I'm surrounded by water,

My past filled with slaughter,

My life full of pain,

I am the country of rain...

"In the UK floods are making most areas unreachable." I switched my TV to a different news channel as it was nothing new, England always had rain, storms and floods nothing to worry about. If he needed help he would ask for assistance and then I the hero would come to his aid. Maybe I would move up my visit though just to help him out. *Ring, Ring!*

"Hey Japan what's up did you bring out a new video game?" I answered my phone pretty bored.

"No America I was just wondering about the next meeting over at England's house do you think it still going on?" Japan asked me.

"Dude why don't you asked him?" Was I England's PA or something.

"I tried but I can not reach him." Japan sighed.

"Ah well he is having floods maybe the phones over there are out." I shrugged changing the hand I was holding the phone standing up heading to the kitchen.

"That's is most likely, thank you America." Japan hung up, I put my phone down on the side. Opening the fridge I found it was empty,

"damit!" I cursed closing it. Looks like I need to go shopping.

The UK was full of floods, Ireland was too most likely as Northern Ireland was hit. Was it just some weird anomaly or is it a new danger my people would have to face in the future. We had no news, clean water, anything. I heard that all around the world reported floods for the reason communications were down. I could feel a school full of children drowning in Plymouth, I shivered moving closer to the heater. It was not just any tsunami's though that was what was so worrying. It came from both north and south yet in France they did not even see it coming. How was that even possible? Emergency response teams had been split up some went south to the bottom of England some went north to Scotland while the rest headed to Northern Ireland. The tsunami's had reached unknown record heights, sweeping across huge amounts of land. I needed a way to contact someone for help. If I could only contact America the idiot would send some aid to help out, he had tsunami's before he could give me some hints on what to do. The next thing I knew I was drowning two more had come from the west and east. The east I told myself that's impossible with Ireland so close. My land was under water, I was under water.

My phone rang. "Yes Obama." I answered just getting back from shopping.

"Ireland has just called code red." The president told me, I dropped my bags on the floor.

"Why? What about England?" I asked hurriedly, running out of my house to my car.

"Unresponsive. The Irish government say Ireland is missing though that is unsurprising. The whole country is underwater at the moment they suspect the whole of the UK is in a similar state which explains the silence." Obama told me.

"How is that even possible? Why did nobody notice before?" I was unbelieving they were lying, they had to be. It was impossible was the president playing some sick joke.

"Multiple tsunami's no one was checking for them near the UK but if we look on satellites it is clear as day. Everyone blamed the silence on the floods. Three more tsunami's are expected to hit we will begin sending aid immediately by the time it reaches the UK, it will be safe." Obama was explaining but all I could think of was reaching England.

"Japan!" I rang him up knowing he would answer immediately.

"What is wrong America?" Japan asked sensing the panic in my voice.

"Have you heard about the UK and Ireland being under water. It is code red all representatives missing including Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland." I got out the car heading out towards my personal fighter jet.

"No you can not be serious, America this is not funny." Japan told me seriously annoyed not wanting to believe me.

"I only wish I was joking I am sending aid now though by the time it reaches' the UK another three tsunami's are meant to hit." I explained climbing into the fighter jet it would get their quicker than anything else.

"I will send aid immediately." Japan started shouting Japanese at someone in the background though he was further away from England than me.

"I am leaving for France encase England's found after I'm heading straight for the UK would you mind telling France of my arrival and also tell Germany to sort something out." I told Japan starting up the fighter plane by flicking some switches.

"I will also be heading for France, England is a good friend of mine I hope he is okay." Japan voice was quieter.

"He'll be okay he is too stubborn not to be, I am taking off now. Bye Japan." I hung up not wanting to think about thaat possibility, England was fine he had to be.

When I arrived in France I found out that two had hit about an hour after I had left, then another two hour after that. Aid from Europe were helping survivors I found out when I landed in France. I went to France's house hoping they found England. I knocked at the door it seemed like forever before it opened though I knew it was only seconds.

"Amérique." France opened the door no smile on his face for once, this was bad, very bad.

"Have you found him?" I asked not wasting time with small talk.

"Come in everybody is here." France stepped back showing most of the European countries and several African nations, he did not answer my question.

"Did they find England?" Sealand came round the corner hopeful only to see me and sulk off. Cursing under his breathe I couldn't blame him if I was him I would have done the same.

"I am about to go out there have they found anybody?" I asked already knowing they had not found England from Sealand's reaction.

"Ireland was the first we found in a community hospital. Ten minutes ago Italy and Romano found Wales he was huddled with some school children in a nursery school they are coming back." France sighed. "Spain and Germany with Ireland are in Northern Ireland, Ireland he refused to leave. The Nordics are in Scotland not having a lot of luck it was remote enough before let alone now. Then in England is Poland, the Baltics and Russia." France told me where everyone was.

"I'm heading over to England." I started walking away every second I spent here was a second further I was from finding him.

"Okay." France shut the door, he seemed off but well I guess nobody expected this. It was stupidly unbelievable five tsunami's hitting the same area and the fact nobody saw it even though France was so close.

He will be okay. He will be okay. He will be okay. It was the only thing I allowed myself to think.