Hi everyone, ans I'm finally back with another chapter, appologies for the wait. And thank you so much for the patience!

I'll keep it short so you can enjoy the story.

Also good news for all of you loyal followers, I regained my interest in the story! (I've been missing Saru and Fei very much in my other fics! So because of my love for them did I want to update!)

Disclaimer: I do not own Inazuma Eleven GO Chrono Stone or any of the official characters, I only own my oc's and their stories.

- Normal P.O.V. -

Somewhere in the future in El Dorado.

The same party of old farts had gathered around the grand table of their head quarters, all of them talking in excitement with each other. The reason of their excitement? Today was another one of their famous Time Alteration Project's or TAP's for short, they had done only a few before, all of them with great sucses. Or so they thought. The old jibber jabber fell silent when the last and most important man entered the room, the chairman had finally arrived, but by the look on his face the others could tell that he wasn't about to bring them any good news.

The holo chair at the head of the table hovered slightly backwards for Toudou Heikichi to sit down. He still hadn't spoken a word since his arrival. All eyes were on him as he folded his hands on the table and a serious look appeared on his old face.

"Heikichi-sama," They all greeted him.

"My dear friends," he finally started. "I'm afraid I have some unfortunate news to share with you."

The old men started to mutter amongst themselves, all of them wondering what it could possibly be about. Some of them, smarter and faster thinkers than the others, feared that it could only be about their Time Travel Project, and their goal of banning soccer.

Toudou cleared his throat quite loudly, catching everyone's attention again before he continued his story where he was quite rudely interupted.

"Some of you already figured it out, and I'm afraid I can't tell you otherwise because I'd be lying if I did." He said and a truly appologetic look appeared in the elder's eyes. "That's why with great displeasure I have to announce you that our greatest project is at the verge of failure."

The ruckus restarted and the elderly started to talk fast to each other, all of them saying this was impossible and that their plan had been the ultimate sollution and that there couldn't possibly be a flaw in it! Unless..

"Toudou," One of the chairman's closest friends started, earning all attention. "How can you be so sure about this?" He asked the question that went through everyone's mind.

"As you might know, I'm having contact with my future self, seeming as I always want to know if our steps have the desired effects." Toudou explained. "And up untill today, the outcome had always been positive. But for some reason, more and more SSC have appeared in the city, attacking with even more force than before."

"But how? How come the Second Stage Children have returned?" Another man asked. "They were supposed to be erased from history!"

"Apparantly they found out about or plans, I'm not completely certain how but I have a strong feeling it has got to do something with that girl, Nagisa," Toudou replied, his eyes were closed, all of a sudden he looked really tired and really old. "And before you starte questioning how she could've know about it, when we first got notion of her I paid her a little visit in the hospital she was currently residing in, together with Alpha, Beta and Gamma. That's when I told her about the SSC and our plan to erase their existance from history."

"But that means..."

"I means that she could've spilled our plans to the enemy when she was being held hostage by them," Toudou interupted him, he had grown quite irritated at their constant talking and disbelieve. "I do appologize to you all, because of me the future of mankind may be once again at stake."

"But chairman, you can't be certain that she said anything, maybe they could've had another way of finding out about out projects." Someone said.

"Maybe they have send a spie, someone amongst us," Another one claimed.

"A mole, or maybe they hacked our computer system."

No matter how you looked at it, the outcome was all the same. They were once again in deep trouble an could not find their way out. This would take a very long time, many discussions, meetings and loads of coffee to pull them through their new dilema.

The ruckus was turned down when the crystal orb in the middle of the oval table started to glow a familiar light, but who would try to contact them at this moment? Everyone in the building knew that a private meeting was at hand and that interuptions would be punished no matter how urgent it was. The only one who could was one of their players on the field.

After a few seconds the orb started to project the image of a young man, not much older than fifteen or sixteen maybe. He was quite tall, but a little small for guys of his age and he had a nice tanned skin and quite peculiar pointed ears like an elf.

"What is it Alpha?" Toudou asked, sounding quite impatient and agitated. A call from Alpha right after a time alteration could only mean two things. A positive outcome and a negative outcome. The positive result should be quite obvious, it simply meant that they had succeeded and no trouble or interuptions had taken place and everything had gone according to their plan. Although not everything went all smooth. They had had it before, two times to be exactly, that the result of their alteration had come back negative. It was something the elder men of El Dorado dreaded the most, not only did it mean that the circumstances here in the future could either improve, stay the same or even worsen, it also meant that another attempt of altering that moment would be far more harder to nearly impossible.

