nodding his head to his left, "This is Feliciano's own clothing shop. He has the widest selection of costumes by this particular time. And I was looking forward to dressing up as… a hero."

Everything around them halts in the slowest possible of ways as Arthur languidly craned his neck upwards to stare at the diverted eyes of his mate, green eyes peering under thick dark blond lashes, obscuring as much emotions as they can.

"A hero?" He finally broke the tension between them, "Like those on comic books and televisions with powers gained from scientific experiments, being from another unknown planet, or from the sheer willpower to avenge?"

There's a pinkish hue dusting ever so lightly on slightly tanned cheeks, getting redder by the minute as Alfred felt Arthur's scrutinizing stare, as if judging and gauging his reaction to his words.

"Yes, that!" He snapped moodily, turning away from the prying stare but Arthur immediately placed a hand on his arm, pulling him with a force to spin him around.

"That's lovely." Arthur beamed, smilingly. The sudden appearance of a thin leather tail wagging so joyously behind the Omega surprised the Alpha. Alfred gawkily pointed at the black-crimson tail, "Your tail!"

Arthur whipped it gently to wrap delicately at the pointing finger, "You noticed little things too much, love."

Alfred noticed Arthur's own cheeks reddening. He smirked at the scene, forgetting that his own is still warm, "You lose control of your tail when you're happy."

It wasn't much of a question and more of a fact and the hue flushes Arthur more and more. It was endearing, Alfred admitted.

"Again," Arthur said with a pouting tone, "You noticed too much details. But yes, my stupid tail appears randomly when I can't contain how ecstatic I am."

"Why would you be so ecstatic?" The prince asked, leading them in the store and into the very back, not even glancing at any other clothing. But Arthur had savored the moment, greedily drinking in as many clothes as his eyes could manage.

Seeing them makes him feel so confined in his house for the very first time. There's so much to see, so many things to learn that the books could not offer him, and Alfred is showing him those stuffs.

"Because this is the first time you shared something you are interested in. You are a hard nut, you know. You never tell me anything that isn't personal." Arthur quipped, letting a finger traced the soft blue cloth of a cape that hung on a striped button up, "I'm very, very happy that you did! I feel so much closer to you now. Even just a little bit."

"You sounded like a child." Alfred snorted, facing away from the pleased Omega as to hide a small smile creeping up. Arthur sounded so genuinely joyful that he doesn't have enough energy to make him feel otherwise.

Arthur made it sound like he's the only thing that could make him feel thoroughly content, not his wealth, not his title, not his lineage, just honestly his whole person and that's something he had never felt before. It's flattering, charmingly so.

"Alfred," Arthur tapped his shoulder. Alfred spun towards him and the Omega smiled up, "Don't heroes have sidekicks?"

"Uh… yeah… I supposed." He replied.

Arthur took hold both of his hands, squeezing warmly, "Can I be your sidekick? I mean, if you want to. I don't want to force you or anything. It's your choice. But I—"


"I really want to be your sidekick. But I don't think you should force yourself… wait, what? Okay? Are you serious?" Green met blue for a steely moment before the emeralds bend into rainbow as he smiled again, almost hiding them in his curve, "You're not going to take it back, right? Promise?"

"I won't." Alfred sighed but Arthur squeezes his hands again, "Promise, Alfred. Promise that you are not going to take your words back. Promise me that I'm your only sidekick and no one else's."

"That's ridiculous."


Arthur's eyes were showing him a great deal of things that the Omega normally doesn't wear. Things that are usually hidden behind slyness and sarcasm and feigned cheeriness. Things that are vulnerable, fragile, but adamant.

He doesn't have a clue what love looks like when it stares at him but he's sure that it somehow resembles Arthur's gaze.

"I promise."

"That's… that's wonderful, love. Thank you." Arthur pulled on his hands, dragging his body into a downward motion but not forceful enough to smack his head unto Arthur's own. He doesn't get a warning when soft lips pressed sweetly on his own, green eyes closed from the rest of the world. For a moment, Alfred let himself enjoy the tenderness surrounding both of them.

It was Arthur who broke the kiss.

"So… what hero would you like to be?" Arthur said quietly, tail still visible for everyone to see and that's when Alfred knew the Omega is indescribably over the moon just from the contact.

Alfred cleared his throat to rid himself of the trance, "I… uh… Batman… I wanted to be Batman."

"Oh! He's the man with the British butler, right? If I'm not mistaken, his sidekick is Robin." Arthur tapped his chin in thought before looking at his mate for confirmation.

"Do you like comic books too?" Alfred asked, surprised that Arthur would know such detail. Arthur shook his head, "I stumble upon it when I landed on the mattress next to your bed. It was a stray piece underneath and I read it when you went to shower. I never thought you liked that comic that much."

"A stray… oh Spade! That's where it was."

"Hmmm, so I'll be Robin and you'll be Batman then?" Arthur diverted the conversation to its original path, not wanting to be scolded by Alfred for sleeping in his room again and for the talk to go to the stray comic.

"Pretty much, yes."

"Ha," Arthur blew a breath, "So you do want me to be flaunted in a spandex."

Alfred spluttered indignantly.

