Chapter 21: Executions

Upon exiting the Arms Factory, Arkunov had commandeered a speeder bike from the soldiers outside. Tossing the man riding it to the ground. He had then set off at breakneck speed, Vette clinging on for dear life behind him.

As they rode, Arkunov activated his earpiece. A moment later the connection opened and Arkunov heard the voice of his protocol droid, 2V-R8.

"Oh, Master! I am so pleased to hear from you. I hope that you are having an excellent day and feel no desire to deactiv..."

"Be silent, droid." Arkunov interrupted, "Lock down the ship. Do not lift this restriction, unless ordered by me."

"As you wish, Master. I will do so immediately and with the utmost ski..."

Arkunov cut the droid off and gunned down on the throttle. Vette almost fell of as a result and clung on to Arkunov even tighter.

"Would it kill you to slow down?" She said, yelling to be heard over the engine.

"I will not allow the Jedi to escape. I will not fail my mission," Arkunov replied, a growl in his voice.

Soon enough they were in Sobrik.

Arkunov leapt from the seat of the speeder bike and kept in constant motion towards the spaceport. Vette followed behind him, having to jog to keep up with the sith apprentice.

The spaceport was in utter chaos. Dying and wounded Imperials lay everywhere, clutching at the cauterized stumps of their limbs and howling in pain.

However, Arkunov barely noticed any of this. Instead he simply made his way to his hangar. Upon arriving, Arkunov saw that a small squad of soldiers were trying to slice their way in there. A uniformed officer stood there, barking orders at his troops. The man quickly snapped to attention once he saw Arkunov.

"My Lord," the officer said, "The Jedi has locked herself inside the hangar. She has the lift locked down, but fear not we should have it under control in but a moment."

Arkunov did not reply. He hurled the man aside, leaving him to slide into a crumpled heap against a wall. The remaining soldiers got the hint after that. They scurried out of the way and made room for the young sith.

Igniting his lightsaber, Arkunov cut the door from its hinges. Stepping back, he let it all to the floor with a resounding metallic clang. Sticking his head through, Arkunov saw that the lift itself was at the bottom of the shaft.

"Vette, with me."

The Twi'lek moved forward and whistled as she looked down, "That's a long drop. I don't suppose there is any chance that we could take the stairs?"

Arkunov simply rolled his eyes in response to this question. Grasping Vette by the collar of her shirt, Arkunov leaped down into the shaft. The Twi'lek yelped in sudden shock and continued to as they fell. Only stopping when Arkunov's booted fight crashed into the top of the lift. He released Vette, as he kneeled down to cut a hole through into the lift itself.

Panting deeply Vette said, "Well that was definitely a first. Don't suppose you could give me a warning next time we do that? Or I don't know wait for them to get the elevator working properly?"

"Time is of the essence." Arkunov replied, as he finished cutting open a hole. They then proceeded into the hangar.

It didn't take Arkunov long to locate the Jedi. She stood near the Ruination, speaking with a pair of dock workers. They were apparently under the power of some kind of force persuasion. As when the Jedi spotted Arkunov, she waved her hand and the two Imperials sprinted away. The Jedi turned to face Arkunov. She was a dark skinned human woman, perhaps in her mid to late twenties, clad in the plain robe of a Jedi Knight. The moment that Arkunov and Vette were within reach, she activated a bright green lightsaber. Arkunov drew his own crimson blade in response.

"You're too late, Sith." The Jedi said. Her voice was perfectly calm and utterly serene. Detached from the world around her. "I already transmitted the conversation between you and Commander Rylon to the Jedi Council. Nomen Karr has his proof. Now Master Karr and his Padawan will track down and expose every Sith agent in the galaxy."

"I'll let you enjoy your delusions," Arkunov replied. A soft and deadly purr in his voice.

"Enjoyment is not part of the equation. I have purity of purpose. I seek neither thrills nor satisfaction. Unlike you, I am calm." The Jedi's response was just as passionless as earlier. Arkunov's lip curled in disgust as she spoke, he could not understand how anyone could live like that. Cut off from all emotion. He supposed that was why the Jedi recruited children. It gave the order more time to program them into unfeeling drones.

