"Princess Anna, time to wake up," a butler called through her bedroom door at a time the princess and her pillow agreed was far too early o'clock.

"Queen Elsa, your lunch awaits," the same butler announced a few short moments later just down the hall. The queen made some final adjustments to today's dress before following him down the halls and spiraling staircases.

"Oh, Mr. Andersen, it smells wonderful as always. Thank you." The queen flickered a smile in his direction before Anna sauntered into the dining hall. "Good morning, Princess," she beamed.

Anna dropped herself into Elsa's chair without a second thought and shot a mumble Mr. A, "And yes, thanks Georg."

"Anna," Elsa tapped her little sister on the shoulder, "manners," she sissed.

Her sibling groggily groaned. "It's too early in the morning for those."

The queen giggled, but didn't say a word. The clock that hung on the wall behind her seat read 1:44 p.m. to Anna's dismay.

"Happy New Year," the queen smiled and took the seat Anna's time checking pulled her from.

"Oh wow," Anna laughed, excited all over again. "Happy New Year! Oh, oh, oh, and you know what means—"

Elsa squealed it with Anna, "New Year's chocolate!"

Anna stumbled back to her chambers overstuffed with joy (better known as chocolate). It was the first New Year's without parents, and with each other. And for the second time in a day, Anna dropped herself into the wrong piece of furniture.

Elsa had insisted her staff never latch her door—not even after nightfall. She just…never expected Anna to stumble in and groan about overeating from underneath her sheets.


The princess poked her head over the top of the sheets, "At your service, milady," she teased. But when Elsa stared with a puzzling look, Anna finally bothered checking her environment. Again. "OH- oh geez, I'm sorry." Anna threw herself over the edge of Elsa's bed and attempted to put the covers back as neat as Elsa always got them. "That explains the queen sized bed."

"Our beds are the same size."

The princess cleared her throat, half disappointed her attempt at humor went right over Elsa's head. The other half actually expected it. "Right, well," Anna's warm touch graced the queen's arm, "Happy New Year."

"Happy New Year," her elegant whisper reciprocated.

Anna threw a hand into her forehead dramatically. "Phew, I'm just boiling," she told herself before bolting down the halls just to feel the breeze of her speed pass over her. "And it's not even summer anymore."

Anna's soul lit on fire. She didn't wait for cue or rhythm, bursting and belting down every hall and staircase she couldn't stop herself from tearing down.

It's a new day
So many possibilities
So many things I've yet to see
It's a new age
I feel I could outshine a sun
And I think I know just the one
It's a new year
Happy New Year

These halls don't feel so empty anymore
Not since Elsa finally opened up her door
No more knocking, no more begging, no more is it just a wish
I run into her room with so little gloom I could kiss her on the- cheek

The ballroom is filled every third Sunday night
And turns the others into mundane life
There's chocolate and dancing, with just a hint of romancing
And always one with their hair done in fashions I find enchanting

I can't wait to dance twelve more nights away

Because it's a new day
So many possibilities
So many things I've yet to see
It's a new age
I feel I could outshine a sun
And I think I know just the one
It's a new year
Happy New Year

When our courtyard is frozen over
You'll find our queen and all her composure
Gliding across the icy stone
And holding my hand so I'm not alone

Life is coursing through my veins like a gushing delta
The only explanation is I can't stop loving Els-…what?
Without love, Arendelle's summer reneged to winter
And the only cure was falling in love with my…big…

It's a new day
It's a new age
It's a new year

"Happy New Year!" Anna giggled and lied down across the edge of the fountain, letting the cool, brisk air nibble at her cheeks. Her overexcited touch stroked the ice sculptures Elsa had preserved the fountain's water with this winter.

Poor feet, Anna thought to herself. Poor, bare feet. I forgot to put boots on you. And the sympathetic redhead repeated the same thing to nearly every appendage and piece of underdressed skin before the cold nudged her shivering body back inside. She gave a sniffle before letting out a dramatic "brr" and forcing a hot breath to run over the frostbite in her fingertips.

Her breath felt so warm and so good. The rest of her seemed to warm right up the second her fingernails faded back to pink. The whole thing felt more like a second, really.

The redhead pulled the hair out of her braids once she made it back to her dresser. Setting the ties in front of her mirror and picking up a brush, Anna was reminded again that her little piece of Elsa–her white highlight—was gone. Her hair was bleak and boring and red just as the fire that consumed her sleeve.


"Fire," the princess frantically screamed as she tore off her gown gracelessly, throwing it out her window and into the snow below. The kingdom's presentation may have just dropped a few stars, but the subtly singed hair she frowned at in the mirror was currently a bigger concern. It made her moan a bit. And then a little bit more.

"Anna," Elsa asked through the door.

The princess scrambled to clumsily wrap herself in her bedspread before Elsa opened the door. "I heard you all the way down the hall. Are you all right?"

The ginger folded in her lips innocently and nodded her head as calmly as possible.

"You're- are you… naked?"

"What? No, no, you see my sleeve caught on fire-"

"Fire?" Elsa interrupted.

"Yes, and I was trying to get it off as fast as I could. I'm all right though. Promise." The redhead smiled cutely. "Oh- and you should really do something about that dress in the courtyard."

Elsa wanted to laugh, but…her sister seemed to have trouble forming a convincing smile. The queen worried all the way up to Anna until she took her in a gentle hug. She noticed her singed hair and her trembling skin. Elsa knew she wouldn't do much good to keep Anna warm, but she also knew Anna wasn't shaking from the cold. "I'm here now. You'll be okay."

The redhead was comforted to tears. She cried over her sister's shoulder and sniffled softly in her ear. The floral bedspread that once covered her bare skin dropped to the floor, and Anna wrapped herself around Elsa. "I'm sorry."

The queen was honestly confused. "For what?"

"For-" Anna gasped and tore away from her, "your hair is on fire! Oh no, oh my gosh," the princess fell into a panic.

"Anna, calm down," the queen struggled with the fire in her hair. It felt like a trick candle that no amount of snow or ice could extinguish. Fear welled in her younger sister's eyes as the fire only chewed further up Elsa's long, enchanting braid.

"Put it out!" She finally screamed.

And in one more blast of Elsa's power, the fire was gone.

"Oh my gosh, Elsa, are you all right?" The princess covered Elsa's rosy cheeks with her hands as a sort of reassurance. "What happened?"

"I don't know." The queen swallowed her fear for Anna's sake and forced a more convincing smile than she had earlier. "But it must be a sign that a visit to Arendelle's finest hair dresser is overdue."

So Anna didn't force her smile anymore.