"Chairman Toudou," Alpha started, his monotone voice held no clue whatsoever about the outcome that had just taken place in their timeline. "My deepest and sincerest appologizes sir."

"So, you've failed me Alpha, again." Toudou's voice now sounded cold, a very unpleasant sound to listen to even if it wasn't directed to you at all. "Then I do hope that you understand the conscequences of your failure."

"I do sir," Alpha replied in the same emotionless voice.

"Do you have anything to say for yourself?" Toudou asked.

"Only that it could've worked if not for my incompetence," Alpha replied not sounding even the slightest bitter about the fact that he had to humiliate himself in front of his superiors. It hadn't been totally his fault of Protocol Omega's loss, but as the captain, chosen by the elder men themselves, he held all responsability. And now he had to pay the price, he lost three times in a row, not because he was weak. Simply said, his opponents were stronger and had found even more strength on the field during their match.

"Exactly, now, I want you and Protocol Omega to return this instant." Toudou ordered. "When you're here, I'll cast a suitable judgement upon you and the team."

"Master," Alpha said before Toudou could dismiss him.

"What is it?"

"She was here," Alpha said and saw every jaw in the room drop only slightly, all except for Toudou's. "She's here, with Raimon."

With that said and done, the first captain disappeared from their point of view. The room darkened a little now that the crystal orb de-activated and became transparant once again.

It became very silent in the meeting room of El Dorado after the soft buzzing of the crystal sphere had died down, no one dared to say a word since Toudou Heikichi's facial expression had become quite terrifying. Some of the elderly stiffly sat in their chairs, waiting for the chairman to say something, others were shifting uncomfortably or were nervously playing with the hem of their colberts or ties.

And finally after a long, painfully awkward silence did Toudou speak up. Releaving and frightening everyone of how calm he sounded despite the situation they were currently in.

"Gentlemen," He started in a nervewreckingly calm tone. "It seems we have another problem at hand."

- Nagisa P.O.V. -

All of Raimon's remaining players were on their way back to the present, as Wonderba swiftly guided us back through the wormhole no one said a word as the rainbow collored tunnel passed by before our eyes. A slightly uncomfortable tension hung in the air, no wonder, we had just seen one of our comerades disappear right before our very eyes.

I wrapped my arms a little tighter around my belly, feeling nauseous as the caravan shook a little. I still didn't like the wormholes, they never stopped bugging me with the so called happy colors. But that wasn't the only thing that kept bothering me.

The image of Tsurugi Yuuichi vanishing into thin air still slapped me in the face every time I thought about it, it had both moved and scared me. The very thought of evaporating into oblivion left me shaking and feeling sick to the bone. I hadn't even been the one who had disappeared though, Yuuichi-san had been smiling as he turned into shimmering gold dust. I admired that.


I turned my head to meet a pair of worried looking mint green eyes looking my way.

"Are you alright?" Fei asked ever so sweetly. "You seem a little..." He paused to find the right words. "Distracted and... restless."

I smiled at him. "I'm fine Fei-kun," I replied. "I guess I'm still a little shocked of what just happened, I'd never thought he'd leave us like that. Disappearing and all, it... it actually frightened me a little to see something like that happen!"

Fei gently took my hand in his and gave a encouraging squeeze in it.

"Don't worry Nagisa, he's in a better place now. He is where he belongs." Fei replied.

"You do realise you make it sound like Yuuichi-san just died, don't you?" I asked sarcastically.

Fei's jaw dropped and he started to sputter as his face became quite red from embarrassment.

"N..n..no! No! Tha..that's not how I..I meant it! Y..you know that right?!" He said.

I giggled at his reaction, thinking how cute he could be at times.

"Don't worry about it Fei-kun", I was just teasing you!" I said still giggling. Fei's blush did not disappear but he did return my smile and pinched my cheek as a form of well-deserved pay back. "Ouch!" I whined and rubbed the red spot that had appeared on my skin. I wanted to pout at him but the Inazuma Caravan started shaking quite violently.

"Huh, what is going on?" Tenma asked, surprised that Wonderba lost control of his beloved Caravan.