Vette too, was unsettled by the Jedi. From her perspective, the Jedi seemed like they were barely a step up from droids. Sure, Sith like Arkunov were angry and impulsive at times. But at least that made them somewhat human.

"How incredibly boring." Arkunov said, practically spitting out the words.

"Living an enlightened life is anything but boring. The dark side shall fail you, Sith. Save yourself. Surrender, and the Jedi Council shall give you every opportunity to discover redemption."

"I would rather be dead." Arkunov replied, voice filled with contempt.

"Attack me and you will be."

The only response Arkunov gave was to lash out with his lightsaber. The Jedi was not phased and remained completely serene, as she prevented Arkunov from cutting her in two.

Smoothly she transitioned into a flowing strike, aiming for Arkunov's head. The sith apprentice was forced to lean back. As such, the green blade only grazed the very edge of Arkunov's armour. Just missing his throat.

Lashing out with the force, Arkunov sent the Jedi flying across the hangar. She was able to recover and landed on her feet, standing atop the hull of the Ruination. Snarling, Arkunov leapt towards his opponent.

His lightsaber came down in a screaming crimson arc. Realising that she wouldn't be able to block it, at least not effectively, the Jedi elected for a different approach. At the last possible instant she stepped back, just out of reach of Arkunov's blade. As a result, Arkunov carved a deep cut into the hull of his own ship. He bellowed his fury at the Jedi, who was unable to dodge the force scream that slammed into her. Sending her careening off the side off of the Ruination.

This time her landing was not as smooth, she stumbled slightly. However, this unexpectedly played to her advantage, as it caused a blaster bolt fired by Vette to go wide. The Twi'lek continued to fire at the Jedi; forcing her to deflect the blaster bolts back at their source. Vette's eyes widened as she saw her own blaster fire headed back at her. The Twi'lek dived out of their path, taking cover behind a stack of containers.

Now that Vette had retreated the Jedi turned her attention back to Arkunov. She was able to bring her weapon up in time, as Arkunov slashed at her throat. The Jedi then followed up by aiming a kick towards Arkunov's knee. It buckled and Arkunov was forced to one knee. Before the Jedi could attempt a killing blow, Arkunov hurled a force push at her. Though she wasn't sent backwards this time, the Jedi was forced to raise a barrier for protection.

During this time, Arkunov had gotten to his feet and stood ready. His lightsaber held at his side. In response, the Jedi readied her blade. Taking up a Niman opening stance.

Arkunov attacked first, charging forward and lashing out with a vicious Ataru strike. The Jedi was able to block and twisted into a counterattack of her own. Arkunov countered with a deflection of his own and followed it up by lashing out with his free hand. It collided with her jaw and send her staggering back away from the Sith Apprentice.

However, Arkunov wasn't done. His lightsaber flashed forwards and severed the Jedi's arm from her shoulder. Her lightsaber clattered to the ground, falling lamely from her motionless fingers. The Jedi screamed in pain as she gazed down at her detached limb. Her attention diverted, she was unable to stop Arkunov, as his open hand surged forwards. Grasping her by the neck, Arkunov lifted the Jedi above his head, crushing her throat in his iron grip.

"Your victory means nothing." The Jedi gasped out. "The damage has been done. The proof has been transmitted. So deal the deathblow, Sith. I am at peace knowing the greater good has been served."

Arkunov was about to tighten his grip and snap the Jedi's neck. When he heard a voice from behind him saying, "I hate to burst your bubble, Jedi." Turning Arkunov saw that Quinn and a small group of soldiers had made it down into the hangar. Clearly someone had gotten the lift working during the fight.

"Actually that's a lie. I'm reveling in it." Quinn's face was filled with a condescending amusement as he spoke. "I intercepted your transmission. The Jedi Council know nothing."

A smile broke out on Arkunov's face as he heard that. "You just earned your pay, Lieutenant."

"Thank you, my Lord," Quinn replied humbly. "But I was simply doing my duty. I had her monitored the entire time. There was never any risk."

"Excellent work, Lieutenant. I knew there was a reason my Master recommended you."

Quinn's reply was cut off as the Jedi spoke up, "Gloat all you like, it means nothing. I remain at peace. And Nomen Karr and his Padawan shall still be your downfall." Arkunov frowned, as he looked at the Jedi. She truly believed what she was saying and held no fear of her own inevitable death.

