Hey, sorry I've been MIA the last long while. 2015 was pretty hectic for me.

In April, I found out I was 4 week's pregnant. My little Jelly Bean arrived in my tummy on March 23, 2015. In August, we found out the little one was going to be a little girl. We picked a gorgeous name, Taylor Katerina Selena (Not saying her last name though).

We moved to a bigger home on November 1st, 2015, and I'd unfortunately lost my job a few days earlier. On November 31st I had my third ultra-sound, and supposed to be my last one. Taylor was healthy, already in the birthing position, with her head firmly planted where it was supposed to be.

Later that night, my man and I were watching Netflix, and I felt her kicking into December 1st. We went to bed, and the next morning, I got up for our doctor's appointment, at 10:00 am.

The doc was using the Doppler, to listen to her heart-beat, but we couldn't hear it. I was sent to the hospital, into the Maternity ward, so they could use their stuff to find Taylor's heart-beat. They couldn't, and I called my man from work. He was there for only two hours, before I did. The staff sent me for another ultra-sound, and at 3:10 pm, we found out... We found out Taylor was dead.

The hospital induced my labour, and the next day, on Dec. 2nd, my water broke. My guy was beside me the whole time, being my strength. My shoulder to cry on. He was doing everything he could to make thing's easier for me. He wouldn't let himself break, not until he knew I was alright, and could be his strength.

December 2nd, 2015, 8:11 pm, Taylor arrived, beautiful, fully formed, and with her daddy's hair, eye shape, my nose, and mouth. She was 7 pounds, 4 ounces. 20 and a 1/4 inches long.

My sister-in-law hired us a doula, as soon as she found out. And the woman she hired for us was awesome. She went snap-happy with her camera. I'm happy she did.

I was the first to hold her, and my man was the second. The doula took pictures with Taylor in our arms, and our families' arms.

We agreed to have a full autopsy, and when the report came back, it was even more devastating.

Taylor was perfectly healthy. Perfectly healthy.

We had four more weeks, before she was due. And I had ghost labour pains on Christmas day. She would have been our Christmas present, and would have arrived at 3:30 pm. That's when the pains ended.

If any of you have lost a sibling, your parent's, or your child, you know what the pain is like.

But for me, loosing my grandpa was nothing compared to loosing my daughter. I never got to hear her as she arrived in the world. I never got to hear her. I'll never get to see her grow up, or have any friends.

Don't take the little thing's for granted. Because you never know when you won't have them anymore.