"Mine!" wonderbat called to them from the driver's seat. He sounded confident as he tried to get everyone to calm down. "Don't you worry about this, the great Clark Wonderbat-sama has everything under control!"

He hadn't finished the sentence before the Caravan started to shake even more, throwing its passengers through the inside unmercifull. I fell to the ground, feeling sick and cold to the core all of a sudden. I tried to sit upright and rested my back against the side of one of the seats, my knees pulled closer to my body as I held my hands against both sides of my head.

"This isn't happening, this isn't happening!" I chanted, trying to tell myself I was safe and sound but the opposite happened. "This isn't happening, it's not! It's not happening!"

I opened my eyes for a second and I could've sworn the once happy rainbow tunnel had become dark for a second.

And I broke.

The sight of the darkened tunnel came at me like a hit in the face, the pain was paired up with a nasty feeling that lingered much too long for my liking. I started to feel cold all over and hot tears almost seemed to burn my skin as I started crying. I tried to make myself as small as possible to shut it all out by curling myself into a ball and rock back and forth ever so slightly.

Even after Wonderba got controll back of the Caravan did I not stop weeping and rocking, everyone was looking worriedly at me asking what was wrong. Fei was quickly at my side and pulled me into his arms, rubbing my shoulder to get the tension out. He whispered soothing words in my ear as he managed to pry my hands of my ears so I could hear him.

I felt frozen, not only cold but painfully stiff as well. I clumsily fell into his open embrace and managed to make the stream of tears slow down. My breathing was still quite irregular when I pulled back a little to look into his beautiful mint-green eyes, they looked sad but friendly nontheless.

- Small time Skip -

Tsurugi hadn't been in the training room when Tenma and Shinsuke had ran in and felt rather disappointed when all that met them was silence and emptyness. They had wanted to run back to Fei and Wonderba screaming in tears that their Tsurugi still wasn't there untill the doors of the clubroom slid open and the younger one of the Tsurugi siblings stood in front of them, his eyes, so unlike his brother's, were shooting their signature glare.

"TSURUGIIII!" Tenma and Shinsuke yelped in surprise as they almost litterally flew to him, their arms spread in attempt to hug him. He simply stepped aside, dodging the glomp he had felt comming and letting his poor fellow first years kiss the floor as their faces slammed into it.

"What do you two think you're doing?" He asked with one eyebrow raised.

The two first-years groaned as they pulled themselves together and faced their friend with a happy smile. "No nothing, we were just happy to see you." They laughed at him.

He just shrugged it off and went to change at his locker, when he walked past them, they could clearly see his number on his back. The number of the ace-striker he wore with pride both on and off of the field, on his back in navy blue was the number 10.

"Ne, ne Tsurugi!" Tenma spoke up. "How is Yuuichi-san doing?"

"He's doing fine," Tsurugi replied as he put on his red shirt. "He's been making progress lately, sais he feels happier for some reason lately."

Tenma and Shinsuke looked at each other, knowing perfectly well what he meant.

I was sitting outside with Fei, his arm around my shoulders and my head resting on his shoulder, I felt exhausted but I had finally calmed down after I had thrown a tantrum in the Caravan earlier. The cold had slowly seeped out of my body and I finally felt my toes again. My eyes were closed and I enjoyed Fei's warmth as he rested his head on top of mine, I knew he was smiling.

"Are you going to stare at me much longer Fei?" I asked. "It starts getting creepy you know?"

He chuckled in reply, happy I had found my sarcasm back and managed to sound calm.

"I know," He replied. "But you looked so peacefull for a moment. I coudn't help it."

"You two? Are you going to sit there for much longer?" wonderba asked impatiently.

"I wouldn't mind sitting here for a little while longer," Fei replied.

"Yeah, or eternity," I added.

"NO TIME!" Wonderba shouted and turned bright pink again as he drove us apart and chased us all the way to the soccer building. When we finally reacher the club room, Wonderba blow off his steam and turned sky blue again as he calmed down. I sank down, panting hard, I had absolutely zero condition!

"Jezus... Wonderba..." I managed to say between my panting. "Did you... really... have to chase us... all the way here?"

"If I hadn't you would've never made it to the club building!" Wonderba said pointing his blue arm accusingly at us.

"That's not true!" I shot back.