Arkunov's grip tightened, as he growled, "Tell me the name of Nomen Karr's Padawan."

"I will never betray her identity."

Arkunov believed her. He could sense that this Jedi would not be broken under interrogation. No matter what methods he chose to employ.

"I am resigned. Strike me down. I will offer no further resistance. Even with my death, you will not come any closer to success."

Arkunov did not respond. Instead he merely snapped the Jedi's neck. Crushing it with a small exertion. The corpse fell to the ground, as Arkunov finally released his grip.

Quinn approached Arkunov, eyeing the Jedi's corpse as he did. "How bizarre. She just closed her eyes and excepted death," he mused.

"Sheer idiocy." Arkunov spat.

"No matter. The threat is ended. Lord Baras will be anxious to learn of this. When you're ready, I'll contact him from my office."

Arkunov nodded, "Very good, Lieutenant. I can't tell you how anxious I am to get off this planet."

Quinn bowed as he replied, "Excellent, I'll go prepare. I'll be waiting in my barracks."

He then left, leaving some of his men behind to remove the Jedi's body and organise repairs to the Ruination. However, before the body could be removed, Arkunov called the fallen Jedi's lightsaber to his hand. He then hung it on his belt, next to his own weapon.

Vette frowned at this. "You thinking of starting a collection?"

Arkunov smiled as he said, "Something like that."

He then turned to leave the spaceport. Because of this, Arkunov did not notice Vette shudder at the expression on her master's face.

Soon enough, Arkunov and Vette made their way to Quinn's barracks. When they arrived the Lieutenant had already contacted Darth Baras. Clearly the Dark Lord wanted a status report.

"It's not my place, Lord Baras." Quinn explained. "I leave that for your apprentice to convey."

Noticing his apprentice, Baras said, "Then step aside, Lieutenant. My apprentice has arrived. Nice of you to join us. Quinn refuse to update me, insisting that the privilege be yours. I assume the Jedi investigator has been stopped?"

Arkunov nodded, "Quinn killed her transmission. Then I killed her."

As his master spoke, Arkunov could sense the scowl hidden by Baras' mask. "Your carelessness created a crisis... but since you quelled it, we can move on."

Arkunov's fist clenched as he listened to his master. Vette and Quinn both shivered, a sudden chill spreading throughout the room. Clenching his teeth, Arkunov snarled back, "It will not happen again."

Baras nodded his understanding and continued, "I had hoped to avoid confronting the Jedi, at least for now, but our hand has been forced. What matters most is that Rylon can no longer be exposed. And how would you assess Lieutenant Quinn's contribution?"

Not hesitating as he replied, Arkunov said, "Lieutenant Quinn is an exceptional officer. I couldn't have done it without him."

"High praise indeed. Matching my own assessment," Baras agreed. He then turned to the man himself. "Quinn I believe you have sufficiently repaid the debt owed to me. I'm putting you up for a captaincy and transmitting an executive order allowing you to station wherever you choose. You are dismissed from my service."

Quinn bowed deeply to the Dark Lord, his voice filled with gratitude as he said, "Thank you, Lord Baras. If my actions benefit the Empire, they benefit me. I would have done the same regardless of our past." Straightening he then turned to face Arkunov. "My Lord, before I depart, it's been my extreme honour to serve you. You are the epitome of everything the Empire stands for."

"The honour has been mine, Captain." Arkunov replied.

Snapping off a salute to the two Sith, the newly minted Captain left the room.

Once Quinn was out of the room, Baras said, "He will have his hands full. There are powerful Imperials dedicated to keeping him down. But if Quinn can overcome them and rise to the station he deserves, there is great hope for our Imperial allies."

Arkunov nodded in agreement, "If given the opportunity, he will excel."

"Either way it's not worth worrying about," Baras said, dismissively. "Quinn's affairs are a speck compared to what we face. Your presence on Balmorra is no longer needed. Return to your ship when you are ready to leave. I will contact you there."

Baras then vanished.

Vette let out a sigh of relief at the Dark Lord's departure and muttered, she thought to herself, "He is so creepy. I'll never get used to him."

"You'll have to learn to," Arkunov replied, making the Twi'lek jump.

