Scene: Dave was dragged into a room by three people, it was Jade, Terezi and the one we can't forget Karkat. Dave did something very very bad so Terezi gets an idea to interrogate him with the others helping, only if they had Kankri...But anyway let's just say Dave got drunk. But let's just say interrogation gone wrong.

Karkat: Dave Strider human! You are brought here today for-

Dave: Lunch? Oh you shouldn't of have.

Karkat: No! You were brought here today at the...what's the fucking date...

Dave: I don't know?

Jade: It's the 3rd of January 2014.

Dave: Well that's a lot of numbers and words.

Karkat: shut up! Now you were brought here on January the 3rd 2014 at...give me your watch! *grabs Dave's wrist and looks at watch and its analogue clock* uh...crap! I can't read it! Jade help!

Dave: That's just sad.

Jade: Coming. *walks to karkat and looks at clock* Oh it's half past 1.

Karkat: And that is?

Jade: 1:30

Karkat: Ok, now you were brought here Dave Strider human on January the 3rd 2014 at 1:30pm.

Dave: That's better Einstein.

Karkat: Now! Do you know what you did yesterday?

Dave: Uh...I had apple juice...and uh...

Karkat: You were drunk!

Dave: Drunk?

Terezi: Yes you were drunk Dave.

Dave: You can't even see.

Terezi: I can still smell you, and you smell like Gamzee Makara but a whole lot worse.

Karkat: You and you shut up! But anyway did you remember what you did?
Dave: Danced?

Terezi: Close.

Dave: Poll danced?

Karkat: no! You danced around the park

Jade: There were children!

Dave: So?

Karkat: Strider! You were dancing at the park with children and you were naked! With children! They didn't need to see that!

Dave: Oh well they will see it one day.

Terezi: That was the most terrible thing you done. You burnt my nose from smelling that.

Karkat: You could kept it home with no problem all normal but you had to take it outside. With chirlderen.

Jade: Think of the children!

Dave: Oh well.

Karkat: You were doing something to a tree and it was not PG it was MA.

Dave: That was a damn pretty and sexy tree.

Jade: You were on the news! On TV!

Karkat: You crashed a car into the tree as well!

Dave: Hey oh well at least I said sorry to the tree.

Karkat: Then you did an "activity"

Terezi: You better know what that was!

Jade: yeah!

Dave: I'm sorry what?


Dave: was this Activity before I got drunk or after?

Karkat: OH MY GOD!

The end!