"Oh no? Then where would the two of you be now if I hadn't brought you here?" He asked.

We did not reply, he wasn't all that wrong actually, as a matter of fact he was right. If he hadn't turned into pink Wonderba we still would be sitting there, not planning on getting up anytime soon!

"Was there any reason why you had to bring us here?" Fei asked, feeling I was about to say something snappy towards the giant blue teddybear.

"Yes, we have to check everyone and everything! If there's even one tiny thing wrong we have to investigate and undo whatever it is El Dorado did to alterate the new time-line!" Wonderba exclaimed.

"Wonderba!" I said. "Please, tone it down will you, we're inside after all!"

"She's right wonderba-san," Tenma said as he walked up to us, he was followed by Tsurugi who paled a little when he saw the bear. "Maybe you shouldn't yell that much!"

"I yell whenever I want to!" Wonderba replied, he cleared his throat but did started speaking in a softer voice now. "Anyway, we need to make sure everything's fine, therefore we need to do our research."

"Like what exactly?" Aoi asked as she entered the clubroom followed by Shindou.

The answer was loud and clear, we just had to look around and see if there was anything at all that seemed a little suspicious or out of place. When I thought of investigating and research I immediately thought of C.S.I.

We all slept at Tenma's place again that night, but this time, instead of Yuuichi occupying the chair, it was Kyousuke. When I had woken up in the middle of the night I had almost mistaken him for his older brother who, if I hadn't misunderstood Tenma's story, was hospitallized because of paralysis of his lower body.

I felt sorry for Yuuichi-san, but knowing this was how he had wanted to be I fell asleep again.

- Normal P.O.V. -

Somewhere in the future at Feida's headquarters.

"How's Garo doing?" Saryuu asked Meia as he stared out of the window in the meeting room. They were the only ones there for everyone else was fast asleep in their bedrooms. It was pretty dark in the room, the only light came from outside but it since was a shaded kind of light, because it was night in the future as well, it stayed rather dim in the room.

"He's healing just fine." Meia replied. "He was lucky that there wasn't any permanent damage! You really went quite hard on him Saru."

"It wasn't my intention to injure him so severely," The white haired emperor replied to the captain of Giru. "but he hit quite the sore spot to start talking so foul about her. I lost my patience for a moment and... Went all out on him."

His thoughts went back to the happenings of that evening. It had been both the worst and best night of his young life. On one hand he had let out his beast like rage on one of his comrades, something he regretted quite badly, but on the other hand. That night he had claimed the love and attention of the girl he had been yearning for ever since he first heard about her.

It may have sounded a little hurried to get such strong feelings for someone in such a short amount of time. But with him having such a shortened lifespan, falling in love at the age of fifteen was the same as for someone of fifty years old falling deeply and madly in love with someone. He hadn't long and he knew that. That's why he wanted it all so soon and what gave him such strong ambitions at such a young age.

"How's she doing? How is Nagisa-chan doing." Meia asked with a kind smile on her face although her jungle green displayed a hint of sadness. After all, she missed her friend quite badly.

"See for yourself!" Saru replied before a sma holo-screen projected the girl's whereabouts. She was fast asleep on a couch in a livingroom somewhere in the past, there was a blue haired girl beside her also sleeping. There was a dark blue haired guy sleeping in the chair next to the couch and Fei was lying on the ground next to a guy with brown hair, a scattered collection of old soccer magazines aroumd them. They had been talking about soccer all night.

"She just solved a time alteration with Fei, they're doing a pretty good job back there." Saryuu said, not once looking away from the world behind the window.

"Do you miss her?" Meia asked suddenly as she noticed her leader not willing to look at the screen.

"Leave." Was all he said.

"But Saru!" Meia tried.

"I said leave!" Saru shouted at the lavender haired woman. She had a shocked and scared expression on her face. He regretted shouted at her immediately. "Please," He added as a way to appologize, she nodded and left him alone. The hoko-screen still projecting her face.

He stared at it for quite a whild, feeling his eyes starting to burn. He blinked fast a couple of times to keep the tears from comming cleched his fists.

Ofcourse he missed her.

That's why he couldn't stand looking at her and not being able to hold her or having her near him.

Hi everyone and thanks for reading this chapter. Soo quite alot happened in my opinion and I hope you think the same and that you like it.

Please leave a review!

See you on next time!