Shifting the topic quickly away from her embarrassment, Vette said, "So... we're leaving, right? On to our next exercise in domination and destruction?"

Arkunov nodded, "We shall. Once the repairs to the Ruination are complete, which they should be by tomorrow. But, there is something else that I must attend to first."

Crowds of Imperial soldiers and civilians roared up at Arkunov. Their cheers resounding throughout Sobrik.

He stood on a balcony next to Darth Lachris, who stood at the very centre. A few guards stood on the balcony, though they were at the far edges. Forcing the two Sith to be the centre of attention.

Holoprojectors were positioned around the balcony, most of them focused on the pair of Sith. Though a few of them were pointed down at the cheering crowd. What was about to happen would be transmitted across the galaxy.

Lachris stepped forward and began to speak into a microphone, "Citizens of Balmorra! Citizens of the Empire! We stand at the precipice of a new age! The resistance is crushed. The Republic is exposed for the liars that they are!"

She then turned and gestured to one of the guards in the shadows behind her. A moment later, Grand Marshal Cheketta was brought forward. A pair of Imperial soldiers dragging him forward. All things considered Cheketta carried himself with remarkable dignity. Despite his burnt face, scorched armour and untreated injuries. Lachris moved to one side and indicated for Cheketta to take the position she had just vacated.

Once the Grand Marshal took his place, he began to speak, "My forces received supplies and intelligence from the Republic. We knowingly and illegally attacked Imperial targets, by order of the Galactic Senate. We broke the peace treaty that kept our worlds whole, and for that, I apologize to all citizens of the galaxy."

The moment that the last word left his lips, the crowd began to roar once more. Though not with cheers this time, but with fury. They hurled their anger up at Cheketta. Lachris let this continue for some time, enjoying the feelings of righteous rage she was sensing.

Eventually, Lachris turned and nodded to Arkunov. The Sith Apprentice stepped forward, drawing his lightsaber. Igniting his crimson blade, Arkunov stood so that he was facing Cheketta. The Grand Marshal stood tall, defiance in his eyes.

"Get it over with." Cheketta said, his voice barely above a whisper, so that only Arkunov could hear it.

The crimson blade slashed forward and an instant later, Cheketta's head fell. It bounced across the balcony, eventually coming to a stop somewhere in one of the corners. The body fell a moment later, landing just behind the microphone.

The crowd cheered once again at the execution. At the death of a hated enemy and at the victory that they had won. Arkunov moved and took a place behind the microphone.

"This is only the beginning," Arkunov said, his voice filled with absolute confidence. "The lies of the Republic shall be exposed! No matter how they hide them! We shall not be broken, for we are the mighty Sith Empire! We have stood tall for a thousand years and we shall stand for a thousand more! So I, Arkunov, swear to you!"

The cheers rose at Arkunov's words. Men and women rose their fists into the air. A chant began among them, quietly at first, then rising into a near deafening roar.


Later, after the public celebrations had died down, Arkunov had stepped off the balcony and into the building itself. It was the former governor's mansion and was decadently decorated in gold and other precious materials. Clearly the later governor had been more concerned with his own pleasure, rather than quashing the resistance.

Arkunov had rejoined Vette, who been waiting in for him inside.

"Laid it on a little thick didn't you?" She greeted him.

Arkunov rolled his eyes, "It was just the right amount, I think. Believe me, it was better than the speeches some other lords would have given. They can go on for hours."

"I quite agree," Darth Lachris said, as she joined the pair.

"I have just received the earliest reports from Imperial Intelligence." Lachris said, her voice filled with vicious glee. "There are riots on the streets of Coruscant. Republic ships have retreated from three sectors. You humiliated them."

"Your enemies are beaten, and your position is secure." Arkunov said, his voice firm and controlled. As he continued, Arkunov's voice dropped to a whisper, his words purely for Lachris' ears. "But our partnership doesn't have to end there."

Lachris smiled brightly as she replied, "Yes, I admit you've put me in the mood to celebrate. Come, join me. We shall discuss plans for the future. In private."

And that is Balmorra done!

Well, basically done. I still need to do Quinn's recruitment. But that is so short that it hardly counts.

Hopefully, we will get to Nar Shaddaa in the next chapter.