Chapter 2

In sabacc, strategy is as much about the fact that other players may have better hands as it is about the fact that a player's hand might change when he least expects it.

"Well, I don't like to brag..." shrugged Han.

Leia raised her eyebrow. "Who are you kidding?"

He returned with an innocent look.

"Do you remember our last game of sabaac?"

"I remember winning it."

She rolled her eyes. "Do you happen to remember telling every single person back on base about my stunning defeat?"

"What? I didn't tell everyone," he protested, feebly.

"Oh, really?"

"Really," he insisted. Fiddling with his cards, Han admitted, "I didn't have to. Tell two or three people and the rumour mill does all the work for you."

Leia shot him a look. She shook her head and commented with regret, "If only there was a way to keep that big mouth of yours closed."

"There is a way."

"If you're about to make a suggestive remark, let's just fast forward to me storming off, shall we?"

She put her cards down and stood up from the kitchen table.

"I wasn't going to suggest anything like that," Han said, defensively. Then because he was Han, he added, "Though I admire the way you immediately jumped to that conclusion."

Deciding she had had enough of his innuendos for one night, Leia turned to leave.

However, his hand on her arm made her freeze. She glanced down at the unexpected contact and looked at him, questioningly. He had made his way around the bench with surprising speed.

"You know, there is a simple solution to stopping me from spreading the stories of your defeats," he said, casually.

Cautiously, Leia asked, "And what's that?"

"Beat me. For once."

Leia's skin warmed and flushed pink the way it always did when she was steaming mad (or just in the general vicinity of Han Solo).

She slowly put one hand on either side of him and bent down to look him in the eyes. "Do you have any idea how infuriatingly cocky you are? It is a wonder that you're still alive."

Opportunity was literally staring him right in the face. Han leaned further towards her so that their faces were inches apart and said, "Believe me, it's not from lack of people trying to kill me."

Leia wondered how in the galaxy he managed to make that sound sexy until she realised how very close they were and how focused Han's eyes were on her lips.

Standing upright again, Leia said, "Oh, I believe you."

She glanced towards the exit but then he took hold of her hand gently. Her heart beat rapidly in response.

"So, will you?" he asked.

Taking a steadying breath, she asked, confused, "Will I what?"

"Try and beat me. Wipe this infuriatingly cocky grin off my face." He displayed the grin again to illustrate.

She laughed, a little breathless.

Leia looked at him for a few moments then admitted with a roll of her eyes, "I think I have to."

He smiled, genuinely and moved over on the bench, giving her room to sit in her usual seat.

Leia sighed and sat down to play.