Chapter 1: New student at the DWMA

Sakura walked into a class room and sat down. The atmosphere seemed friendly enough and everyone looked nice.

"Hello new student, Sakura Lee isn't it?" smiled the professor

"Yes" She answered politely

"Hello Sakura here's Maka she will show you around and introduce you to people so that you can find your feet" said the professor as a blonde girl with her hair in pigtails. Maka walked over and sat down next to her.

"Hi I'm Maka, what's your name?"

"Sakura Lee"

A boy with white hair that was pushed back by a head band came over with a boy with spiky blue hair and a girl with black hair in a pony tail.

"Hi I'm Tsubaki and this is Soul and Black Star" she said pointing at the boys

"Hi I'm Sakura or you can call me Sym if you want"

"Why Sym?" asked Maka

"It's an old nickname that stuck my brother Rin, who is also my weapon gave it to me" explained Sakura

"How did you get it?" asked Soul

"I got it because I kill people symmetrically by cutting them in half, its short for symmetry"

"I'm the best in the business of killing" piped in Black Star

"Symmetry eh? Who do I know that is going to love you, where's Kid?" said Soul.

Just then the door opened and Kid walked in. He was tall, had dark hair with three white stripes on the right side of his hair, he was in a black suite and had a skull pin and Sakura thought he was cute. Very cute. Kid went and sat in the spare seat next to Sakura.

"Kid this is Sakura, her nickname is Sym short for symmetry she kills people symmetrically" said Soul.

Kid looked at Sakura she had hot pink hair that was long and had a full fringe, she had bright blue eyes and was wearing a short but not to short kimono. He carried on staring at her.

"What are you looking at?" she asked

Kid collapsed on the floor mumbling something about perfect symmetry. Soul and Black Star snigger.

Sakura looked at him wide eyed and knelt down beside him.

"Are you alright?" she asked concerned

Kid nodded.

"Why did he collapse?" she asked Maka

"He has an OCD for symmetry" explained Maka. Sakura smiled at him.